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Old 03-13-2020, 10:36 AM   #46
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Originally Posted by MAXUM View Post
I love the newly coined phrase "social distancing" how quaint and politically correct.

It's a virus it will spread, some will die from it most will not. Simple as that. What is happening now is mass hysteria fueled by a 24X7 news cycle that has nothing better to do than whip up their viewers for ratings. That is not to downplay how severe it is, by creating mass panic it just makes it that much worse.

The world will survive this, mankind as we know it will not come to an end. If anything, we should be psyched for "global warming" as once it gets hot according to scientists this thing should dissipate.
We could be like China and have all our news coming from the Government. They downplayed the virus until it was so bad they couldn't hide the results any longer.
My best friend has business associates over there and he said they all told him that it's much worse than the government is letting on.
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