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Old 08-06-2010, 09:16 AM   #17
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Unhappy Reflection point for all ???

Hummm,,, not sure if people are reading my post wrong or just adding their own comments but let me be clear the my disappointment about this change in the operation of the Winnipesaukee Boating forum (and only the boating forum,,,) is not any kind of personal attack on the administrator, its an expression of an extreme disappointment that all will be punished for the actions of a few and that the concept of an fully moderated forum just rubs me so wrong that I am struggling to express my feelings in an palatable and meaningful way.

This not a personal matter, its not some First Amendment concern, its not even an “entitlement” thing were we are talking about who owns what and what rules are legit etc – etc – etc,,,

I am simply expressing my feelings that I am very unhappy about the direction we are heading in as a society.

Forums are places where people express ideas, opinions, engage in discussion (sometimes heated) and vet concerns.

Forums are not places where the thin-skinned are protected from the inconsiderate, where every word is measured to ensure they are politically correct, nor where we go to throw mud at our neighbors.

One would hope that we can go to forums are speak freely and when we don’t like something we don’t read it unless its deemed so offensive that no one should ever read it, if some are advocating that this forum has spiraled into something like that, then they are reading things I have not seen.

I have seen things I did not care for on this forum, but nothing that rises to the level that I felt no one should read it.

If we have reached a point in our society that we need to have someone monitor and approve our communications because we are either so sensitive that we cannot be exposed to such communication or that our exchanges are so rude and inconsiderate that no one should read them then it is clearly a dark period in our history.

But if all this is just because we are letting our sensitivities run amok and we need to live with moderators watching and approving our exchanges, then shame on you all for delegating your adult responsibilities to a moderator to police your communications,,,,

Last edited by XCR-700; 08-06-2010 at 10:30 PM.
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