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Old 08-06-2010, 06:48 AM   #13
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Default Bingo!

Originally Posted by upthesaukee View Post
Participating in the forum section of this site is a privilege, not a right, and that privilege is contingent on following rules.

I look at it in a similar manner for another passion of mine: golf. Most golf courses have rules regarding dress and the use of metal spikes vs. soft spikes. Wear metal spikes, you do not get to play. Dress codes usually are defined as no denim, no halter tops or sleeveless tops, no short shorts or gym shorts, no offensive writing on shirts, etc.. Violate any of these rules and you do not get to play on the course. They may be generous and allow you to play this one time, if not too far over the top, but not repeatedly.

Don has put down a set of rules, and if we want to play, we have to follow his rules, pure and simple. Like a golf course, if you want to wear blue jeans, find a course that allows them. Since joining this forum, I loved the family aspect of it where I could email links to my children (adults) and also grandchildren. That family aspect is being stretched at times, and unfortunately, Don feels the need to moderate Boating forums to get them back in line. So be it.

When we are all back in line, then there is nothing to say he will release the moderation.

Finally, Don: Thanks for all you have done in the past, and continue to do.

This is exactly my position as well - our participation here is a privilege, not a right.

Don Z. owns the forum ... it is his to do with as he see's fit. He is under absolutely no obligation to let anyone post anything at all here, and he is certainly within HIS rights to decide what he believes is and is not appropriate commentary on the forum that he created, owns, pays for and controls.

Over the years I have found Don to be exceedingly fair and even-handed, first in his establishment of appropriate rules for the forum and second in his enforcement of them.

We all agreed to abide by Don's rules when we registered to post here, and those who don't like the rules can simply go elsewhere. THAT is your right.
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