Originally Posted by sky's
its good to see some mature people have accepted the facts. The fact that man with the big egos have been ruining this lake for years. now bring on the beautiful condos like the new mess next to Cumberland farms towards Weirs Beach omg. we recently ran out of Moultonboro after 24 years and now reside in nice peacful Sandwhich. Sandwhich is what Moultonboro use to be like 24 years ago. real New England People that trust and do business on a hand shake. the lake is just the tip of the ice burg folks sorry for the reality check. best wishes to all.
It’s sad that the rules of capitalization elude even some of the self-proclaimed mature people.
Thankfully, divergent opinions about any number of things don’t correlate with maturity level. The truly mature understand and “accept”this “fact.”
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