Originally Posted by FlyingScot
And that nobody was SERIOUSLY injured--that about how fast a boat would be traveling to get airborne.
Timely law enforcement interviews will determine if nobody was SERIOUSLY injured. (Or "merely" knocked unconscious).

Had the perpetrators departed the state that night, they could have been willingly hiding injuries.
Originally Posted by ishoot308
I have been to the dock in question…the Searay didn’t go over the dock, it went through it never leaving the water.
View the drone photos here:
While the drone
almost misses a direct overhead shot, the drone still shows
all of the intact joists (stringers) directly depressed under water. Enough intact planking remains to almost reassemble the dock! Was every splintered plank removed before the drone took to the air?
The drone's overhead video also shows how close the Searay came to also striking the
neighboring dock and boat.
I think I'll take my collection of reflectors and secure them to my dock next Spring!
Originally Posted by TheTimeTraveler
One thing to remember about this accident: It happened at night and boating conditions were likely pitch black..........
Darkness, nor any weather condition, doesn't affect the rules of navigation to "Always Keep a Proper Watch".