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Old 03-07-2021, 04:26 PM   #13
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Default Bear Power

Originally Posted by bilproject View Post
NHEC has been very responsive to restoring power to the islands in the winter over the last few years. Mainland will always come first as people are living in those homes. The islands are more susceptible to damage from wind and heavy snow in the winter due to their exposure. Almost all of the island were out with this last storm and power has been restored to 99%. The balance will not be on until ice out due to the need to get heavy equipment out for pole replacement. I kept everyone updated with information directly from my contact at NHEC on the winni island facebook group and on the bear and pine facebook group. Suggest you join those for information. You can only join those groups if you own island property and there is no trolling like on this forum. To much b____ and trolling here. Anything posted draws criticism from certain members who always seem to have an ax to grind.
You seem offended.
Is it possible you need to be offended?
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