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Old 07-03-2012, 05:05 PM   #1
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Default Doesn't anyone know what 150' means on the lake?

On the lake for 5 hours today and witnessed more than 20 plus violations from Alton to Wolfeboro... Did everyone forget the rules from their boater safety class? Crazy to say the least....
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Old 07-03-2012, 05:08 PM   #2
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The nuts are out there.
Regular nuts. And the holiday nuts.
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Old 07-03-2012, 05:26 PM   #3
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I've been watching Centre Harbor bay for the last 3 days and have run out of fingers and toes for the number of 150' rule violations. Mentioned to one boater at the CH docks that he was pretty close to the boat he passed. His comment was, "What's the problem man? I passed him on the left."

THE LEFT? I rest my case. Feeling safe out there?
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Old 07-03-2012, 05:51 PM   #4
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Default They're here!

Welcome to the Fourth of July on "Winni"!
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Old 07-03-2012, 07:02 PM   #5
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And they drive their cars like they drive their boats. The Walmart parking in lot in Gilford made me feel like I was entered in a demolition derby.

And then the U turn at busy corner in Alton Bay. Parked along side the store in your large white spotless SUV with the brush guard heading the wrong way? No problem, pull a U turn almost hitting me exiting the post office on foot just as a northbound large tractor trailer rig is rounding the corner. Plates were from an unnamed state to the south.

As for boating, we are trying to avoid it this week. Hopefully some sanity will return next week.

Sorry for the rant.
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Old 07-03-2012, 08:01 PM   #6
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Last weekend we were idling along at no wake speed when a boat approaches us from the left and continues to cross right in front of us forcing us to stop. As he goes by he says he thought we were going to turn left. Really??? He had no clue he broke the 150' and the right of way rules. This would be a good week to stay away from the lake.
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Old 07-03-2012, 08:19 PM   #7
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The best one of the day was the guy 25 feet off of the stern of another boat going into Wolfeboro bay, both were going about 20-25 mph... Or better yet yesterday the ski boat dropping a skier less than 50 feet in front of the Mt Washington dock in Alton Bay... You can't fix stupid...
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Old 07-03-2012, 08:25 PM   #8
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Default Weirs Channel

Last weekend there were hundreds of boats violating no wake through the channel, almost all did not throttle back until they come up to another boat. Usually there are marine patrol present. I did not see any this weekend.

With the exception of Friday night just before dusk, a half dozen PWC were heading out to the big lake from the channel with no lights. Just before heading out the channel, I can see they were communicating with a bowrider. The bowrider took off attracting a marine patrol. The MP pulled the boat over and the PWCs took off to Spindle Point! I don't see the MP making an effort to go after the PWCs.

Looks like the laws are working!
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Old 07-03-2012, 09:01 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by KDL View Post
Last weekend we were idling along at no wake speed when a boat approaches us from the left and continues to cross right in front of us forcing us to stop. As he goes by he says he thought we were going to turn left. Really??? He had no clue he broke the 150' and the right of way rules. This would be a good week to stay away from the lake.
Lol..there are rules about "right of way?" Or as in who is the "stand down vessel!?" We were sailing through the six-pack on Monday and TWO boats powered directly in front of us, I guess expecting us to change our course, because obviously, they couldn't throttle down...or go behind us. And after forcing us to change our course (or t-bone the second boat) while tacking through the channel, the operators waved to us.

Obviously, that whole "right of way thing" is BS, as is the 150-foot-rule. Just ask those guys.

I love the lake, and I'll let them have it this week...and the next several if need be. I get to be here all of the other weeks.
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Old 07-03-2012, 10:03 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by Altonbayicefishingfool View Post
On the lake for 5 hours today and witnessed more than 20 plus violations from Alton to Wolfeboro... Did everyone forget the rules from their boater safety class? Crazy to say the least....
you should get a job at Marine patrol.
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Old 07-04-2012, 06:10 AM   #11
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I prefer to spend my time enjoying every minute I have while I'm up here. I would rather not waste my time complaining about something I can't fix.
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Old 07-04-2012, 07:35 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by Altonbayicefishingfool View Post
On the lake for 5 hours today and witnessed more than 20 plus violations from Alton to Wolfeboro... Did everyone forget the rules from their boater safety class? Crazy to say the least....
You must be new to the Lake....As long as that rule has been in place there are not many people that follow it.....It sounds like thats all you do when you are out on the Lake ....Look for people who break the rules....how do you relax???
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Old 07-04-2012, 07:43 AM   #13
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I think there's an awful lot of false reporting of 150 foot violations. 150 feet really is not all that much distance and seems much closer when you are in a wide open area.

I have to confess that I way-over-estimated 150 feet until I saw the markers the MP put up by town docks showing how close 150 feet really is. It only takes 17 seconds to cover 150 feet at "headway speed" (6 MPH).

I also suspect there's an awful lot of false reporting of no-wake violations. 6 MPH will kick up a decent wake in my 25 foot boat. A shorter boat will make an even bigger wake at 6 MPH.

Originally Posted by The Phantom Gourmand View Post
I prefer to spend my time enjoying every minute I have while I'm up here. I would rather not waste my time complaining about something I can't fix.
I enjoy watching people violate boating laws and make harmless mistakes (as long as no one gets hurt). I'm sure I have provided plenty of enjoyment and/or aggravation with my own stupidity too. I try not to screw up, but nobody's perfect...
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Old 07-04-2012, 07:48 AM   #14
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Same here....I barely notice violations any more unless they are egregious.
I assume that boats around me are not going to know the rules,so I throttle back or change course to avoid them even when I'm the stand on boat.
What I don't understand,is why they don't know the rules now that licensing is required.
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Old 07-04-2012, 07:56 AM   #15
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Originally Posted by WinterHarborGirl View Post
You must be new to the Lake....As long as that rule has been in place there are not many people that follow it.....It sounds like thats all you do when you are out on the Lake ....Look for people who break the rules....how do you relax???
Good grief!
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Old 07-04-2012, 08:05 AM   #16
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i remember when I took the classromm course. The instructor took us outside and told us to walk out 150'. I was the closest at 152'. There was a licensed Sea Captain and he walked about 30-40 ft out and then told the instructor that "on the ocean this isn't a rule". The instructor told him that the 150' rule is a rule in every water way, the ocean people just don't see other boats that close to begin with but should be doing it as they are close to others and the shore.
So it just goes to show that people have no sense of what 150' actually is.
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Old 07-04-2012, 08:27 AM   #17
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Originally Posted by chachee52 View Post
i remember when I took the classromm course. The instructor took us outside and told us to walk out 150'. I was the closest at 152'. There was a licensed Sea Captain and he walked about 30-40 ft out and then told the instructor that "on the ocean this isn't a rule". The instructor told him that the 150' rule is a rule in every water way, the ocean people just don't see other boats that close to begin with but should be doing it as they are close to others and the shore.
So it just goes to show that people have no sense of what 150' actually is.
I think the instructor should go back to school. 150' rule is only on inland waterways. Go to Boston Harbor on a busy day....you'll be lucky to see boats 50' apart.
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Old 07-04-2012, 08:54 AM   #18
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Originally Posted by WinterHarborGirl View Post
You must be new to the Lake....As long as that rule has been in place there are not many people that follow it.....It sounds like thats all you do when you are out on the Lake ....Look for people who break the rules....how do you relax???
Yah fairly new... Been boating on the lake since 1975, and I still haven't found Weirs beach yet

Just making a point of how clueless people are.. I'm not complaining just stating the fact of how out of control the lake has become the last few years...
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Old 07-04-2012, 09:07 AM   #19
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Default Boating outside of NH

I do a fair amount of boating outside of NH. Boaters elsewhere appears to have a lot more respect and common sense. It seems like in NH everyone expects the laws to save them so he boats with disregards. If another boater hit him and the boater broke the law then the sue the heck out of him mentality route.

I actually feel safer boating other than Winni on weekends and non-holiday weeks. That is why I choose to boat elsewhere on weekends.

Can't wait to get back on the water next week!
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Old 07-04-2012, 10:12 AM   #20
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Default new boaters

The Flatlanders are back. They come from all down south a ways.
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Old 07-04-2012, 10:25 AM   #21
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But I find it amazing that all people born and raised in NH are born knowing how to to pilot and navigate a boat. I do not own a boat, would love to someday, if I could win the lottery but I would be very afraid to take it out on Lake Winni and offend all of you "NH" boat people. By the way my husband took and passed the safety course years ago, before it was mandatory and will take it again if we should get a boat. Maybe some of you "experts" should start a group that gives hands on training to new boaters, then, you would have no one to complain about. Now my rant is done. Sorry, but the pointed remarks and innuendo that all of the scofflaws are from MA gets old. I know a lot of NHoles too.
Don't let people drive you crazy when you know it's within walking distance.
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Old 07-04-2012, 11:07 AM   #22
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Originally Posted by GsChinadoll View Post
But I find it amazing that all people born and raised in NH are born knowing how to to pilot and navigate a boat. I do not own a boat, would love to someday, if I could win the lottery but I would be very afraid to take it out on Lake Winni and offend all of you "NH" boat people.
The secret to boating on Winni is to substitute fear with respect. Winni can demand a graduate degree in boating. The weather often kicks up pretty good and as mentioned, there are lots of boats - some big, some crazy. Many good Winni pilots have learned on the small lakes first, where there is minimal traffic. If you get your first boat and Winni is all you have to work with, go out during the week or on early on weekend mornings and get to know the lake. Part of the job is knowing where the markers are (or should be). When you are comfortable with wind, wake, navigation, rules of the road and dealing with those that don't - when you are ready to substitute your fear for respect, then you are ready to boat on Winni.
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Old 07-04-2012, 11:19 AM   #23
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Well with the layoff of 30+ marine patrol officers (part time) on the Big Lake this year, I have seen less Marine Patrol. So you can imagine the many more violations that are going unnoticed/unseen this year.

I am off the water for a few days until things calm down,and actually this year so far I do not think its that busy with boaters on the water in my opinion.
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Old 07-04-2012, 11:22 AM   #24
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Was out last Sat and saw very few boats that were 150' apart unless they were tripple that distance.

That said I have NO concerns as I no where else I have ever boated that required that much space and I personally do worry if anyone comes closer to me than 150'

Its the law, but you will NEVER find me reporting someone for breaking it, sorry but its just excessive and has accomplished nothing.

Policing bad drivers will help a whole lot more than worring about 150' seperation.

Last weekend I saw more bad driving than I ever have in a single day and it was very quiet out. Had no problem getting dock space at Weirs or Wolfeboro, it was unusually quiet all day. The only detraction was the bad driving, people were way too much on the throttle pulling out of docks, running way deep into no wake zones at speed, tons of no wake speed close calls, etc. But of all that, people running at speed but inside 150' were not a problem at all as they were all in full control and I saw no issues of concern.

Learn/teach people to drive better and you will accomplish far more, but the 150' law and the "paper test" licensing law are just nonsense in my less than humbal opinion, but what do I know, I'm only accident free for 50 years,,, Maybe I'll change my opinion in the next 50 years,,, maybe,,,
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Old 07-04-2012, 03:38 PM   #25
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Default Just because it's old doesn't mean it's not true....

The most dangerous part of either boat or car is still the nut behind the wheel. I do not believe this has geographic limitations.

"You're only young once, but you can be immature forever."
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Old 07-04-2012, 05:01 PM   #26
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NEWBIE Your right on that one. I always thought that New York drivers were bad, but its seems Ma, Conn, NH, VT, and Maine are all the same now. Not safe on any road or water anywhere, I guess. Keep cool and watch out for the other guy.
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Old 07-04-2012, 06:06 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by GsChinadoll View Post
But I find it amazing that all people born and raised in NH are born knowing how to to pilot and navigate a boat. I do not own a boat, would love to someday, if I could win the lottery but I would be very afraid to take it out on Lake Winni and offend all of you "NH" boat people. By the way my husband took and passed the safety course years ago, before it was mandatory and will take it again if we should get a boat. Maybe some of you "experts" should start a group that gives hands on training to new boaters, then, you would have no one to complain about. Now my rant is done. Sorry, but the pointed remarks and innuendo that all of the scofflaws are from MA gets old. I know a lot of NHoles too.
NHoles, nice... Still not the same jingle as MASSHOLE....
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Old 07-04-2012, 06:38 PM   #28
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NHoles are really wannabees that moved to the area.
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Old 07-04-2012, 06:46 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by RailroadJoe View Post
NEWBIE Your right on that one. I always thought that New York drivers were bad, but its seems Ma, Conn, NH, VT, and Maine are all the same now. Not safe on any road or water anywhere, I guess. Keep cool and watch out for the other guy.
I respectfully disagree!

We in Mass have THE worst drivers in the country with northern NJ in a close second.

In our defense I will also say the we in Ma also have the best drivers in the country as it takes the best quality drivers to survive driving alongside the worst EVERYDAY!!!

Its not easy but we do what we must do to survive in the concrete jungle,,,
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Old 07-04-2012, 06:48 PM   #30
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Originally Posted by Altonbayicefishingfool View Post
NHoles, nice... Still not the same jingle as MASSHOLE....
Agreed, they are a weak second at best,,,
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Old 07-04-2012, 06:56 PM   #31
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Originally Posted by BroadHopper View Post
NHoles are really wannabees that moved to the area.
Again I respectfully disagree.

They are the ones who couldn't make it as full-fledge Massholes, the rejects,,, Which in reality makes them an even lower form of life.

I had to laugh this past weekend, we were in front of the Ames Farm getting ready to pull the tube and I look over and see a bunch of "Revere Beach" types at one of the cabins with their black pimpmobiles all with the trunks open and they have weights out and are pumpin iron in 95 degree weather. It was like something out of a 1970's or 80's "B" movie. Just too funny,,,
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Old 07-04-2012, 07:44 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by laketrout View Post
Well with the layoff of 30+ marine patrol officers (part time) on the Big Lake this year, I have seen less Marine Patrol. So you can imagine the many more violations that are going unnoticed/unseen this year.

I am off the water for a few days until things calm down,and actually this year so far I do not think its that busy with boaters on the water in my opinion.

that doesnt stop the MPs from harrasing people at the Wam sandbar ( like today @ 3:30 P.M. ) and no I wasent one of them

dont worry be happy
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Old 07-04-2012, 08:05 PM   #33
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Some of you guys need to learn to lighten up a bit and enjoy boating no matter where you are or how the rules may or may not be followed. Tow your boats 100 miles south and spend a summer weekend on Boston Harbor if you want to gain a better understanding for what other people deal with.

I purchased my boat at Shep Brown's but I keep it in East Boston. I had it up for service in June so last Friday my sons and I came up to retrieve it and we spent the whole day on Winnipesaukee. Up to Center Harbor, down to Wolfeboro, over to South Down Shores to visit friends and then back to Shep's. It was a beautiful day.

On Saturday morning we were back in Boston to see the tall ships and navy vessels. We did it again on Sunday evening. Today we were out early to secure a good spot in the harbor for the USS Constitution turnaround and Blue Angels flyover.

A lot of time on the water in 2 states over the past 6 days. Did I see plenty of dumb moves? Sure, but I put stock in my own training, experience and equipment. You'll never dictate the behavior and actions of others, you can only be prepared to ensure your own safety and that of your passengers.

Last edited by gf2020; 07-04-2012 at 10:02 PM.
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Old 07-04-2012, 10:37 PM   #34
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Originally Posted by XCR-700 View Post
I respectfully disagree!

We in Mass have THE worst drivers in the country with northern NJ in a close second.

In our defense I will also say the we in Ma also have the best drivers in the country as it takes the best quality drivers to survive driving alongside the worst EVERYDAY!!!

Its not easy but we do what we must do to survive in the concrete jungle,,,
I beg to differ.... I lived in Colorado last year for a short stint... I'm sorry but Mass has some fierce competition when it comes to driving... CO is in close first place, those tools will put flatlanders to shame... Down right scary on the roads out west!!!
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Old 07-05-2012, 05:18 AM   #35
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Originally Posted by Altonbayicefishingfool View Post
I beg to differ.... I lived in Colorado last year for a short stint... I'm sorry but Mass has some fierce competition when it comes to driving... CO is in close first place, those tools will put flatlanders to shame... Down right scary on the roads out west!!!
Oh boy, now we have COholes!!
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Old 07-05-2012, 05:52 AM   #36
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Winni forum.....A gathering of the "perfect people" Best drivers and boaters anywhere, just ask them...
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Old 07-05-2012, 06:04 AM   #37
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Originally Posted by gf2020 View Post
Some of you guys need to learn to lighten up a bit and enjoy boating no matter where you are or how the rules may or may not be followed. Tow your boats 100 miles south and spend a summer weekend on Boston Harbor if you want to gain a better understanding for what other people deal with.

I purchased my boat at Shep Brown's but I keep it in East Boston. I had it up for service in June so last Friday my sons and I came up to retrieve it and we spent the whole day on Winnipesaukee. Up to Center Harbor, down to Wolfeboro, over to South Down Shores to visit friends and then back to Shep's. It was a beautiful day.

On Saturday morning we were back in Boston to see the tall ships and navy vessels. We did it again on Sunday evening. Today we were out early to secure a good spot in the harbor for the USS Constitution turnaround and Blue Angels flyover.

A lot of time on the water in 2 states over the past 6 days. Did I see plenty of dumb moves? Sure, but I put stock in my own training, experience and equipment. You'll never dictate the behavior and actions of others, you can only be prepared to ensure your own safety and that of your passengers.

Great pictures!!!! The Blue Angels flew over my house yesterday while we were working out in the yard....They were so loud but so awesome!!!
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Old 07-05-2012, 09:15 AM   #38
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Default We were shaking our heads yesterday...

Left Parker Marine yesterday PM, had a boat to my left with a bunch of kids in it, adult driving. Jetski came up on my right. All in no wake area. got past the bandstand and jet ski took off. no problem. Other boat took off no problem. He was heading straight out toward Sandy Pt. No problem. Then I went up on power. Jetski left me in the dust. Other boat looked like he was going to split the buoys at Sandy Pt. All of a sudden he turns right, and cuts in front of me to go to the east of the flasher and black buoy. Not really bad...I came off the throttle because I was watching him. Came back on throttle and was following him in his wake by maybe a hundred yards...at least a pitching wedge behind him . See the jetski that had passed me and took off at the beginning now approaching from my left in between the two boats (we are doing about 30), jumps the wake and turns to follow the first boat. He's doing a little swerving and hitting the edge of the wake in front of me. I backed off a ways, as I could just see his passenger fall off in front of me.
Dangerous...maybe a little. Not following the rules of navigation, yielding to the boat on the right...yeah. Unexpected...sort of. When I learned to drive a car, my driver ed guy said to drive defensively, expect the unexpected from the other person, and try to always have a way out of a situation. Applies nicely to boating.
I let the others go...rather have them in front of me where I can see them and plan accordingly. 150 rule misapplied alot...probably. dangerous...occasionally. Can you plan for others moves...almost all the time. So is it a really big deal...nope. Gives my wife and I an opportunity to talk about someone or something. Worst case, I come to a stop, and hold my arms out to my side with my palms up, all fingers together, as if to say "What's up with that move". Beyond that, time on the lake is too precious to get too worked up over this stuff. (But I must admit...I love to hear stories about the crazy boating antics of others, because it really does make me ! Enjoy your boating, everyone.
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Old 07-05-2012, 10:55 AM   #39
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Boating on the lake is safe. Sure, some people will throttle past me only being 60' ft away on a busy weekend, and it might rustle my jimmies, but I don't feel that I'm in danger. In fact, I can't think of any time in the past 20 years of boating on Winnipesaukee when I've had so much as a bona fide 'close call'. Plenty of people not following the rules or using their heads, but not enough to make me reluctant to enjoy the waterways. You just have to be aware of your surroundings to guard against the occasional bonehead.
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Old 07-05-2012, 12:42 PM   #40
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betting half these violations are truly not violations. 150 feet is no where near the distance most think it is and everyone gets so paranoid when boats are close. Grew up ocean boating, done a ton of boating on winni, Ossipee, Sebago and if people just use common sense that's way more effective in keeping you safe than whether that boats 125 feet away or 175 feet.
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Old 07-05-2012, 02:48 PM   #41
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I think the 150' rule is as much about courtesy as safety. Most violations are rude bust not dangerous.

We all have our first duty to avoid a collision. So if someone comes off the throttle or passes behind the other boat but it should have been the other then no extra danger. The only dangerous part is when neither yields.

Given the nearly constant lack of serious injuries, with a few notable and tragic exceptions, it really can't be that dangerous out there.
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Old 07-05-2012, 03:38 PM   #42
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I'll bet that most people (including members here) don't even know what NH RSA the 150 ft rule is in. In-fact they probably don't know what RSA stands for.
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Old 07-06-2012, 06:12 AM   #43
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Originally Posted by upthesaukee View Post
Left Parker Marine yesterday PM, had a boat to my left with a bunch of kids in it, adult driving. Jetski came up on my right. All in no wake area. got past the bandstand and jet ski took off. no problem. Other boat took off no problem. He was heading straight out toward Sandy Pt. No problem. Then I went up on power. Jetski left me in the dust. Other boat looked like he was going to split the buoys at Sandy Pt. All of a sudden he turns right, and cuts in front of me to go to the east of the flasher and black buoy. Not really bad...I came off the throttle because I was watching him. Came back on throttle and was following him in his wake by maybe a hundred yards...at least a pitching wedge behind him . See the jetski that had passed me and took off at the beginning now approaching from my left in between the two boats (we are doing about 30), jumps the wake and turns to follow the first boat. He's doing a little swerving and hitting the edge of the wake in front of me. I backed off a ways, as I could just see his passenger fall off in front of me.
Dangerous...maybe a little. Not following the rules of navigation, yielding to the boat on the right...yeah. Unexpected...sort of. When I learned to drive a car, my driver ed guy said to drive defensively, expect the unexpected from the other person, and try to always have a way out of a situation. Applies nicely to boating.
I let the others go...rather have them in front of me where I can see them and plan accordingly. 150 rule misapplied alot...probably. dangerous...occasionally. Can you plan for others moves...almost all the time. So is it a really big deal...nope. Gives my wife and I an opportunity to talk about someone or something. Worst case, I come to a stop, and hold my arms out to my side with my palms up, all fingers together, as if to say "What's up with that move". Beyond that, time on the lake is too precious to get too worked up over this stuff. (But I must admit...I love to hear stories about the crazy boating antics of others, because it really does make me ! Enjoy your boating, everyone.
Sounds like you follow the same set of rules that I do on the lake. There is no place that I HAVE to be when I'm out drilling holes in the water.
My boating safety rules are simple and easy to remember. They have kept me safe and SANE for just over 15 years on the lake.
Rule # 1
You never Ever EVER have the right of way.
Rule # 2
In the event of an exception, See rule # 1.

What a great boating week this has been. Stay safe, everybody.
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Old 07-06-2012, 06:47 AM   #44
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Originally Posted by Altonbayicefishingfool View Post
On the lake for 5 hours today and witnessed more than 20 plus violations from Alton to Wolfeboro... Did everyone forget the rules from their boater safety class? Crazy to say the least....
If it's violated that often, it shows that the law is not practical or needed. If you read the actual verbiage on the "150 ft rule" I still believe that the safe passage rule is the result of unintended consequences. 150 ft from shore or other fixed objects makes sense. Between two moving boats, not so much.

To my knowledge, there are no other States that have a "safe passage" rule. Go to in ME, VT, MA and it's not a problem and people are much less uptight IMO
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Old 07-06-2012, 07:09 AM   #45
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is when someone throttles pass you at about 60 feet and the MP stops you because you are closer and fine you for violating the 150' rule.

Lesson learn form this is that even though it is the other skipper who cause the violation, you must slow down to no wake speed.

Another lesson learned when rafting. If a boater decides to moor within 25', YOU need to maintain 50' rafting distance in no rafting zone. It doesn't matter who was there first, you must obey the law and maintain distance.

A number of innocent folks on the lake get nailed thanks to the discourteous boater.
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Old 07-06-2012, 01:58 PM   #46
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Originally Posted by The Phantom Gourmand View Post
Sounds like you follow the same set of rules that I do on the lake. There is no place that I HAVE to be when I'm out drilling holes in the water.
My boating safety rules are simple and easy to remember. They have kept me safe and SANE for just over 15 years on the lake.
Rule # 1
You never Ever EVER have the right of way.
Rule # 2
In the event of an exception, See rule # 1.

What a great boating week this has been. Stay safe, everybody.
I partially agree with this, but at this same time this sort of submissive behavior just encourages others to disregard the rules.
[insert witty phrase here]
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Old 07-06-2012, 06:23 PM   #47
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Have you driven on any highway lately?
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Old 07-07-2012, 06:21 AM   #48
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Originally Posted by brk-lnt View Post
I partially agree with this, but at this same time this sort of submissive behavior just encourages others to disregard the rules.
Submissive? Not at all. I just refuse to let anybody's callous errors control my thoughts and actions to the point that I get all upset and angry. I don't quite see how my "don't worry, be happy" attitude while on the lake encourages others to be disrespectful regarding the rules of safe boating. We have the Marine Patrol to worry about that.
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Old 07-07-2012, 06:38 AM   #49
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Default Stand on is different than right of way

There is only one condition in boating the uses the words right of way. All others that I know of are stand on and give way. Both boaters have an obligation to avoid collision. So, if you are stand on and collide with a bonehead because he fails to give way you the stand on vessel are still at fault for not avoiding the collision. I agree that it is very frustrating when people ignore the rules but it really is the same on the roads as it is on the water. People run red lights, stops sign, yield etc…………….
We all have to drive defensively when on the water or land……………..but the boneheads can and do annoy us…………….and if there is a flagrant violation I think they should be reported to MP. I, personally have always found them to be responsive to a dangerous situation.

in an emergency (Figure 6-8).
The Inland Rules have an additional requirement
for narrow channels subject to currents. Vessels
traveling with the current (downbound) in
narrow channels or fairways have the right of way.
(Note: This is the only place in the Rules where
the term

right of way appears.) This rule is in effect
on the Great Lakes, Western Rivers, and other
specified waters. The upbound vessel must yield
and allow the downbound vessel to pass. The rule
exists because it is easier to control your vessel
when you are traveling against the current than

when traveling with it.

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Old 07-07-2012, 07:24 AM   #50
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Originally Posted by Seaplane Pilot View Post
I think the instructor should go back to school. 150' rule is only on inland waterways. Go to Boston Harbor on a busy day....you'll be lucky to see boats 50' apart.
As far as I know, Boston Harbor is considered an inland water way. As soon as you enter the harbor the rules apply.
Whether you agree with that or not, even in the inland water ways, even in the rivers, the rule is not followed and I that this is where the instructor and captain where heading.
I've been out on the Merrimack and been over taken by a big cabin cruiser within 20' and swamped by their wake.
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Old 07-07-2012, 03:41 PM   #51
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Originally Posted by chachee52 View Post
As far as I know, Boston Harbor is considered an inland water way. As soon as you enter the harbor the rules apply.
Whether you agree with that or not, even in the inland water ways, even in the rivers, the rule is not followed and I that this is where the instructor and captain where heading.
I've been out on the Merrimack and been over taken by a big cabin cruiser within 20' and swamped by their wake.
Pretty sure Boston Harbor is not in NH...
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Old 07-07-2012, 03:45 PM   #52
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Sorry, But Boston Harbor is also the name of the bay in Dover between great bay and little bay, I believe.
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Old 07-07-2012, 04:53 PM   #53
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Originally Posted by RailroadJoe View Post
Sorry, But Boston Harbor is also the name of the bay in Dover between great bay and little bay, I believe.
I never would have guessed that, thanks Joe. I see on Mapquest that Boston Harbor Road becomes Dover Point Road along side 4 & 16 just prior to the bridge. http://www.mapquest.com/maps?city=Bo...arbor&state=NH
So I would assume that you are correct.
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Old 07-07-2012, 05:15 PM   #54
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Originally Posted by RailroadJoe View Post
Sorry, But Boston Harbor is also the name of the bay in Dover between great bay and little bay, I believe.
Not on my NOAA charts. http://www.charts.noaa.gov/OnLineViewer/13285.shtml According to NOAA, It's called Furber Strait.
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Old 07-07-2012, 05:38 PM   #55
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Dave R. I stand corrected. Little Bay is sometimes reffered to the area where the Oyster River empties in the bay(s). Just east of that and before the Dover Point is what is known as Boston Harbor. Some old maps have different names for everything in the area due to 6 rivers emptying into the Piscataqua (?).
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Old 07-07-2012, 05:55 PM   #56
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A little history of the Bays. The US topo maps (UNH series) shows Little bay where I first put it. However, in the latest topo maps its is moved to where you show it. I will try and have the topo map showing Boston Harbor.
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Old 07-07-2012, 06:41 PM   #57
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Rusty, RSA is Revised Statutes Annotated, that was easy even for a chemist. However after checking RSA 265 couldn't find it there: RSA 168 not quite correct but interesting. The 150' rule is not articulated in the RSAs, but in fact found in Saf-C 404.12 (b). Rules promulgated by the Department of Safety. Any prize for that info?
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Originally Posted by chaseisland View Post
Rusty, RSA is Revised Statutes Annotated, that was easy even for a chemist. However after checking RSA 265 couldn't find it there: RSA 168 not quite correct but interesting. The 150' rule is not articulated in the RSAs, but in fact found in Saf-C 404.12 (b). Rules promulgated by the Department of Safety. Any prize for that info?
Wrong. RSA-270-D states the 150 ft rule.

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Old 07-08-2012, 07:14 PM   #59
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Originally Posted by Rusty View Post
I'll bet that most people (including members here) don't even know what NH RSA the 150 ft rule is in. In-fact they probably don't know what RSA stands for.
I don't know the RSA for first degree murder, but I don't kill people.
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Old 07-08-2012, 07:19 PM   #60
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Originally Posted by RailroadJoe View Post
A little history of the Bays. The US topo maps (UNH series) shows Little bay where I first put it. However, in the latest topo maps its is moved to where you show it. I will try and have the topo map showing Boston Harbor.
Interesting. I drive in that area often, always wondered why the road was named that, and had looked at my chart book to see if there was a Boston Harbor.
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Old 07-08-2012, 09:08 PM   #61
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Default Rsa, saf, eieio

Whatever, there is a 150' law that needs to be enforced. So who is going to make sure it is enforced?
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Old 07-09-2012, 09:36 AM   #62
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The 4th week is always the worst for these and any Violations.

My wife and I have a saying...Every Jerk that has a boat brings it to Winni for the 4th week..

On Sat afternoon...we were almost run over by a Fool in a Big Sea Ray Cruiser..we were just exiting the No Wake Area(short one) at Governors Island and this Fool comes Plowing Through the No Wake area at about 25mph and then passed us about 20 feet off my stern--throwing his 3 foot wake into the side of our boat.

Best part was everyone on the boat was waiving at Us....!!!!

I wanted to waive something back at him, but there were little kids onboard so I just looked the other way.
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Old 07-09-2012, 10:08 AM   #63
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Default I dont get it? Why all the fuss?

The 150' rule has always been almost impossible to enforce from day 1 and short of speed limits and what actually constitutes no wake speed is one of the most debated issues on the lake!

I really dont get why people get thier panties sooo twisted over it! If you have EVER boated anyplace else besides NH inland waterways, other boats can run 10' away from you at full speed and not be breaking ANY laws. 150' was chosen for safety. The MP & the legislature picked this distance KNOWING that it was going to be hard to enforce. But even if a boat comes within 50' or so there is still little chance of collision. A simple rule of thumb.. if you can read thier bow numbers clearly, you are probably too close.

While PUTTING around the lake this weekend on my friends boat (a rather large GFBL) we putted (at no wake speed - 5 MPH on GPS) from Braun Bay, under the Long Island Bridge, thru the 6-Pack, then around Cow Is and out into the Broads... we did not get on plane until maybe 1/2 mile before the twin lights at the Witches heaqding back to the Weirs... in that period of time boats of EVERY type violated the 150' rule. We were laughing and I counted 27 violations where we could very clearly see the bow numbers. That being said, only 4 boats were what I would consider "danger close" a jetski, 2 small bowriders and a pontoon. Those guys were within 25' on plane in a head on situation. The rest were probably 100' away and in no way unsafe.

Go boat in the ocean if you want to see what true crazy boating is...



OnlyWinni.. there is no short NWZ by the Govenor's Island bridge! Its a very common misconception! That is a just a lighted marker and you can be on plane as long as you are 150' away from the bridge.
The only way to eliminate ignorant behavior is through education. You can't fix stupid.
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Old 07-09-2012, 11:34 AM   #64
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A long time ago, MP told me that that was a good way to know 50'. If you can read their bow numbers, you are too close.

I think 150 is more distance than needed but since it is the rule, people need to try to follow it. Otherwise, it might as well be changed.
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Old 07-09-2012, 12:57 PM   #65
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I gave up worrying about other peoples 150' violations. There are just way too many of them. Now my feeling is that as long as they are not endangering me, I pretty much don't care.
With that said, I always follow the 150' rule. It is easy on my PWC, as I can get myself 150' away with no issues. If not, throttle down. No big deal.
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Old 07-09-2012, 02:03 PM   #66
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Originally Posted by onlywinni View Post
The 4th week is always the worst for these and any Violations.

My wife and I have a saying...Every Jerk that has a boat brings it to Winni for the 4th week..

On Sat afternoon...we were almost run over by a Fool in a Big Sea Ray Cruiser..we were just exiting the No Wake Area(short one) at Governors Island and this Fool comes Plowing Through the No Wake area at about 25mph and then passed us about 20 feet off my stern--throwing his 3 foot wake into the side of our boat.

Best part was everyone on the boat was waiving at Us....!!!!

I wanted to waive something back at him, but there were little kids onboard so I just looked the other way.

Having just seen Caddy Shack for about the 100th time last night, all I can thiink of is Rodney Dangerfields..."Hey, you scratched my anchor!"
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Originally Posted by MikeF-NH View Post
Having just seen Caddy Shack for about the 100th time last night, all I can thiink of is Rodney Dangerfields..."Hey, you scratched my anchor!"
What an all time classic movie that was!! That was a great scene too!!

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Old 07-09-2012, 02:48 PM   #68
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Originally Posted by Woodsy View Post
OnlyWinni.. there is no short NWZ by the Govenor's Island bridge! Its a very common misconception! That is a just a lighted marker and you can be on plane as long as you are 150' away from the bridge.
I realize that...I am talking about the No Wake area on the other side of Governors heading towards say Center Harbor or directly across from Weirs Beach. There are 2 No Wake Zone Markers and a Red and Black in that area.
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Old 07-09-2012, 03:04 PM   #69
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The no wake south-east of the GI bridge is just the normal 150' for all bridges. North-west of the bridge no wake is about a 1/4 mile. Even though the signs on the bridge heading that way indicate 2500 feet. I wonder about those signs, are they marine patrol signs or private signs?
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Old 07-09-2012, 03:44 PM   #70
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Default Normally don't care..said that earlier in this thread

However, yesterday we were at anchor inside Sandy Pt, to the Rte 11 side of the entrance to Sandy Pts protected cover where all the docks are. It was a little boat rough, but we were protected from the gale that was blowing down the bay.

We sat there for a while, with my wife and sister on board, when a gentleman piloting a 25 ft or so bowrider came up on our starboard side towing a tube with two kids on it, made a left turn across our bow and proceeded to head back down our port side toward the end of the bay. The resulting cross wake almost swamped the bow of our 25 ft Mariah. We said thank goodness he is gone, or words to that effect. After a few minutes, he returned and did the same thing. I stood up and glared at him, but got no response because he was more involved in watching his kids have fun on the tube than what his wake was doing to us. Again, nearly swamped. Once again, a few minutes passed and he did it again. This time, we did take a little water over the bow. I yelled and put my hands out to my side as if to say "What the heck" and he returned the gesture. I think the lady that was riding with him as a spotter may have said something to him, as he did not use us as a turning buoy again.

I didn't have a problem with him being 50-75 feet away passing my boat to starboard, nor did I have a problem with him passing my boat to port that close or perhaps even a bit closer. My problem was the tight turn he made across my bow, and the resulting wakes meeting right at my bow. Under way, my boat would handle that no problem. With the anchor tying the bow down made for an interesting ride. Fortunately, we only took a little over the bow, most of which went down into the anchor storage and behind the front seat in the bowrider. Only a little made it to the floor.

What bothered me the most was that there was no need of him being that close to me in the first place....there was all sorts of room to my right, out towards the open part of the bay.
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Old 07-15-2012, 03:19 PM   #71
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Originally Posted by Woodsy View Post
The 150' rule has always been almost impossible to enforce from day 1 and short of speed limits and what actually constitutes no wake speed is one of the most debated issues on the lake!

I really dont get why people get thier panties sooo twisted over it! If you have EVER boated anyplace else besides NH inland waterways, other boats can run 10' away from you at full speed and not be breaking ANY laws. 150' was chosen for safety. The MP & the legislature picked this distance KNOWING that it was going to be hard to enforce. But even if a boat comes within 50' or so there is still little chance of collision. A simple rule of thumb.. if you can read thier bow numbers clearly, you are probably too close.

While PUTTING around the lake this weekend on my friends boat (a rather large GFBL) we putted (at no wake speed - 5 MPH on GPS) from Braun Bay, under the Long Island Bridge, thru the 6-Pack, then around Cow Is and out into the Broads... we did not get on plane until maybe 1/2 mile before the twin lights at the Witches heaqding back to the Weirs... in that period of time boats of EVERY type violated the 150' rule. We were laughing and I counted 27 violations where we could very clearly see the bow numbers. That being said, only 4 boats were what I would consider "danger close" a jetski, 2 small bowriders and a pontoon. Those guys were within 25' on plane in a head on situation. The rest were probably 100' away and in no way unsafe.

Go boat in the ocean if you want to see what true crazy boating is...



OnlyWinni.. there is no short NWZ by the Govenor's Island bridge! Its a very common misconception! That is a just a lighted marker and you can be on plane as long as you are 150' away from the bridge.

Try the mouth of the Merrimac River during a tide change, 50 boats sized from PWC to 50 footers, going different speeds, throwing huge wakes, heading in both directions trying to get through the currents, at about 20 feet from each other. Thats fun!
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Originally Posted by masssteve View Post
Try the mouth of the Merrimac River during a tide change, 50 boats sized from PWC to 50 footers, going different speeds, throwing huge wakes, heading in both directions trying to get through the currents, at about 20 feet from each other. Thats fun!
I'll buy what your selling!!!

Winnipesaukee by comparison is a cakewalk.

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Old 07-15-2012, 08:40 PM   #73
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Default Wannabee?

Originally Posted by BroadHopper View Post
NHoles are really wannabees that moved to the area.
BH, you've posted a lot of negative comments about people who move here from out of state. This post raises a few questions for me:

What do we wannabee? I bought property here because I like the area. Does that make me a wannabee tax payer? What objections do you have against people who find Laconia a good place to live?

I rent a two slips in a marina you've already pointed out seems to have more empty space than in years before. Would you rather have these go empty this year?

I'll admit that there are many Massholes in the Lakes Region during the summer months but I think you should stop generalizing and consider those of us who are genuinely trying to make NH a place to live year-round. It's really not cool.
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Old 07-16-2012, 05:25 AM   #74
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Originally Posted by diz View Post
BH, you've posted a lot of negative comments about people who move here from out of state. This post raises a few questions for me:

What do we wannabee? I bought property here because I like the area. Does that make me a wannabee tax payer? What objections do you have against people who find Laconia a good place to live?

I rent a two slips in a marina you've already pointed out seems to have more empty space than in years before. Would you rather have these go empty this year?

I'll admit that there are many Massholes in the Lakes Region during the summer months but I think you should stop generalizing and consider those of us who are genuinely trying to make NH a place to live year-round. It's really not cool.
Having had to take a trip to Jersey for a funeral a couple of weeks ago I can tell you first hand once you cross the NH border the rules change.
Yes Mass drivers are bad and probably worse the closer you get to the city, but Jersey drivers take the cake. The passing lane is where everyone drives at a steady 20mph over.
The 2 right lanes are for weaving in and out of traffic at 80 to get ahead of the slow drivers only doing 75 in a 55.
This scenario plays out all the way from NH to Jersey.
Now on the return trip my wife and I paid close attention to drivers once we crossed back into NH. Yes there was still weaving in and out of traffic and passing on the right but most but not all doing this were not from NH.
Not saying that there were no NH people doing this but the vast majorities were from other states.
Like it or not Diz this whole area does change during tourist season, it is a fact. Fact also that you witness a different style of driving during the summer months then you do when tourist season ends.
It only stands to reason these same drivers who have little disregard for others on the roads will also transfer that to the lake. But that is the way they do it back home so why would things change just because they go to a different state?

Someone once brought up a good point to me. If they drive that way back home why should we expect them to all the sudden become courteous drivers just because they come to this state?
I stopped complaining after that and look forward to Labor Day.
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Old 07-16-2012, 05:32 AM   #75
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Now if all those speeders were ticketed, we could pay off the national debt.
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Old 07-16-2012, 08:31 AM   #76
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Originally Posted by masssteve View Post
Try the mouth of the Merrimac River during a tide change, 50 boats sized from PWC to 50 footers, going different speeds, throwing huge wakes, heading in both directions trying to get through the currents, at about 20 feet from each other. Thats fun!
Been there, done that in my PWC. Almost got swamped by a giant wave when I opened up my hood to grab my sun screen. That is a very tricky area .
Getting ready for winter!
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Old 07-18-2012, 04:52 PM   #77
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Tourism is the 2nd largest industry in New Hampshire. I really really appreciate all the fine people who come here to enjoy our State and spend money at our many businesses. If they bring a few unfamiliar or under appreciated driving habits along with the millions and millions of dollars, I think we can live and let live just a little bit. My family has never been in danger from the visiting boat that might come too close for our laws which we don't bother to post at our public boat ramps.

The worst thing we could do is make New Hampshire a place that people don't want to come to anymore. That would have a dramatic impact on the balance of our state economy and make it so that many of us may no longer be able to join in on the enjoyment of the lakes region. It is naive to think that visitors to our fine State don't have a huge positive impact on our to small town and school economies. I kind of like having no State income tax.

Sometimes your intolerance can be something you keep to yourself.
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Old 07-19-2012, 05:02 AM   #78
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Default Message to NH Legislature

Originally Posted by Rattlesnake Guy View Post
Tourism is the 2nd largest industry in New Hampshire. I really really appreciate all the fine people who come here to enjoy our State and spend money at our many businesses. If they bring a few unfamiliar or under appreciated driving habits along with the millions and millions of dollars, I think we can live and let live just a little bit. My family has never been in danger from the visiting boat that might come too close for our laws which we don't bother to post at our public boat ramps.

The worst thing we could do is make New Hampshire a place that people don't want to come to anymore. That would have a dramatic impact on the balance of our state economy and make it so that many of us may no longer be able to join in on the enjoyment of the lakes region. It is naive to think that visitors to our fine State don't have a huge positive impact on our to small town and school economies. I kind of like having no State income tax.

Sometimes your intolerance can be something you keep to yourself.
I believe most people who read the forum and are active menbers of this publication would agree with you, however the laws are the laws and should be followed.

Your comments are well founded but should be targeted at the legislature in Concord!
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Old 07-19-2012, 05:54 AM   #79
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Originally Posted by Lakewinn1 View Post
I believe most people who read the forum and are active menbers of this publication would agree with you, however the laws are the laws and should be followed.

Your comments are well founded but should be targeted at the legislature in Concord!
The forum is a place where ideas are shared and if enough "ground swell" is achieved then we can start the escalation process. If only one goes to Concord nothing would be achieved.

I agree with Rattlesnake Guy's perspective and will add that there are some among us that feel they are responsible to infringe on others freedoms with their perception or interpretation of laws. Just think if they really enacted the "blue laws" or actually removed some laws from the books. We would all be in jail!
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Old 07-19-2012, 07:22 PM   #80
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I remember when Hotels were booked solid, resteraunts were busy, marinas had a waiting list and fast boats were selling like crazy. Then implement a speed limit, harass the performance boaters and 3 years later, open rooms, slow resteraunts, slips available and selling for 50% off, marinas and boat sellers just hanging on with bow riders and pontoon sales, and some with boat rentals (the worst offenders of the rules by far). You push people with money to other areas and they take thier freinds with them (it's that simple). I'm always reading the performance boat boards and here the same thing all the time ( stay away from winni, they don't like performance boats) that's alot of money being sent else were weather you thinks so or not. Every boater in some fashion will spend money on a room, food, gas, boat repairs, slip, cloths or the other attractions while here. Some will say it's the economy but remember people with money don't mind spending it if they feel appreciated. I wrote an article a while back and said this would happen but the chosen few won the battle and now we should rethink things to help the local economy ( every dollar adds up ).
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Old 07-19-2012, 07:34 PM   #81
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Originally Posted by outlawfun View Post
I remember when Hotels were booked solid, resteraunts were busy, marinas had a waiting list and fast boats were selling like crazy. Then implement a speed limit, harass the performance boaters and 3 years later, open rooms, slow resteraunts, slips available and selling for 50% off, marinas and boat sellers just hanging on with bow riders and pontoon sales, and some with boat rentals (the worst offenders of the rules by far). You push people with money to other areas and they take thier freinds with them (it's that simple). I'm always reading the performance boat boards and here the same thing all the time ( stay away from winni, they don't like performance boats) that's alot of money being sent else were weather you thinks so or not. Every boater in some fashion will spend money on a room, food, gas, boat repairs, slip, cloths or the other attractions while here. Some will say it's the economy but remember people with money don't mind spending it if they feel appreciated. I wrote an article a while back and said this would happen but the chosen few won the battle and now we should rethink things to help the local economy ( every dollar adds up ).
Please give me some data from the local businesses that support your comments. The only way I know of to prove what you have said is to get the actual receipts for a three year period from the businesses that you talk about.
It's not fair to speak for any business unless you have the actual data.
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Old 07-19-2012, 08:30 PM   #82
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Why don't you come to one of the LR Chamber of Commerce network meetings and ask the businessmen?

Also Plymouth State University does extensive yearly research on this stuff. Check out the plymouth.edu

I can recall when Bike Week and NASCAR weekends when you can't find any vacancy. Now you see them everywhere. In the past you had to buy tickets almost a year in advance to attend a NASCAR race. Today you can buy tickets during the race.
Someday may never be an actual day.
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My data comes from being on the lake every week, when you see exactly what's going on and not some fake bs presented at a meeting from sl supporters. Thurston marine lost their boat manufacturer along with channel not having a couple of thiers, silver sands gave up fountain and lakeport lost formula. These were all big ticket boats and brought in alot of money, with out profit these places find it hard to stay in business ( now they have to sell way more boats to stay open).Every resteraunt i go in now has no waite and i can get a room in any hotel. This is great for me but eventually it will kill small businesses. All the sl supporters only thought of themselves and not the big picture. Every dollar counts and negative posts keeping people away only hurt more. I'm a performance boat owner and treat everyone with respect and stay far away from others on the water. I see renters speeding through no wake zones and breaking the 150 rule all the time along with bumping off everyone elses boat while trying to dock ( things need to change for renters)
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Old 07-20-2012, 05:50 AM   #84
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Default It's The Economy...

Originally Posted by outlawfun View Post
My data comes from being on the lake every week, when you see exactly what's going on and not some fake bs presented at a meeting from sl supporters. Thurston marine lost their boat manufacturer along with channel not having a couple of thiers, silver sands gave up fountain and lakeport lost formula. These were all big ticket boats and brought in alot of money, with out profit these places find it hard to stay in business ( now they have to sell way more boats to stay open).Every resteraunt i go in now has no waite and i can get a room in any hotel. This is great for me but eventually it will kill small businesses. All the sl supporters only thought of themselves and not the big picture. Every dollar counts and negative posts keeping people away only hurt more. I'm a performance boat owner and treat everyone with respect and stay far away from others on the water. I see renters speeding through no wake zones and breaking the 150 rule all the time along with bumping off everyone elses boat while trying to dock ( things need to change for renters)
Oops...this got "moved" this morning—while I was looking for a picture...now my reply goes into the "dust-bin".

Your data is called "anecdotal"—not that it should be dismissed—here's more "anecdotal" evidence:

From my boating on the lake every day, the lake has many moods. The picture below was taken on The Broads last week—at the height of Winnipesaukee's boating season. The 150-foot rule is meaningless out here. The Broads is virtually empty every week-day morning—all season long. It's been this way for years—perhaps decades.

Turn off the late-night shows—get up early, catch a new day dawning—and the Big Lake presents a whole-new vista.

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Old 07-20-2012, 05:51 AM   #85
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Originally Posted by outlawfun View Post
My data comes from being on the lake every week, when you see exactly what's going on and not some fake bs presented at a meeting from sl supporters. Thurston marine lost their boat manufacturer along with channel not having a couple of thiers, silver sands gave up fountain and lakeport lost formula. These were all big ticket boats and brought in alot of money, with out profit these places find it hard to stay in business ( now they have to sell way more boats to stay open).Every resteraunt i go in now has no waite and i can get a room in any hotel. This is great for me but eventually it will kill small businesses. All the sl supporters only thought of themselves and not the big picture. Every dollar counts and negative posts keeping people away only hurt more. I'm a performance boat owner and treat everyone with respect and stay far away from others on the water. I see renters speeding through no wake zones and breaking the 150 rule all the time along with bumping off everyone elses boat while trying to dock ( things need to change for renters)
I appreciate you sharing your observations and opinions on this topic. They are different then mine but everyone is entitled to their opinion.

Stay safe and enjoy your time on the water.
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Old 07-20-2012, 03:28 PM   #86
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Thanks Rusty,
If I remember correctly you own a couple of businesses on the lake of which i'm suppose to stay away from but I don't think thats a good idea as i'm a business owner as well. I wish things could be better for everyone and not just a couple. As for the above picture that goes to show you that the lake is empty during the week and the performance boat users should be able to run them out as long as no one is near them, I do think that safety should come first in busy areas.

Have a good summer.
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Old 07-22-2012, 06:40 PM   #87
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He's not "that" Rusty.
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Old 08-25-2012, 05:02 AM   #88
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Default My observatons

The speed limit did absolutely nothing to curb the problems on the lake.
If anything the timing of it coupled with the economic down fall made it seem as though it may have helped.
The purpose of the SL was to and did cause a lot of the performance boats to leave.
Having talked with someone who was a supporter of the SL I found out that it wasn't really about speed as much as noise and the real drive was to rid the lake of the weekend noise.
As far as the real issues which were always about safe operation and following the rules, not one thing has changed. You still have the same problems with safe operation failure to give way, violating the 150ft rule and they are still being done by the same boaters as before. Mainly vacation goers and those who simply do not care.
Personally I hope it continues to get worse out there until it reaches the level that proceeded the speed limit. Why because then it will become evident that none of the real issues regarding safety were fixed just because the lake became quieter and some of the performance boaters left it.
outlawfun I'm not sure if you were involved or not but those opposed to the speed limit shot themselves in the foot with their own stand on the issue.
We were involved from the beginning and when it became apparent that the opponents did not want to talk about options when it did become apparent that the SL could very well happen, that is when we decided not to be involved any longer. The, my way or the highway mentality with no room for discussion on the issue is what in our opinion helped seal the deal along with the timing of the boating accident.
Also the Formula dealer changing hands had nothing to do with speed limits.
Formula chose to pull out of Lakeport and look for a new dealer and it had nothing at all to do with the speed limit debate or speed limits on the lake.
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Old 08-26-2012, 10:14 AM   #89
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BR, many of your comments are on the mark especially those about the noise. Why weren't the GFBL clowns smart enough to realize that the noise part was far more of a problem than the speed. There are still too many boats not going that fast but are making an incredible amount of noise.

Like you say, there are still the same old safety problems which have not been corrected with the passing of the SL.
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Old 08-26-2012, 03:47 PM   #90
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Originally Posted by Sue Doe-Nym View Post
BR, many of your comments are on the mark especially those about the noise. Why weren't the GFBL clowns smart enough to realize that the noise part was far more of a problem than the speed. There are still too many boats not going that fast but are making an incredible amount of noise.

Like you say, there are still the same old safety problems which have not been corrected with the passing of the SL.
GFBL Boaters are "clowns". I never thought of them that way...interesting comment though.
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Old 08-27-2012, 08:34 AM   #91
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It's not fair to say that all GFBL are clowns, simply that there were/are enough of them to screw it up for the rest of us.
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Old 08-27-2012, 10:36 AM   #92
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Originally Posted by Sue Doe-Nym View Post
BR, many of your comments are on the mark especially those about the noise. Why weren't the GFBL clowns smart enough to realize that the noise part was far more of a problem than the speed. There are still too many boats not going that fast but are making an incredible amount of noise.

Like you say, there are still the same old safety problems which have not been corrected with the passing of the SL.
The state has a set limit for noise and it is their job to police it. If someone is running too loud they should be ticketed and made to comply. If MP is not keeping up on it, or ignoring it, there lies the problem.

When I got my Sonic last year and went for my first ride I was one of those offenders. I immediately pulled it out and took it in for mufflers so that I complied. I was not stopped on my first ride, nor after modifying it to comply.

The morons are out in full force. My wife has a nasty habit of "saluting" other boaters that are within 50' of us on plane. Her hand was rather tired a week ago after going in and out of Paugus bay...One idiot in a Chris Craft blew by at 50', smiling and waving. Boy did he get a surprise when she "waved" back. He had no idea what he had done wrong!

I will say, as much as I hate to point out one type of boater, or brand of boat, but I am seeing an abundance of Formula owners that are obnoxious this year. Not the performance boats either, mainly sports and cruisers.
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Old 08-27-2012, 10:49 AM   #93
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Default I Agree Codeman!

Originally Posted by codeman671 View Post
I am seeing an abundance of Formula owners that are obnoxious this year. Not the performance boats either, mainly sports and cruisers.
I have to agree 100% at least this year... I have had no problems with bow riders and the like, performance boats, bass boats, etc, etc, this year but the big cruisers are killing me! I have given up on fishing between the hours of 10:00 A.M. and 4:00 P.M. It just is not worth the aggravation to constantly have one large cruiser after another come within 50' at full throttle and have their wake toss me around to the point where I am hanging on and stuff is flying on the floor! And yes these boats cause large wakes even when on plane!

It's not like I am fishing in coves or channel areas either...I am in the dam broads and they have two miles of open water on either side to stay away!! The ones that really piss me off are the ones that wave as they go by!!!
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Old 08-27-2012, 02:17 PM   #94
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Originally Posted by ishoot308 View Post

It's not like I am fishing in coves or channel areas either...I am in the dam broads and they have two miles of open water on either side to stay away!! The ones that really piss me off are the ones that wave as they go by!!!
I waved to you on the way by Saturday night, but I was 150' out
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Old 08-27-2012, 10:19 PM   #95
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Originally Posted by codeman671 View Post
The state has a set limit for noise and it is their job to police it. If someone is running too loud they should be ticketed and made to comply. If MP is not keeping up on it, or ignoring it, there lies the problem.

When I got my Sonic last year and went for my first ride I was one of those offenders. I immediately pulled it out and took it in for mufflers so that I complied. I was not stopped on my first ride, nor after modifying it to comply.

The morons are out in full force. My wife has a nasty habit of "saluting" other boaters that are within 50' of us on plane. Her hand was rather tired a week ago after going in and out of Paugus bay...One idiot in a Chris Craft blew by at 50', smiling and waving. Boy did he get a surprise when she "waved" back. He had no idea what he had done wrong!

I will say, as much as I hate to point out one type of boater, or brand of boat, but I am seeing an abundance of Formula owners that are obnoxious this year. Not the performance boats either, mainly sports and cruisers.
My advice is to have the wife be a little smarter before giving the single finger salute. You may end up with more problems than a boat coming closer than 150 ft. Just not worth it.

As for the 150 ft rule, NH is the only state with such a rule. IMO, it leads to more confusion and unrealistic expectations than what it tries to solve.
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Old 08-28-2012, 07:13 AM   #96
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Originally Posted by codeman671 View Post
The state has a set limit for noise and it is their job to police it. If someone is running too loud they should be ticketed and made to comply. If MP is not keeping up on it, or ignoring it, there lies the problem.

When I got my Sonic last year and went for my first ride I was one of those offenders. I immediately pulled it out and took it in for mufflers so that I complied. I was not stopped on my first ride, nor after modifying it to comply.

The morons are out in full force. My wife has a nasty habit of "saluting" other boaters that are within 50' of us on plane. Her hand was rather tired a week ago after going in and out of Paugus bay...One idiot in a Chris Craft blew by at 50', smiling and waving. Boy did he get a surprise when she "waved" back. He had no idea what he had done wrong!

I will say, as much as I hate to point out one type of boater, or brand of boat, but I am seeing an abundance of Formula owners that are obnoxious this year. Not the performance boats either, mainly sports and cruisers.
Weather legal or not the lake sound level is on it's way up. Now that the restrictions on switchable exhaust have been lifted I see and hear more pleasure boats with switchable exhaust, boats that dealers were unable to stock in this state because it wasn't legal are now being sold.
Several times this weekend and while working at the lake I've heard that unmistakable bark of a through hull exhaust and expected to see a Fountain only to have looked out and see a Regal or Formula cruiser tooling along.
And now that the safety complaints seem to be stacking up it looks like those who thought a speed limit was the fix all for the lake will have to go back to the drawing board.
Maybe more emphasis this time might be placed on the real safety issues on the lake like there should have been to begin with.
Funny thing, now that a lake is again getting crowded and all those problems that some said went away with the speed limit are all the sudden back to haunt us, I do not see the pro speed limit people defending their stand on the speed limit having done more then just make the lake a quieter place for a few years.
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Originally Posted by Belmont Resident View Post
Weather legal or not the lake sound level is on it's way up. Now that the restrictions on switchable exhaust have been lifted I see and hear more pleasure boats with switchable exhaust, boats that dealers were unable to stock in this state because it wasn't legal are now being sold.
I don't see how that is possible since switchable exhaust must not exceed the noise limit law when OPEN in it's loudest position, therefore the lake can only become quieter which it has considerably in my opinion thanks to this law!

Being on Welch Island all summer, I am in the middle of it all and it has been noticeably quieter this year than in years past. I have also noticed it's much quieter at every town dock I have been to. Switchable exhaust allow the captain to switch to quiet mode when entering or leaving port which sure has been nice especially when performance boats are coming or going from the docks or just starting up. In my opinion the switchable exhaust law is one of the few laws passed that has made a huge difference.


Last edited by ishoot308; 08-28-2012 at 08:48 AM.
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are not done yet BR. Many have expressed passing a boat length limit to rid the lake of 'ocean cruisers' because of wake erosion on the shore lines. They have also talked about horsepower limits if the speed and noise is not curtailed. The reason they think this can be done is that Lake Winnipesaukee is technically a water reservoir like Lake Massebisic and Quabbin. Both resevoir limit the size of boats and horsepower.

I guess thay will have to ship the Mt Washington back to Lake Champlain.
Someday may never be an actual day.
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