Originally Posted by joey2665
I just posed the question on their Facebook page to see if they have some type of schedule this season for visiting sand bars.
Also from their Facebook page they are selling tickets to board this weekend. The tickets are good for the day and you can board and disembark as you wish so obviously they are staying put this weekend.
Additionally looks like when the Weirs have their fireworks shows you will be able to board.
All this is making me lean towards they are not venturing out this season but I will report back when I have an answer
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I don't think there would be any schedule. I think they want to make the decision to go to a sand bar as last minute as possible due to weather, wind, chop etc. I would think they definitely will stay put until there are enough boaters/people and the water is warm enough to get in the water and walk at a sand bar. My guess is earliest would be mid to late June but maybe later.