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Old 08-29-2010, 07:32 PM   #1
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Default New crownline dealer

What is happening to all the dealers in the area. Channel Marine is no longer a Crownline Dealer. Winnisquam Marine is now the areas newest Crownline Dealer. So much for getting service on the lake. It seems like these marinas that have had brands for years are now starting to lose them. Any one know what is up with this?
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Old 08-29-2010, 08:49 PM   #2
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Source please?
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Old 08-30-2010, 05:44 AM   #3
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It's on the Winnisquam Marine website


and on the Crownline website

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Old 09-01-2010, 05:53 AM   #4
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While disappointing its not surprising. I bought a Crownline from Channel 3 years ago and their service has been pretty bad since then. Even with little things I've had to bring the boat back numerous times and things still never get fixed. I've got one problem that was on the "punch list" when the boat first got delivered and despite them having my boat in storage every winter they still haven't fixed it. Don't know how I'm going to get my boat off the lake to be serviced though...
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Old 09-01-2010, 06:31 AM   #5
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Default Formula Dealer

We have been informed by Formula that there is no longer a Formula Dealer in New Hampshire and that they are currently interviewing boat yards for a new dealer for the area.

The former dealer Lakeport is authorized for parts and repairs and is selling their current inventory but the nearest Formula Dealer is in Freeport, New York on Long Island.
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Old 09-01-2010, 06:33 AM   #6
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Thumbs up Winnisquam Marine will send a trailer

Originally Posted by winnipiseogee View Post
... Don't know how I'm going to get my boat off the lake to be serviced though...
16 years ago when the Sea Que was new a problem developed after 2 hours of use. Four Winns factory told me to contact Melvin Village Marina as this problem was covered by warranty. The Four Winns Dealer on the Lake, Melvin Village Marina asked where I bought my boat and then rudely refused to discuss the problem or make any recommendations. I tried 4 times even talking with various managers and no luck. Melvin Village Marina would NOT provide service or warranty work for me. When I was boat shopping they bragged about their factory trained service department but they didn't have the boat I wanted (and I didn't want a bowrider that they were trying to sell me).

I called Winnisquam Marine as they are also an authorized Four Winns dealer and they were wonderful. They had a technician meet me first thing in the morning at the Glendale docks with a trailer in case my boat needed to be pulled out of the water and brought to their facility.

My problem was diagnosed and the boat working with a "band aid" in less than 15 minutes. No need to haul the boat out but they were ready to do so. They came the next day to replace a part but that part only worked for a few hours before it failed and the problem returned. They had told me how to work around it (remove the sensor). Long story short, they worked with the factory for weeks and finally determined that there was a faulty batch of sensors used for that system and I was not the only one with this problem. Winnisquam Marine stayed on top of the situation and was very pro-active.

I can't thank Winnisquam Marine enough for saving my vacation 16 years ago and sticking with me until the problem was finally resolved. Meanwhile Melvin Village Marina ... (I have to censor myself here but you can guess how I feel about a dealership that treated me rudely and refused to even discuss my problem let alone do any warranty work for me).

Winnisquam Marine earned my respect and my business.

Bottom line is that Winnisquam Marine will take care of getting you out of the water for service if it is necessary for your Crownline.

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Old 09-01-2010, 08:12 AM   #7
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I bought my current boat from Winnisquam Marine and I keep it in Winnipesaukee in Gilford. They do most service in the water at my slip or they can trailer it to their shop. Their hydraulic trailer can handle pretty big boats.
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Old 09-01-2010, 08:14 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by joey2665 View Post
We have been informed by Formula that there is no longer a Formula Dealer in New Hampshire and that they are currently interviewing boat yards for a new dealer for the area.

The former dealer Lakeport is authorized for parts and repairs and is selling their current inventory but the nearest Formula Dealer is in Freeport, New York on Long Island.
Freeport, New York is on the south-west end of Long Island, close to the atlantic ocean and not too far from New York City.

For the last two-three months, "Formula - not just a boat, but a life style" has been promo-ed from the Lakeport Landing sign out front on Union Ave in Laconia, and Formula was its' one line of boat business. Believe I recall reading somewhere that Lakeport Landing was among the best selling Formula dealers in the U.S. It just does not seem believable that Lakeport has decided to lose its' longtime winner, Formula, and switch brands. I don't believe it? People with the big money on Lake Winnipesaukee will still want a Formula!
... down and out, liv'n that Walmart side of the lake!
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Old 09-01-2010, 08:29 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by fatlazyless View Post
Freeport, New York is on the south-west end of Long Island, close to the atlantic ocean and not too far from New York City.

For the last two-three months, "Formula - not just a boat, but a life style" has been promo-ed from the Lakeport Landing sign out front on Union Ave in Laconia, and Formula was its' one line of boat business. Believe I recall reading somewhere that Lakeport Landing was among the best selling Formula dealers in the U.S. It just does not seem believable that Lakeport has decided to lose its' longtime winner, Formula, and switch brands. I don't believe it? People with the big money on Lake Winnipesaukee will still want a Formula!
Yes I know were Freeport is I lived one town west of it for 30 years and have been boating there for almost 40. I have personally spoken to the Sales Rep (Laurie) at Formula and the information I have provided is directly from Formula. Also check the web site yourself Lakeport has been removed as an authorized dealer.
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Old 09-01-2010, 08:55 AM   #10
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I wonder if the speed limit had anything to do with these dealers going out of business?
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Old 09-01-2010, 09:41 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by cowisl View Post
I wonder if the speed limit had anything to do with these dealers going out of business?
There are a lot of newer Formula cruisers, sunsports, and SS on the lake and not many newer Formula Fastech's.

Not trying to turn up a hornets nest here, but I would have to wonder if negative publicity and a poor public image from the crash were factors. I dont know who dropped who in the relationship but can imagine from the Formula standpoint I would not be impressed.
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Old 09-01-2010, 09:51 AM   #12
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I heard the same thing about Channel lst weekend right from their sales department. We have a Crownline that we bought a few years ago and bought specifically from a dealer who was located on the lake. We did not buy a trailer because we did not want to deal with trailering a large boat around. The service has been ridiculous(. The boat has been in for the same things at least three times this year. Now were told that warranty is not covering them. I can see a battle coming on here.

On a better note. Our previous boat was a Four Winns from Winnisquam Marine and they are fabulous to deal with. Alwats straight forward and always come thru with what they promise. The only bad part is that they are not on the Big Lake. Maybe they can buy one the non performing marinas.
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Old 09-01-2010, 09:51 AM   #13
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All I have to say is wow:
Thurston's no longer Cobalt Dealer
Lakeprot No longer a Formula Dealer
Channel No longet a Crownline Dealer

This will surely change the lake over the next couple of years

I wonder how this will all end up
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Old 09-01-2010, 09:53 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by cowisl View Post
I wonder if the speed limit had anything to do with these dealers going out of business?
Speed Limits have nothing to do with what going on... although this is a humorous interjection at least to some of us

Now as to why some of this shake up is going on, companies are being bought and sold, consolidated and broken apart. This is happening in every industry as this happens at times you end up with Marina's selling boats from to different parent companies and sometimes that doesn't go over well.

The other issue you have going one is what they different boat manufactures are making the marina's carry for a floor plan while a successful marina, like Winnisquam Marine, who has weather this economic storm quite well may have the financial backing to afford the floor plans from multiple boat MFG, other may be struggling to do so.

Now if that isn't enough, the manufactures review there retailers, if they feel a retailer is not representing them well, they warn them, if they don't do anything they don't renew there contract. I will not mention names but I watched this happen, to a marina in the lakes region if left both sides very bitter.

Now a couple of personal notes on a few issues touched in this thread.

First Service from Winnisquam Marine... it is top notch... if you own a crownline they will honor the warranties and work with you to make sure you are satisfied... I bought my Four Winns from them and they have been out standing through the years... even though I don't have the regular maintenance performed at their shop do to convience, they still welcome me with open arms when I go in form Four Winns specific issues.

Now as for LakePort Landing and Formula, this was something that was going to happen, we all know why and I don't think anything more needs to be said about it.
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Old 09-01-2010, 10:09 AM   #15
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Couldn't agree more,

Winnisquam Marine it is top notch, Crownline owners will be thrilled with the service and expertise.
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Old 09-01-2010, 10:59 AM   #16
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Just as in the car world, there are some boat dealers that treat people that didn't buy from them poorly. It's a poor business decision IMO, but some are comfortable enough to do it. The long term money and customer relationships are in the service and support areas. In almost every case I've personally experienced, dealers that treat service customers poorly if they didn't sell them the merchandise, are usually not good service ships either. Not always, but many times.

What I've done when I know about dealers like that, is never, ever will I buy anything from them. My original boat dealer was proud of their sales record. Good thing too, they had absolutely nothing else in the world going for them but putting up sales numbers.

When you find a dealer that has been great to you no matter where you bought your boat/car, try as hard as possible to buy from them the next time. Those are the dealers I want to remain in business and support.
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Old 09-01-2010, 11:54 AM   #17
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Default Local Formula dealer

Actually, the closest Formula dealer is:

Located in Danvers, Ma (north shore area).

Not sure about Lakeport not being a Formula dealer any longer, BoB picked up Formula about a year ago.

Aside from that, most dealers that stop selling a brand isn't always about the dealer "dropping" the brand for another, or in general. Manufacturers put a lot of pressure on dealers to sell product and worse-yet, make them commit to taking on new model year product regardless of what they are holding for current (new) stock. So it is very possible with the economy the way it is, sales being down, floor plan being outrageous (bank loans that dealers use to carry inventory) that a dealer will forfeit a brand to keep from going under (no pun intended there, btw... ). I have no insight into either L&L or BoB's position, just surmising from knowing how the business works, and knowing several people that own dealerships in the lakes region, and beyond.
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Old 09-01-2010, 12:50 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by LIforrelaxin View Post
Speed Limits have nothing to do with what going on... although this is a humorous interjection at least to some of us

Now as to why some of this shake up is going on, companies are being bought and sold, consolidated and broken apart. This is happening in every industry as this happens at times you end up with Marina's selling boats from to different parent companies and sometimes that doesn't go over well.

The other issue you have going one is what they different boat manufactures are making the marina's carry for a floor plan while a successful marina, like Winnisquam Marine, who has weather this economic storm quite well may have the financial backing to afford the floor plans from multiple boat MFG, other may be struggling to do so.

Now if that isn't enough, the manufactures review there retailers, if they feel a retailer is not representing them well, they warn them, if they don't do anything they don't renew there contract. I will not mention names but I watched this happen, to a marina in the lakes region if left both sides very bitter.

Now a couple of personal notes on a few issues touched in this thread.

First Service from Winnisquam Marine... it is top notch... if you own a crownline they will honor the warranties and work with you to make sure you are satisfied... I bought my Four Winns from them and they have been out standing through the years... even though I don't have the regular maintenance performed at their shop do to convience, they still welcome me with open arms when I go in form Four Winns specific issues.

Now as for LakePort Landing and Formula, this was something that was going to happen, we all know why and I don't think anything more needs to be said about it.
I think of performance boats when Formula comes to mind. Excuse the speed limit reference but I bet that it didnt help them with sales. I know a few people at Channel who had similar concerns when the SL issue was happening with their Baja line(now defunct).
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Old 09-01-2010, 01:29 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by Skipper of the Sea Que View Post
16 years ago when the Sea Que was new a problem developed after 2 hours of use. Four Winns factory told me to contact Melvin Village Marina as this problem was covered by warranty. The Four Winns Dealer on the Lake, Melvin Village Marina asked where I bought my boat and then rudely refused to discuss the problem or make any recommendations. I tried 4 times even talking with various managers and no luck. Melvin Village Marina would NOT provide service or warranty work for me. When I was boat shopping they bragged about their factory trained service department but they didn't have the boat I wanted (and I didn't want a bowrider that they were trying to sell me).

I called Winnisquam Marine as they are also an authorized Four Winns dealer and they were wonderful. They had a technician meet me first thing in the morning at the Glendale docks with a trailer in case my boat needed to be pulled out of the water and brought to their facility.

My problem was diagnosed and the boat working with a "band aid" in less than 15 minutes. No need to haul the boat out but they were ready to do so. They came the next day to replace a part but that part only worked for a few hours before it failed and the problem returned. They had told me how to work around it (remove the sensor). Long story short, they worked with the factory for weeks and finally determined that there was a faulty batch of sensors used for that system and I was not the only one with this problem. Winnisquam Marine stayed on top of the situation and was very pro-active.

I can't thank Winnisquam Marine enough for saving my vacation 16 years ago and sticking with me until the problem was finally resolved. Meanwhile Melvin Village Marina ... (I have to censor myself here but you can guess how I feel about a dealership that treated me rudely and refused to even discuss my problem let alone do any warranty work for me).

Winnisquam Marine earned my respect and my business.

Bottom line is that Winnisquam Marine will take care of getting you out of the water for service if it is necessary for your Crownline.
I had the same experience you did with Melvin Village a few years ago. I was surprised to say the least at how I was treated. I don't care if they are the only Four Winns dealer on the lake, would never buy a Four Winns from them just souly because of their attitude. All my business went to Winnisquam. When I purchased my Four Winns from Winnisquam(have purchased 3 different Four Winns boats 21ft, 24ft, and last was a 31ft.) the few issues I did have with my four Winns boats, Winnisquam would always come to the lake to service our boats, no questions asked. I guess that'w why Winnisquam Marine is New England's leading Four Winns dealer.
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Old 09-01-2010, 01:50 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by gtagrip View Post
I had the same experience you did with Melvin Village a few years ago. I was surprised to say the least at how I was treated. I don't care if they are the only Four Winns dealer on the lake, would never buy a Four Winns from them just souly because of their attitude.
Melvin Village has always had a poor attitude unless you buy your boat from them. I have been lucky my Uncle has always bought his boats there and has had them serviced there.... So on occasion I am able to get their assistance, with my boat, but only because they don't want to loose my uncles business.

I have always found there service dept only interested in running up bills and doing unnecessary work, more then once they have done unauthorized work to my uncles boat. Fortunately for them my uncle pays. I have also noted on more the one occasion that they search for ways to make a repair not fall under warranty... They should have fixed something for my uncle last year but they didn't, and now the warranty period is over... so guess what he is going to have to pay for it... why? because they forgot to look at it when the put the dam boat away for the winter like they promised him they would.

At some point, don't be surprised to see Four Winns pull out of Melvin Village....
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Old 09-01-2010, 04:00 PM   #21
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I don't mean to question gtagrip's or LIForRelaxin's experience with Melvin Village Marina but just wanted to provide another point of view. First of all, I should say that when I was shopping for a used boat, I talked to the folks at Winnisquam Marine and they were great - they just didn't have what I was looking for. I bought a used Four Winns from another dealer on the lake (not Melvin Village) but since it was originally sold and serviced by Melvin Village, they were fine with continuing to service it. Since then, I have had great experiences with them in every instance. I have not compared their prices to others on the lake so I can't comment on that but I have never felt that they were trying to inflate bills. On the contrary, their service manager has spent time on the phone with me walking me through some do-it-myself projects/maintenance on the boat that they never got paid for. I imagine that if they told me they didn't want to service the boat I bought, I might feel differently about their policy. I suppose it would feel most unfair to someone who bought their boat in another state (never having had an opportunity to buy from MV), then move to Winni and contact the only on-lake FW dealer, only to find out that they won't service their boat. Having said all that though, I feel like they do take good care of the people who buy their boats through them.
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Old 09-02-2010, 08:37 AM   #22
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Speaking of Winnisquam Marine.....They are also handling Premier deck boats......50 mph with a 22'/225hp outboard and they track like a deep vee.Definately thinking of making a change.
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Old 09-02-2010, 09:29 AM   #23
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Originally Posted by SAMIAM View Post
Speaking of Winnisquam Marine.....They are also handling Premier deck boats......50 mph with a 22'/225hp outboard and they track like a deep vee.Definately thinking of making a change.
Saw their line of Premier tri-toons at the boat show. They are VERY nice. Probably the "plushest" (is that a word?) tri-toons I have seen!! They seem like real nice people at the show also.

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Old 09-02-2010, 09:46 AM   #24
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Originally Posted by Long Pine View Post
I don't mean to question gtagrip's or LIForRelaxin's experience with Melvin Village Marina b
Your not questioning anything, your point of view is respected.... and I don't expect that everyone has bad experiences with Melvin Village or they would not have stayed in business for the many years they have. Unfortunately my run ins with them have not been what I would have expected. Now having said that could some of there attitude come from seeing the Winnisquam marine logo on the back of my boat, I suppose it could.... but in my mind, if they are a Four Winns dealer and I bring them a Four Winns boat it shouldn't matter where I bought it....

Dealerships make the money through service.... just like car dealers.... its not the sales that make the business work it is the service. Unfortunately I feel the service at Melvin Village is not what it should be... But plenty, such as your self have had good dealing with them... which is appearent, they are thriving, and their racks are full every winter....
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Old 09-02-2010, 09:46 AM   #25
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Thanks for all the great info on Winnisquam. Sounds like its going to be a much better experience then I have had with Channel. I still really like my Crownline but the crappy service from Channel was getting old. I was nervous when I first heard the news but it sounds like I will be better off!
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Old 09-02-2010, 11:31 AM   #26
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Default and the beat goes on...

Originally Posted by LIforrelaxin View Post
Your not questioning anything, your point of view is respected.... and I don't expect that everyone has bad experiences with Melvin Village or they would not have stayed in business for the many years they have. Unfortunately my run ins with them have not been what I would have expected. Now having said that could some of there attitude come from seeing the Winnisquam marine logo on the back of my boat, I suppose it could.... but in my mind, if they are a Four Winns dealer and I bring them a Four Winns boat it shouldn't matter where I bought it....

Dealerships make the money through service.... just like car dealers.... its not the sales that make the business work it is the service. Unfortunately I feel the service at Melvin Village is not what it should be... But plenty, such as your self have had good dealing with them... which is appearent, they are thriving, and their racks are full every winter....
This issue over MVM and their service policies has been debated multiple times over the years here. I am an MVM customer, tried and true and I understand both sides. To state the service at MVM "is not what it should be" is just plain inaccurate. They are the only Four Winns dealer in the entire Northeast to attain a factory designated Customer Satisfaction Rating of 100%. That doesn't come easy. They are a small operation selling a lot of Four Winns boats (among others) with an oustanding service department and very low employee turnover. There's something to be said for that.

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Old 09-02-2010, 01:00 PM   #27
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Several years ago we bought a 4 winns at MVM and always experienced good service. When we went looking for a new boat, MVM didn't have what we thought we wanted at the time in the water. We went over to Winnisquam and they put the boat in the water for us to try. They were fantastic on the sales side of things. We didn't buy the boat because I didn't like the way it rode. We ended up buying a Cobalt from Thurstons but unlike most folks, our experience with service after the fact was awful. We also bought a boat from Shep Browns and the sales experience was great. The boat hasn't needed service so I'll reserve comment on that.
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Old 09-02-2010, 01:43 PM   #28
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Default East Coast Flightcraft

East Coast Flightcraft just re open in Meredith and they look to be a Colbalt, Fountain and Malibu dealer. They also are selling 2011 Formulas.....

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Old 09-02-2010, 01:45 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by colt17 View Post
East Coast Flightcraft just re open in Meredith and they look to be a Colbalt, Fountain and Malibu dealer. They also are selling 2011 Formulas.....


I see it, but just do not plain understand it
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Old 09-02-2010, 02:20 PM   #30
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Originally Posted by colt17 View Post
East Coast Flightcraft just re open in Meredith and they look to be a Colbalt, Fountain and Malibu dealer. They also are selling 2011 Formulas.....

They have never been closed, they have just operated by appt. I believe.... at any rate, they have entered into some arrangement/partnership with Goodhue and Hawkins, I really haven't seen enough details to fully understand what is going on yet.... but something is happening between the two....
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