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Old 05-21-2008, 07:20 AM   #301
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Originally Posted by Evenstar View Post
It is also not fair that I make one post and 5 or 6 other members attack me – and pick apart everything that I write. It is also not fair that my ability, knowledge, age, and experience are constantly under attack and that I have to provide “credentials” for everything. I’ll continue to complain as long as the forum rules are being broken by others – if the rules of these forums were enforced, I would not have to complain.
It's all about the numbers. Your statistics knowledge should help you with this. You are by yourself (virtually speaking) in this converstation. You have your beliefs, and the 5 or 6 other members who respond to you have their beliefs. Since you are in the minority here...by far I might add...you only feel like you are being ganged up on. You are posting on a website in which a recent poll stated that a majority of the members were against a speed limit. So you should expect to feel like the minority.

I would liken it to a person who does not drink going into a bar and saying that the bar should be banned from selling alcohol.
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Old 05-21-2008, 07:23 AM   #302
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Question Who's the moderator?

Originally Posted by Evenstar View Post
...I’ll continue to complain as long as the forum rules are being broken by others – if the rules of these forums were enforced, I would not have to complain...
There is only one moderator for this website. And I think he continues to do an excellent job balancing the opinions of the many here while wielding his moderator sword carefully and with much consideration.

Do you have any idea how many hours a week he has to spend perusing these speed limit threads? Do you have any idea how much he and his family have sacrificed over the years to allow us the freedom to use this beloved website?

No, you don't. Or you would not be making such an uninformed statement as I have quoted above.

Its simple. You have been given ample opportunity to make your point...again & again & again & again. There are a significant amount of posters within the speed limit threads that have not been convinced by your arguments. Accept that fact and move on. But please, do not attempt to hide the inability of your arguments to convince others by attacking the integrity of our gracious host.

Quite frankly if you truly feel the way you have indicated above, simply find another venue to post your thoughts. Perhaps devote your ample mental prowess towards creating your own kayak themed lakes region website where you can then experience the responsibility of moderating your own threads. Perhaps then you can earn the right to return here, with some sense of credibility, and criticize the job our webmaster is doing running this website!

To the rest...sorry for the rant, but enough is enough.

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Old 05-21-2008, 08:18 AM   #303
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I'd agree with that Skip. The moderator has done an exceptional job of allowing a spirited debate to continue, and I'm sure he's had to intervene at times that most of us may not have witnessed.

He's a very gracious host, and I also appreciate his efforts. I originally found this site when doing some research for a trip. It's an invaluable source for those of us with ties to the region, that no longer live in the area.

My love of boating started on Winni when I was just a small kid, and it continues to this day. I hate to become an old geezer on this point, but I'll not be repeatedly preached to by someone that one day plunked a kayak into a lake and discovered that life is not perfect. My boat cushion has more experience on the lake than her, blah blah blah.

Until the adults get together and decide on plans for meeting with the marine patrol to discuss the real issues, nothing will be solved. I plan to do much the same thing here this summer on my own pond. We have the idiots and offenders, and the patrols were very lax here last summer IMO. As I'm quite sure those in the CG and State Police would much rather be out on the water doing their jobs, I certainly don't blame them, other forces are at work here. There's always those that love to jump to conclusions, support a feel good cause or two, and then there's the mature people that actually do something about it.

I simply cannot have much respect for whiners, selfish ones at that. The problems on most bodies of water are pretty easy to spot. It's high time serious boaters pitch in and help solve the problems.

I thanks those that have made these discussions informative, mostly civil, and pretty helpful to those of us that actually want to help out. Once again, I join Skip in thanking our generous host for his labors, his restraint, and for providing this site for the many other uses it offers.

A tip of my hat to you sir.
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Old 05-21-2008, 09:29 AM   #304
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Exclamation Skip, The man!

I agree with Skip. The webmaster is a grateful host and probably the reason this forum is one of the most talked about forum on the web.

I live on Lake Winni since I was about 7. My parent move to the lake from Winnisquam. At my age, I have to admit, I am well experieced to say a thing or two on this forum.

I occasionally step in to say a thing or two. Enough is enough!

I kayak every morning from sunrise to about 8 or 9 AM. I have no issues with the powerboaters who are respectful at all! The idea of being able to paddle on the lake on a misty morning and hear the loon cry is the best experience I had all my life. To this day I get goosebumps.

There is a time and place for all watercrafts. Be it paddleboats, sailboats or powerboats. If everyone is out at a decent time and everyone recognize each other's place then there shouldn't be a problem. The Captain Boneheads are not limited to skippering powerboats. I have seen them in paddleboats and sailboats as well. Education is a strong tool. Let's get the word out. But to fight for what ails you will have no end in sight.
Someday may never be an actual day.
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Old 05-21-2008, 11:42 AM   #305
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VtSteve makes some good points, however his statement about having little respect for whiners, selfish ones at that , deserves further comment. Evenstar, in my opinion, has been reepeatedly and angrily denounced for opinions which differ from most of the posters on this forum. Her concerns echo those of many of us who feel that boating on Winni has taken on a "wild west, anything goes" atmosphere. The rancor leveled at her and others who have supported a speed limit for Winni has driven away or kept away those who may have dissenting opinions, again in my opinion. Many, many people have earnestly embraced the 45/25 speed limit as a reasonable solution, and there has been no shortage of "whiners" and melodrama in the anti speed limit camp. A few arguments/issues I've had difficulty with:

1) We should not have a speed limit because there are not enough resources to enforce them. Well in my NH town we have many many miles of road and just 1 or 2 cops to enforce speed limits. I can drive for miles and miles with little expectation of seeing a police cruiser. Does that mean we should repeal all speed limits in town? Obviously not...the speed limit alone is a deterrent for most people.

2) The arguments that a speed limit will unequivably drive business from the state . Many business owners have been proponents of the speed limit because they feel it will improve business and that said wild west atmosphere has in fact driven many power boaters away.

3) That the pro speed limit group has a monopoly on all of the melodrama in this controversy over speed limits on the lake. After the house passed the first speed limit, one objector moaned " if the old man of the mtn were still standing, he would have shed a tear today". Oh brother.

4) A poll showing that the majority of NH people are in favor of speed limits has been dismissed with a variety of specious (and angry, bitter) arguments . Our legislators in the House and Senate are characterized as having been totally bamboozled by the Winnfabs (sometimes referred to as Winncrabs, Winnfarts) crowd. One poster commented that we need to vote these hacks out. Isn't that what happened after the last election with a Senate that rejected speed limits?

5) That this law is really only a thinly disguised way of getting boats/boaters off the lake that they don't like. In reality, reasonable people and their representatives make laws all the time to restrict objectionable behavior that is felt to be inappropriate. For example, we have laws in my town that regulate dogs who bark all night. Have we enacted legislation against dogs/owners that we don't like? Call it whatever you want. And if people object to boats going 70 MPH 150' from the little put put from which they are fishing...well.

Well, enough for now, but to Evenstar, just because you've been singled out and maligned in a forum where you are the minority doesn't mean that no one hasn't noted your sincere committment to what you believe in. Keep up the good work. The speed limit will happen. Maybe people will even slow down enough to ... see the turtles.
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Old 05-21-2008, 11:56 AM   #306
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Originally Posted by Turtle Boy View Post
1) We should not have a speed limit because there are not enough resources to enforce them. Well in my NH town we have many many miles of road and just 1 or 2 cops to enforce speed limits. I can drive for miles and miles with little expectation of seeing a police cruiser. Does that mean we should repeal all speed limits in town? Obviously not...the speed limit alone is a deterrent for most people.
The MP has a difficult time enforcing the current laws on the books. Most importantly the 150 foot rule and DUI!

Originally Posted by Turtle Boy View Post
4) A poll showing that the majority of NH people are in favor of speed limits has been dismissed with a variety of specious (and angry, bitter) arguments . Our legislators in the House and Senate are characterized as having been totally bamboozled by the Winnfabs (sometimes referred to as Winncrabs, Winnfarts) crowd.
So the pro speed limit crowd references the poll over and over, and the anti speed limit crowd references the speed study. Flaws in both polls have been exposed and debated here in the recent months.

We've taken a poll here which yielded a vastly different result than the one in Manchester....

The speed limit study (no matter how you add/subtract/divide/multiply) shows that under 1% of the sample study were exceeding the propsed limits.

In conclusion, I ask you - what problem is the speed limit addressing?
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Old 05-21-2008, 12:45 PM   #307
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Originally Posted by Ryan View Post

In conclusion, I ask you - what problem is the speed limit addressing?
Do you mean other than the long list that has already been presented many times?
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Old 05-21-2008, 12:46 PM   #308
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Originally Posted by Turtle Boy View Post
VtSteve makes some good points, however his statement about having little respect for whiners, selfish ones at that , deserves further comment. Evenstar, in my opinion, has been reepeatedly and angrily denounced for opinions which differ from most of the posters on this forum. Her concerns echo those of many of us who feel that boating on Winni has taken on a "wild west, anything goes" atmosphere. The rancor leveled at her and others who have supported a speed limit for Winni has driven away or kept away those who may have dissenting opinions, again in my opinion. Many, many people have earnestly embraced the 45/25 speed limit as a reasonable solution, and there has been no shortage of "whiners" and melodrama in the anti speed limit camp. A few arguments/issues I've had difficulty with:

1) We should not have a speed limit because there are not enough resources to enforce them. Well in my NH town we have many many miles of road and just 1 or 2 cops to enforce speed limits. I can drive for miles and miles with little expectation of seeing a police cruiser. Does that mean we should repeal all speed limits in town? Obviously not...the speed limit alone is a deterrent for most people.

2) The arguments that a speed limit will unequivably drive business from the state . Many business owners have been proponents of the speed limit because they feel it will improve business and that said wild west atmosphere has in fact driven many power boaters away.

3) That the pro speed limit group has a monopoly on all of the melodrama in this controversy over speed limits on the lake. After the house passed the first speed limit, one objector moaned " if the old man of the mtn were still standing, he would have shed a tear today". Oh brother.

4) A poll showing that the majority of NH people are in favor of speed limits has been dismissed with a variety of specious (and angry, bitter) arguments . Our legislators in the House and Senate are characterized as having been totally bamboozled by the Winnfabs (sometimes referred to as Winncrabs, Winnfarts) crowd. One poster commented that we need to vote these hacks out. Isn't that what happened after the last election with a Senate that rejected speed limits?

5) That this law is really only a thinly disguised way of getting boats/boaters off the lake that they don't like. In reality, reasonable people and their representatives make laws all the time to restrict objectionable behavior that is felt to be inappropriate. For example, we have laws in my town that regulate dogs who bark all night. Have we enacted legislation against dogs/owners that we don't like? Call it whatever you want. And if people object to boats going 70 MPH 150' from the little put put from which they are fishing...well.

Well, enough for now, but to Evenstar, just because you've been singled out and maligned in a forum where you are the minority doesn't mean that no one hasn't noted your sincere committment to what you believe in. Keep up the good work. The speed limit will happen. Maybe people will even slow down enough to ... see the turtles.
Repeatedly, the obvious things argued were ignored. Having a speed limit will not, repeat, will not, prevent the 150' rule from being violated. There were some that finally broke down and claimed that their support for 45/25 was primarily based on getting rid of as many GFBL boats as they could. Evenstar was repeatedly making the claim that she was in constant fear of "high-speed boats" invading her 150' area, and never once (to the best of my feeble memory), complained about the lack of enforcement. She also went through some rather dubious statistical feats to try and discredit the MP speed study.

I've always contended that the major areas being cited as reason enough for the speed limit were flawed. BI's many posts regarding the NWZ being violated, sometimes at very high speeds, spoke to the complete lack of enforcement there. The 150' rule is one of the most fundamental safety laws on the lake. But according to many, it is violated constantly. I'm admitting that I'm assuming here, that in order to avoid discussions about increased MP presence and funding for enforcement, she in particular went out of her way to come up with some rather creative reasoning. I don't automatically assume that by having a speed limit it will cut down on the number of 150' violations. I base this assumption only on the fact that the vast majority of violations I've witnessed over the years through now, and other's stated posts, are done by boaters not exceeding the proposed speed limit.

The last desperation of some concluded that the tragic accident that occurred in the bay, was reason enough for the speed limit. The boat was "calculated" to be doing 28mph at night, not 25mph or less. The more crap that was thrown out regarding erosion, waves, etc... I quickly realized there were other reasons for the limit being proposed. Some admitted to it, others to this day do not.

I think the reason she was "singled out", as you put it, is not because of her position. Heck, everyone has opinions. It was the fact that she engages in behavior on the lake that many of us old timers viewed as imprudent forty years ago, let alone today. That was an opinion, so fine and fair. But to use outrageous extrapolations of data and call it statistical evidence that proves a study is flawed, totally dismiss the flag on kayak issue that I know many kayakers actually think is a good idea, and to repeatedly state opinions as fact is subject to a heated debate.

The fact that no proponents of the new law, (again, that I'm aware of), ever engaged in a discussion of the lack of enforcement or additional funding, spoke volumes as to where their stands really were on the issue. They apparently weren't scared that the new speed limit would be enforced, only that it was passed.

So no, I have no respect for whiners that will not, repeat, will not address concerns about enforcement, and will not even begin to discuss their own behavior. Many of us have been boating for decades, and know full well what the problems on the water are. The first time I had the discussion of reckless behavior on Winni was some 25 years ago, which is a couple of decades plus longer than she ever dropped her sea kayak in the lake. Her complaints almost coincided with her boat getting wet there. But instead of realizing that the laws she cites repeatedly be enforced, she spent a great deal of time supporting this new law, never really entering into a discussion as to how it would be enforced.

Statistical studies aside, I call that BS every time I see it. Those that are never wrong, rarely engage in discussion that could lead to obvious solutions. As one of the MP dudes said, you'd think Winni was total carnage during the summer. In reality, there are some boaters that need to be spanked for their actions, or just taken off the lake. So don't get all teary eyed about angry rebuttals, the total refusal to debate facts or solutions that would be obvious to most is the real issue.

The next step is already on the table. Next summer, exactly what will be done to solve the problems?
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Old 05-21-2008, 01:01 PM   #309
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Originally Posted by Ryan View Post

We've taken a poll here which yielded a vastly different result than the one in Manchester....
Now there's an unbiased statistical sampling (not). It's like polling 4 foxes and a chicken on what they'd like to have for dinner.
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Old 05-21-2008, 01:09 PM   #310
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Originally Posted by Turtle Boy View Post
Now there's an unbiased statistical sampling (not). It's like polling 4 foxes and a chicken on what they'd like to have for dinner.
Why is that unbiased? Because it was on a Boating Forum on Winnipesaukee.com Forum where all members had a chance to vote?

Because it involved people that have an inkling of interest in Winnipesaukee and/or because it directly contradicts the Manchester poll?

Or because it doesn't support the agenda of the pro speed limit crowd?

(For the record, I didn't vote)

Back to my original question - What problem is the speed limit going to solve in 2009?
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Old 05-21-2008, 01:10 PM   #311
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Originally Posted by Turtle Boy View Post
Well in my NH town we have many many miles of road and just 1 or 2 cops to enforce speed limits. I can drive for miles and miles with little expectation of seeing a police cruiser.
You certainly don't live in Moultonborough - they've got a handful they can lend you.

It will be interesting to see how much enforcement goes into the law. As discussed once or twice (or more...), accurately getting a boat speed isn't as easy as a cop driving around with his radar on. If the goal of this is to make the lake safer, they'll be out looking for people during the peak boating times in all the usual areas. If they're looking to get everyone who's violating the law, they'll be up bright and early to get the bass boats that go cruising by my house with just their prop in the water.

For the record, I'm against the limit although not really for my personal gain. My jet ski will break the law, but it's pretty much in the margin of error range of the limit and I'm not doing that all that often. I think there are more issues with the 150' rule and general Capt. inattention. The proponents of the law will say that at least the boneheads are going slower. I guess that's a win for them but I say that they're still boneheads and they're still captaining a multi-ton vessel.
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Old 05-21-2008, 01:18 PM   #312
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Originally Posted by VtSteve View Post
The next step is already on the table. Next summer, exactly what will be done to solve the problems?
Increased enforcement is a great idea. To bad it will never happen. It's a pipe dream. You might as well look to Santa Clause and the Tooth Fairy to solve the lakes problems.

Skip posted this a while back
Just for clarification. The NHSP officers that on occasion operate motorcycles are not permanently assigned to those uints. They are regular troopers that are assigned cruisers, They supplement the cruiser on occasion with a motorcycle patrol. During inclement weather and the winter they revert to regular cruiser patrol.

Also, in case some have not heard, the Governor has made it clear he will veto any programs that have additional cost. Your average NHSP trooper earns at least double the hourly wage of a seasonal NHMP officer. After you factor in medical & retirement costs for the full time troopers you are looking at a cost of 2.5 to 3x that of the seasonal officers you arer looking to replace. In the cash strapped situatiion this State is facing during these tough economic times no one is going to authorize that kind of additional spending to supervise a bunch of recreational boaters on Winnipesaukee.

These threads have been very entertaining to read for the most part, full of fire & brimstone and and humor and angst, and untold hyperbole. But lets get back to reality for a moment.

Yes, we are all aggravated by the overcrowding that occurs one or two weekend days a week for maybe eight or ten weekends a year. We all have stories of close calls and "Captain Boneheads" galore.

But the simple fact is given the tens of thousands of boats that ply New Hampshire's inland waters every season, major accidents and deaths are so rare that they are statistically insignificant. And while the State may pass a few more regulations to satisfy a political constituency or two, there will be no new money coming for enforcement and there are no announced or planned major shakeups at New Hampshire Marine Patrol.

Try to convince the NH resident and taxpayer (and voter) caught daily in the traffic congestion on Routes 93, 95 or 101 that money and law enforcement resources needs to be diverted away from the problems they see on their commutes to babysit recreational boating on Lake Winnipesuakee!

Sorry folks, but I think a lot of you need to put this whole debate in a much better (and wider) perspective. And when you do, you will realize that speed limit or not, much of what concerns you on the big Lake will not change regardless of the final status of HB 847.

The sad but simple fact is that in the end both sides are going to be greatly disappointed with the outcome of this particular legislation.
A speed limit will have at least some deterrent effect without additional funding. Solutions that will never be implemented are not solutions.
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Old 05-21-2008, 01:24 PM   #313
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Originally Posted by Ryan View Post
Why is that unbiased? Because it was on a Boating Forum on Winnipesaukee.com Forum where all members had a chance to vote?
No, because this is primarily a forum for those who are against a speed limit. And as in my previous post, the rancor leveled against dissenting opinion has driven off/kept away the speed limit proponents. Chicken for dinner anyone?

Last edited by Turtle Boy; 05-21-2008 at 01:26 PM. Reason: punctuation
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Old 05-21-2008, 01:26 PM   #314
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[QUOTE=Turtle Boy;70939]
Originally Posted by Ryan View Post
Why is that unbiased? Because it was on a Boating Forum on Winnipesaukee.com Forum where all members had a chance to vote?

No, because this is primarily a forum for those who are against a speed limit. And as in my previous post, the rancor leveled against dissenting opinion has driven off/kept away the speed limit proponents. Chicken for dinner anyone.
Can you back that with fact? Or is this going to be based on your opinion?
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Old 05-21-2008, 01:34 PM   #315
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Originally Posted by Ryan View Post

Can you back that with fact? Or is this going to be based on your opinion?
One doesn't need a Ph.D. in mathematics or statistics to see that this is primarily a forum for the no speed limit crowd, which is why the previous poll of NH residents has far more statistical significance.

Last edited by Turtle Boy; 05-21-2008 at 01:38 PM. Reason: quotewrong
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Old 05-21-2008, 01:48 PM   #316
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Originally Posted by Turtle Boy View Post
One doesn't need a Ph.D. in mathematics or statistics to see that this is primarily a forum for the no speed limit crowd, which is why the previous poll of NH residents has far more statistical significance.
So, based on your opinion, a poll on a forum that represents members of the Winnipesaukee community has a lesser significance than a poll which questions NH citizens with no interest whatsoever in the lakes region?

Opinions aside, you still haven't illustrated what problem the speed limit bill is going to solve. I'll wait....
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Old 05-21-2008, 01:58 PM   #317
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Originally Posted by Turtle Boy View Post
One doesn't need a Ph.D. in mathematics or statistics to see that this is primarily a forum for the no speed limit crowd, which is why the previous poll of NH residents has far more statistical significance.
Funny how people see things different.How about maybe it represents how the people that use this lake really feel and not those who have never been in a boat.The numbers speak volumes,especially from where they are derived.
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Old 05-21-2008, 02:05 PM   #318
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Originally Posted by Turtle Boy View Post
One doesn't need a Ph.D. in mathematics or statistics to see that this is primarily a forum for the no speed limit crowd, which is why the previous poll of NH residents has far more statistical significance.
We post here because we use the lake. This forum is for ALL who use the lake. It just so happens that more people who frequent this forum are against the speed limit. Which to me means that more people frequent the lake are against it.

Why do people who never boat on Winnipesaukee have more say than those of us who do?

This is exactly why I have a problem with my local representative. She had never been on Winni, and had no intentions to do so. Heck, her region is the Concord area. So who was she representing when she voted in favor of HB847?
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Old 05-21-2008, 02:12 PM   #319
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Originally Posted by Ryan View Post
So, based on your opinion, a poll on a forum that represents members of the Winnipesaukee community has a lesser significance than a poll which questions NH citizens with no interest whatsoever in the lakes region?

Opinions aside, you still haven't illustrated what problem the speed limit bill is going to solve. I'll wait....
Please re-read my posts of today. Yes indeed, it has less significance. For example, if you wanted an unbiased look at alcohol issues in this country, you wouldn't poll people at a temperance meeting or your local bar. If you want an un-biased sampling of opinion about Winni speed limits, you wouldn't poll a Winnfabs meeting or this forum.
Again re-read my initial post of today...the speed limit will address the "wild west, anything goes" mentality that is driving so many people away from the lake.
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Old 05-21-2008, 02:18 PM   #320
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Originally Posted by chipj29 View Post
We post here because we use the lake. This forum is for ALL who use the lake. It just so happens that more people who frequent this forum are against the speed limit. Which to me means that more people frequent the lake are against it.
Interesting theory but statistically flawed...see my previous post...if you want a valid, statistically neutral opinion about alcohol use in this country, don't go to a temperence meeting or to your local bar. If you want the same for speed limits, don't go to this forum or to a Winnfabs meeting
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Old 05-21-2008, 02:25 PM   #321
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Originally Posted by Turtle Boy View Post
Again re-read my initial post of today...the speed limit will address the "wild west, anything goes" mentality that is driving so many people away from the lake.
I don't think that "increased boat traffic" is a good selling point of a speed limit.
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Old 05-21-2008, 02:56 PM   #322
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Originally Posted by Turtle Boy View Post
...the speed limit will address the "wild west, anything goes" mentality that is driving so many people away from the lake.
I'm not sure what lake you boat on, but speed is not, and has never been a main factor in any accident on the lake.

The speed survey showed that 0.29% of the boats were travelling at a rate of speed greater than 45mph. That's not even 1%!!!!

This survey also doesn't account for those 0.29% that were driving recklessly....
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Old 05-21-2008, 02:56 PM   #323
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Originally Posted by Turtle Boy View Post
Interesting theory but statistically flawed...see my previous post...if you want a valid, statistically neutral opinion about alcohol use in this country, don't go to a temperence meeting or to your local bar. If you want the same for speed limits, don't go to this forum or to a Winnfabs meeting
I agree with you in theory...but this is about people who USE the lake. The forum members here USE the lake. The speed limit would apply to people who USE the lake. Why do people who do NOT use the lake care either way about a speed limit?

And what's with the "wild west" thing? Is it really that bad on the lake? I think not.
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Old 05-21-2008, 02:56 PM   #324
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Originally Posted by neckdweller View Post
I don't think that "increased boat traffic" is a good selling point of a speed limit.
maybe you're right though one has to look at the kind of traffic....low impact, 15 HP, 150 HP, 15 MPH, 30 MPH, vs high impact, 800 HP, 70 MPH. We have a saying where I work that 95% of the complaints and problems are generated by 5% of the people. I see similar examples on Winni.
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Old 05-21-2008, 02:59 PM   #325
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Originally Posted by Ryan View Post
I'm not sure what lake you boat on, but speed is not, and has never been a main factor in any accident on the lake.
The speed survey showed that 0.29% of the boats were travelling at a rate of speed greater than 45mph. That's not even 1%!!!!

This survey also doesn't account for those 0.29% that were driving recklessly....
Whatever you do, don't ask any of the speed limit supporters to show evidence that excessive speed (over the proposed limits) is a main factor in any accidents on the lake. They will give one example from a night time accident a couple years ago, and that is all they have.

What one thing do a majority of the boating accidents have in common?
Here is a hint...it begins with a guy named AL...
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Old 05-21-2008, 03:01 PM   #326
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Originally Posted by Turtle Boy View Post
Interesting theory but statistically flawed...see my previous post...if you want a valid, statistically neutral opinion about alcohol use in this country, don't go to a temperence meeting or to your local bar. If you want the same for speed limits, don't go to this forum or to a Winnfabs meeting
If this forum were entirely filled with members who oppose speed limits, then you'd have a valid point. But it is not. It is a forum comprised of members of the Lakes Region and surrounding commumities, so your comparisons and metaphors are illogical and false.
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Old 05-21-2008, 03:05 PM   #327
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Originally Posted by chipj29 View Post
I agree with you in theory...but this is about people who USE the lake. The forum members here USE the lake. The speed limit would apply to people who USE the lake. Why do people who do NOT use the lake care either way about a speed limit?

And what's with the "wild west" thing? Is it really that bad on the lake? I think not.
please consult any basic reference on polling and you will understand why this forum could be no more valid than polling Kentucky or Oregon alone about who should be the next president.
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Old 05-21-2008, 03:11 PM   #328
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Originally Posted by Turtle Boy View Post
Interesting theory but statistically flawed...see my previous post...if you want a valid, statistically neutral opinion about alcohol use in this country, don't go to a temperence meeting or to your local bar. If you want the same for speed limits, don't go to this forum or to a Winnfabs meeting
I agree with your points in theory, BUT.....if someone's going to do a poll about speed limits on Lake Winnipesaukee, I would AT LEAST expect the people being polled to be FIRST asked if they have EVER operated a powerboat and, if so, have they ever operated said boat on Lake Winnipesaukee. I see no point in asking the average person on the street with no boating experience if there is a need for a speed limit on the lake.
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Old 05-21-2008, 03:14 PM   #329
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Originally Posted by Ryan View Post
If this forum were entirely filled with members who oppose speed limits, then you'd have a valid point. But it is not. It is a forum comprised of members of the Lakes Region and surrounding commumities, so your comparisons and metaphors are illogical and false.
Ryan please see my post from 4:05 PM...a poll derived entirely from a single forum violates all accepted basic tenets and fundamentals of statistics, polling and sampling error. Any statitition or pollster will tell you a poll of only this forum would have zero validity.
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Old 05-21-2008, 03:23 PM   #330
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Originally Posted by Turtle Boy View Post
Ryan please see my post from 4:05 PM...a poll derived entirely from a single forum violates all accepted basic tenets and fundamentals of statistics, polling and sampling error. Any statitition or pollster will tell you a poll of only this forum would have zero validity.
Since we're just going to reference prior posts, please see Wolfboro Baja's post from above.

Unfortunately, this has been hashed out over and over again, and you're not going to win in this crowd.

So, let's move on to our 0.29% of reckless boaters that are going to be scooped up and moved off the lake in 2009!!!!

The thoughts of mass safety are almost palpable!!!!
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Old 05-21-2008, 03:48 PM   #331
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[QUOTE=Ryan;70966]Since we're just going to reference prior posts, please see Wolfboro Baja's post from above.

Unfortunately, this has been hashed out over and over again, and you're not going to win in this crowd.

At last, something we can both agree upon.
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Old 05-21-2008, 03:56 PM   #332
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Originally Posted by Ryan View Post

The thoughts of mass safety are almost palpable!!!!
I'm not sure about the thoughts of mass safety being palpable but the thoughts of mass tranquility are very palpable.
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Old 05-21-2008, 03:57 PM   #333
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Originally Posted by Turtle Boy View Post
Ryan please see my post from 4:05 PM...a poll derived entirely from a single forum violates all accepted basic tenets and fundamentals of statistics, polling and sampling error. Any statitition or pollster will tell you a poll of only this forum would have zero validity.
I've read all your posts today so please don't ask me to read them again. Ok so from your posts you seem intelligent enough to realize that your analogy of polling a bar for alcohol laws is ludicrous and silly. Alcoholism affects millions, actually just about everyone. Boating on this lake affects those who boat on this lake. Polling people in Manchester who do not use this lake or do not intend to use this lake is, in one succinct word stupid. Polling a website dedicated to this lake and the users of this lake carries far more validity IMO. Please tell me, without using metaphor, how and why you disagree with this. Keep in mind The Lake Winnipesaukee Forum is read by, posted on and frequented by lovers and users of Lake Winnipesaukee. Boaters, Kayakers, Waterskiers, Swimmers, Sailors, Residents, Vacationers, etc. etc. I would argue that this site directly reflects a cross section of the make up of the users of this lake. So are you suggesting that only the Speed Limit opponents are the ones who post on this site? I suggest that based on the poll done here and all of the discussion here that this forum, again a direct cross section of the populous of the lake, is largely against a speed limit. So why is it that the non-users of this lake are telling the users of this lake how we should use our lake?
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Old 05-21-2008, 04:27 PM   #334
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Originally Posted by hazelnut View Post
I would argue that this site directly reflects a cross section of the make up of the users of this lake.
Do you have any objective data to this point or is it just your opinion? Again, any statitician or pollster would agree that a poll from a single forum like this has zero validity. How about if we polled members of the Lake's Region Conservation Trust or NH Lakes Assoc.? Their results would be equally biased. Why...because people of like opinions tend to belong to forums reflecting their views.

So, that being said, I've read in these pages that our Reps. and Senators are "hacks" that should be voted out of office, a poll of NH voters asking what they feel is right for their lakes has no relevence, and seen rather vicious attacks to anyone with dissenting opinions contrary to those prevailing on this site. Yet the bill passed despite the, what was it, 85 % of people on this forum's poll who feel a speed limit is unnecessary? Maybe it's a great big conspiracy???
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Old 05-21-2008, 04:33 PM   #335
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Originally Posted by Turtle Boy View Post
Do you have any objective data to this point or is it just your opinion? Again, any statitician or pollster would agree that a poll from a single forum like this has zero validity. How about if we polled members of the Lake's Region Conservation Trust or NH Lakes Assoc.? Their results would be equally biased. Why...because people of like opinions tend to belong to forums reflecting their views.

So, that being said, I've read in these pages that our Reps. and Senators are "hacks" that should be voted out of office, a poll of NH voters asking what they feel is right for their lakes has no relevence, and seen rather vicious attacks to anyone with dissenting opinions contrary to those prevailing on this site. Yet the bill passed despite the, what was it, 85 % of people on this forum's poll who feel a speed limit is unnecessary? Maybe it's a great big conspiracy???

Originally Posted by Ryan View Post
Please see Wolfboro Baja's post from above.
Apparently, you have not read much into these pages, as just as recently as Monday, there was a discussion surrounding some of the Op Ed pieces published by the pro speed limit force. I suggest you take a look at that discussion before you start tossing around "conspiracy" theories...
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Old 05-21-2008, 04:41 PM   #336
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Originally Posted by Ryan View Post
Apparently, you have not read much into these pages, as just as recently as Monday, there was a discussion surrounding some of the Op Ed pieces published by the pro speed limit force. I suggest you take a look at that discussion before you start tossing around "conspiracy" theories...
yes indeed I have read the trashing of Sandy Helve articles and that now even letters to the editor need to have annotated references. Oh well, if you don't like the message, attack the messenger.
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Old 05-21-2008, 04:46 PM   #337
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Originally Posted by Turtle Boy View Post
yes indeed I have read the trashing of Sandy Helve articles and that now even letters to the editor need to have annotated references. Oh well, if you don't like the message, attack the messenger.
The debate was over the questionable content in her op ed piece.

Her background came into question well after.
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Old 05-21-2008, 04:49 PM   #338
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Originally Posted by chipj29 View Post
Whatever you do, don't ask any of the speed limit supporters to show evidence that excessive speed (over the proposed limits) is a main factor in any accidents on the lake. They will give one example from a night time accident a couple years ago, and that is all they have.

What one thing do a majority of the boating accidents have in common?
Here is a hint...it begins with a guy named AL...
And that example was an estimate..............
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Old 05-21-2008, 04:59 PM   #339
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Originally Posted by Turtle Boy View Post
Maybe it's a great big conspiracy???
Then, again, perhaps someone is fine-tuning their spin skills, in preparation for the November election spinathon.

Then, again, perhaps the second string has been called to duty since a certain poster is noticeable absent from the ongoing diatribe.
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Old 05-21-2008, 05:34 PM   #340
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Originally Posted by Turtle Boy View Post
yes indeed I have read the trashing of Sandy Helve articles and that now even letters to the editor need to have annotated references. Oh well, if you don't like the message, attack the messenger.
And Global Warming gonna get you before Al or Speedo GFBL does.


Just think, Winni will be part of the ocean, and the boats will get larger and faster. Kinda skeery isn't it?
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Old 05-21-2008, 06:20 PM   #341
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Hmmm, Turtle Boy has his first 13 posts in 7 hours all looking to pick a fight. I wouldn't go as far as to call him a troll, but he is pretty close. As soon as I can figure out that ignore feature, I think I'll make use of it.
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Old 05-21-2008, 07:38 PM   #342
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Originally Posted by Turtle Boy View Post
yes indeed I have read the trashing of Sandy Helve articles and that now even letters to the editor need to have annotated references. Oh well, if you don't like the message, attack the messenger.
Yo Turtle Boy,

If the proponents did not make up "facts", no one would question the source of their numbers. However, this whole issue of 'speed limits needed to improve safety on the lake' is a "house of cards". That is why knowledgeable people question Winnfabs "facts". In almost every case, the "facts" have been fiction.

You can fool some of the people all of the time, and you can fool all of the people some of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time! (This is not an original statement, but I do not remember who said it first.) When I see, read or hear something that I know is untrue or a big stretch of the facts, I ask questions. I am sure that is what the others are doing as well. That is what knowledgeable folks should be doing.

I hope this explains the behavior. No one is attacking any messenger, but they have every right to seek the truth.


Last edited by Resident 2B; 05-21-2008 at 09:03 PM.
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Old 05-21-2008, 08:24 PM   #343
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Thumbs down Speed kills

This law has been a big waste of time and is almost impossible to enforce. Lets be real here people.. We live in a state where huge SUVs drive inches from Massive Walmart Eighteen wheelers doing Eighty mile per hour.. Legally......... For gods sake, Now they want a forty five mile limit on open water...

Pass the Weed Law, do something useless state reps.......

Waste of tax payers money.. in my opinion...
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Old 05-21-2008, 08:51 PM   #344
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Originally Posted by Turtle Boy View Post
Do you have any objective data to this point or is it just your opinion? Again, any statitician or pollster would agree that a poll from a single forum like this has zero validity. How about if we polled members of the Lake's Region Conservation Trust or NH Lakes Assoc.? Their results would be equally biased. Why...because people of like opinions tend to belong to forums reflecting their views.
Ummmm yeah it's my opinion. Didn't I make that crystal clear when I said:

I would argue that this site directly reflects a cross section of the make up of the users of this lake.

Did I really need to add the "in my opinion" statement???

So it's pretty obvious that you skimmed my post but you didn't really read it. Why does this poll have Zero validity. Is that YOUR opinion. Point me to the statistician that tells me that the Manchester Poll had more or ANY validity to it. This forum brings LIKE MINDED individuals together. People who LIKE the lake. Not people who like to go fast in fast boats. If you even read one tenth of the posts on this forum you would know that most of the opponents here on this site DO NOT own Go Fast Boats. So much for your theories and cute analogies. I'd say you're back to square one. Good try though.
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Old 05-21-2008, 09:15 PM   #345
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Originally Posted by hazelnut View Post
Ummmm yeah it's my opinion. Didn't I make that crystal clear when I said:

I would argue that this site directly reflects a cross section of the make up of the users of this lake.

Did I really need to add the "in my opinion" statement???

So it's pretty obvious that you skimmed my post but you didn't really read it. Why does this poll have Zero validity. Is that YOUR opinion. Point me to the statistician that tells me that the Manchester Poll had more or ANY validity to it. This forum brings LIKE MINDED individuals together. People who LIKE the lake. Not people who like to go fast in fast boats. If you even read one tenth of the posts on this forum you would know that most of the opponents here on this site DO NOT own Go Fast Boats. So much for your theories and cute analogies. I'd say you're back to square one. Good try though.
All I ask is that you review any basic statistics/polling reference. Boy, they say the Winnfabs crowd is angry and has no sense of humor. Have you considered switching to decaf?
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Old 05-21-2008, 09:28 PM   #346
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Originally Posted by Turtle Boy View Post
...the speed limit will address the "wild west, anything goes" mentality that is driving so many people away from the lake.
What?? What statistics do you have to back this statement up? I would really be interested in a more factual statement than this. This is nothing more than a simple propeganda statement with zero merit and no basis.
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Old 05-21-2008, 09:37 PM   #347
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Originally Posted by EricP View Post
What?? What statistics do you have to back this statement up? I would really be interested in a more factual statement than this. This is nothing more than a simple propeganda statement with zero merit and no basis.
OK, and what statistics do you have to refute this statement?
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Old 05-21-2008, 09:45 PM   #348
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Originally Posted by Turtle Boy View Post
OK, and what statistics do you have to refute this statement?
You have the burden of proof, not I. You claim the lake has this alledged "wild west, anything goes" mentality then you have to prove it. You can't just make up stuff willy nilly. You have to have proof.
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Old 05-21-2008, 09:54 PM   #349
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Originally Posted by EricP View Post
You have the burden of proof, not I. You claim the lake has this alledged "wild west, anything goes" mentality then you have to prove it. You can't just make up stuff willy nilly. You have to have proof.
OK, you say this is nothing more than a propeganda (sic) statement...what do you want? A recorded statement from a GFBL boater who yelled from the top of his lungs "Yee Hah, this is the wild west" while traveling through the entrance to Winter Harbor at 70 MPH on Aug 2nd, 2006? Get real.
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Old 05-21-2008, 09:59 PM   #350
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Turtle Boy,

If you have any boating experience on Lake Winnipesaukee, you clearly realize how wrong and deceptive your "wild west, anything goes" statement really is. Almost every boater on the lake respects the rules, the safety of other boaters, the 150' rule and the No Wake Zones. However, there are a few boaters that are "Capt. Boneheads" that have less than appropriate respect for the rules. These folks are a small minority, but the real and big problem.

If your cause is to educate and eliminate this small minority of "Captain Boneheads" you will find total and complete agreement from the opposition side of the speed limit issue. This is the real safety issue and every boater on the lake knows this. However, if you have other intentions, then keep up your trolling.

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Old 05-21-2008, 10:04 PM   #351
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Originally Posted by Turtle Boy View Post
OK, you say this is nothing more than a propeganda (sic) statement...what do you want? A recorded statement from a GFBL boater who yelled from the top of his lungs "Yee Hah, this is the wild west" while traveling through the entrance to Winter Harbor at 70 MPH on Aug 2nd, 2006? Get real.
I'd like you to not make statements to further your opinion that are off the chart ridiculous
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Old 05-21-2008, 10:06 PM   #352
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Originally Posted by Resident 2B View Post
Turtle Boy,

If you have any boating experience on Lake Winnipesaukee, you clearly realize how wrong and deceptive your "wild west, anything goes" statement really is. Almost every boater on the lake respects the rules, the safety of other boaters, the 150' rule and the No Wake Zones. However, there are a few boaters that are "Capt. Boneheads" that have less than appropriate respect for the rules. These folks are a small minority, but the real and big problem.

If your cause is to educate and eliminate this small minority of "Captain Boneheads" you will find total and complete agreement from the opposition side of the speed limit issue. This is the real safety issue and every boater on the lake knows this. However, if you have other intentions, then keep up your trolling.


If trolling means holding people accountable for their statements expressed on this forum, then...guilty as charged. And I rest my case that this forum is not in the least bit representative of a true cross section of the Winni boating population. goodnight (and slow down, maybe you'll spot a turtle or two).
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Old 05-21-2008, 10:08 PM   #353
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Thumbs down Unlimited Speeds - NOT. and the DIfference between Trolling and Flooding

One of the problems I have with Evenstar and some of the other pro 45/25 speed limit crusaders is their constant cry about the alleged Wild West atmosphere of boaters here. They claim reckless UNLIMITED SPEED is making our lake unsafe. They keep pushing the scary misleading concept of Unlimited Speeds by boaters. The facts have been presented numerous times that clearly show that there are laws in place making it illegal to boat unsafely. Unreasonable speeds are unsafe. Reasonable and safe speeds vary depending on the day, the season, the weather, the conditions and the traffic. There are already laws regarding reasonable, safe speeds on the lake.

Originally Posted by ITD View Post
Hmmm, Turtle Boy has his first 13 posts in 7 hours all looking to pick a fight. I wouldn't go as far as to call him a troll, but he is pretty close. As soon as I can figure out that ignore feature, I think I'll make use of it.
Sorry to disagree with you ITD, especially in this thread, but I believe you are wrong. Just plain wrong ! I don't think that our two new-this-month members are trolling. We are all entitled to our opinions and in my opinion I'd say they were FLOODING.

I almost gave up wading through all the messages in this thread today that came from just 2 people. I had a few items to address to Evenstar regarding her question to me but I'll have to wait until my head stops spinning from all of todays messages. while I was writing this several other exchanges already took place. Whew!

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Old 05-21-2008, 10:19 PM   #354
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Originally Posted by Turtle Boy View Post
If trolling means holding people accountable for their statements expressed on this forum, then...guilty as charged. And I rest my case that this forum is not in the least bit representative of a true cross section of the Winni boating population. goodnight (and slow down, maybe you'll spot a turtle or two).
This forum clearly is a cross section of all people with an interest in life on and around the lake. We have had a lively discussion from good people on both sides of a highly charged issue. Although at times, people, including myself, stepped over the line, the discussion, for the most part had excellent representation from both sides of this issue.

For someone who joined this forum within the last week, with almost all posts looking start arguments with other posters, I must question your intentions. Your posts look like the posts of a troll to me. I see no real effort to hold people accountable on your behalf. It looks like pure trolling to me, but to be fair, that is not my call.

For the record, I do not drink coffee, so do not mention your cute little decaf statement to me. I also know a real turtle when I meet one, and unless the turtles have signifacantly lowered their standards recently, you are a trutle in your definition only.


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Old 05-21-2008, 10:21 PM   #355
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Originally Posted by Skipper of the Sea Que View Post
One of the problems I have with Evenstar and some of the other pro 45/25 speed limit crusaders is their constant cry about the alleged Wild West atmosphere of boaters here. They claim reckless UNLIMITED SPEED is making our lake unsafe. They keep pushing the scary misleading concept of Unlimited Speeds by boaters. The facts have been presented numerous times that clearly show that there are laws in place making it illegal to boat unsafely. Unreasonable speeds are unsafe. Reasonable and safe speeds vary depending on the day, the season, the weather, the conditions and the traffic. There are already laws regarding reasonable, safe speeds on the lake.

Sorry to disagree with you ITD, especially in this thread, but I believe you are wrong. Just plain wrong ! I don't think that our two new-this-month members are trolling. We are all entitled to our opinions and in my opinion I'd say they were FLOODING.

I almost gave up wading through all the messages in this thread today that came from just 2 people. I had a few items to address to Evenstar regarding her question to me but I'll have to wait until my head stops spinning from all of todays messages. while I was writing this several other exchanges already took place. Whew!
Again, if flooding means holding people accountable for their statements expressed on this forum...guilty as charged. And as before , this forum is not representative of the Winni boating population in general. So, goodnight, and slow down...maybe you'll see a turtle or two.
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Old 05-21-2008, 10:25 PM   #356
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Originally Posted by Taz View Post
So the point of my original question is why are you targeting the lake as the only place speed limits should implemented?.
HB847 was for all NH lakes until it was amended, and that’s what I supported - but now I have to settle for just Winni. HB167 also include some NH ocean waters – that bill failed.

Look at all the posts you have entered . . . look at the length of many of your posts. Its clear you are fixated on this issue. It looks like you are looking to pick a fight. You called one poster silly when he mentioned the flag. Thats not a personal attack? Thats just one example. You made light of my calling a recreational kayak a lake kayak. If it were reversed you would call that a personal attack. Thats called hypocrisy.
I have to make long posts to reply, since I’m limited to the number that I can post each day. Well over 90% of what I post are direct replies to other members – hence all my quotes. I’m not “looking to pick a fight,” but I will continue to defend myself. No, you are misquoting me – I called the flag silly, not the person. That is not personal attack. And I merely corrected your use of what I saw as an incorrect term – I wasn’t making light of anything. I also explained that I am very literal, yet you just ignored that completely, but instead judged me and essentially called me a hypocrite. Just today, in this post, Hazelnut called me a liar - again. That is a personal attack. It is intentional and it is done with malice. You are not the one being attacked personally, so it’s really easy four you to suggest that someone else whose is being attacked should just ignore the posts. I have the right to defend myself and will continue to do so. And your advice is really not very helpful at all when it is mostly full of insults.

Originally Posted by GWC... View Post
Perhaps you misspoke, misremembered, or simply forgot your attack of the Webmaster...
GWC, complaining about having my posts moderated, and giving my opinion on the apparent slant of this forum is not a personal attack on the webmaster.

Originally Posted by brk-lnt View Post
The problem is that as far as I can tell, your conclusion here about people traveling too fast to see you in time seems to have no evidence to support it, it's just your own assumption.
My word is the evidence. I don’t lie. And I’m not exaggerating. And my best friend was with me, and she will back me up – and she has in public hearings. I don’t have any hidden agenda. I honestly believe that a speed will make any lake safer for paddlers. You can disagree with me all you want, but I have a right to stand up for my beliefs.

How did you ever manage to twist my logic into believing that I think it is ok to paddle in the path of the Mount??? Please point to where I ever even suggested anything like that. I do my best to give powerboats as much space as possible – I never cut them off and I never paddle in the path of larger boats. I have kayaked and sailed on large ocean bays where there are shipping lanes, with ships many times larger than the Mount. At my university I work at the waterfront and am in charge of students use of kayaks on the bay. So I really do know what I’m doing and I do have way more logic than you give me credit for.

Our kayaks are made for large bodies of water – and we are very visible to most boaters. I am not being unreasonable to demand that powerboat operators travel at speeds that will allow them to stay well out of our 150 foot zones. If they can’t do that, they are going too fast.

Originally Posted by chipj29 View Post
You are by yourself (virtually speaking) in this converstation. You have your beliefs, and the 5 or 6 other members who respond to you have their beliefs. Since you are in the minority here...by far I might add...you only feel like you are being ganged up on. You are posting on a website in which a recent poll stated that a majority of the members were against a speed limit. So you should expect to feel like the minority. I would liken it to a person who does not drink going into a bar and saying that the bar should be banned from selling alcohol.
I was under the impression that the purpose of the Winnipesaukee Forum is: "To facilitate communication and an exchange of information which is productive and beneficial for those interested in Lake Winnipesaukee and the Lakes Region of New Hampshire."

So how are personal attacks on me by several members at once being “productive and beneficial”? How are repeated attacks on my ability, my knowledge, my age, and my experience in line with the stated goals of this forum? This is supposed to be a place for everyone to share information – not just for information from one point of view. I’m a very strong advocate for recreation and for NH lakes – and for boating. And a sea kayak is just as much a boat as any powerboat – it’s just a different type of boat.

I don’t mind being in the minority – I’m used to that. What I do mind is not being treated fairly, and people who treat me without respect, just because I’m outnumbered here. That is discrimination. And that is wrong on any forum.

Originally Posted by Skip View Post
There is only one moderator for this website. And I think he continues to do an excellent job balancing the opinions of the many here while wielding his moderator sword carefully and with much consideration.
There are forum rules that every member agrees to follow. These rules clearly state that personal attacks are not allowed. Yet I constantly have to defend myself from personal attacks in this forum – and I really shouldn’t have to.

Perhaps devote your ample mental prowess towards creating your own kayak themed lakes region website where you can then experience the responsibility of moderating your own threads. Perhaps then you can earn the right to return here, with some sense of credibility, and criticize the job our webmaster is doing running this website!
Skip, you and others constantly underestimate me. I’ve had my own international website and forums for years – which I designed, administer, and moderate - and I have two other moderators to help me do the job properly. I do not allow personal attacks on my website. Why have rules unless they are actually going to be enforced?

Originally Posted by Turtle Boy View Post
Well, enough for now, but to Evenstar, just because you've been singled out and maligned in a forum where you are the minority doesn't mean that no one hasn't noted your sincere committment to what you believe in. Keep up the good work. The speed limit will happen. Maybe people will even slow down enough to ... see the turtles.
Thanks so much for standing up for me! But I feel really bad that doing so has now made you a target as well.
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Old 05-21-2008, 10:25 PM   #357
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Originally Posted by Evenstar View Post
I have never attacked another member, except in my own defense. Show me just one instance where I have done otherwise.
I took a quick look at your last 21 post and it struck me that you get a certain flavor by simply reading the first few words of each. I am not suggesting what that impression is so don’t flame me. I will leave it for you to interpret.

While you were busy not attacking anyone you said.

Because of the size factor! Winni is not “just like the ocean”…

You guys love using this argument, No, the two lakes are not…

No I didn’t Others make it an issue by trying to …

The “Kayak math” insult was from another thread…

You guys love using our state motto to protect your own freedoms…

My two statements were meant to be separate…

Skip, I did read all your post and was not bring critical…

You need to stop judging me and refrain from attacking me…

Look, I’m just trying to be nice by pointing out…

The key words here are “when nobody is around”…

My “entire argument” is that paddlers should be…

I “get the math” just fine and I seriously doubt…

There was nothing fast about the way that this…

I thought this was supposed to be a discussion on a ….

From the Forum Rules: “No trolling” (trying…

My statement when taken in context, is that some…

I’ve never paddled on Lake George, in MA or in…

Oops, I hit submit too soon on my last reply…

Haven’t you guys got better things to do?

Yes, I believe the speed study was flawed

I’m not saying that you weren’t trying to be….
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Old 05-21-2008, 10:30 PM   #358
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Originally Posted by Skipper of the Sea Que View Post

There are already laws regarding reasonable, safe speeds on the lake.
Again with this lie! Give it a rest!

If you can't attack the message, attack the messenger.... Or say that he is flooding or trolling.

Do some of you people really think the poll on this forum has any kind of validity? I thought you were kidding, but now I think some of you are so deluded you think it means something. Its on a boating forum!!! Plus the only people left here are the few (the very few) that are against speed limits, and a couple of die hards that refuse to be run of by the bad manners of the need for speed crowd.
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Old 05-21-2008, 11:16 PM   #359
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Thumbs up You are a turtle too !

Originally Posted by Resident 2B View Post
I also know a real turtle when I meet one, and unless the turtles have signifacantly lowered their standards recently, you are a trutle in your definition only.


I vaguely remember that I too am a Turtle You bet'cha.

Since we're both turtles, who is going to pick up the next round?

By the way, it seems someone has tried to make their own definition of trolling and flooding. Do you think they fully comprehend the forum guidelines?

For Islander. It has been shown that unsafe operation on the Lake is illegal. Unreasonable speed is unsafe and therefore illegal. You give it a rest - it won't change no matter how many times you say it. We wouldn't want people to get the wrong idea would we?

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Old 05-21-2008, 11:49 PM   #360
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Originally Posted by Rattlesnake Guy View Post
I took a quick look at your last 21 post and it struck me that you get a certain flavor by simply reading the first few words of each. I am not suggesting what that impression is so don’t flame me. I will leave it for you to interpret.

While you were busy not attacking anyone you said.

Because of the size factor! Winni is not “just like the ocean”…

You guys love using this argument, No, the two lakes are not…

No I didn’t Others make it an issue by trying to …

The “Kayak math” insult was from another thread…

You guys love using our state motto to protect your own freedoms…

My two statements were meant to be separate…

Skip, I did read all your post and was not bring critical…

You need to stop judging me and refrain from attacking me…

Look, I’m just trying to be nice by pointing out…

The key words here are “when nobody is around”…

My “entire argument” is that paddlers should be…

I “get the math” just fine and I seriously doubt…

There was nothing fast about the way that this…

I thought this was supposed to be a discussion on a ….

From the Forum Rules: “No trolling” (trying…

My statement when taken in context, is that some…

I’ve never paddled on Lake George, in MA or in…

Oops, I hit submit too soon on my last reply…

Haven’t you guys got better things to do?

Yes, I believe the speed study was flawed

I’m not saying that you weren’t trying to be….
Talk about quoting someone out of context!!!! I could do the same thing to anyone's words who has ever posted here - but that would be wrong. And you have the gaul to ask that I not flame you for such a contrived attack on me and on my posts???!!! Give me a break.

And I still stand by my statement that I have never attacked another member, except in my own defense. Show me just one instance where I have done otherwise - because taking a bunch of stuff completely out of context proves nothing.
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Old 05-22-2008, 06:38 AM   #361
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Originally Posted by Turtle Boy View Post
All I ask is that you review any basic statistics/polling reference. Boy, they say the Winnfabs crowd is angry and has no sense of humor. Have you considered switching to decaf?
Originally Posted by Turtle Boy View Post
Again, if flooding means holding people accountable for their statements expressed on this forum...guilty as charged. And as before , this forum is not representative of the Winni boating population in general. So, goodnight, and slow down...maybe you'll see a turtle or two.
Who is using this poll on this forum for anything other than reference? I used it earlier to say that IN MY OPINION, the forum represents users of the lake. No, not ALL users of the lake, but again, IN MY OPINION, all users of the forum use the lake.

Regarding your accountability thing...you come on here trying to hold us accountable for our statements? How about you apply that to yourself, and explain the "wild west" thing. Thanks in advance.
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Old 05-22-2008, 06:56 AM   #362
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Originally Posted by Turtle Boy View Post
If trolling means holding people accountable for their statements expressed on this forum, then...guilty as charged. And I rest my case that this forum is not in the least bit representative of a true cross section of the Winni boating population. goodnight (and slow down, maybe you'll spot a turtle or two).
Based on WHAT?!?! Does Don screen the people that sign up? NO! What case have you presented that even approaches anything other than rhetoric and hearsay. All you do is speak in cute metaphor and you have offered no substance to this discussion.
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Old 05-22-2008, 07:40 AM   #363
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Originally Posted by Skipper of the Sea Que View Post

For Islander. It has been shown that unsafe operation on the Lake is illegal. Unreasonable speed is unsafe and therefore illegal.
Where has this been shown?

How many tickets have been passed out for "unreasonable speed"?

Do we know of even a boat stop, or a warning, for "unreasonable speed"?

Can a boat operators drivers license be effected by an "unreasonable speed" conviction?

The legislature visited boat speed in 2006 and failed to enact a limit of any kind. That displays "legislative intent" that no speed, by itself, is unlawful.

If unsafe operation is illegal why do we need all those other regulations? Does that mean we do not need safe passage, bwi, night lighting etc.? Are they already covered?
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Old 05-22-2008, 07:56 AM   #364
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Let's ask the state to eliminate all those hard to understand boating regulations, and we can go with "unsafe operation". That one law covers it all.
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Old 05-22-2008, 07:57 AM   #365
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Angry You attack any mentions of laws regulating reasonable speeds

I am sick of constantly reading unsubstantiated claims and people yelling LIE. How will they misdirect? Which way will they spin? How many people have to prove that safe speed laws are on the books.

Originally Posted by by Skipper of the Sea Que
There are already laws regarding reasonable, safe speeds on the lake.
The zealous proponents of HB847 want everyone to believe that there are no speed regulations. Unlimited speed cowboys threaten safety of the young, frail, timid and peaceful. We must restrain these renegades and protect the public. What drivel. HB847 supporters like Islander often respond to the safe speed requirements that are already in place like this:

Originally Posted by Islander View Post
Again with this lie! Give it a rest!

If you can't attack the message, attack the messenger.... Or say that he is flooding or trolling.
Many have shown that safe speeds are the law. The other Skipper documented it well with attributable quotes HERE and more good reading HERE. Revisit those posts to refresh your memories about speed and the law.

Islander demonstrates what he says. If you can't attack the message, attack the messenger. That is just what he did to the Skipper of Sea Que.

On another issue:
Originally Posted by Islander
Do some of you people really think the poll on this forum has any kind of validity?
The poll was skewed early on due to campaigning. Voting was cut off before a good sample was taken. You obviously did not read the purpose of the poll or the comments by the originator of that poll.
Originally Posted by Islander
Its on a boating forum!!! Plus the only people left here are the few (the very few) that are against speed limits, and a couple of die hards that refuse to be run of by the bad manners of the need for speed crowd.
The HB847 is about new speed limits on the lake. That sounds like a subject for a boating forum. Kayaks are boats. Swimmers and environmentalists may not be.

You talk about bad manners. Ive seen it from both camps but more from the pro side.

Then you lump all those opposed to HB847 with a need for speed crowd. The vast majority of those opposed to the bill are not speed demons. I do not go fast nor boat near the proposed limits. I do know where my limits are regarding Bull Stuff though. I've seen more than enough to force me to make a rare post.

Education not creation. No need to create new laws for speed. Educate and enforce what we have.

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Old 05-22-2008, 08:30 AM   #366
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Thumbs up Good One

Originally Posted by Islander View Post
Let's ask the state to eliminate all those hard to understand boating regulations, and we can go with "unsafe operation". That one law covers it all.
Good one Islander, I like it.

I'll go one better. We'll just throw the book out and use a gentleman's agreement to govern the lake.

"Excuse me sir you just violated my 150 foot space"
"Ever so sorry my mistake it won't happen again"
"Cheerio, Happy boating"
"To you as well."

Question for Skip and others. I was actually wondering when as in what year did NH enact the 150 foot rule?
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Old 05-22-2008, 08:36 AM   #367
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Post 150' rule.....

Originally Posted by hazelnut View Post
...I was actually wondering when as in what year did NH enact the 150 foot rule?...
Ah, trying to get me to show my age.....

The current set of general operating guidelines (RSA 270-D:2) which includes the 150' rule goes back in some form or another to at least 1990.

To give you an idea how long ago it was....back then me & Bear Islander were still being honest about the color of our hair on our respective driver's licenses....
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Old 05-22-2008, 11:06 AM   #368
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Originally Posted by Skip View Post
Ah, trying to get me to show my age.....

The current set of general operating guidelines (RSA 270-D:2) which includes the 150' rule goes back in some form or another to at least 1990.

To give you an idea how long ago it was....back then me & Bear Islander were still being honest about the color of our hair on our respective driver's licenses....
Your post made me pull out my drivers license to check if it said brown or grey!

Good News! Hair color is not on it!
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Old 05-22-2008, 11:58 AM   #369
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Originally Posted by Bear Islander View Post
Where has this been shown?

How many tickets have been passed out for "unreasonable speed"?

Do we know of even a boat stop, or a warning, for "unreasonable speed"?

Can a boat operators drivers license be effected by an "unreasonable speed" conviction?

The legislature visited boat speed in 2006 and failed to enact a limit of any kind. That displays "legislative intent" that no speed, by itself, is unlawful.

If unsafe operation is illegal why do we need all those other regulations? Does that mean we do not need safe passage, bwi, night lighting etc.? Are they already covered?

Why should a boat operators drivers license be effected by an unreasonable speed conviction or by a boating speeding ticket when this bill becomes law in 2009.......totally asinine IMHO.
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Old 05-22-2008, 01:28 PM   #370
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Default The Wild Wild West

Orignally posted by Turtle Boy
OK, you say this is nothing more than a propeganda (sic) statement...what do you want? A recorded statement from a GFBL boater who yelled from the top of his lungs "Yee Hah, this is the wild west" while traveling through the entrance to Winter Harbor at 70 MPH on Aug 2nd, 2006? Get real.
How about some figures...ya know actual statistics...FACTS...to back up that claim
The pro HB847 crowd has done more to instill fear into people not familiar with Winnipesaukee than any GF boat ever has and even in your victory (or so it seems) you continue the fear mongering. Stand by there is more coming
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Old 05-22-2008, 01:28 PM   #371
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Originally Posted by KonaChick View Post
Why should a boat operators drivers license be effected by an unreasonable speed conviction or by a boating speeding ticket when this bill becomes law in 2009.......totally asinine IMHO.
Clearly I am opposed to the speed limit so don't shoot me for asking, but why is it asinine for a boating speeding ticket to go against your license?

I think an unreasonable speed conviction going against your license would not count as it is a matter of perception, but if a speeding ticket is based on verifiable radar results why should it not count against your license?
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Old 05-22-2008, 01:31 PM   #372
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Default Depends on what you mean by unreasonable

Originally Posted by KonaChick View Post
Why should a boat operators drivers license be effected by an unreasonable speed conviction or by a boating speeding ticket when this bill becomes law in 2009.......totally asinine IMHO.
If you are indeed going an unreasonable speed for conditions, then there is some sense in tying the conviction to your drivers license. Since the new law defines unreasonable based on anything but science, unlike how highway speeds are set, it would be best if on-water speeding was not tied to your license. On the other hand, it may become more difficult for a MP to prove you were going an unreasonable speed if you are going under 45.
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Old 05-22-2008, 03:48 PM   #373
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Originally Posted by codeman671 View Post
Clearly I am opposed to the speed limit so don't shoot me for asking, but why is it asinine for a boating speeding ticket to go against your license?

I think an unreasonable speed conviction going against your license would not count as it is a matter of perception, but if a speeding ticket is based on verifiable radar results why should it not count against your license?
Because by law I'm required to have a driver's license to drive a car. I do not need a driver's license to operate a boat...only a safe boating certificate.
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Old 05-22-2008, 04:30 PM   #374
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Originally Posted by KonaChick View Post
Because by law I'm required to have a driver's license to drive a car. I do not need a driver's license to operate a boat...only a safe boating certificate.
Silly girl...

You are not supposed to be that smart or at least smarter than Concord has proven themselves to be.
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Old 05-22-2008, 06:30 PM   #375
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Evenstar, those things I pointed out would be helpful if you listened. But I know you won't because you are never wrong in your opinion. If you continue to post the way you do nothing will change. Thats your decision but don't continue to whine about.
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Old 05-24-2008, 11:51 AM   #376
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Originally posted by Bear Islander
How many tickets have been passed out for "unreasonable speed"?

Do we know of even a boat stop, or a warning, for "unreasonable speed"?
Well if you bother to look at the 2006 NH boating stats you will see that one PWC accident involving a fall was ruled to have happened during a turn at "Excessive Speed"!

Did the operator get a ticket or warning? I don't know but "Excessive Speed" is listed as the cause of the PWC accident so gee, I guess NH really does have an unreasonable speed statute.
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Old 05-24-2008, 12:20 PM   #377
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Originally Posted by Airwaves View Post
Well if you bother to look at the 2006 NH boating stats you will see that one PWC accident involving a fall was ruled to have happened during a turn at "Excessive Speed"!

Did the operator get a ticket or warning? I don't know but "Excessive Speed" is listed as the cause of the PWC accident so gee, I guess NH really does have an unreasonable speed statute.
How does the Marine Patrol writing the words "Excessive Speed" on an accident report indicate that there is an unreasonable speed statute?

Do you believe a statute is created when an officer writes words on a report? It's a little more complicated than that.

I asked how many tickets have been passed out for "unreasonable speed". Are you replying that there may, or may not, have been ONE passed out two years ago?
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Old 05-24-2008, 12:46 PM   #378
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Originally posted by Bear Islander
How does the Marine Patrol writing the words "Excessive Speed" on an accident report indicate that there is an unreasonable speed statute?

Do you believe a statute is created when an officer writes words on a report? It's a little more complicated than that.

I asked how many tickets have been passed out for "unreasonable speed". Are you replying that there may, or may not, have been ONE passed out two years ago?
I am pointing out that in spite of all of your denials, an RSA currently exists that enforces dangerous and negligent operation of boats, including excessive speed. It is you and your supporters that deny the RSA can be used to enforce speed. Apparently that is not true.

You asked how many tickets have been handed out and I said I don't know. For some reason the Marine Patrol doesn't like to publicize what it does. In my opinion that is a mistake, however since their incident logs are public record, and if you're in the neighborhood, why don't you swing by Glendale once a week and copy the log and post it? Then we'll know.
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Old 05-24-2008, 02:01 PM   #379
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Lightbulb BI, R U saying excessive speed is legal?

Originally Posted by Bear Islander View Post
How does the Marine Patrol writing the words "Excessive Speed" on an accident report indicate that there is an unreasonable speed statute?

Do you believe a statute is created when an officer writes words on a report? It's a little more complicated than that.

I asked how many tickets have been passed out for "unreasonable speed". Are you replying that there may, or may not, have been ONE passed out two years ago?
How many tickets have been passed out for unreasonable speed. The MP would know, ask them. Listing excessive speed as the cause of someone falling off a PWC is proof that it is a concept recognized by the law. It is in their statistics at the least. It does not mean a ticket was issued for excessive speed. MP knows if and how many warnings or tickets for excessive speed are given.

First you guys deny that the Marine Patrol and the law recognize reasonable speeds and there are laws about those speeds. You finally can not hide from that fact so now you start ranting about how many tickets have or have not been written. You question why we need other laws if laws about reasonable speeds are in place. Who are you trying to kid? You are trying to distract. It's another way to spin.

We do not need more laws we need more enforcement of the current laws. If you want to do away with the other laws start a different thread.
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Old 05-25-2008, 08:48 AM   #380
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Originally Posted by Evenstar View Post
Talk about quoting someone out of context!!!! I could do the same thing to anyone's words who has ever posted here - but that would be wrong. And you have the gaul to ask that I not flame you for such a contrived attack on me and on my posts???!!! Give me a break.

And I still stand by my statement that I have never attacked another member, except in my own defense. Show me just one instance where I have done otherwise - because taking a bunch of stuff completely out of context proves nothing.
Thank you ES. I now can count myself among a very special group of people whom I respect. I have been attacked by you for saying nothing more than repeating your own words.

Since every one of your post is a "defense", I guess you can say that you have never attacked someone outside of a defensive post. But you certainly have attacked members unnecessarily in those post.

My favorite is when you attack all of us who quote the state motto. It is a little hard to justify an attack on a group of people in order to defend against one member's comment.

I look forward to your next attack, I mean defense.
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Old 05-25-2008, 10:32 PM   #381
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Originally Posted by Rattlesnake Guy View Post
Thank you ES. I now can count myself among a very special group of people whom I respect. I have been attacked by you for saying nothing more than repeating your own words.
You did take everyone of those quote of mine that you posted out of context. That is a fact. Calling you on doing something like that is not an attack - it is defending myself.

What was your purpose of taking portions of 21 of my posts out of context? How did doing so add anything to the discussion here?

My favorite is when you attack all of us who quote the state motto. It is a little hard to justify an attack on a group of people in order to defend against one member's comment.
I have criticised some of those who are opposed to the speed limit of using the state motto to support thier supposed rights, while not showing any concern for the rights of others. My comment was directed at those who have actually used the state motto in this way, since I was quoting them. BTW: traveling at high speeds on a recreational lake is not a right granted by the state of NH. Show me where I made this a personal attack on any member.
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Old 05-26-2008, 07:40 AM   #382
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supposed rights? Show me anywhere that says a person can't go fast on a recreational lake. Don't count Squam, it's not a recreational lake, but more of a snob lake

Your comments and arguements are becoming so far out in left field there's really no point in calling you out anymore, you do it yourself.

BTW traveling at any speed is a freedom. That is until people like you start wanting to make them rights.

"Live Free or Die" loosely means living free of stupid laws. I tend to think of it as a way of life. Democrats are slowly taking away our way of life.

I was out on the lake for hours yesterday and had no trouble spottng Loons that were over 1/4 mile away from me. Kayakers I could see at least 1/2 mile away riding west into the sun towards Meredith Bay.
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Old 05-27-2008, 10:22 AM   #383
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Default Here is a good article

About how life will be after speed limits. This happened in the "model" lake, that already has a speed limit!!!http://www.citizen.com/apps/pbcs.dll...010/-1/CITNEWS
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Old 05-27-2008, 05:21 PM   #384
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Originally Posted by WeirsBeachBoater View Post
About how life will be after speed limits. This happened in the "model" lake, that already has a speed limit!!!http://www.citizen.com/apps/pbcs.dll...010/-1/CITNEWS

where's winnfab now .mybe they sould go after seat belt for boats too ... hope the girl is alright...

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Old 05-28-2008, 11:10 AM   #385
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Originally Posted by WeirsBeachBoater View Post
About how life will be after speed limits. This happened in the "model" lake, that already has a speed limit!!!http://www.citizen.com/apps/pbcs.dll...010/-1/CITNEWS
Obviously the limits are too high. There would be no such thing as abruptly losing speed if there was no speed to begin with.
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Old 05-28-2008, 01:02 PM   #386
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[Spinnfabs] But what if the captain was drinking? ~Doesn't count

His exact speed has not been determined and if the speed was unreasonable or not. ~Doesn't count. [/Spinnfabs]
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Old 05-28-2008, 07:01 PM   #387
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Question Do we need a new law?

I hope that the injured woman thrown from the boat is quickly recovering from her thigh injury. It must have been a terrible experience. I wish all of them the best.

What is next? Will there be an outcry for minimum speed laws.
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