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Old 01-22-2025, 10:07 AM   #36
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Originally Posted by bushwack1 View Post
It's my understanding the if a vehicle goes through the ice and needs to be recovered. 1) there are fines imposed in acordance with the amount of time (said petroleum powered vehicle) is in the body of water. My question is who pays that fine, the operator or owner. 2nd Same question who pays for the recovery ? The Operator or the owner? My thought /question is; That if the said vehicle is owned by the town of Gilford, who pays??? The operators or the town of Gilford? ( the Tax payers ??) And before anyone jumps on me, YES I understand the those men were doing thier duty under the employ of the town. But who is liable.
The town, certainly not the operators...Come on....

Chances are the recovery cost will not be that bad and the town is insured. I doubt highly the state will charge a town fees for this.
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