04-16-2015, 08:19 AM
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Mt. Major De-Litter Blitz - SUNDAY APRIL 19
from the Baysider
ALTON — In honor of Earth Day, students and teachers from the Prospect Mountain High School Environmental Club, staff from The Society for the Protection of NH Forests) and members of Belknap Range Conservation Coalition will undertake a de-litter blitz on Mt. Major on Sunday, April 19, from 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. The group will also meet up with the Belknap Range Trail Tenders (BRATTs) to improve the much-loved Mt. Major trails.
The N.H. Div. of Parks and Recreation Volunteers Office is collaborating on the event. This is the second annual Mt. Major workday event, aimed at caring for one of the most popular hiking destinations in New Hampshire. The state owns the Mt. Major State Park at the summit and the parking area, while the trails are on land owned by the Forest Society and other private landowners. Many stakeholders have been meeting in recent months to work out a stewardship plan for Mt. Major that will preserve the hiking experience while protecting this important natural resource. Sunday’s event celebrates the mountain and gets local kids involved in caring for their local mountain.
The group will meet at the main parking area of Mt. Major (off Route 11 in Alton) at 9 a.m. for a 9:30 a.m. departure for the summit. For further information, please contact Dave Anderson, Director of Education, Forest Society at 224-9945 ext. 335 or via e-mail danderson@forestsociety.org.