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Old 04-08-2017, 09:19 PM   #101
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Originally Posted by RTTOOL View Post
If the prop did not slip at all as it screws through the water, each rev theoretically propels the boat the forward a distance equal to the prop pitch. (a 24 inch pitch prop theoretically propels the boat 24 inches in one revolution). The propeller revolution rate is the engine rpm divided by the gear ratio. This propeller rpm times the prop pitch determines the theoretical distance that the boat should have moved in one minute, which can be converted to a theoretical boat speed in miles per hour. with a rpm at 600 and gear ratio of 1.5 and slip at .15 and a prop pitch of 24 will give you 7.7 mies per hour . so to travl 2000 feet would take about 15 minutes.

Hmmmm, so 7.7 miles per hour * 5,280 feet per mile equals 40,656 feet per hour. Divide that by 60 minutes per hour and we get 677.6 feet per minute. If we divide 2,000 feet by 677.6 feet per minute we get 2.95 minutes. So it takes 2.95 minutes to travel 2,000 feet at 7.7 mph, just under 3 minutes.

Too tired to check the rest of the math.
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Old 04-09-2017, 07:33 AM   #102
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Originally Posted by Hillcountry View Post
Hmmm...politician? Knowledge? That, my friend is the oxymoron of the times.
I'm for freedom and enjoying the beautiful lake too...the bigger, problem is lack of enforcement of the original, NWZ by Marine Patrol, who obviously, cannot be everywhere...all last season I never saw them in Meredith bay. That is not to say they didn't patrol there at all but I spent a lot of time there and only saw them outside Wiers channel (where they seem to camp out) and once at Braun Bay.
As long as there is no presence in any given area, unlawful boaters will and do take advantage of that.
Hmm and it's not an oxymoron to think that a larger but non-enforced NWZ is going to make any difference? Bottom line is this, there would be no need at all for any NWZ if there was a MP boat parked over there babysitting what's going on 24X7. This whole thing is to make everyone "feel good" however if the town of Meredith starts to get less boat traffic from this and that is a good possibility bet this gets quickly amended.
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Old 04-09-2017, 07:43 AM   #103
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Originally Posted by ITD View Post
Hmmmm, so 7.7 miles per hour * 5,280 feet per mile equals 40,656 feet per hour. Divide that by 60 minutes per hour and we get 677.6 feet per minute. If we divide 2,000 feet by 677.6 feet per minute we get 2.95 minutes. So it takes 2.95 minutes to travel 2,000 feet at 7.7 mph, just under 3 minutes.

Too tired to check the rest of the math.
So all this may be true.... it really doesn't matter when people are being stopped and forced to run at headway speed so far from their point of destination. Kinda like watching water boil.... this has everything to do with perception and that may very well encourage people to visit other places
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Old 04-09-2017, 07:52 AM   #104
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More than half of the offenders come and go from the Bay Shore Yacht club / Meredith Marina and they were the ones pushing for this expanded NWZ. Just a shame that everyone will suffer from the actions of few people that cannot follow the rules.
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Old 04-09-2017, 08:12 AM   #105
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Question .... the 39-mph difference!

So .......... for boats with motors, the extra distance of 500 or 1000', or whatever, is no big deal for getting in or out of the Meredith town docks area.

But ...... for small, non motorized, self-propelled boats like stand up paddle boards, kayaks, canoes, row boats, and small sailboats ....the extra space created by an increased no wake zone makes a big difference ..... it adds to more big water space ..... that is more SAFE space.

It's the difference between sharing the water with 45-mph boaters, and 6-mph boaters ....... which is a 39-mph difference ...... just do the math ..... 39-mph is a huge difference for the attitude of a boat/jet ski out on the water...... as seen from a small boat like a stand up paddle board, or a kayak. It is very possible for a 45-mph boat to totally not even see a s.u.p. or a kayak what with all the possible driver distractions such as not keeping a good look out ahead, speed, sun, fatigue, wake bouncing, cell phone use, other passengers in the boat, sight blocked by the raised bow, and just not thinking there may be a kayak out there ..... like who knew?

Not all motor boaters do the same good job of driving safely ...... everyone here on this forum drives totally super-duper, totally safe .....at all times .......but, there's a few non-forum boaters who do not!
... down and out, liv'n that Walmart side of the lake!
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Old 04-09-2017, 12:01 PM   #106
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Originally Posted by RTTOOL View Post
If the prop did not slip at all as it screws through the water, each rev theoretically propels the boat the forward a distance equal to the prop pitch. (a 24 inch pitch prop theoretically propels the boat 24 inches in one revolution). The propeller revolution rate is the engine rpm divided by the gear ratio. This propeller rpm times the prop pitch determines the theoretical distance that the boat should have moved in one minute, which can be converted to a theoretical boat speed in miles per hour. with a rpm at 600 and gear ratio of 1.5 and slip at .15 and a prop pitch of 24 will give you 7.7 mies per hour . so to travl 2000 feet would take about 15 minutes.
My calculation with an rpm at 600 and gear ratio of 1.5 and slip at .15 and a prop pitch of 24 it will give you 4.2 mies per hour (not 7.7 as you stated).
Also your math for traveling 2000 feet is incorrect.
It's never crowded along the extra mile.
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Old 04-09-2017, 12:04 PM   #107
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Originally Posted by ITD View Post
Hmmmm, so 7.7 miles per hour * 5,280 feet per mile equals 40,656 feet per hour. Divide that by 60 minutes per hour and we get 677.6 feet per minute. If we divide 2,000 feet by 677.6 feet per minute we get 2.95 minutes. So it takes 2.95 minutes to travel 2,000 feet at 7.7 mph, just under 3 minutes.

Too tired to check the rest of the math.
Your math is right on, good job!
It's never crowded along the extra mile.
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Old 04-09-2017, 03:57 PM   #108
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Originally Posted by meredith weekender View Post
More than half of the offenders come and go from the Bay Shore Yacht club / Meredith Marina and they were the ones pushing for this expanded NWZ. Just a shame that everyone will suffer from the actions of few people that cannot follow the rules.
"More than half"! That's a bold statement!
But I'm sure you did your due diligence and sat with your Swarovski spotting scope and recorded all the comings and goings that happened in your "given" data season to compile such a detailed report!
Perhaps if you took this data to the meeting, and presented it to the board, the outcome would have been a reduction in the NWZ. Clearly, there would have been a down vote on the petition had the board had your data...after all, these offenders being the cause of all the wakes and damage would not have had a "sea leg" to stand on!
Oh, by the way, enjoy your summer of "suffering" the new NWZ!

Last edited by Hillcountry; 04-09-2017 at 04:57 PM.
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Old 04-09-2017, 05:19 PM   #109
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I think the solution is to raise the price of Boat fuel to about $15 - $18 a gallon. That would reduce the number of "Mine is Bigger Than Yours" trophy boats, cut down on the tremendous noise when they open them up and send the bow towards the sky thereby endangering all manner of other leisurely boaters. And in the name of sustainability, global warming and more picturesque Lake views, encourage more sailboats.

Time for another petition to Concord.
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Old 04-10-2017, 07:02 AM   #110
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Originally Posted by Acrossamerica View Post
I think the solution is to raise the price of Boat fuel to about $15 - $18 a gallon. That would reduce the number of "Mine is Bigger Than Yours" trophy boats, cut down on the tremendous noise when they open them up and send the bow towards the sky thereby endangering all manner of other leisurely boaters. And in the name of sustainability, global warming and more picturesque Lake views, encourage more sailboats.

Time for another petition to Concord.
Same can be done with a statewide increase of $10 on boat registrations...the extra funds going STRAIGHT to Marine Patrol for a NWZ enforcement team to be dispatched to all major trouble areas on the lake. Low profile patrols would both garner extra funds through ticketing offenders as well as creating a presence on the lake that would cause same to think twice about breaking the law...I would gladly, pony up the extra fee.
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Old 04-10-2017, 11:22 AM   #111
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Wink 'Yer thinking too small, and...

Originally Posted by Hillcountry View Post
Same can be done with a statewide increase of $10 on boat registrations...the extra funds going STRAIGHT to Marine Patrol for a NWZ enforcement team to be dispatched to all major trouble areas on the lake. Low profile patrols would both garner extra funds through ticketing offenders as well as creating a presence on the lake that would cause same to think twice about breaking the law...I would gladly, pony up the extra fee.
...affecting and punishing the wrong boaters...

Maybe ten years ago, I suggested doubling boat registration fees for 24-foot and greater boats. Today, however, I would exempt pontoon boats because of their minimal wakes.

Is it
"Common Sense" isn't.
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Old 04-10-2017, 01:30 PM   #112
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Originally Posted by ApS View Post
...affecting and punishing the wrong boaters...

Maybe ten years ago, I suggested doubling boat registration fees for 24-foot and greater boats. Today, however, I would exempt pontoon boats because of their minimal wakes.

So your discriminating against a specific boating crowd...exempting pontoon boats.... I surprised you wouldn't want to exempt Sailboats as well.... What about slow moving barges?

On top of that, boat registration is boat registration, so are you saying someone that has a 24' or larger boat, in Portsmouth harbor and never comes to the lake deserves an increase as well.....

APS, you idea really doesn't work....
Life is about how much time you can spend relaxing... I do it on an island that isn't really an island.....
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Old 04-10-2017, 01:40 PM   #113
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Here in New Hampshire, boats like kayaks, canoes, row boats, s.u.p.'s, and sailboats under 12' not including the rudder, do not need a registration, and pay nothing to be on the water. If you add an engine, gasoline or electric, then they do need to be registered with a bow sticker.

Something like seven different states in the USA require kayak and canoes to either be registered or to have a user fee sticker.

If the State of NH needs more money for the Dept of Safety, or the Dept of Transportation for the roads, they should simply increase the existing gasoline/diesel tax and let the paddlers/rowers/ small sailors live free.

Putting a motor on a small boat also changes its status for insurance purposes ....... it becomes a motor vehicle.....just like a snowmobile or an atv.
... down and out, liv'n that Walmart side of the lake!

Last edited by fatlazyless; 04-10-2017 at 02:13 PM.
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Old 04-10-2017, 05:08 PM   #114
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FLL, where do you get these emoji's? I've got to get better on the computer. But on the subject, Being libertarian minded I'm usually against everything, but I wouldn't mind paying double registration if it went directly to more enforcement on the lake.
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Old 04-11-2017, 06:25 AM   #115
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Originally Posted by noreast View Post
FLL, where do you get these emoji's? I've got to get better on the computer. But on the subject, Being libertarian minded I'm usually against everything, but I wouldn't mind paying double registration if it went directly to more enforcement on the lake.
Might re-think your idea by taking a walk down memory lane! The MP was fine in fact operating in the black with a surplus before the state police took over in 2011. Shocking it's not realizing the "efficiencies" that were promised. In fact all we hear about is funding shortfalls. Put it back the way it was at it works fine. We don't need double registrations.
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