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Old 08-30-2010, 10:09 AM   #1
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Default Marine Patrol

First of all I hate to pile on the Marine Patrol, they have a tough job and they are stretched really thin.

Sunday I was not a big fan of them. We took a nice cruise by the Barber’s Pole and through the Graveyard. In a matter of 15 minutes we saw 3 infractions of the Safe Passage law (we were the victims of all 3). The most blatant was a large bow rider that passed us to starboard going the opposite direction at no more than 50 feet causing about 10 gallons of water to pour over the bow (of a 21’ boat) soaking my son. The Marine Patrol was no more than 250 yards away. They did not respond. I have a great picture of it, but I won't post that here.

I realize the Safe Passage law gets broken every minute of every day and admittedly we were never in any danger and the Marine Patrol has better things to do with their time. Had we not come off plane we would not have gotten an ounce of water in the boat.

Safe Passage Rule is one thing but I would think the MP would do something about this:
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Last edited by Kracken; 08-30-2010 at 10:47 AM.
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Old 08-30-2010, 01:11 PM   #2
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Your boat sunk!??!!?

Don't hesitate--post that picture up! Hold these public figures accountable!

Tons of 150' violations yesterday. Albeit everyone I encountered was doing so safely, but I also violated the rule numerous times to keep my boat on plane when the other guy didn't want to slow down. I've gotten over it. I get the vibe that everyone out there in similarly sized boats makes eye contact, knows he is about to break the rule (safely), and it is OK with both captains and the only issue is "will MP see this?"

Your situation, though, should never have happened. It sounds the other guy was not being safe or considerate to you. In all honesty, next time you see this happening to you, just stay on plane. You have more control of your boat and are less vulnerable to the wake.

However, to the AIRHEAD in the 21' Bayliner at the Meredith town docks: that slip was too SMALL for you. I shouldn't have little scratches in my bow because you decided to be CBH today. Also, YOU'RE WELCOME for: tying up your boat, retying my boat, telling you about the beautiful town of Meredith, leaving my slip early so you didn't look too much like an idiot in front of your family, and finally tolerating you for not thanking me for anything.

How far is Moosehead?
Sail fast, live slow!
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Old 08-30-2010, 01:29 PM   #3
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Default Not my boat

Fortunately it was not my boat that sunk. It was the first time we have ever had water over the bow but it was not enough for concern. The boat in the picture is docked near my ramp. It was it was called into Glendale early Sunday morning and at 6:30pm it was still there. It goes to show, if you think you had a rough day…there is always somebody having a worse one.

I know that if I had stayed on plane, the MP would have stopped me. I did what the law requires; the other guy saw me come off plane yet still continued on course. I thought about turning around and chasing him down, but nothing good could have come from that. It is hard to do but sometimes you just have to…let it go.
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Old 08-30-2010, 05:58 PM   #4
The Skipper
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Exclamation MP officers only have 2 eyes

Unfortunately the Marine Patrol Officers can't be looking constantly at everything in a 360 degree area. Even if they are in the area they may be concentrating on a different situation and not see the infraction you see.

I have seen the MP go after violators that I didn't think the MP observed. It works both ways. Their job is difficult and there are not enough of them.
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