Mt Washington Cruise Ship Food
Every year I look forward to my 1 trip on the Mount with the family. We went out tonight (Tuesday Family Night). It looks like the Mount has seriously cut back on the food quality. I am not a picky eater. I'm actually a human garbage disposal. I'll eat most anything. I'm telling you this food was not edible. Normally they have a nice turkey dinner with all the fixins and more. Tonight they served gross soggy breaded chicken with the bone. Frozen pea's and carrots. Dinner rolls that were hard as a rock. Round potatoe something that were also gross. They did have tons of desserts. I am sure this was my last trip as it took all I could to get the family and guest to want to go. At $43 a adult I guess we expected a bit more. Sorry for the bad review. I know someone is going to ask if I told the management and the answer is no. I hope they read this review and do something to improve the food quality.