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Old 09-19-2006, 07:51 PM   #1
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Default new speed limit public hearing Sept 25

I don't have the article in front of me but as best I can remember from reading today's Laconia Daily Sun earlier today, a public hearing for a boat speed limit on Lake Winnipesaukee will be held on Monday Sept 25, at 7pm, at the Meredith Community Center which is on Route 3, aprox one mile north of the big intersection.

To paraphrase, WinnFabs has successfully completed the petition requirement to have the NH Dept of Safety, Secretary Richard Flynn, and the NH Marine Patrol to consider whether or not a boat speed limit on Winnipesaukee is needed. Petitions from the water front border towns of Wolfeboro, Alton, Gilford, Laconia, Meredith, Center Harbor, Moultonborough, and Tuftonboro with at least 25 waterfront property owners for each separate town were collected and submitted to the Dept of Safety. Public hearing(s) are part of the decision process as spelled out in the applicable New Hampshire rsa.

The speed limits bill which was passed by the NH House and defeated in the NH Senate in a close vote last March was for the entire state. This petition is for Lake Winnipesaukee, only.

I can remember Senator Gallus(R) from the north country saying how he did not know of any performance boats in his district and that this was pretty much a Winnipesaukee issue when he cast his vote against a state wide speed limit.

This petition method was used successfully by Squam Lake in aprox 1990 to set up their 40 mph day-20 mph night speed limit which is still the law.

So, whether you are for or against a Winni speed limit, the hearing is next Monday Sept 25 at 7pm at the new and luxurious Meredith Community Center.

If some rich performance boater wants to pay my newly revised and increased, December, $4000., six month property tax bill, I will be happy to withdraw my name from the Meredith petition! My vote is definately for sale! Live Free of Die, or something or other and let's not forget our NH advantage, low property taxes.......what?!
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