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Search: Posts Made By: hemlock
Forum: General Discussion 02-13-2025, 11:26 AM
Replies: 68
Views: 24,403
Posted By hemlock
Bill retained in committee

Yesterday after the committee caucused privately the committee voted to retain the bill in committee which means they will continue to work on it but not send it to the full house for passage at...
Forum: General Discussion 02-06-2025, 08:07 PM
Replies: 68
Views: 24,403
Posted By hemlock
Emailed committee

I just sent an email to the committee with my concerns and some suggestion one of which was to send this to interim study. The committee is voting this coming this Wednesday in Executive session so...
Forum: General Discussion 02-04-2025, 05:29 PM
Replies: 68
Views: 24,403
Posted By hemlock
Measuring shorefront

So DES came up with a complicated formula to measure shorefront because in their opinion too many people were measuring every rock angle spit and indent to come up with actual frontage to allow them...
Forum: General Discussion 02-04-2025, 02:05 PM
Replies: 68
Views: 24,403
Posted By hemlock

Sent comments
Whos next?
Forum: General Discussion 02-03-2025, 04:14 PM
Replies: 68
Views: 24,403
Posted By hemlock
Its a fee not a tax - Live Fee or Die

As I review this more closely this is being structured as a registration fee tacked on the law that allows boat registrations. So you are not paying a tax you are paying a fee to register your shore...
Forum: General Discussion 02-03-2025, 01:59 PM
Replies: 68
Views: 24,403
Posted By hemlock
Dam Maintenance

You are right John. The dams are owned by the state and leased to the hydroelectric operator who is responsible for maintenance of the dam. Discussions in committee on getting more revenue from them...
Forum: General Discussion 02-03-2025, 12:58 PM
Replies: 68
Views: 24,403
Posted By hemlock
Study Committee

So there has already been a study committee for this and they have recommended this bill. Clearly they have looked at the waterfront owners as ripe for the plucking. NH owns many dams that truly need...
Forum: General Discussion 02-03-2025, 11:44 AM
Replies: 68
Views: 24,403
Posted By hemlock
ARPA funds allocated

So it looks like 30 million has been specifically allocated for this purpose already?

Forum: General Discussion 02-03-2025, 11:21 AM
Replies: 68
Views: 24,403
Posted By hemlock
Unhappy New Waterfront Tax proposed HB 629-FN

Just got wind of a new tax plan to supposedly upgrade State owned dams.
Now they want to put a tax of 1.58 per shorefront foot per year on every lake front where there is a state owned dam. Also...
Forum: Boating 05-18-2024, 09:53 AM
Replies: 1
Views: 6,196
Posted By hemlock
Launch is free parking is residents only

Parking is restricted at Long Island Beach and States Landing Beach to those vehicles displaying a current two-year Town
of Moultonborough Transfer Station/Beach Permit or Town of Moultonborough...
Forum: General Discussion 02-12-2024, 11:18 PM
Replies: 123
Views: 51,319
Posted By hemlock
How things change (or don't)

In 1965 my grandfather chose island waterfront as he could afford the 35 dollars a shore frontage foot for a 1/2 acre lot. Mainland lots were 110 dollars a shore front foot for a similar sized lot....
Forum: General Discussion 11-30-2023, 07:23 AM
Replies: 39
Views: 13,657
Posted By hemlock
Rare Exports

Rare Exports- A Christmas Tale

A little gory but very Christmassy.
Forum: General Discussion 09-04-2022, 06:55 AM
Replies: 64
Views: 18,338
Posted By hemlock

That kind of thing is so sad. I believe that +98% of the people using the lake are not like that. I own a 1.3 acre private Winnipesaukee island and its amazing how those people think they can...
Forum: General Discussion 09-04-2022, 03:53 AM
Replies: 64
Views: 18,338
Posted By hemlock

Tieing off to docks and using property for camping on Rattlesnake sound like trespassing. If this is happening it should be reported to the Alton PD with bow numbers etc. I assume that Poor Richards...
Forum: General Discussion 09-01-2022, 08:01 PM
Replies: 64
Views: 18,338
Posted By hemlock
Hearing date

Here is a link to the hearing.

It has been scheduled on Thursday September 29th at 11 am. The location is at the Tuftonboro Free Library. By law these hearings cannot be held after the end of...
Forum: General Discussion 08-31-2022, 05:33 AM
Replies: 64
Views: 18,338
Posted By hemlock
petition for ragged

If you review the petition for Ragged Island and the signatures it is clear that these were pulled together by an interested party or parties (read a local landowner). I doubt the trust sent staff...
Forum: Home, Cottage or Land Maintenance 03-01-2022, 05:46 PM
Replies: 23
Views: 8,912
Posted By hemlock
wood stove exception

Its what I was told by code enforcement here is results of a search
Exception: The following low-energy buildings, or portions thereof, separated from the
remainder of the building by building...
Forum: Home, Cottage or Land Maintenance 02-28-2022, 09:31 PM
Replies: 23
Views: 8,912
Posted By hemlock
island building

Just built a timber frame on an island. It was pretty simple to meet code issues
for example the windows needed to be framed to allow the correct clear height and width and if within a certain...
Forum: General Discussion 02-02-2022, 03:23 PM
Replies: 4
Views: 2,834
Posted By hemlock

I once was talking to a Moultonborough native about how nice it was to have more loons on the lake and his reply was "Yeah their eggs taste great fried in butter":look:
Forum: General Discussion 09-08-2021, 01:52 PM
Replies: 29
Views: 9,208
Posted By hemlock

In NH if you keep your land open for hunting walking etc then you are more protected against liability than if you post it. The statute says that you do not owe a duty of care to those persons...
Forum: General Discussion 06-14-2021, 05:32 AM
Replies: 46
Views: 31,371
Posted By hemlock

In 1967 My grandfather applied for and received a permit to build a 2 bedroom septic system at the camp. This was the first year septic systems were required in NH. I still have the drawing that...
Forum: Home, Cottage or Land Maintenance 02-07-2021, 06:42 PM
Replies: 3
Views: 3,592
Posted By hemlock
dock setbacks +water depth

20 foot setback from the imaginary extension of the neighboring property line over the water. Dredging or dock modifications can be permitted if you cannot access a statutory boat slip.
Forum: General Discussion 07-22-2020, 12:40 AM
Replies: 158
Views: 113,594
Posted By hemlock
Union Wharf

The town of Tuftonboro is working with an engineer on permitting improvements to Union Wharf. Right now the North side of the wharf is mostly unusable due to gravel and rock making it too shallow...
Forum: General Discussion 07-09-2020, 12:46 PM
Replies: 9
Views: 2,960
Posted By hemlock
Pretty late in the season but try McKenzie's farm...

Pretty late in the season but try McKenzie's farm in Milton.
Forum: General Discussion 06-14-2020, 04:29 PM
Replies: 24
Views: 9,368
Posted By hemlock
First arrived at the lake camping at Camp...

First arrived at the lake camping at Camp Iroquois with parents and grandparents in 1963. So I guess at the time it was 3 generations enjoying the lake. Grandparents then bought on Cow in 1965 and...
Showing results 1 to 25 of 62

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