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Old 08-06-2011, 08:08 PM   #1
lawn psycho
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Default Laconia only nets $57k from Bike Week??

Many papers are indicating that the net profit for the 9 official days of bike week was $57k. First, I find it amazing that some journalists use adjectives such as 'lucrative'. A shame they can't figure out how much or little the profit is in relation to the tax bill of the city before assuming that it must be good.

With some brief searching, the last tax revenue line item for Laconia is in the $33.5M range.

So if I do the math then the total bike week profit for Laconia is a paltry
0.15% of the tax revenues. If you live in Laconia and get displaced from Bike Week you may want to think about this. The business owners will scream but it's not the great winning proposition people believe it too be.

Here's one of many articles with same numbers being thrown around.

I still believe the numbers claimed for Bike Week as far as total revenues for the State as a whole are exaggerated/overstated. In my opinion the businesses should ban together turn the Weirs area into a legitimate resort area. Reinvent the clientele attracted to the lakes region!

More access and public beaches to the lake. Look at Alton's beach. 10 ft away from cars zipping by behind a guardrail. What a joke.

The lake should have several areas like Ellacoya IMO. The majority of town beaches suck IMO as they are near roads and really are just after thoughts.

Business owners, if you want to make money try and target the Europeans and those from the UK as weak dollar gives them a lot of choices. Lake Winni is far from a destination that someone would visit as part of international vacation.
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Old 08-06-2011, 08:38 PM   #2
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Default ...thud... thud...thud...thud...thud...

That thwacking sound all y'all hear is LP continuing to beat a dead horse...

Isn't there already a thread on this subject? Or isn't this subject already mentioned by you in a couple of threads?
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Old 08-06-2011, 08:46 PM   #3
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If you don't like it, turn the channel.
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Old 08-06-2011, 08:56 PM   #4
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...be nice LP...
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Old 08-06-2011, 10:44 PM   #5
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You've had nothing nice to say about the people of the area or the event. In fact, you've been down right insulting.

Why do you care, really?

Really, it's you, sir, who should turn the channel.
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Old 08-06-2011, 10:57 PM   #6
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Sorry but you are not the arbiter of what people can post about. Your arrognace is showing through again. You live in a very small world......

The fact the LBW only nets $57k for the City of Laconia is totally relevant compared to the negative impacts it creates for the City of Laconia.

Either discuss the topic or turn the channel as you've already strayed from the topic. Maybe the facts don't agree with some of your previous diatribes????

Note: If you want to wage a personal battle against me send me a PM and we can discuss your "issues".
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Old 08-06-2011, 11:35 PM   #7
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Default You missed the point: there's already a thread about this subject.

PM? No thanks. I have nothing to hide and I love transparency - it keeps folks honest and accountable.

I've kept on the subject - I've asked an open question - "Why do you care, really?"

You don't have a home here or a business, to the best of my knowledge. Why do you care? Why do you want to make a difference in this area after you've referred to the people here as being "white trash" in a previous post about this same issue? You look down your nose at the folks in this area and then make a post like this (above)?

You make comments about Alton's little public beach in your first post - which I'm the first to admit isn't much - but it's all we have and all the voters have approved the town to buy. (Yeah, there's a process with town beaches that includes the voters. Were you aware of that?)

But did you know that there was a huge volunteer effort made through the years to clean it up and improve it over what it was a few years ago? Hundreds of volunteer hours and thousands of dollars have gone into that little "joke" of a beach. That beach includes a lifeguard in the summer and it's also groomed by our Parks Dept in the off season. I bet your bippy you had no idea. Yeah, that's my little world.

Because NH gets much of its revenue from property owners, it doesn't behoove the towns much to have a whole lot of beaches. On one hand, those beaches can be viewed as a place for tourists, but the reality is that the towns really need the tax dollars that can be collected by the homes and/or businesses that occupy those lake-front property gems. We have no sales tax or state income tax, as I'm sure you know.

You talk about revamping the Weirs area but did you know that there's a great deal of history in that area, especially around the Civil War? Did you know that there's already a lot that's been lost from that area from fires, commercial construction, and the movement of the Christian camps that once made up that area? How does a town preserve history AND move forward, like you're suggesting, and have suggested in another thread? That's also my "little" world.

I'm very involved in my "little world" and worked hard to make a difference here. I've gotten to know the people in the area and appreciate the diversity, even if we don't value the same things, but I take exception to you referring to the people here as "white trash", and have to ask why you care after you've made a statement like that...

So, you've alienated a bunch of bikers, Laconia residents, and Hells Angels, and now the folks who've volunteered to improve the parks and beaches in Alton. I can't decide if you're just an 'Archie Bunker' type of guy or if you're just calloused. Either way, I know you're not taking the time to learn about these things and why they're the way they are before you have an opinion.

But I'm the one in a "little world"....
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Old 08-07-2011, 07:35 AM   #8
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In about 1997 the Town of Alton had a town ballot and the Alton voters voted "no" to buying Camp Alton, http://www.campalton.com/ a very active boy's summer camp from 1937-1992, for one million dollars and creating a town park with a nice natural sandy beach. 85-year old Bob Bahre, former owner & incredibly successfull founder and creator of the NH Nascar speedway that's south of Belmont on Rt 106, bought it in about 1997 for one million dollars, subdivided it into about six very large lots, including the former lower softball diamond and outfield that overlooks Clay Point, and today his home could be the highest assessed wf home at something like 18-million dollars. So, the voters of Alton basically voted to go with the town revenue stream from the waterfront property taxes and not for a very nice town beach and park area.

Way down the end of Meredith Neck, the Girl Scouts of Massachusetts own the Camp Monotomy property http://www.lwhs.us/camps/menotomy/menotomy.htm which is a large waterfront property that has been closed and empty of any girl scouts for about eight years, but because it is property tax exempt, they can continue to own it while it sits as unused, undeveloped, un-campered, heavily treed, waterfront wilderness land that sits like a primieval forest that is home to a single black bear, as far as I know. It does get used for about two weeks/year for their Whispering Pines girl scout program, and a few other weekends, but that's all.

Meredith has a very nice town beach at Leavitt Park, http://www.meredithnh.org/parks.php. located just off Rt 25 about one mile before the Meredith-Center Harbor town line, that is excellent for kayaks/canoes because it has a 1/4-mile dirt road that winds through the woods and to the water for unloading a kayak.

Meredith's Leavitt Park & natural sandy beach

Price to use: no charge....a freebie!

Availability: open to everybody (as far as I know)

Amenities: roped swim area, lifeguards, rest rooms, no motorboats because the water is too shallow, more or less, extremely scenic, wooded area for hiking along the water, charcoal barbeque grill stands and tables

A supervised, safe, shallow sandy waterfront surrounded by tall pines that looks across to Moultonborough and some large mountains in the southern WMNF.
... down and out, liv'n that Walmart side of the lake!

Last edited by fatlazyless; 08-07-2011 at 08:10 AM.
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Old 08-07-2011, 10:36 AM   #9
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The city may have only had a minimal net gain based on fees collected but there were many other gains. For example, it appears that figure does not include any taxes collected on lodging or dining.

It also does not account for the revenue generated that helps pay taxes to the city. Our bike week rental almost generates enough revenue to pay our property taxes for the entire year.

As a weirs owner I'm all for some improvements to the area that will increase my property values and rentals but at the same time we bought there because we like the area and enjoy going to the arcades, drive-in, etc. and not spending a fortune to do so.
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Old 08-07-2011, 11:41 AM   #10
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Default Weirs

While I agree with much of your post, and can appreciate the history in the Weirs, I don't see how much of it should be "preserved". That area seems like such prime retail, revenue generating, space...a complete tear down, and do over is just so very long over due.
Any old school, honky tonk, charm has long since run it's course.
A mondern day, luxury hotel/casino would fit in so well right there. It would bring in year round dollars, and become the premier boating destination all summer.
Of course, this is just one idea, and more fantasy than anything else. For now, however, that area is just wasted space. Old, sad, sometimes pathetic...what a nice sight to greet new visitors...a burned out building.
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Old 08-07-2011, 11:42 AM   #11
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I'll bet that when you visit NH you have to bring a barf bag with you because as soon as you cross the border from Maine to NH, it makes you throwup.

What torture you must go through while driving around our beautiful state. So many things that need improvement and it just drives you crazy.
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Old 08-07-2011, 12:06 PM   #12
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I agree with AW,why does someone who doesn't live here care?? Having been going to the lake for over 30 years could the weirs use some updating sure but at whose expense. With our current economic condition I simply applaud our local businesses for being able to survive during these very trying times. I for one always try and spend here which is by choice but it also helps preserve the long history and businesses we have grown to love and enjoy. JMHO Rob
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Old 08-07-2011, 01:30 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by sa meredith View Post
While I agree with much of your post, and can appreciate the history in the Weirs, I don't see how much of it should be "preserved". That area seems like such prime retail, revenue generating, space...a complete tear down, and do over is just so very long over due.
Any old school, honky tonk, charm has long since run it's course.
A mondern day, luxury hotel/casino would fit in so well right there. It would bring in year round dollars, and become the premier boating destination all summer.
Of course, this is just one idea, and more fantasy than anything else. For now, however, that area is just wasted space. Old, sad, sometimes pathetic...what a nice sight to greet new visitors...a burned out building.
I once thought that a major rebuild/rezone would be a good thing for Weirs Beach but then I saw an area where that happened and it made me think twice.

Have you ever spent any time in Virginia Beach, VA? Whether you were there as a tourist or were stationed there in the Navy, you'll know that there's lots of little shops, bars, honky-tonk type places, etc. The Weirs has always reminded me a bit of VA Beach, although on a much smaller scale.

I travel to VA Beach about once a year for work purposes (no joke - nice, huh?) Anyhow, the area has recently been re-zoned and many of the old businesses have closed or moved. The area looks horribly commercial - more like Miami Beach - and not in a good way. It's tacky, plastic, tourist-trap-like, and just.... ug! Much of the color of the area is gone - it's just not the same now that there's chain restaurants and chain stores everywhere.

Maybe it's just my love for history, the Lakes Region, or whatever, but I'd hate to see some of the old buildings lost to a project like what I've seen in VA Beach. I'd wager that there could be grant money to restore some of them, perhaps make the area a little more family-friendly with better businesses and restaurants, and maybe freshen up the arcades/boardwalk area. There's certainly a lot of possibilities - I'd prefer to see it more like Kennebunkport than like Miami Beach... keep it local, unique, historical, clean, and preserved.

I don't have all the answers for what needs to happen with Weirs Beach - but I do know what I don't want to see happen with that area. I cringe to think what would happen if we let the chain stores and restaurants come into that area....
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Old 08-07-2011, 03:50 PM   #14
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About one half mile up the shoreline road from the Mount Washington dock down at the Weirs on Scenic Drive, there's a great big waterfront residential condo construction project that got started about last January at www.meredithbaynh.com. Drove by last week, and the earth moving construction is still underway with no above ground building in sight that I could see. Anyone know, WHAT'S THE LATEST with that sales/condo/waterfront build project high up the hill on Scenic Drive? Like, when do the buildings start getting built?

Just looking through the website for www.meredithbaynh.com which is located in Laconia and close to the Kellerhause www.kellerhaus.com/ store, which is a fantastic WEIRS BEACH ice cream and gift store, above Weirs Beach, there is no mention what-so-ever about Weirs Beach or Laconia? No mention what-so-ever about the City of Laconia or the Weirs Beach area which is where it is located. So what's the message there with Meredith Bay NH?

In a former life of say 20 to 50 years ago, the Meredith Bay NH location was the Brickyard Mountain Resort, which had its own rope tow, if I recall correct.

The little shopping area that is home to the permanently closed U.S. Post Office - Weirs Beach NH 03246 used to have a better mix of retail stores up till about ten years ago, when the large Tanger Mall down at Exit 20 opened up.

Every time I stop in at the Handy Landing for a terrific cup of steamy hot coffee, I always keep a lookout for Lloyd Bridges aka Mike Nelson, the Sea Hunt- scuba guy from tv! Weirs Beach is the greatest!

(Picture here the late, great Lloyd Bridges coming out the wood screen door onto the little front porch down at Handy Landing! Must be time to go diving!)
... down and out, liv'n that Walmart side of the lake!

Last edited by fatlazyless; 08-07-2011 at 04:35 PM.
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Old 08-07-2011, 04:16 PM   #15
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Default Probably won't happen

Bike Week is slowly dying. It is nowhere the event it was 20 years ago and the crowds get smaller every year. There are many reasons, not the least of which is the overwhelming police presense that creates an intimidation factor many are not willing to deal with.

The Weirs Beach area could use a facelift and some new businesses. Those new businesses would need to be less dependent on the lake and weather and more like a resort style destination. It would need 4 season appeal to make it worth the substantial investment required. Anyone contemplating this would have to buy some real estate that generates a substiantial anount of CASH each year and that might be impossible.

This is a busy area from June until September but when the tourists and vacationers go home there is little left to support a year round business.

Not many businesses could survive long if they had to carry the entire year with 90 days of profitable income.
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Old 08-07-2011, 04:25 PM   #16
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Some people here obviously do not agree with me on this, but the www.wowtrail.org has built up a lot of local support in Laconia from businesses and residents, and the WOW Trail would most likley be going right through the center of the Weirs. It could be going though the burnt out location of the Wide Open Saloon....that might happen....and it could become a bicycle go-to, nine mile waterfront venue, open from snow-out, say late March, to snow-in, say early December, or about eight months/year as a bicycle tourist attraction for the Weirs. All the WOW Trail needs to do is to eliminate the yucky 48" high, chain link fence requirement that would be blocking the waterfront view of many homeowners.
... down and out, liv'n that Walmart side of the lake!

Last edited by fatlazyless; 08-08-2011 at 05:47 AM.
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Old 08-07-2011, 05:20 PM   #17
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The Weirs Beach post office is open, and has never been closed. Less gives out this false infomation over & over again for what reason I do not know. I'm sorry that vistors to the Wini Forum have to be subjected to this constant nonsense, but it is what it is.
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Old 08-07-2011, 05:51 PM   #18
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You've had nothing nice to say about the people of the area or the event. In fact, you've been down right insulting.

Why do you care, really?

[/B]Really, it's you, sir, who should turn the channel.

L.P....I thought you were moving away from here because you dont like it....personally...I cant wait till you do!!! But Im sure you will still post garbage!!

Last edited by watrskir; 08-07-2011 at 05:52 PM. Reason: spelling
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Old 08-07-2011, 06:19 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by watrskir View Post
You've had nothing nice to say about the people of the area or the event. In fact, you've been down right insulting.

Why do you care, really?

[/B]Really, it's you, sir, who should turn the channel.

L.P....I thought you were moving away from here because you dont like it....personally...I cant wait till you do!!! But Im sure you will still post garbage!!
Right now I'd say 60% sure we're going to different lake. Haven't committed yet as it would not make sense to have a 22.5 ft boat on smaller lake so then have to change boats.....

Garbage? You must be the typical "townie" lemming like AW. Lots of hot air but says ______. Never completes anything (like college), thinks they have more "common sense" than other people (anyone heard that before from a recent infamous VP candidate?), thinks being on a tiny town board makes them enlightened and on and on. Every time I see her post I can't help but laugh as it's common in small towns to have people like her that can't think beyond what they already know or what others have done. No originality and yes, trapped in their small little world. If she worked in my group I'd fire her immediately as she would bring everyeone down and hold everyone back. That's not a joke.

And then, when someone points out there are better alteratives they can't debate facts try and play the "you aren't from here, why do you care". Um, because it's honest, unbiased opinion. Go ahead, ignore your customers and tourist base. The Weirs is redneck heaven.....

The Weirs sucks. Maybe you and AW can go to adult ed and get your GEDs to learn about the Civil War. I'm still laughing out loud that AW would post that something in the Weirs is of true Civil War significance. Must be a Yankee version of the Battle of Laconia I missed reading about, my bad Just because something is old does not make it historical.

Edit: I grew up in Virginia in the very HEART of the Civil War Battle areas. I have enough knowledge about the battles and issues throughout the war that this is not a fair fight for AW....

I did not write the articles with the numbers being given. Perhaps you should take issue with the writers. If businesses want to continue with a crappy model and Laconia residents want to have LBW distrupt the entire area for a lousy $57k in profit to the City it's no skin off my back.

Open your eyes folks, you can make it a year round resort type area. I have tons of ideas I would do with it but will take the area businesses to sign up to a better master plan. That's what I would do if I were them. You can bet AW would not be part of the decision (uh oh, thought required)process.

Clean up the beach area, on the hill adjacent to the docks have outcrop areas for people to sit and watch boats, get rid of the concrete jungle with more landscaping, get better shopping choices, make a new (but can be older "looking" store facades, and on and on.
I am surprised Funspot does not make an outdoor ice skating rink, etc.

So many ideas but instead people are trapped in their own paradigms.

Carry on.

Last edited by lawn psycho; 08-07-2011 at 07:00 PM.
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Old 08-07-2011, 06:43 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by lawn psycho View Post
Right now I'd say 60% sure we're going to different lake. Haven't committed yet as it would not make sense to have a 22.5 ft boat on smaller lake so then have to change boats.....

Garbage? You must be the typical "townie" lemming like AW. Lots of hot air but says ______. Never completes anything (like college), thinks they have more "common sense" than other people (anyone heard that before from a recent infamous VP candidate?), thinks being on a tiny town board makes them enlightened and on and on. Every time I see her post I can't help but laugh as it's common in small towns to have people like her that can't think beyond what they already know or what others have done. No originality and yes, trapped in their small little world. If she worked in my group I'd fire her immediately as she would bring everyeone down and hold everyone back. That's not a joke.

And then, when someone points out there are better alteratives they can't debate facts try and play the "you aren't from here, why do you care". Um, because it's honest, unbiased opinion. Go ahead, ignore your customers and tourist base. The Weirs is redneck heaven.....

The Weirs sucks. Maybe you and AW can go to adult ed and get your GEDs to learn about the Civil War. I'm still laughing out loud that AW would post that something in the Weirs is of true Civil War significance. Must be a Yankee version of the Battle of Laconia I missed reading about, my bad Just because something is old does not make it historical.

I did not write the articles with the numbers being given. Perhaps you should take issue with the writers. If businesses want to continue with a crappy model and Laconia residents want to have LBW distrupt the entire area for a lousy $57k in profit to the City it's no skin off my back.

Open your eyes folks, you can make it a year round resort type area. I have tons of ideas I would do with it but will take the area businesses to sign up to a better master plan. That's what I would do if I were them. You can bet AW would not be part of the decision (uh oh, thought required)process.

Clean up the beach area, on the hill adjacent to the docks have outcrop areas for people to sit and watch boats, get rid of the concrete jungle with more landscaping, get better shopping choices, make a new (but can be older "looking" store facades, and on and on.
I am surprised Funspot does not make an outdoor ice skating rink, etc.

So many ideas but instead people are trapped in their own paradigms.

Carry on.
I guess where you went to college they didn't teach you how to spell. Don't you have spell check?
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Old 08-07-2011, 06:45 PM   #21
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Default What a state.

There are over 2,000 lakes in Maine. We have listed many, with some grouped by region and relevant resources. Look for: (1) Moosehead Lake (along with local towns and fishing info); (2) Belgrade Lakes Region; (3) Rangelely Lakes Region; (4) Greater Bridgton Lakes Region and (5) Sebago Lakes Region.

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Old 08-07-2011, 06:47 PM   #22
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Default Again you miss the point... but when all else fails, a personal attack may do...

Originally Posted by lawn psycho View Post
Right now I'd say 60% sure we're going to different lake. Haven't committed yet as it would not make sense to have a 22.5 ft boat on smaller lake so then have to change boats.....

Garbage? You must be the typical "townie" lemming like AW. Lots of hot air but says ______. Never completes anything (like college), thinks they have more "common sense" than other people (anyone heard that before from a recent infamous VP candidate?), thinks being on a tiny town board makes them enlightened and on and on. Every time I see her post I can't help but laugh as it's common in small towns to have people like her that can't think beyond what they already know or what others have done. No originality and yes, trapped in their small little world. If she worked in my group I'd fire her immediately as she would bring everyeone down and hold everyone back. That's not a joke.

And then, when someone points out there are better alteratives they can't debate facts try and play the "you aren't from here, why do you care". Um, because it's honest, unbiased opinion. Go ahead, ignore your customers and tourist base. The Weirs is redneck heaven.....

The Weirs sucks. Maybe you and AW can go to adult ed and get your GEDs to learn about the Civil War. I'm still laughing out loud that AW would post that something in the Weirs is of true Civil War significance. Must be a Yankee version of the Battle of Laconia I missed reading about, my bad Just because something is old does not make it historical.

I did not write the articles with the numbers being given. Perhaps you should take issue with the writers. If businesses want to continue with a crappy model and Laconia residents want to have LBW distrupt the entire area for a lousy $57k in profit to the City it's no skin off my back.

Open your eyes folks, you can make it a year round resort type area. I have tons of ideas I would do with it but will take the area businesses to sign up to a better master plan. That's what I would do if I were them. You can bet AW would not be part of the decision (uh oh, thought required)process.

Clean up the beach area, on the hill adjacent to the docks have outcrop areas for people to sit and watch boats, get rid of the concrete jungle with more landscaping, get better shopping choices, make a new (but can be older "looking" store facades, and on and on.
I am surprised Funspot does not make an outdoor ice skating rink, etc.

So many ideas but instead people are trapped in their own paradigms.

Carry on.
Your post lives up to exactly what my assumptions were that I'd made about you already; you post judgment with no knowledge.

I'd enlighten you about the Civil War and the Weirs connection or about my involvement in this community (not this forum but the real community, outside this forum & thread here), or even my education and background, because you, sir, are far off the mark. But the reality is that I don't have time for all that... If you're so concerned about this area, perhaps it is you who should take some time to get some education about that which you speak - or type, in this case. Your post reeks of ignorance and you have yet to answer my question: Why do you care? It's an honest, unbiased question but asked in the light of your previous posts about how Laconia is all "white trash". I think I have a right to ask it; sorry if you don't like the question. I really don't like your attitude and find your comments vile and offensive.

If this area and this board are so far beneath you, I invite you to go elsewhere. It's a free county. No one is asking you to post here.

Last edited by Argie's Wife; 08-08-2011 at 12:20 AM.
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Old 08-07-2011, 06:53 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by Irish mist View Post
The Weirs Beach post office is open, and has never been closed. Less gives out this false infomation over & over again for what reason I do not know. I'm sorry that vistors to the Wini Forum have to be subjected to this constant nonsense, but it is what it is.
Are we talking about the same post office, the one located right at the disfunction junction, and close to the Winni Playhouse? Last time I was there, maybe last March, it had a closed sign on it, and I thought it was permanently closed up. Maybe I'm incorrect on this but it definitely was closed up with the door being locked and a sign that said closed. I stopped to buy some postage stamps and the door was locked up, and the sign said closed! Maybe it was hijacked to a reverse universe by aliens from outer space or some understandable reason like that.....beep....beep!


It looks like quite a bit of property in the heart of Weirs Beach on and above Lakeside Ave belongs to the NH Veterans Assoc and is somehow related to the Civil War between the states from 1861-1865, or something? Further investigation by someone with a brain is needed here! I've lost my brain, I've lost my brain......where did it go?

www.thenhva.org/ and then click on the NHVA green historic sign for a brief history.
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Old 08-07-2011, 07:11 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by fatlazyless View Post
Are we talking about the same post office, the one located right at the disfunction junction, and close to the Winni Playhouse? Last time I was there, maybe last March, it had a closed sign on it, and I thought it was permanently closed up. Maybe I'm incorrect on this but it definitely was closed up with the door being locked and a sign that said closed.


It looks like quite a bit of property in the heart of Weirs Beach on and above Lakeside Ave belongs to the NH Veterans Assoc and is somehow related to the Civil War between the states from 1861-1865, or something?
Lol, come on Less don't play all innocent. The Weirs Beach post office is open year round. It has summer hours & reduced winter hours. I've corrected you on this several times over the last several years, but you insist that they are closed down. This would comes as news to all the folks who have P.O boxes there.
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Old 08-07-2011, 07:27 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by Irish mist View Post
Lol, come on Less don't play all innocent. The Weirs Beach post office is open year round. It has summer hours & reduced winter hours. I've corrected you on this several times over the last several years, but you insist that they are closed down. This would comes as news to all the folks who have P.O boxes there.
So why was it closed then....maybe the clerk was over at the Dunkin Donuts or watching a play rehearsal at Winni Playhouse or something.....why don't I just officially apologize to the Weirs Beach Post Office and suggest that everyone go there to make their postage stamp purchases. Go to Weirs Beach for all your postage stamps.....you will love it there!

I stand corrected....thankyou very much....and I will make a mental note of it.

Why don't we take a look-see at all the property that is owned by the NH Veterans Association and how that would effect any new commercial development such as a talked about gambling casino. Probably a very very long shot, but just maybe the NH Veterans could qualify as a tax exempt organization and open up a very nice casino with a Civil War between the states, 1861-1865, gambling casino theme. You know, line up three pictures of Stonewall Jackson and you win big at the slots!

Talk about good paying casino jobs that come with veteran's preference! Now, we are talking here!

www.thenhva.org/ and click onto the historic green sign for a brief history description.
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Old 08-07-2011, 07:27 PM   #26
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Default The Weirs was such fun when I was a child but........

I took children there two years ago and it is just not the same. I wished I had taken them to Funspot. I do not feel strongly about the area and guess the people who own the businesses, and the people who live here year round and thus have more of an interest in The Weirs and the various uses will decide in the end.

Personally it is not a place that interests me in the current condition. I think if there was a casino and some restaurants, I would go for fun. However I guess in the end, the town will decide and the people who live in the area elect the officials whom they pay to represent their interests etc. Bike week does not seem to be what it was either. I predict that eventually that area will make some major changes. I do not think it is necessary to insult others. We are nice people who love the lake so let's try to be respectful in giving our opinions?
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Old 08-07-2011, 07:48 PM   #27
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Default http://www.qvna.org/CasinoProblems.pdf

This is one of the first things that came up when I Googled, "benefits of casinos".

The Myth of Casinos and Economic Benefits

The industry promises of shared wealth do not materialize either. Every state that uses gambling as a revenue source has a budget deficit – most notably Nevada and New Jersey. (http://www.texasgop.org/site/pageser...brary_gambling) After promising that Texas would become the next Nevada, the gambling industry committed to raising $99.2 million in 1987 for legislation to allow race tracks. Instead revenues peaked at $5 million and have been declining since that time. After claiming that Texas would make millions, the industry asked the State to forgive $10.5 million in public debt in 1993, only 3 years after the first track opened. (ibid) South Dakota has had a similar experience. The first state to allow video slot machines in 1989 still had an estimated $54 million budget deficit in 2004 and an estimated $17 million deficit projected for 2005 (Center on Budget & Policy Priorities). New York State committed to VLTs at racetracks and found that it has received only half of the projected revenue. In my research, I have
not found one state that would claim that gambling had solved the problems it was intended to resolve.

Last edited by Jonas Pilot; 08-07-2011 at 07:52 PM. Reason: double checked
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Old 08-07-2011, 07:51 PM   #28
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When you live here you just don’t look at things the same as those coming from out of town do. Just like the whole new Gunstock area. We would rather travel up to Lincoln to do zip line, why, because it gets us out of town. Nice long 2 hour motorcycle ride to Lincoln verses a quick ride around the corner. Same thing when my boys were younger and into snowboarding. Cannon Mtn always won over Gunstock but it that case size was the difference.
But I do agree with those who think the Weirs is an eye sore. We usually walk it once during bike week and each year it is just depressing to look at.
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Old 08-07-2011, 08:38 PM   #29
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Less the Weirs Beach P.O. was most likely closed when you went there because they run on reduced hours. Lol, and you used to say D&D were closed down too, but now I see you have changed your tune. D&D is seasonal & the Weirs P.O. is open part time.....but they are still in use. By all mans I hope people use the Weirs P.O. cause I would hate to see the area lose it.
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Old 08-07-2011, 09:00 PM   #30
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Default Take my opinion for what it is worth...

....but as an avid visitor to the region many times a year, from the late 90's to only a few years ago I would rent a waterfront cottage on Winni for 2 weeks anywhere from Weirs up to Meredith Neck. Loved it ..then started to lose interest toward the end. The last few years we actually ended up leaving vacation early....and finally stopped taking those 2 week trips up there.

Why? Well with elementary/middle school kids Weirs area was always on the list. Boredom kicked in after a few years.... same stuff, over and over. Even the kids got tired of the same games at Weirs.

Point is we got tired of it. Same story... its run down, etc etc

Now would I love to live in the region somewhere? Sure. Great launching point to so many things to do in upper New England that we all enjoyed. Weekend Trip with just the wife? Why not. Would I vacation for 2 weeks with the kids? No.

Like the title says, take my opinion for what it is worth. Im just an avid traveler who likes to take trips all the time. I lost interest in vacationing at Winni.
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Old 08-07-2011, 09:33 PM   #31
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Having the www.thenhva.org/ which is most likely a property tax exempt org as a large property owner in the middle of the Weirs including on the main waterfront street, Lakeside Ave, makes it easier for the NHVA to be viable financially with just a three month season. By not paying any property taxes, it probably greatly reduces their overhead, and makes it easier to survive with a three month cottage rental and campground season.

On the other hand, it does not leave much room, space wise, for a commercial business that's faced with all the real expenses like a commercial hotel like the four white waterfront hotels in Meredith. Could the Meredith hotels, which are very nice, survive on just a three month season? Most likely "no way!", but a NHVA org can operate a cottage and campground successfully without having the burden of a Laconia property tax.

Here's a question for anyone: Is the NHVA campground and cottage business good or bad for Weirs Beach on a twelve month, year round basis? It is probably one great big reason why the Weirs is deader than dead for nine months per year, because they are totally closed and there is nothing happening commercially down on their section of Lakeside Ave.

And, beside not paying any Laconia prop taxes, the NHVA apparently also does not pay any State of NH 9% lodging tax to the state because their $700 weekly rental fees are considered to be "donations"as opposed to rental rates!

Maybe they do indeed pay payments in lieu of property taxes to Laconia? I do not know, but I would bet you ten dollars they do not!

Look, the Civil War between the states has been over since 1865, so maybe it's time for the NHVA to step up to the plate and start paying their share of property taxes just like everyone else! Lord knows that Laconia can use their money!

www.thenhva.org/ and click on the green historic sign for a brief history.
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Old 08-08-2011, 05:08 AM   #32
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I’m with you 110%. We loved the camping trips every year to Long Island trailer park. We would do all kinds of things from there. The kids would be happy fishing at Long Island Bridge all day for bass using the crawfish they caught the night before.
We pretty much did everything by boat though. If we couldn’t get there by boat we didn’t do it mainly do to the traffic, although we did take trips to North Country.
Then as my boys got older they grew bored with the lake area and our vacations usually brought us to the White Mountains for camping and mountain biking leaving us on the lake during weekends.
Now that I live here in the heart of it I totally dislike this area. Constant traffic all day long every day and Meredith is the absolute worst.
Of course I also have to travel in it every day unlike those who travel away at 6am and back at 6pm, so it is a different situation.
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Old 08-08-2011, 07:44 AM   #33
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Default Post office hours

The Weirs Beach post office is listed in the USPS site with the hours they are open for anyone who needs their services...


They are alive and well, we mail things there frequently
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Old 08-08-2011, 08:25 AM   #34
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Default Bottom line

As I stated earlier...how can there be any debate? Weirs is old, tired, and sometimes pathetic...burned building, over grown landscape surrounding an outdated water slide...just gross. Only two reason to visit are Crazy Gringo and the Weirs Beacg Drive In.
Bumper Cars? Maybe 20years ago. Ski ball? There's a new game! Weathervane Rest? 3rd business in that spot in 3 years. Pizza/ice cream? Maybe, but a half dozen choices? Post Office? WHO FREAKING CARES?! Lobster Pound? Yeah, they have the right idea.
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Old 08-08-2011, 08:50 AM   #35
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Originally Posted by sa meredith View Post
As I stated earlier...how can there be any debate? Weirs is old, tired, and sometimes pathetic...burned building, over grown landscape surrounding an outdated water slide...just gross. Only two reason to visit are Crazy Gringo and the Weirs Beacg Drive In.
Bumper Cars? Maybe 20years ago. Ski ball? There's a new game! Weathervane Rest? 3rd business in that spot in 3 years. Pizza/ice cream? Maybe, but a half dozen choices? Post Office? WHO FREAKING CARES?! Lobster Pound? Yeah, they have the right idea.
I was up there saturday from the cottage and I remembered why I only visit it once a year if that. There is nothing but over priced very old video games and prizes for kids that take so much money to win that I could buy them at 25% or less at Walmart or something like that. Not to mention that half of the people working in the places are russian and barely speak any english. (found a prime example saturday) I went to but a water at the pizza shop across from the weathervane and right after the halfmoon and it wa sa dasani and it cost me $2. Seriously?

There is no reason that with a little Lira that area could be great, Keep the buildings just update the insides with better games, some lighting would be nice, and maybe not just arcades, but maybe a bistro, some older people activites. Just keep up with the times, you can still have some old school items in fact those would probably strive because there would be stuff for young and old. Maybe just rent out the space seasonally to different types of businesses

I do not think it would take much to turn that area around and without really changing the landscape
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Old 08-08-2011, 09:22 AM   #36
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The key here is... THE PIER! Someone needs to turn that place around. Anthonys is just... Well.. Not good, to put it nicely.
How about a "Dave& Busters" or "Jillians" type of place for all those who know it. Get rid of the kids arcade down there, there are already plenty of options for arcade games for kids in the area. So turn the Pier into an adult destination restaurant with tons of flat screen TV's and redo the outdoor area to be a much nicer restaurant area. Pool tables and higher end arcade games catering to the "adult" child. Take the whole pier from the fence at the boardwalk on down and because it is private Woodsy could realize his thoughts on an "open container" type atmosphere but it would be contained in a private area. All the little shops could serve food, beer, etc. Keep the mini golf and speed pitch or not but it would be all adult oriented. Maybe one of the small shops could be a theme bar etc. Etc. Use some of the boat slips as slips for customers.

I know this is a pipe dream but could you imagine this? A total redo of the pier but retain the structure itself. Wasn't it a dance hall in its heyday?
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Old 08-08-2011, 09:51 AM   #37
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Old 08-08-2011, 09:52 AM   #38
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The Weirs badly needs a facelift! I can't imagine that it would take too, too much money because they already have the fabulous beach, the great boardwalk, spectacular views, and all the infrastructure. Get rid of the seasonal shops and create a few nice restaurants and upscale shops -- and then I daresay the Weirs would bounce back to life in a big way!
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Old 08-08-2011, 12:05 PM   #39
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The Weir's is a dump and needs a major face lift. Even my 2 boys 7 & 8 call it a dump. They don't want to go there anymore. Not that I agree with everything LP has said about the people of Laconia/Weir's, but he does have a point regarding the area as a whole. And also bike week. I used to enjoy it, but now it's tired and always the same old same old. Sturgis seems like a much more happening place from what I saw on the Travel channel last night!
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Old 08-08-2011, 05:23 PM   #40
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Hey FLL, The Shangri-La had a rope tow. It then "morphed" into The Brickyard Mtn Inn, which installed a nice chairlift and some very nice ski trails in place of the rope-tow. Beautiful view of the lake on the way down, and a great place for night skiing.

Lloyd Bridges used to come to Gilford a lot. He first came up to act in a very funny play at the Gilford Playhouse. I met Mr. Bridges and his family and have a couple pictures of him, my sister and I. He was a very fun/funny guy as were his kids.

The Weirs Beach Post Office is open, albeit with Mayberry hours..

The Weirs needs changes, but I haven't a clue to a plan.

Motorcycle week is, and has been, "dying" a natural death. IMO.
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Old 08-09-2011, 09:50 AM   #41
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It amazes me how people who dont live in the Weirs think they they know whats best for the Weirs... I live here and undertand the politics of the Weirs pretty well.

Does the Weirs need a makeover? Yup! It sure does. But who is gonna pay for it? The owners of the propeties in question are obv not interested in revamping ANYTHING!

You cant touch the veterans homes... plain and simple! So that leaves the Pier and a few buildings. The Lob Pound did right and revamped thier property nicely. The Baldi family for whatever reason is resisting the effort to tear down the old SmokeHouse that suffered from spontaneous combustion. So that eyesore isnt going anywhere soon. The families that own the arcades and pier have no interest in spending anything but minimal maintenance on those buildings...

Could the Weirs be awesome? Sure could! That would require property owners with vision and a city with a plan. A Key West style resort zone would be my preference.... revamp and update the water slide... imagine the Lob Pound isnt the only place with a roof deck.... rooftop dining and cocktails over the old arcades... the arcades revamped into Key West style bars and restaurants. the Pier revamped as a new Irwin Gardens/Micheals Harborside vibe... A cool restaurant above Tower hill Tavern overlooking it all...

The Weirs is half finished... Awesome Boardwalk.... trains, newer mini golf and other attractions real close by.

Yup The Weirs could be cool........

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Old 08-09-2011, 12:02 PM   #42
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Originally Posted by Woodsy View Post
It amazes me how people who dont live in the Weirs think they they know whats best for the Weirs... I live here and undertand the politics of the Weirs pretty well.

Does the Weirs need a makeover? Yup! It sure does. But who is gonna pay for it? The owners of the propeties in question are obv not interested in revamping ANYTHING!

You cant touch the veterans homes... plain and simple! So that leaves the Pier and a few buildings. The Lob Pound did right and revamped thier property nicely. The Baldi family for whatever reason is resisting the effort to tear down the old SmokeHouse that suffered from spontaneous combustion. So that eyesore isnt going anywhere soon. The families that own the arcades and pier have no interest in spending anything but minimal maintenance on those buildings...

Could the Weirs be awesome? Sure could! That would require property owners with vision and a city with a plan. A Key West style resort zone would be my preference.... revamp and update the water slide... imagine the Lob Pound isnt the only place with a roof deck.... rooftop dining and cocktails over the old arcades... the arcades revamped into Key West style bars and restaurants. the Pier revamped as a new Irwin Gardens/Micheals Harborside vibe... A cool restaurant above Tower hill Tavern overlooking it all...

The Weirs is half finished... Awesome Boardwalk.... trains, newer mini golf and other attractions real close by.

Yup The Weirs could be cool........

True, A great infrastructure is there. Roof top resteraunts above the arcades is a great idea. Seems that the owners of those businesses are far from interested though. Those bumper cars should have been scrapped 20 years ago. The fact that half of them don't work is of no concern to the guy collecting money.

Back to the original topic though, $57K does not sound like much but that is only the cities PROFIT. That does not include all the money collected by the businesses, renters, police overtime, etc. I wish they would attract a more diverse set of vendors though. Fried food and tshirts gets pretty old after 1/2 hour. Not sure how you spend a week looking at it.
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Old 08-09-2011, 04:09 PM   #43
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If you go to the NH DOT website, you can see that the dysfunction junction, which is right in the center of the Weirs area, was listed to be rebuilt in 2011 into a roundabout presumably similar to the Meredith roundabout. However, due to the recent $36/NH vehicle registration reduction in price, the DOT has cancelled out on this project which would have cost something like 1.1 million dollars.

That's too bad for the Weirs because a new roundabout is an attractive public improvement. Whenever a new roundabout gets built, it should definitely include a garden hose water faucet, so the roundabout garden can get watered. It is hard for me to believe that both the Meredith and Plymouth roundabouts were constructed without a garden hose water faucet, and the plants depend on rainfall alone.These roundabouts could all be beautifull public decorative garden spots, but they must have water, and they both look like some very dried out and sick plants just barely alive that depend on rainfall.

Just go take a look at the terrific public decorative garden that has been created in Campton at the intersection of Rt 49 and Rt 175, next to the Campton Dam. Last fall, after its first full growing season, an irrigation spray system was installed, and it made a huge improvement to the garden.

The Weirs could be having a pretty nice deco garden in the center of its roundabout if the $36 get re-instated back into the car registration fees. What's it gonna be? Save $36/year or build a roundabout.......(plus maintenance & snowplowing of state roads).
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Old 08-09-2011, 04:19 PM   #44
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Originally Posted by Woodsy View Post

You cant touch the veterans homes... plain and simple!

You know the veteran's campground and cottages charges $700/week and calls it a donation as opposed to a rental fee so they do not pay any 9% lodging tax to the state. In addition, do they pay any property tax to Laconia? Most likely, they do not!

Come on, the Civil War was over in 1865, and the veteran's campground and buildings and cottages occupies a lot of prime space, and it is only open for three months per year.


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Old 08-09-2011, 04:56 PM   #45
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Today's Aug 9 www.laconiadailysun.com has a well thought out letter from a Laconia person on page 6 that says the beach at Weirs Beach charges ten dollars/vehicle to get in, and tells how three buses with a total of 150 people, or 50 people/bus, actually get into the beach for $10/bus, or thirty dollars total. Anyone know if this is correct? This letter is not included in the letters section in the home page, but can be found on page 6 if you roll down to it.

Seems kind of hard to believe? Let me do the arithmetic: $30.00 divided by 150 people equals 20-cents/person! What a low price for the nice beach facilities at Weirs Beach......20-cents/person! That is cheaper than for parking your car at a parking meter nearby which requires at least one quarter. That seems like a steal of a deal courtesy from the property tax payers of Laconia!
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Old 08-09-2011, 06:42 PM   #46
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Originally Posted by fatlazyless View Post
Today's Aug 9 www.laconiadailysun.com has a well thought out letter from a Laconia person on page 6 that says the beach at Weirs Beach charges ten dollars/vehicle to get in, and tells how three buses with a total of 150 people, or 50 people/bus, actually get into the beach for $10/bus, or thirty dollars total...
That is an interesting letter and probably the town should fix that quirk in the rules. Maybe charge more to park a bus? After all it does take a lot more space.

And thanks for pointing me to that letters page, another letter writer calls two businessmen Nazis and a columnist implies that a US politcal party are brownshirts. How can you read that paper? I feel ashamed to live in the same state as them.
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Old 08-10-2011, 10:03 AM   #47
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More about the veterans' homes

N.H. Veterans Association bringing glimpses of Civil War era to life at Weirs Beach over the next 2 weekends
By Adam Drapcho
Aug 10, 2011 12:00 am
LACONIA — A century and a half ago, able-bodied men from states throughout the young union volunteered to serve as soldiers in what would become the Civil War. They had no idea of the horror in store for them over the next four years and when the survivors returned home they felt a need, a ...
LACONIA — A century and a half ago, able-bodied men from states throughout the young union volunteered to serve as soldiers in what would become the Civil War. They had no idea of the horror in store for them over the next four years and when the survivors returned home they felt a need, a strong need, to reunite. Thus, the New Hampshire Veterans Association was formed in 1875 and its members built several buildings on a nearly eight acre campus in the heart of Weirs Beach.

Starting this weekend and again during the next, the association will honor its founders by hosting historical reenactments. On August 13 and 14, reenactors portraying the 1st New Hampshire Cavalry will encamp on the association property. A highlight of the encampment will be a demonstration of cavalry maneuvers performed on Lakeside Avenue at 3 p.m. Interested members of the public are welcome to visit the encampment throughout the weekend.

On August 21, the Veterans Association headquarters building, located directly across the avenue from the M/S Mount Washington dock, will host Abraham Lincoln reenactor Steve Wood, who will orate from the building's porch beginning at 10 a.m. At 2 p.m., the 12th New Hampshire Volunteer Serenade Band will perform. Also on August 21, the 6th New Hampshire Volunteer Regiment Company E will perform an honor guard ceremony demonstration.

For Mike Young, quartermaster of the New Hampshire Veterans Association, and its historian Fred Merrill, the events are planned to remind the public that the Civil War and its atrocities were endured by people whose footprints modern Americans walk within – the soldiers, nurses and their families left from villages like The Weirs to partake in some of the bloodiest events in human history, and in doing so helped shape the world seen today. The buildings owned by the Veterans Association and enjoyed by its members today are one such example.

"People tend to forget. These buildings here are as close to the Civil War as you can get," said Young. "They were built by Civil War veterans."

No other veterans have gone through what the Civil War veterans went through," Young said.

The Civil War, Merrill noted, was fought using Napoleonic tactics, in which soldiers would stand shoulder to shoulder and march across a field toward the enemy's position. These tactics were developed when muskets were inaccurate and effective for short distances but by the time the Civil War began, rifling made weapons, including cannons, deadly from much further distances and much more accurate. Battlefield medicine was primitive if present at all. Additionally, the country was expecting the conflict to be resolved within a few months instead of four years and wasn't equipped to support its troops. Most of the 620,000 soldier deaths were due to disease.

"For me, it's important not to forget these guys and the nurses who followed them," said Young.

"They represent a change in the country's outlook," added Merrill. Although he suspected that most northern soldiers were motivated to fight by a desire to preserve the union of states, and not directly the abolition of slavery, their service resulted in emancipation for all Americans. "That was a total change in our society."

The unique experience they endured, which was several decades before a clinical recognition of post-traumatic stress disorder, might have inspired the veteran reunions that saw tens of thousands who came to the Weirs in the late 1800s for reunions centered at the Veterans Association property. Theodore Roosevelt spoke at one reunion, General William Tecumseh Sherman at another.

Similar to a bond between veterans that exists today, Young presumed, the Civil War veterans likely felt that there were things that they could only discuss with others who had similar experiences. "They had hard times, the only way they could get through those hard times was to get together, sit around a camp fire and talk about it."


Fred Merrill (left) and Mike Young of the New Hampshire Veterans Association are planning historical events this weekend and next to mark the 150th anniversary of the beginning of the Civil War. (Laconia Daily Sun photo/Adam Drapcho)


The New Hampshire Veterans Association headquarters building at Weirs Beach, as it appeared in 1897. The association's campus hosted reunions of Civil War veterans that numbered in the thousands. (Courtesy photo)
Source: http://www.laconiadailysun.com/story...ar-weirs-beach

Like Woodsy said, you can't touch these buildings. I think it's great that the NH Veterans' Association is doing more to promote the knowledge of these homes in Weirs Beach. Perhaps this is the beginning of more interest in the area, positive changes, and improvements to the area.
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Old 08-10-2011, 11:28 AM   #48
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Ok......well.....shame on me for besmirching the NH Veterans Civil War history and the fight they fought in saving the country from getting divided into a north and a south, so maybe the NH Veteran's might just consider an eight acre land exchange and move their building and campground to the other side of Laconia somewhere in the former state school property that's between Paugus Bay and Lake Winnisquam. All those old buildings look like they have no foundations and might be movable on a big flat bed trailer truck.

You know the NH Veteran's property in the Weirs is a seasonal, 3-month use, that pays neither a Laconia property tax, or a 9% state lodging tax, while charging $700/week in "donation" to rent out a cabin. It occupies something like one entire block on Lakeshore Drive, probably benefits from Bike Week with renting out vendor space, and doesn't contribute any taxes to either city or state.

Only an organization that is free from the property tax could operate on a three month basis like that, plus it's on an 8-acre piece of land that could be home to a beautifull hotel similar to one of the Meredith hotels, plus some other accessory businesses. Instead you got those tax free veterans reenacting Abraham Lincoln and shooting off a cannon which is fine and good, but could get done very well, someplace else!

"Four score and seven years ago.
Our forefathers came to this land looking for a land of peace and safety....,
Or something!


150 years after the last Civil War cannon got shot in 1865,
the NH Veterans Association continues to occupy eight acres that could be put to much better use for helping the year round Laconia economy.
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Old 08-10-2011, 01:26 PM   #49
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Are you for real? Your going to DENY veterans... you know the men & women who FIGHT and DIE for the very freedoms you enjoy on a daily basis?? All for some pittance of tax money?


The only way to eliminate ignorant behavior is through education. You can't fix stupid.
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Old 08-10-2011, 01:39 PM   #50
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Default Increasing taxes has never solved an economic shortfall issue

Ah, but I think that the location of those buildings is what's significant about them. Rather than moving them, why not turn them into year-'round profit makers: restaurants, b&b's, museums, conference centers, offices, boutiques, and the like. Why not let the VA collect revenue from them that would off-set the cost of the VA Homes in NH? It would be supplemental income, keep the buildings in use, and bring in more traffic (and more businesses) into that area. Change the use of the buildings vs. moving the buildings and forever changing the landscape of the area, like what happened with Urban Renewal (yuck!).

In the meantime, perhaps a property tax relief for that area could be granted to any new businesses willing to open up shop and renovate some of the pre-existing buildings in the area. If prospective businesses were willing to put money into the buildings and their businesses (not to mention creating more jobs), vs. paying a bunch of property taxes, perhaps we could have a win-win situation.

Example: A business goes before City Council with a proposed plan improving the building and once approved, they are granted a 20% tax break on their property tax for the next 5 years, but if their plan includes creating more jobs through running their business, then perhaps they could receive additional tax breaks. Money that would have gone to the city, would go into the local economy - but that will eventually go back to the city if you think about it: more jobs means more people are spending money and less people are on public assistance.

Edited to add this for consideration: Taxing the VA buildings is illogical; they are paid for through the government, which get it's funds from the taxpayers. It would be like taking money from your left pocket and placing it in your right pocket. It would make no sense, if you think about it that way... and that's just on the simplest fiscal terms of your idea - those buildings should not be touched or taxed. Period.
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Old 08-10-2011, 08:55 PM   #51
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AW, I agree with your premise about the roadside buildings. Are the buildings in the back part of it too? There are cabins and some bigger houses.

Regardless, the whole place can be cleaned up, including the NHVA homes. I know I sound like a broken record, but Laconia needs to fund a master plan for the Weirs.
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Old 08-11-2011, 05:59 AM   #52
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Originally Posted by Woodsy View Post

Are you for real? Your going to DENY veterans... you know the men & women who FIGHT and DIE for the very freedoms you enjoy on a daily basis?? All for some pittance of tax money?


Before a veteran can collect the benefits of a veteran's pension, and the addition of Tri-Care health & dental insurance in addition to standard medicare, they first have to have served for 20-years service, and then reach the age of 65, so the veterans have their own set of rules for qualifying for veteran's benefits too. So if the military has a twenty year service rule before one is allowed to collect any benefits, then why do the NH Veteran's go city and state tax free after an individual veteran attendee had had say four years of service?

Is the veteran's campground, open for three months/year, and paying no city or state taxes, helping or hurting the Weirs Beach jobs and tourist business economy?

Money is important as everybody knows, and that 8-acre property was home to a beatifull hotel that burnt down in 1923, and then the NH politicians and the NH veterans cooked up a plan so the state bought the property for the veterans.

I don't deny the veterans to have a local home, I just think it would be better economically for the weirs area to just load all their old, funky buildings onto a moving trailer and haul them across town to the state land occupied by the former Laconia State School, and then try to get a "Meredith" style hotel built in that spot that could be a stronger business and attract tourists all year around.
... down and out, liv'n that Walmart side of the lake!
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Old 08-11-2011, 06:02 AM   #53
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Originally Posted by Woodsy View Post

Are you for real? Your going to DENY veterans... you know the men & women who FIGHT and DIE for the very freedoms you enjoy on a daily basis?? All for some pittance of tax money?


Before a veteran can collect the benefits of a veteran's pension, and the addition of Tri-Care health & dental insurance in addition to standard medicare, they first have to have served for 20-years service, and then reach the age of 65, so the veterans have their own set of rules for qualifying for veteran's benefits too. So if the military has a twenty year service rule before one is allowed to collect any benefits, then why do the NH Veteran's Association go city and state tax free after an individual veteran attendee has had say four years of service and is now a civilian?

Is the veteran's campground, open for three months/year, and paying no city or state taxes, helping or hurting the Weirs Beach jobs and tourist business economy?

Jobs and making a living is important as everybody knows, and that 8-acre property was home to a beautiful hotel that burnt down in 1923, and then in 1924 the NH politicians and the NH veterans came together with a plan so the state bought the property for the veterans.

I don't deny the veterans to have a local campground and cottage rental area, I just think it would be better economically for the Weirs area to just load all their old, funky buildings onto a moving trailer and haul them across town to the beautiful waterfront state land occupied by the former Laconia State School, and then try to get a "Meredith" style hotel built in that spot that could be a stronger business and attract tourists all year around.

www.thenhva.org/ and click on the green historic sign.
... down and out, liv'n that Walmart side of the lake!
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Old 08-12-2011, 04:39 PM   #54
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Exclamation Not allowed in New Hampshire

Originally Posted by Argie's Wife View Post
...In the meantime, perhaps a property tax relief for that area could be granted to any new businesses willing to open up shop and renovate some of the pre-existing buildings in the area. If prospective businesses were willing to put money into the buildings and their businesses (not to mention creating more jobs), vs. paying a bunch of property taxes, perhaps we could have a win-win situation.

Example: A business goes before City Council with a proposed plan improving the building and once approved, they are granted a 20% tax break on their property tax for the next 5 years, but if their plan includes creating more jobs through running their business, then perhaps they could receive additional tax breaks. Money that would have gone to the city, would go into the local economy - but that will eventually go back to the city if you think about it: more jobs means more people are spending money and less people are on public assistance...
While this may sound like a great idea for the business owners, tax law is set by RSA at the State level and there is absolutely no provision for local governments to give tax breaks to property owners.

Contrary to common beleief, New Hampshire is not a Home Rule State and all powers derived in the City of Laconia's City Charter are derived from the State. By statute a local government can offer a Veteran or Elderly tax credit and can abate property that has been shown to have been assessed improperly. They are granted this authority under the applicable NH RSAs. However a local Government cannot waive property tax payments under the description given.
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Old 08-12-2011, 06:22 PM   #55
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OK, then it can be done on the State level. The local Sen. & Rep can propose it, and the State can grant it, right? I think AW was just trying to show how it may be facilitated.
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Old 08-12-2011, 06:43 PM   #56
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Originally Posted by Pineedles View Post
OK, then it can be done on the State level. The local Sen. & Rep can propose it, and the State can grant it, right? I think AW was just trying to show how it may be facilitated.
No. That is why it has not been done in New Hampshire.

It would require a major rewrite of the State's current tax code. It can't be waived on a case by case basis by local State Legislators or Senators under our current tax structure.

I am not saying that AW's idea is faulty, some would even argue that other States that have such an allowance use it to their advantage to attract businesses and developers from a State such as ours.

I was just attempting to explain why it isn't done here, as others in the past have raised this same issue in past threads.
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Old 08-12-2011, 07:24 PM   #57
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Can Governor Lynch offer it? Or once again, will it demand a major rewrite of State law? In some ways I am kind of glad that it can't be offered capriciously, or at least without some real effort.
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Old 08-12-2011, 07:34 PM   #58
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Originally Posted by Pineedles View Post
Can Governor Lynch offer it? Or once again, will it demand a major rewrite of State law? In some ways I am kind of glad that it can't be offered capriciously, or at least without some real effort.
No. Even though our Governor is the accepted "Head of State" he has very limited power other than that granted by our legislators. His main power is in the so called Bully Pulpit.

I agree with you that it is probably best that it is so difficult to allow tax breaks. Could you imagine the shenanigans that would go on in some of the communities of this State if some local officials were given the power to arbitrarily lower the taxes of certain property taxpayers?

As an example, look at the mess we currently have with tax assessments and the abatement process in a number of communities that have been discussed at length on this website alone!

Sometimes the solution may be more painful than the problem......
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Old 08-13-2011, 06:39 PM   #59
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Skip, you touch on a very real subject and that is when local boards can run under home rule.

Maine is a home rule State. It sounds great until you get a rogue board or small business owners get control of the board. This is a real problem in small towns and is why many towns have to have larger boards. In towns with 3 to 5 selectmen, watch out. It can and does lead to more problems than it's worth.
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Old 08-14-2011, 07:17 PM   #60
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Originally Posted by Skip View Post
While this may sound like a great idea for the business owners, tax law is set by RSA at the State level and there is absolutely no provision for local governments to give tax breaks to property owners.

Contrary to common beleief, New Hampshire is not a Home Rule State and all powers derived in the City of Laconia's City Charter are derived from the State. By statute a local government can offer a Veteran or Elderly tax credit and can abate property that has been shown to have been assessed improperly. They are granted this authority under the applicable NH RSAs. However a local Government cannot waive property tax payments under the description given.
I wasn't aware of that... I was giving a "what if" scenario just for the sake of discussion here. I wonder if NH would become a Home Rule State if they collected their revenue by means other than local property tax, vehicle registrations, etc. but with a state income tax or a sales tax, like Maine.
(I don't bring this up to debate the pros and cons of the taxation methods of ME vs. NH... ) Knowing that NH isn't a Home Rule State makes it seem a bit less "Live Free or Die" now...but as you point out, Skip, "imagine the shenanigans...."

Thanks for letting me know about that...
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Old 03-31-2012, 10:41 AM   #61
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This thread was Laconia's revenue from Bike week permits.

Meredith charges $25 per site plan, NOT per vendor on one site!
in the past, the Harley dealer along with Hart's pay for police for traffic duty.
In turn, they each charge the vendors on their respective properties....
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