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Old 07-07-2020, 04:51 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by MAXUM View Post
Not a complaint, just an observation.

To your first point, and not being argumentative, if the camp cannot operate safely or provide adequate safe guards in place in time to open how is it a renter can in their place assuming that they themselves should conduct themselves to the same standards? Consider a renter has to import all those "safety" mechanisms. Never mind pointing out the where did they come from, a place already with a high concentration of virus so this just invites them to spread it? What an outrage (rolling my eyes the sarcasm of my statement)

To your second point that is a reality however interesting that an organization from out of state can pull that feat off and bring in enough kids\adults or whatever to make it viable.

Frankly I don't care - I just find it ironic that those that wag their finger at everyone you must wear a mask you must social distance, you must comply turn a blind eye to allowing a group of individuals from who knows where to operate a camp that would otherwise be closed and possibly not allowed where they come from. It's not just here either, the AMC three mile island facility is supposed to be closed yet they continue to operate and just this morning brought a boat load of people over. Just interesting how it's a matter of do what I say not as I do.
You make it sound like one central authority is making the decision for all. But that is not the case.

The owners of Winaukee have decided that they do not want to accept responsibility for the health and happiness of a few hundred kids this Summer. That is their right to do so.

The owners of Winaukee have also decided that if someone else wants to accept responsibility for kids this Summer, then they are perfectly free to do that.

So the business owners of Winaukee have made two business decisions that they believe are in their best interest. Separately, a religious group has decided to set up a camp for some kids. Through the magic of the market, both are now better off.

Good freedom loving person that you are, isn't this how you'd like for it to work?
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