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Old 11-08-2007, 08:32 PM   #1
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Default Weirs Beach Cumberland Farms Open

I notice they are open today. Now I was excited to see that their gas price was $2.89 this afternoon. Until this evening when somehow the gas that was already in the ground magically cost .16 more. This is not the first impression I was hoping for out of this new store. How can they justify this. A 16 cent increase in fuel that was already in the ground???? Color me pissed!
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Old 11-08-2007, 08:56 PM   #2
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Believe it or not, gas stations do terrible in rising price markets. What happens is there are usually two or three stations in close proximity and one station typically holds its price low while the price of gas has increased forcing the immediate competition to do the same, thus compressing margins. Since gas stations have only a few days supply of gas, they are often forced to pay more for their product while the price they are selling the street is slowly increasing. It doesn't sound like it happened in your case, but then again your station could have been holding its prices artificially low for a couple of days prior to its posted price increase. Trust me, gas station owners make a lot more money when prices are declining.
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Old 11-08-2007, 09:43 PM   #3
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A couple years ago when gasoline was approaching $2.00/gal, President George W Bush said; "If you don't like the price of gas, then just don't buy any. Heck, it's that simple."

Ever notice how the large canopy above the gas pumps at the Meredith Cumberland Farms is all white and not the usual bright orange and blue. That's because the Meredith planning board wanted it to blend with the neighborhood.

Too bad that the Laconia planning board didn't follow the Meredith example and do the same.

Hopefully, the Gilford planning board will go with an all white canopy at the Cumby to be built across from Lowe's.

While the Cumerland Farm in Ashland is a good store what with its' long hours and all, having an all white canopy would have been a big improvement. That bright orange and blue canopy is a huge eyesore. Let's see, it is located between the all white, colonial style, Scribner library and the stone masonry Baptist Church. It's this large, brightly lit, orange and blue gasoline canopy. Making the canopy all white tones it down and creates a lot better neighborhood blend.

While it's too late for Laconia, maybe the Gilford planning board could go check it ou!.

Last edited by fatlazyless; 11-09-2007 at 05:30 AM.
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Old 11-08-2007, 09:54 PM   #4
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Default I am not justifying this

A Brother-in-law is in the business. As I understand gas station pricing it is pretty much this.

What are stations within a mile or so of you charging, and since your (the stations) fuel tanks only hold a few days of gasoline, what is the next batch anticipated to cost?

Unfortunately the retail gas station owners are not making skads of money while the price goes up.

I can give you my thoughts on how to resolve the problem, but then I'd be accused again of just being an outsider trying to tell you what to do.

Visa or Mastercard?
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Old 11-09-2007, 11:51 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by WeirsBeachBoater
I notice they are open today. Now I was excited to see that their gas price was $2.89 this afternoon. Until this evening when somehow the gas that was already in the ground magically cost .16 more. This is not the first impression I was hoping for out of this new store. How can they justify this. A 16 cent increase in fuel that was already in the ground???? Color me pissed!
I drove by on the way home yesterday afternoon and and saw the $2.89 price - unfortunately I didn't have time to stop. I stopped this morning, because I was thinking they were keeping a low price to pull in new customers for the first couple days. When I saw that it had JUMPED to $3.05, I pulled right back out. I was very pissed, too.
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Old 11-09-2007, 12:15 PM   #6
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Yeah, but your paying the $0.16 extra for that new gas smell, since its new gas in new tanks!

OK, that doesn't make me feel better either.

I think the $2.89 was on the signs when they put them up and they just weren't smart enough to change them before they opened. I'm a little disenchanted about it too since our only choice was the Texa-rob-you-blind-co or a drive to Gilford. My hope was Cumbies would come in and be much lower then them, but I guess not. Thank god I work in Franklin and go through exit 20 every day (and I never thought I'd say that!).

So lets see, 2 gas stations and 3 general stores open year round for the 12 of us here year round.
Is it bikeweek yet?

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Old 11-09-2007, 01:19 PM   #7
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People getting pissed off at gas prices always kind of humor me.

Guess what, the gas stations (as separate entities from the gas companies) are in business to MAKE MONEY. Cheap gas is not a God-given right, and the gas stations are free (more or less) to charge whatever the market will bear.

YOU are also free to spend your money wherever you please, including other stations. You could also buy a hybrid vehicle, a diesel vehicle (where you could brew your own biodiesel), ride a bike, etc.

Do you also get upset when Home Depot raises the prices on lumber already in stock, in order to manage the demand against the lumber commodities market?

Do you complain when a gas station drops their prices BEFORE the current stock is depleted, because prices are trending DOWN?
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Old 11-09-2007, 01:38 PM   #8
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Default Yes

Originally Posted by brk-lnt
People getting pissed off at gas prices always kind of humor me.

Guess what, the gas stations (as separate entities from the gas companies) are in business to MAKE MONEY. Cheap gas is not a God-given right, and the gas stations are free (more or less) to charge whatever the market will bear.

YOU are also free to spend your money wherever you please, including other stations. You could also buy a hybrid vehicle, a diesel vehicle (where you could brew your own biodiesel), ride a bike, etc.

Do you also get upset when Home Depot raises the prices on lumber already in stock, in order to manage the demand against the lumber commodities market?

Do you complain when a gas station drops their prices BEFORE the current stock is depleted, because prices are trending DOWN?
YES we do, and it is a conspiracy when other countries are paying a lot less for gas, and it is funny how some of these wars include countries that we protect for oil and yet the princesses feel free to hold us hostage for the oil, but cry wolf when someone wants to blow them up!
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Old 11-09-2007, 03:09 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by brk-lnt

Do you also get upset when Home Depot raises the prices on lumber already in stock, in order to manage the demand against the lumber commodities market?

Do you complain when a gas station drops their prices BEFORE the current stock is depleted, because prices are trending DOWN?
Knowing what kind of profit margins are involved in things I very much mind the whimsical approach to price fixing in many industries. Do I blame the end seller in all cases no... Certainly the Gas station owner has all his over head. and he has to keep pace accordingly. The issue is further up line. The end though, Just because the price of a barrell of oil jumps, doesn't mean we she see the result imediately at the gas pump..... But alas we do.... if gas stations and companies are going to take this approach then we should also see an imediate drop when the price of oil dips on the market..... But we never do the price is always quicker on the rise then it ever is on the fall.
My compliant isn't about the price of gas.... it is on how the industry is run. In a year with nothing major has happend to effect the flow of oil to the gas pumps we should not be seeing the soaring prices at either the pump or for the price of a barrell of oil. The practice of Comodity trading has gotten out of hand, and the idiots on wall street are causing these False swings... If things keep going the way they are going the price of oil is going to through the economy into a deep depression. People are going to have to spend more money on heating there homes, fueling vehicles, and paying for groceries which will rise in price do to transportation cost, which will leave less to spend on extras in life. This is of course unless companies realize that they need to give thier employess large enough raises to keep up with the cost of living.

Sorry for my rant folks but that is just my opinion... I hope I am wrong, but I see another big depression comming on......

Now as for the price of lumber, that doesn't even belong in this conversation......
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Old 11-09-2007, 03:22 PM   #10
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You are dead wrong. I listened to a Democratic Congressman make the same arguments on CNBC today. You are both incorrect. The spike in oil has absolutely nothing to do with Wall Street. The reason for the incredible rise of oil prices is due to a couple of countries called China and India and their Billions of citizens which are now demanding the same lifestyle that you and I have enjoyed for years, a big part of which is powered by oil. I think in the not too distant future we will all look fondly on the days of $95.00 oil.
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Old 11-09-2007, 04:00 PM   #11
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Default Look at CNN

Cnn just released a story that Brazil found a strong reserve off the coast that is expected to yeild 5 billion to 8 billion barrels of oil. They are tapped into it when the found it, the US better get down there and start mooooching their butts!

Secondcurve while I do not disagree with you, I do not believe that this is the sole cause, it is everything that everyone has spoken off; Wall St, Chine and India, the Saudi Prince, the terrible organization called OPEC, and all the other factors and political crap and greed that come with oil. I always thought a fair price was $2 a gallon to be honest.

Here is a quick one that will tell you how old I am, in 1996 when I started driving gas was under .80 cents a gallon. 11 years later at the same time, this month I just paid $45 to put just under 15 gallons of gas in my Honda accord, it was down real low , at a price of $2.99 a gallon.
That is a 375% increase in 11 years, Who has really and honestly been able to increase their income like this. Let;s see the Major oil Companies recording record profits for the past 12 quarters.

Lets talk hurricanes. I find it extremely odd that Exxon was crying poor us when Katrina hit, yet they still had record profits and margins, saying they lost millions in damages and oil flows and production. You are a fool if you think that these companies did not have insurance for the damages and business income interruption for business stoppage, that was paid for by their insurance carriers, I will save you research time, they did.

I do not like government involved, am a floating independent leaning way over to the right in the past few years, but this needs to be regulated by the government. I do not blame the end seller because they need to make a living, I blame who starts the downward spiral. But then again if the gov. got into it, it would probably be more than it is already.

Nothing is going to happen until we all stand up and do something about it, you know all these companies we work for, if we all stop going to work because we cannot afford it because if we stay home we loose less money than it costs to get to work then the companies will feel the pinch and maybe put pressure on the oil market and say hey here comes a depression and because of you guys we are all going to suffer.

Ok I just jumped off the soap box
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Old 11-09-2007, 07:09 PM   #12
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Theres also the very real impact that the cost of repairs and updates at refineries are creating. For years the big oil companies have neglected to maintain their equipment, and now we are paying extra at the pump to help offset this. Thats not helping the dramatic increases we're seeing.

The part of this that makes me mad isn't that "Bob" is raising the prices of his gas daily (although I hate paying more for the same gas that was in his tank an hour ago), but more the oil cartels refusal to increase productivity so they can increase their profit. Is it our fault for being oil dependent? Absolutely. Does it impact the amount of money I have to spend on other things as LIforrelaxin eluded too? Absolutely. At the end of the day I'm afraid its the guys who make their livings selling us things we really don't need who will loose out when we have less disposable income.
Is it bikeweek yet?

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Old 11-09-2007, 07:13 PM   #13
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I saw a great NH license plate last year. It was on a Toyota Prius in Bedford, NH. The plate was: OPECSKS
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Old 11-09-2007, 07:28 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by fatlazyless
A couple years ago when gasoline was approaching $2.00/gal, President George W Bush said; "If you don't like the price of gas, then just don't buy any. Heck, it's that simple."
I have a suggestion to save gas. Keep the president 's plane and entourage SUV's grounded. Also all the candidates flying all over the country.
They are all incompetent and useless any way. Tell them to come up with some ideas to reduce the 9 trillion dollar debt they have committed us to.
What we need is some real leaders instead of talkers with the same old policys. Blah, Blah, Blah.
How about a team of professionals that could build us a rail system equal to Germ. France and japan. Use the 2 Billion a week we are spending in Iraq to Fund it. Stop sending us to the moon and outer space and figure a way to get around on earth without funding Russ, Chin, Iran, Iraq Saudi and Dubai with a standard of living that will be taken away from our children.
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Old 11-09-2007, 08:06 PM   #15
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I don't blame you for ranting,LI.....I feel like it too.I understand the fluctuations in the market but my beef is immediate price hike when the barrel price goes up.When the barrel price goes up they still have at least 120 days of refined inventory on hand at the OLD PRICE...........so they are gouging,plain and simple.
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Old 11-09-2007, 08:28 PM   #16
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Coincidentally, and just by a happy coincidence, the NH Dept of Transportation just completed building a sidewalk which goes about 1/2 mile from the Weirs Briidge on up the hill and stops at the new Cumby. So, what better way to save on gasoline than to use the new sidewalk and walk up the hill to buy your beer, cigarettes and lottery tickets.....oops...I mean the $2.79 gal of 1% milk....honest...that's what I meant..

Ever walk around the Weirs and look at the roads, sidealks, buildings, houselots ,and parking lots.....it coud be a documentary movie titled...."Zoning-No Way!"

Don't the new signs and new entrance for Meredith Bay, formerly Akwa Soliel look good. They do, they did a good job.......hope they sell houselots and homes to a lot of weekend folks who have the big money. Every bit helps for the area..
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Old 11-09-2007, 08:50 PM   #17
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Post A good read

This should help in understanding the mechanics of gas pricing.


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Old 11-09-2007, 08:52 PM   #18
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I work hard to contribute to the market force. I strive to always buy the lowest price option. The only way to cause pressure back through the supply chain is to reward the stations with the lowest prices.

That being said, I would rather run out of gas than buy any from Citgo. I feel for the station owners but can only hope they can find a way to switch suppliers.
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Old 11-09-2007, 10:52 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by Rattlesnake Guy
I would rather run out of gas than buy any from Citgo. I feel for the station owners but can only hope they can find a way to switch suppliers.:
Ya know, I get a kick out of folks who get on their high horse and say things like "I won't buy from Citco" because it's owned by Venezuala and because Hugo Chavez does not comply with the Bush policy so he is not a big fan of the U.S.
Hell, the Republicans tried to make Joe Kennedy out to be a traitor to the U.S. because his non-profit gets cheap home heating oil from Venezuala to sell to low income people while Bush refused to help people who can't afford to eat, pay rent and heat their homes. Of course none of the U.S. "allies" would step up to the plate!

Originally Posted by fatlazyless
A couple years ago when gasoline was approaching $2.00/gal, President George W Bush said; "If you don't like the price of gas, then just don't buy any. Heck, it's that simple."
Yep, that works to...except if you have to commute to work in order to earn a living....but GW isn't concerned about that now is he FL?

Of course there is no issue with buying persian gulf oil, even though the people who attacked the US on September 11th 2001 were from "allied countries" in the Persian Gulf, can you say Saudi Arabia?

Get a grip.
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Old 11-10-2007, 02:45 AM   #20
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Originally Posted by secondcurve

You are dead wrong. I listened to a Democratic Congressman make the same arguments on CNBC today. You are both incorrect. The spike in oil has absolutely nothing to do with Wall Street. The reason for the incredible rise of oil prices is due to a couple of countries called China and India and their Billions of citizens which are now demanding the same lifestyle that you and I have enjoyed for years, a big part of which is powered by oil. I think in the not too distant future we will all look fondly on the days of $95.00 oil.
I understand how China and India have effected the oil market very well. And I know that because of them oil prices will become higher..... but the way the market is swinging is not because of higher demand else where. If the price swings where driven by demand we would steadily increases. But when they swing 30 dollars in couple of months.... something is rotten in denmark. The truth is They where expecting a Hurricane disaster to run the price up this fall and they didn't get it... therefore they have created a false swing in the market.... the change in demand in the last couple of months has not been enough of a factor to cause the drastic rise in the price of oil that we are seeing.....Plain and simple what is going on here is that they are trying to make oil expensive enough, to force goverments to open up more land to oil production that has been closed off for enviornmental concerns...... This is all very much Political and Wall Street caused.....

Do I agree that India and China are having an effect yes.... but not as drastic as people think in imediate concerns. We are now at the point where we are going to pay for an energy source that we have taken for granted. Hopefully the economy will make it through this stormy weather. But right now it doesn't look promising.............

But hey that is my opinion.... and we just need to agree to disagree because there are valid points to both arguements....And I see both sides....and have formed my opinion
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Old 11-10-2007, 02:48 AM   #21
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Originally Posted by Rattlesnake Guy
I work hard to contribute to the market force. I strive to always buy the lowest price option. The only way to cause pressure back through the supply chain is to reward the stations with the lowest prices.

That being said, I would rather run out of gas than buy any from Citgo. I feel for the station owners but can only hope they can find a way to switch suppliers.
I have apparently missed something along the way.... What is wrong with Citgo? .... not that it is an issue for me I don't use them anyways, as around me they are usually on the higher end of the price range....
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Old 11-10-2007, 07:30 AM   #22
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Default Fuel from the granite state

Electricity from nukes is one of the energy solutions that may help us keep warm and mobile as the oil prices rise. If that happens, NH will be a member of the new energy cartel. The most concentrated source of uranium is in granite, ranging from 2-20 parts per million. (Source: Googling for "uranium in granite"). If rocks in the back yard become the replacement for an oil-well gusher, I have a few 20 ton granite pebbles I'd like to sell.
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Old 11-10-2007, 08:00 AM   #23
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Originally Posted by Lakegeezer
Electricity from nukes is one of the energy solutions that may help us keep warm and mobile as the oil prices rise. If that happens, NH will be a member of the new energy cartel. The most concentrated source of uranium is in granite, ranging from 2-20 parts per million. (Source: Googling for "uranium in granite"). If rocks in the back yard become the replacement for an oil-well gusher, I have a few 20 ton granite pebbles I'd like to sell.

You are dead right that nuclear is the future. It is plain and simple. It is interesting that the folks screaming for energy independence are the same ones protesting Nuclear power, one of the cleanest and most economical sources of energy known to mankind. Take a look at France. This country had a stated goal of energy independence 15 or 20 years ago and they went out did it. Something like 80% of France's energy needs are driven by a series of Nuclear plants. We need to do the same.
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Old 11-10-2007, 09:11 AM   #24
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Default Citgo

Originally Posted by LIforrelaxin
I have apparently missed something along the way.... What is wrong with Citgo? .... not that it is an issue for me I don't use them anyways, as around me they are usually on the higher end of the price range....
Citgo is owned by the Venezuelan government, which is controlled by Hugo Chávez.

Here's a portion of a 01/11/06 "USATODAY.com" article:

By David J. Lynch, USA TODAY

HOUSTON — From the glass-walled building and manicured lawn to the security guard who greets visitors in a cheerful Texas drawl, everything at Citgo Petroleum seems perfectly ordinary.

But in fact there's nothing ordinary about Citgo. One of the USA's largest refiners, Citgo is a subsidiary of Venezuela's state-owned oil company, Petroleos de Venezuela S.A. (PDVSA). As such, it ultimately belongs to Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez, an avowedly anti-American leader who counts Fidel Castro among his closest friends and mocks President Bush as a "genocidal murderer."

The entire article can be viewed HERE.
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Old 11-10-2007, 10:28 AM   #25
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Originally Posted by DRH
Citgo is owned by the Venezuelan government, which is controlled by Hugo Chávez.

Here's a portion of a 01/11/06 "USATODAY.com" article:

By David J. Lynch, USA TODAY

HOUSTON — From the glass-walled building and manicured lawn to the security guard who greets visitors in a cheerful Texas drawl, everything at Citgo Petroleum seems perfectly ordinary.

But in fact there's nothing ordinary about Citgo. One of the USA's largest refiners, Citgo is a subsidiary of Venezuela's state-owned oil company, Petroleos de Venezuela S.A. (PDVSA). As such, it ultimately belongs to Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez, an avowedly anti-American leader who counts Fidel Castro among his closest friends and mocks President Bush as a "genocidal murderer."

The entire article can be viewed HERE.
Thanks DRH.... now that I read that I remember finding that out months ago. I knew there was a reason, but last night it just wasn't coming to me...
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Old 11-10-2007, 10:58 AM   #26
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Originally Posted by Lakegeezer
Electricity from nukes is one of the energy solutions that may help us keep warm and mobile as the oil prices rise. If that happens, NH will be a member of the new energy cartel. The most concentrated source of uranium is in granite, ranging from 2-20 parts per million. (Source: Googling for "uranium in granite"). If rocks in the back yard become the replacement for an oil-well gusher, I have a few 20 ton granite pebbles I'd like to sell.
Nukes are they way to go that is for sure. My father worked on the Hanford Nucular Reservation back in the 70s and 80s installing the electric genreation reactors for. Unfortunately because of Three mile Island... and Chernobyl most of the public is entirely to scared of Nuclear Power Plants. I am not sure but I don't think any of the current plants in this country are even at full capacity. The other issue with Nucular Power at this point is the cost of building a new facility, not that all the redundant system and back up aren't necessary, but to build a new facility and get it operational is a major investment. Then through on top of that all the enviornmental cry babies, and their lawyers, and build new Nuclear facilities or even upgraded exsisting ones is a monumental task.

While I agree that Nukes are the way to go. I don't see it as a reality any time soon, for Nukes to supply a majority of our power needs.

Now interesting enough to my surprise I have found that there are some new facilities on their way....according to Wikipedia... the TVA has a reactor Watts Barr 2 planned to come online in 2013... interestingly enough Watts Barr 1 was the last facility in the US to come online in 1996. There are also appearently two reactors being planned for build in Texas to come online in 2014. Note that at the time I am writing this I have not read anything that makes me believe these 3 reactors have full approval... As far as I can tell NRC has been notified, and they are under review. Amazing what you can find in a few minutes on the web.......
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Old 11-10-2007, 03:48 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by PhysicsToday.org
Some two dozen power plants are scheduled to be built or refurbished during the next five years in Canada, China, several European Union countries, India, Iran, Pakistan, Russia, and South Africa. In the US and the UK, governmental preparations are under way that may lead to 15 new reactor orders by 2007.

About 16% of the world's electricity supply comes from nuclear power, and energy demand is increasing (see PHYSICS TODAY, April 2002). Worldwide, nearly 80% of the 441 commercial nuclear reactors currently in operation are more than 15 years old. To maintain nuclear power's position in the overall energy mix, new reactors will have to replace decommissioned ones, says a report from the Paris-based International Energy Agency.
It is about time we get back to the logical way to generate power. Is there a Nuke mutual fund yet?
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Old 11-11-2007, 07:18 AM   #28
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Are you all sure that the Cumberland Farm brand is Citgo? I seem to remember that it is Gulf. Maybe ten years ago, Gulf was bought by Texaco, except for the north east distribution which kept the-Gulf name, and is trucked from a Nova Scotia sea port, or something or other, or other?
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Old 11-12-2007, 06:52 AM   #29
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"Yeah, but your paying the $0.16 extra for that new gas smell, since its new gas in new tanks!

OK, that doesn't make me feel better either."

O.K. look at it like this. If a station pays 2.00 per gallon and sells say the whole tank at 2.50 where do they get the money from to be charged say 2.35 for their next delivery. From THEIR profits?? Ya right. Doesn't need to make any sense to most of us but that is why it goes up after they receive a delivery. I never really have gotten an answer about what happens if they go up and their next delivery actually drops in price.
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Old 11-12-2007, 07:31 AM   #30
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Seems to me in a free market society, they should be able to charge whatever they want. If we don't like it, we can buy it some where else. Competition is only created when consumers shop the market. No need to do a profit loss analysis. It's all about supply and demand, and we Americans continue to demand more. I'm not sure if gas prices are the lure to get customers into the store to buy other items or the items in the store are the lure to buy gas there. Either way we pay for the service or convenience. Pick your poison.
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Old 11-12-2007, 08:24 AM   #31
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Gas stations break-even on their gas sales, at best. Their profit comes from the convenience items.
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Old 11-12-2007, 08:30 AM   #32
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Secondcurve, thanks...Thought so...Bread, milk, cigarettes, etc. have a better profit margin.
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Old 11-12-2007, 09:13 AM   #33
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Default Have to say something

Originally Posted by secondcurve

Gas stations break-even on their gas sales, at best. Their profit comes from the convenience items.
I do not want to be mean but I find it extremely hard, I do not have cold hard facts though, that gas stations break even on their sales, so all those guys that do not have stores with their stations, and have the same price as the guys that do have them, are just in the business to break even at best?

I believe the margin is about the same across the board on all products, in fact in a lot of gas station stores you can get milk extremely cheaper than supermarkets, I did just yesterday 1% hood milk in store $3.29 I paid, (ridiculous I know but cheapest i can find in my little part of RI) in Stop and Shop $4.39.
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Old 11-12-2007, 11:22 AM   #34
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In Canada, I hear that gasoline is sold by the liter. So, if gasoline goes above 4.00/gal, will we be seeing it sold here in New Hampshire by the quart? High gasoline prices will not help the sales of full size pickup trucks like the Ford f-150, the most popular selling vehicle for the last 25 years, or something or other. Could be the f-150 will be getting down-sized to an f-75?
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Old 11-12-2007, 11:34 AM   #35
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Originally Posted by secondcurve

Gas stations break-even on their gas sales, at best. Their profit comes from the convenience items.

I seriously doubt that.
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Old 11-12-2007, 01:02 PM   #36
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Dpg......my family, grandfather & father, owned a gas station business between them for over 60 years. If not for the mechanic work, snow plowing contracts, and toward the end food sales, they could never have made a living on just selling gas, the profit per gallon is very tight. You don't have to believe it......but it's common knowledge in the business.
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Old 11-12-2007, 07:01 PM   #37
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Originally Posted by dpg
I seriously doubt that.
It's true. Here is a way to prove it. The next time you are filling up comment to the gas station owner that it must be nice to be making so much money with the high prices of gas. If you are speaking with the owner, he will immediately try to explain the fallacy that rising gas prices are good for gas stations.
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Old 11-12-2007, 07:39 PM   #38
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Saturday price $3.05 Sunday $2.99 Today $3.07 tell me this makes any sense? I don't care if its the store or corporate, Cumby's is not making a good impression on me. I drive by there daily, sometimes several times. The only deal in the whole place is the $79 fountain soda. We let corporate bs take over the Weirs and for what?
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Old 11-12-2007, 08:45 PM   #39
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Stopped in to check out the new Cumby today, and here's what I thought was a terrific deal. Fill up the car with 12 gallons or more, and get a LaDaSun for free! WOW!
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Old 11-12-2007, 08:48 PM   #40
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Originally Posted by fatlazyless
In Canada, I hear that gasoline is sold by the liter. So, if gasoline goes above 4.00/gal, will we be seeing it sold here in New Hampshire by the quart? High gasoline prices will not help the sales of full size pickup trucks like the Ford f-150, the most popular selling vehicle for the last 25 years, or something or other. Could be the f-150 will be getting down-sized to an f-75?
The F-150 has been the best selling full-size pickup truck, not the best selling overall vehicle, not by a long shot.

If you wonder why gas is sold by the liter in Canada (and other metric system countries) think about the base measure for liquid in the metric system...
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Old 11-13-2007, 09:07 AM   #41
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Originally Posted by WeirsBeachBoater
Saturday price $3.05 Sunday $2.99 Today $3.07 tell me this makes any sense? I don't care if its the store or corporate, Cumby's is not making a good impression on me.
Me either
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Old 11-13-2007, 11:25 AM   #42
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Originally Posted by Irish mist
Dpg......my family, grandfather & father, owned a gas station business between them for over 60 years. If not for the mechanic work, snow plowing contracts, and toward the end food sales, they could never have made a living on just selling gas, the profit per gallon is very tight. You don't have to believe it......but it's common knowledge in the business.
If all this is true..... How do the people that operate stictly just gas station stay in Business.... I have several around me that just sell gas... and believe me they are not hurting.....

The truth, as long as high volumes are paired with a small profit margin it all works out in the wash.... just becuase the profit margin isn't as big as a loaf of bread doesn't mean it doesn't work.

Could a Gas station in the lakes region servive without a convience or repair operation? probably not..... There isn't always enough volume.....

Bars have one of the best profit margins I know of..... But yet I see alot of them struggle...... why? If they don't get enough volume even the best margin doesn't help.......
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Old 11-13-2007, 12:35 PM   #43
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LIforrelaxin -

You're overlooking one major overhead cost that all business owners have to deal with - insurance. If you're employing people, you have to pay workers' comp and FICA and all that jazz. If you're open to the public you have to carry certain liability insurances. If you serve alcohol, then you probably have to carry additional insurances and have to be inspected and have to meet certain code, etc.

Oh, I could go on.... but this is why I am self-employed and will never grow my business to have employees - I work on a contract basis ONLY.

When you get down to it, the only people making money are really the insurance companies - think about it...
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Old 11-13-2007, 01:48 PM   #44
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Default INsurance companies

Originally Posted by Argie's Wife
LIforrelaxin -

You're overlooking one major overhead cost that all business owners have to deal with - insurance. If you're employing people, you have to pay workers' comp and FICA and all that jazz. If you're open to the public you have to carry certain liability insurances. If you serve alcohol, then you probably have to carry additional insurances and have to be inspected and have to meet certain code, etc.

Oh, I could go on.... but this is why I am self-employed and will never grow my business to have employees - I work on a contract basis ONLY.

When you get down to it, the only people making money are really the insurance companies - think about it...
To be honest I work for an insurance company and trust me it is far from us making the real money, it goes past us to the re-insurance companies and the government, trust me, I do not want to discuss because it is another time and place and it will make your head spin
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Old 11-13-2007, 02:30 PM   #45
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Originally Posted by Argie's Wife
LIforrelaxin -

You're overlooking one major overhead cost that all business owners have to deal with - insurance. If you're employing people, you have to pay workers' comp and FICA and all that jazz. If you're open to the public you have to carry certain liability insurances. If you serve alcohol, then you probably have to carry additional insurances and have to be inspected and have to meet certain code, etc.

Oh, I could go on.... but this is why I am self-employed and will never grow my business to have employees - I work on a contract basis ONLY.

When you get down to it, the only people making money are really the insurance companies - think about it...
I do think about Insurance cost when I think about these things.... And indeed rent, insurance, and tax are what close many business.... But that is all in the cost of doing business... my point is that profit margins don't matter as much as the volume and constent stream of business.....

And If you have a successful business with just yourself, I don't blame you for not wanting to grow.... being a self contractor is not a bad thing.... didn't work for me.... but I enjoyed it while it lasted.......
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Old 11-13-2007, 10:48 PM   #46
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Originally Posted by trfour
RG just got his stores mixed up.

Cumberland Farms sells Gulf & Exxon products.


7-11 stores canned Citgo back in 2006.


Braincramps; I get 'em all the time.
I did not say that Cumby sold Citgo. I said that in my
quest to always buy the lowest price I would not
buy from Citgo. I get brain cramps too, but not this
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Old 11-13-2007, 11:39 PM   #47
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Sorry RG,

I misunderstood your comment. Thought we were talking Cumberland Farms here.

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Old 11-14-2007, 02:51 PM   #48
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llforrelaxin......you better sell a LOT of gas if that's your only income stream. Can it be done, I supose so, but I've never seen it. You might be able to make a weeks pay, but not a living. By a living I mean raise a family, send the kids off to college, and own your own home.

My dad did well, a solid middle-class living, but he worked 60 to 80 hours a week all his life. Plowed snow around the clock in storms. He put in a lot of hard work. Most people in that business are not getting rich off a few cents per gallon of gas.
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Old 11-14-2007, 04:56 PM   #49
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Wow, how did I miss this thread, little bit of moonbatitus going on here with some of you.

FLL posts this little comedic gem and no one challenges him, he is such a trickster:

Originally Posted by Fat Lazy Less
A couple years ago when gasoline was approaching $2.00/gal, President George W Bush said; "If you don't like the price of gas, then just don't buy any. Heck, it's that simple."
Less, I couldn't find that quote anywhere, did GW speak to you in one of your dreams?

Nobody has mentioned the largest profiteer in the gas business besides the people pumping it out of the ground, the federal and state goverments. 20.6 cents per gallon for NH and the Federal tax of 18.1 cents per gallon. Highway robbery if you ask me.

That's enough for one post, except someone mentioned Joe Kennedy, that beacon of integrity who shakes down his non profit "Citizens Energy" for $300,000 plus in salary, from what I see the only work he does is pump oil once a year into someone's tank in front of a camera. What a pig.
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Old 11-15-2007, 06:54 AM   #50
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How many people out there do you think run a "non-profits" and don't draw a handsome salary? No, I do not have specific numbers but I'd bet dollars to doughnuts not too many. Just thinking out loud, not speaking for or against Kennedy.
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Old 11-15-2007, 07:01 AM   #51
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No, wasn't dreaming. Saw and heard him say that on tv from the south lawn portico of the White House in response to a reporter's question. Live from the White House about two years ago, Pres Bush says; "Hey there buddy, if you don't like the price of gas, then don't be buying any!"
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Old 11-15-2007, 09:21 AM   #52
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Originally Posted by fatlazyless
No, wasn't dreaming. Saw and heard him say that on tv from the south lawn portico of the White House in response to a reporter's question. Live from the White House about two years ago, Pres Bush says; "Hey there buddy, if you don't like the price of gas, then don't be buying any!"
Come on Less, I've been looking for that quote and haven't been able to find it. There is no way the press would give Bush a pass on a statement like that. I call BS unless you find the statement and prove me wrong.

From my limited economics understanding prices go up when supply goes down, or is perceived to be down. One solution would be to increase the supply. There is still huge potential in this country, in Anwr and in the Gulf. Unfortunately the same people who blame Bush are blocking getting oil from these areas using the same arguements that they used years ago when the Alaskian pipeline was going in. We all now the disasters that have resulted from that. Meanwhile, Castro is looking in that area, just what we need. http://www.sptimes.com/2006/09/12/Bu...al_to_dr.shtml
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Old 11-15-2007, 10:02 AM   #53
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His wheels down at the ranch are a Ford four-door F-250 w/ automatic, only because he couldn't figure out the gear shifting. Step the clutch in - move the gear shift - let the clutch out ....." too many decisions....GW says.....I just likes to drive that big truck straight ahead and keep on a- keeping on......stay-the-course, yup!"
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Old 11-15-2007, 11:33 AM   #54
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Originally Posted by fatlazyless
His wheels down at the ranch are a Ford four-door F-250 w/ automatic, only because he couldn't figure out the gear shifting. Step the clutch in - move the gear shift - let the clutch out ....." too many decisions....GW says.....I just likes to drive that big truck straight ahead and keep on a- keeping on......stay-the-course, yup!"
"Dumb as dirt" them brainy liberals say, but you know what, he was smart enough to beat 'em, twice, don't say much for those brainy liberals, but they sure make a lot of excuses.

I don't know about you, but I think Hillary has a real good chance of winning, I'm getting ready to hunker down, because if you think it's bad now, wait until she's done in 4 years, you ain't seen nothin' yet.
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Old 11-15-2007, 11:43 AM   #55
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My we sail a crooked ship here on the forum. How did we get from a new Cumberland Farms to a political blog about GW and Hillary???? Things must be getting dull here in forumland. Someone needs to stir the pot and get things going on a new topic.
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Old 11-15-2007, 12:17 PM   #56
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President Mitt Romney, driving his 1961 American Motors Ambassador into the Weirs' Cumby Gulf for a fill-up, is what I hope to see. Those AMC cars like that were low-price, economy cars. The windshield wipers were powered by engine vacuum pressure and their speed varied, a lot.. Drive up a hill and the wipers slowed down a lot. Drive down a hill and the wipers sped up, a lot.
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Old 11-15-2007, 06:29 PM   #57
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wow, I'm gone for a week and the cumbies thread goes to heck.

Nice store, open 24 hours with coffee, snacks, subs, ect. Other then the price of gas (along with every store north of exit 20) I like the place.
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Old 11-16-2007, 10:09 AM   #58
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Originally Posted by hockeypuck
. How did we get from a new Cumberland Farms to a political blog about GW and Hillary???? .
FLL is the king of hijacking a thread and giving you his political distaste of Republicans.That's how.
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Old 03-30-2008, 06:44 AM   #59
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Originally Posted by fatlazyless View Post
A couple years ago when gasoline was approaching $2.00/gal, President George W Bush said; "If you don't like the price of gas, then just don't buy any. Heck, it's that simple."

Ever notice how the large canopy above the gas pumps at the Meredith Cumberland Farms is all white and not the usual bright orange and blue. That's because the Meredith planning board wanted it to blend with the neighborhood.

Too bad that the Laconia planning board didn't follow the Meredith example and do the same.

Hopefully, the Gilford planning board will go with an all white canopy at the Cumby to be built across from Lowe's.

While the Cumberland Farm in Ashland is a good store what with its' long hours and all, having an all white canopy would have been a big improvement. That bright orange and blue canopy is a huge eyesore. Let's see, it is located between the all white, colonial style, Scribner library and the stone masonry Baptist Church. It's this large, brightly lit, orange and blue gasoline canopy. Making the canopy all white tones it down and creates a lot better neighborhood blend.

While it's too late for Laconia, maybe the Gilford planning board could go check it ou!.
Drove past the Cumberland Farm above the Weirs yesterday and was very surprised to see that its' orange stripe is no longer there. The big white canopy that's above the ten gas pumps used to have an orange stripe and now it is all white.

So, what happened? Did some higher-up at Cumby's decide to remove the stripe out of the goodness of his heart so's it would blend better with the neighborhood?

Where did the orange stripe go?
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Old 03-31-2008, 11:08 AM   #60
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Less, if you search citizen.com theres a article from a month or 2 ago regarding this. Apparently the canopy that was approved by the city was not the one scumbys put up, and the stripe removal I believe is a compromise by both.

As an aside I have stopped going to the new cumbys altogether. I had an episode right after Christmas where I received the worst customer service I have ever received in my life and refuse to go near the place. Should any of you need to stop into a convenience store at the Weirs I strongly urge you to visit either the general store (when open) or the Citgo. The prices may be a little higher, but at least the staff is friendly!
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Old 03-31-2008, 02:11 PM   #61
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what happened over there, I was up this weekend, and a bunch of pumps were not working and sections of the concrete were blocked off and dug up.
At the same time all the pumps were making a really bad grinding and almost like a electrical surge noise. the noise was traveleing from each pump even worse when none were in use!
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Old 04-02-2008, 06:30 AM   #62
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Default ...Cumby's construction change order!

Today's Citizen has an article about the Laconia Planning Board and the large gasoline canopy at the Weirs' Cumberland Farm store. After removing all the American flags and the relatively thin orange stripe the PLanning Board has voted 4-2 that Cumby needs to rebuild the canopy from a flatside to a mansard design, at an aproximate cost of $45,000.

What a wacky decision and a waste of $45,ooo! Take a good look around the Weirs at the ugly moving electric signs down by the busy inersection of Rt 11B & Rt 3, and then take a look at the clean, white Cumby canopy. What-o-what has the Planning Board been smoking? While the Planning Board can say that removing all the American Flags and the orange stripe is not the issue here, I got to wonder what the public would think about their decision?
... down and out, liv'n that Walmart side of the lake!
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Old 04-02-2008, 11:00 AM   #63
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Originally Posted by fatlazyless View Post
Today's Citizen has an article about the Laconia Planning Board and the large gasoline canopy at the Weirs' Cumberland Farm store. After removing all the American flags and the relatively thin orange stripe the PLanning Board has voted 4-2 that Cumby needs to rebuild the canopy from a flatside to a mansard design, at an aproximate cost of $45,000.

What a wacky decision and a waste of $45,ooo! Take a good look around the Weirs at the ugly moving electric signs down by the busy inersection of Rt 11B & Rt 3, and then take a look at the clean, white Cumby canopy. What-o-what has the Planning Board been smoking? While the Planning Board can say that removing all the American Flags and the orange stripe is not the issue here, I got to wonder what the public would think about their decision?
I think what Less MEANT to say was that since the Laconia Planning Board approved a completely different canopy then the one scumbys decided to sneak in, the $45K is not a waste of money, but more a fine for scumbys blatant disregard for the approved design.
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Old 04-02-2008, 05:04 PM   #64
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Hmmm... I know a few local non-profits which could really use $45,000...
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Old 04-02-2008, 07:10 PM   #65
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Upon viewing the current plain white canopy above the ten white gas pumps, 99.44% of all viewere would agree that it is perfectly acceptable just the way it is. It is about as attractive as a gasoline canopy can be. Removing the thin orange line which ran the length of the canopy toned it down and lets it blend with the neighboring white residential buildings.

The Meredith Cumby is plain white. The Ashland Cumby is extremely ugly with a lot of bright orange and blue.

Removing all the american flags is a separate issue as they can probably be reinstalled without irritating the planning board.

Without a doubt, donating the $45,000 to local orgs like the Laconia Public Library, the Huot Vocational Tech, and the nearby Winnipesaukee Playhouse which is soon to move to Meredith would be much better than replacing a perfectly good and attractive canopy.

Compared to the three ugly moving electric signs down the hill at the intersection, the canopy as it now exists, is very attractive.

By a vote of 4-2, the planning board maybe just wants to punish Cumby, but doing that does not do anything beneficial for Laconia. What does Laconia gain by forcing Cumby to redo it? ....nothing!
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Old 04-03-2008, 11:06 AM   #66
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Originally Posted by fatlazyless View Post
What does Laconia gain by forcing Cumby to redo it? ....
A precedent showing other companies that deviating from your approved building plans will not be tolerated? But then again I like the electric signs just down the hill.
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Old 04-03-2008, 12:14 PM   #67
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Default I Agree!

Originally Posted by fatlazyless View Post
Upon viewing the current plain white canopy above the ten white gas pumps, 99.44% of all viewere would agree that it is perfectly acceptable just the way it is. It is about as attractive as a gasoline canopy can be. Removing the thin orange line which ran the length of the canopy toned it down and lets it blend with the neighboring white residential buildings.

The Meredith Cumby is plain white. The Ashland Cumby is extremely ugly with a lot of bright orange and blue.

Removing all the american flags is a separate issue as they can probably be reinstalled without irritating the planning board.

Without a doubt, donating the $45,000 to local orgs like the Laconia Public Library, the Huot Vocational Tech, and the nearby Winnipesaukee Playhouse which is soon to move to Meredith would be much better than replacing a perfectly good and attractive canopy.

Compared to the three ugly moving electric signs down the hill at the intersection, the canopy as it now exists, is very attractive.

By a vote of 4-2, the planning board maybe just wants to punish Cumby, but doing that does not do anything beneficial for Laconia. What does Laconia gain by forcing Cumby to redo it? ....nothing!
I could not agree more with FLL on this issue. Even if CF donated half to a worthy cause, it is much better than wasting the money.

My personal opinion is what they currently have looks great. Any change will not be much of an improvement, if any.

As Americans, we need to stop wasting money on non-value added items and we need to take care of those that are in need. A contribution to a worthy cause is much better than a forced re-do.

FLL, you are 100% correct.

That said, I never thought I would say that.

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Old 04-03-2008, 12:25 PM   #68
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So a question to those of you who would rather see this money donated to a worth cause then to fix the canopy. If the violation scumbys made somehow effected the environment in a negative way, would the re-do be a waste of money? Where does the slippery slope to ignoring the government begin? What about a fine and a forced fix?
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Old 04-03-2008, 12:38 PM   #69
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If there was a negative impact to the environment from leaving the current canopy in place, I would want it fixed at once.

The current situation is just a matter of personal taste. I am at the Wiers as well, and the electronic signs do not both me either.

The canopy at CF performs its function, keeping customers out of the rain, snow and the hot sun. Tearing it down is wasteful and in some way causes a negative impact to the environment. I see no negitive environmental impact from leaving it up, but I could be missing something. It took energy to establish what is there and it will take much more energy to tear it down and replace it. This all adds to negative environmental impact.

There are better things to do with CF's money. No doubt in my mind!

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Old 04-03-2008, 12:40 PM   #70
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Originally Posted by Weirs guy View Post
... If the violation scumbys made somehow effected the environment in a negative way, would the re-do be a waste of money? Where does the slippery slope to ignoring the government begin? What about a fine and a forced fix?
Tearing down a perfectly serviceable and functional canopy, just to replace it with a more aesthetically pleasing has a negative effect on the environment. All the carbon released to deconstruct the existing canopy, dispose of it, manfacture the new canopy and install it will contribute to global warming for no social benefit.

Remember WWAGD (what would Al Gore do) whenever thinking about environment. The store should be fined and the fine used to buy carbon offsets.
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Old 04-03-2008, 01:39 PM   #71
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Default Who will really foot the bill

You all realize that they spend the $45K to fix it and they just raise gas or milk etc prices to cover their costs and remain profitable. So in the end it's the consumer that will pay for the transgerssion. Or they go out of business.
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Old 04-03-2008, 07:10 PM   #72
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Originally Posted by fatlazyless View Post
[The Laconia] PLanning Board has voted 4-2 that Cumby needs to rebuild the canopy from a flatside to a mansard design, at an aproximate cost of $45,000.

What a wacky decision and a waste of $45,ooo!
This is what happens when dumb people are put in charge and assigned a little power, I guess.
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Old 04-04-2008, 06:10 AM   #73
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One never knows but if the planning board has been around this track before, and is just looking for the lawyers to negotiate a compromise. After all, for Cumby to make a compromised payoff is a lot less disruptive to their Wiers gasoline business, and it's a busness expense, and there's no shortage of Laconia organizations that could use some money.

As both a gasoline refinery operator, and a retailer, I vote for Cumby to donate $15,000 to the automotive training at the Huot Vocational Tech in Laconia, and $15,000 to the marine technician training at Lakes Region Community College in Laconia.

So's instead of spending $45,000. on an unneeded canopy rebuild, Cumby spends $30,000 on gasoline related Laconia job training.
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Old 04-04-2008, 08:03 AM   #74
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Originally Posted by fatlazyless View Post
What a wacky decision and a waste of $45,ooo!
Can we assume from the time the building permit was issued until the project was complete that no one bothered to look at what they were building?
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Old 04-04-2008, 08:27 AM   #75
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Originally Posted by fatlazyless View Post
No, wasn't dreaming. Saw and heard him say that on tv from the south lawn portico of the White House in response to a reporter's question. Live from the White House about two years ago, Pres Bush says; "Hey there buddy, if you don't like the price of gas, then don't be buying any!"
He was also asked about $4.00 a gallon gas by a reporter at the white House. His response "thats the first time I heard of that"
Maybe he is awake now and has been told.
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Old 04-04-2008, 11:27 AM   #76
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Originally Posted by Resident 2B View Post
If there was a negative impact to the environment from leaving the current canopy in place, I would want it fixed at once...
Originally Posted by jrc View Post
Tearing down a perfectly serviceable and functional canopy, just to replace it with a more aesthetically pleasing has a negative effect on the environment. All the carbon released to deconstruct the existing canopy, dispose of it, manfacture the new canopy and install it will contribute to global warming for no social benefit.
Originally Posted by fatlazyless View Post
As both a gasoline refinery operator, and a retailer, I vote for Cumby to donate $15,000 to the automotive training at the Huot Vocational Tech in Laconia, and $15,000 to the marine technician training at Lakes Region Community College in Laconia.
I find it interesting that not one of you addressed the question I posed of "Where does the slippery slope to ignoring the government begin?" I understand that the re-do will negatively effect the environment (so..if scumbys didn't have to do this, all that equipment would have been shut down and not doing anything else, thus not expelling carbon? ) but what about visual pollution? Do we know that the CORRECT AND APPROVED canopy will not cause less visual pollution then the current INCORRECT AND UNAPPROVED one? If it was an infraction that effected the environment, but no one caught it, is that OK? Where do we draw the line before everything becomes a "opps, didn't see that before, my bad but I guess we shouldn't waste money doing it the CORRECT AND APPROVED way?"

I still say a fine and a fix is in order.
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Old 04-04-2008, 12:49 PM   #77
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I am with you completely on the fine, I see only negative value in a fix. Let the money go to something that helps something that needs help.

It is wasteful to replace a functional structure. I do not see anything ugly about it, in fact, I feel it looks better than what they will be replacing it with. Just my opinion.

I question where the Laconia Building Inspector was during the construction. He had to realize that the canopy was not to plan. Perhaps he did notice it and CF went forward anyway. If that was the case, a stop order should have been issued.

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Old 04-04-2008, 05:42 PM   #78
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Default ...another Weirs biz moves on

I didn't see this mentioned anywhere else so seeing as it's another Weirs business that's moving on, let me add it to this thread. Let's see now, as a preface the former Carl's Restaurant burned and is now a vacant lot for sale. The Handy Landing general store is closed and the space for rent. The Willows Restaurant is closed and space for rent. The postage stamp machine in the Weirs Post Office has been removed due to lack of business. On the bright side, the new Lobster Pound building is a substantial building and looking very good.

So, what else is new at the Weirs? Waldo Peppers is closing up and moving to Gilford for a bigger and better location! Included in their move, their trademark crashed Piper Cub will be zooming over to Gilford, too.

Very close to the entrance to the Gilford Wal-Mart, on a large lot now occupied by a used car lot full of used cars and an old boarded -up gasoline station will be Pepper's new home.

'Serving three meals and building a larger restaurant is the plan. That area has much better year-round potential and growth what with Lowe's, Hannaford's, and Wal-Mart.'

info from today's LaDaSun

Hey there Pepper, what you say to a lobster claw - dollar menu item just for us poor folk that still have rich taste?

Wow...talk about a big project. All the best to Waldo Pepper's on their move....and does this mean that the Laconia Police Dept will no longer be allowed to travel to Waldo Peppers for their famous meatball subs and into the foreign territory of Gilford?

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Old 04-07-2008, 02:16 PM   #79
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Default Postage Machines

Originally Posted by fatlazyless View Post
The postage stamp machine in the Weirs Post Office has been removed due to lack of business.

Actually the USPS is phasing out machines in general all across the country as sales have been declining and cost of maintenance is very high.
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Old 04-07-2008, 02:48 PM   #80
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Originally Posted by fatlazyless View Post
Today's Citizen has an article about the Laconia Planning Board and the large gasoline canopy at the Weirs' Cumberland Farm store. After removing all the American flags and the relatively thin orange stripe the PLanning Board has voted 4-2 that Cumby needs to rebuild the canopy from a flatside to a mansard design, at an aproximate cost of $45,000.

What a wacky decision and a waste of $45,ooo! Take a good look around the Weirs at the ugly moving electric signs down by the busy inersection of Rt 11B & Rt 3, and then take a look at the clean, white Cumby canopy. What-o-what has the Planning Board been smoking? While the Planning Board can say that removing all the American Flags and the orange stripe is not the issue here, I got to wonder what the public would think about their decision?
As usual, your view of current events is skewed and seems to discard any facts that go against your narrow-minded thinking.

Cumby's had, in essence, a contract with the city when they built the gas station. The canopy as-built varies greatly from the approved plan. I have heard many comments from people that Laconia needs to do more to up it's image and enforce some zoning laws. That is exactly what is going on here, if they fail to enforce approved plans in this situation, then it makes it that much easier for other developers to cite precedence for ignoring approved plans.

Comparing new construction to 50+ year old previously existing structures is an exercise in futility.

So, Cumby's is being forced to implement the approved design. I applaud the planning board for enforcing this and, and not being run over by large corporations.
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Old 04-07-2008, 02:53 PM   #81
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Originally Posted by fatlazyless View Post
Very close to the entrance to the Gilford Wal-Mart, on a large lot now occupied by a used car lot full of used cars...
As opposed to the used car lot full of new cars? Or the used car lot full of furniture?
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Old 04-07-2008, 02:57 PM   #82
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Originally Posted by Resident 2B View Post
Let the money go to something that helps something that needs help.
I think that is a slippery slope as well though. Then you set precedent for implementing fines and dictating (or endlessly arguing over) where/how the fund should be distributed.

I don't know the emotions of the planning board, but I am guessing this is more about enforcement of approved plans, than punishment for not following the approved plans. If the cost to re-do had been $4500, or $450,000, the decision should have been the same.
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Old 04-07-2008, 03:45 PM   #83
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Originally Posted by Weirs guy View Post
I find it interesting that not one of you addressed the question I posed of "Where does the slippery slope to ignoring the government begin?" I understand that the re-do will negatively effect the environment (so..if scumbys didn't have to do this, all that equipment would have been shut down and not doing anything else, thus not expelling carbon? ) but what about visual pollution? Do we know that the CORRECT AND APPROVED canopy will not cause less visual pollution then the current INCORRECT AND UNAPPROVED one? If it was an infraction that effected the environment, but no one caught it, is that OK? Where do we draw the line before everything becomes a "opps, didn't see that before, my bad but I guess we shouldn't waste money doing it the CORRECT AND APPROVED way?"

I still say a fine and a fix is in order.
Maybe you don't like the store, the people that work there, or their owners, but what have they done to be named scumbys? It seems a little juvenile.

They screwed up and the town screwed up by giving a C of O (is the building inspector being held accountable in any way?)
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Old 04-08-2008, 11:10 AM   #84
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Originally Posted by VitaBene View Post
Maybe you don't like the store, the people that work there, or their owners, but what have they done to be named scumbys? It seems a little juvenile.
Actually, scumbys is an old nickname from my juvenile days, so I guess thats the right word.

I could take offense to your inference that I am juvenile, but then that would be juvenile as well.
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Old 04-08-2008, 01:41 PM   #85
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Originally Posted by Weirs guy View Post
Actually, scumbys is an old nickname from my juvenile days, so I guess thats the right word.

I could take offense to your inference that I am juvenile, but then that would be juvenile as well.
Understood Weirs guy, it just struck me as incongruous with the rest of your post. I did not know if you had a real issue with them (or if they really were scummy at that store and then all should know about it).
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Old 04-08-2008, 05:37 PM   #86
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Originally Posted by WeirsBeachBoater View Post
I notice they are open today. Now I was excited to see that their gas price was $2.89 this afternoon. Until this evening when somehow the gas that was already in the ground magically cost .16 more. This is not the first impression I was hoping for out of this new store. How can they justify this. A 16 cent increase in fuel that was already in the ground???? Color me pissed!
Getting back to the original post......A few years ago the Cumby's near my home in MA had posted three different prices on the same day! I could understand two prices in one day, the morning price before new gas showed up and the afternoon/evening price when they topped of the tanks. I filled my car in the morning, drove to work, came home in the afternoon for a doctor's appointment, and went back out to a store in the evening. All three times the gas price went up.

This was a couple of years ago when gas prices went ballistic in a short period of time. Needless to say, I've never purchased gas at Cumby's since. I don't know if prices are up to manager's discretion or if it is a corporate decision.
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Old 04-11-2008, 06:43 AM   #87
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Hey WeirsGuy, not knowing what your customer service problem was, past Meredith Cumby experience taught me about getting shorted at the register. So, let me guess, you got short-changed at the Weirs Cumby?
... down and out, liv'n that Walmart side of the lake!
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Old 04-11-2008, 11:18 AM   #88
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Originally Posted by fatlazyless View Post
Hey WeirsGuy, not knowing what your customer service problem was, past Meredith Cumby experience taught me about getting shorted at the register. So, let me guess, you got short-changed at the Weirs Cumby?
Nah, one of their "associates", who apparently was having a very bad day, decided it was my fault and verbally berated me for not sticking my coupon in the register for him. Apparently me saying "And heres the coupon for that" wasn't clear enough for him.
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