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Old 08-06-2012, 07:08 PM   #1
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Default Groton Wind Farm

I don't know if this is on point as it isn't directly a "Lakes Region" issue but I'll give it a try. I am totally opposed to the Northern Pass project which continues to move sideways as an issue for now, but if you happen to be in the Plymouth area on Tenney Mountain Highway and look just beyond Tenney Mountain over to the town of Groton, what you'll see on the horizon may surprise you as it did me and my wife. A 24 wind turbine farm is being constructed in the town of Groton. I believe 12 of the turbines are now up. The project is scheduled to be completed in the January 2013 time frame.

My unerstanding is that the power generated from the wind turbines will be dumped into the new england power grid, and the town of groton will receive significant tax money.

It's a stunning site as it changes forever the view of Tenney Mountain. I guess residents of the area were opposed to the farm going forward, but the NH court system threw their case out.

Just wondering if anyone has seen the turbines on the horizone and what your thoughts are. Is this the future?
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Old 08-06-2012, 07:39 PM   #2
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Default Wind Farm

To top things off, the wind farm is foreign owned and the power is actually going to the southern states. While everyone is focusing on the Northern Pass, this issue snuck through. Now that it is taking notice everyone in the region is p.o.

What other projects came through under the Northern Pass smoke screen?
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Old 08-06-2012, 07:58 PM   #3
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I actually like the looks of these...think they are a great feat of engineering.
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Old 08-06-2012, 08:21 PM   #4
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Looks like the 24 turbines are up on a ridge just to the west of the Plymouth Wal-Mart, just beyond the closed Tenney Mt ski area, and close to the Rumney Rocks rock climbing area in the White Mountain National Forest.

Wonder if the turbines can be seen from the Wal-Mart parking lot? COuld be very scenic what with the sun setting behind the turbines as seen from Wal-Mart?

Anyone seen the big, new, huge wood utility poles running along Tenney Mountain Highway, and Highland Ave in Plymouth recently installed to carry the electro-magnetic energy from the turbines to the power line close to Route 93?
... down and out, liv'n that Walmart side of the lake!
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Old 08-07-2012, 06:40 AM   #5
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Default eye sore

Funny, I just noticed them yesterday. What an eyesore.
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Old 08-07-2012, 06:47 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by JDeere View Post
Funny, I just noticed them yesterday. What an eyesore.
Same here - just noticed them yesterday (Monday). Never saw them before. Maybe it is because the air was unusually clear, and it was a very nice sunset.

Quite visible from the West side of the Rattlesnake Island Peninsula.
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Old 08-07-2012, 09:28 AM   #7
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I don't know why, but...cell towers bother me...windmills don't. There are a bunch of windmills that have gone up in the Bethel/Rangely ME area, and they looked good to me...
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Old 08-07-2012, 10:57 AM   #8
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Paying for half the town's yearly budget probably goes a long way to enhance the view of the wind turbines as viewed from the town!
... down and out, liv'n that Walmart side of the lake!
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Old 08-07-2012, 12:37 PM   #9
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Windmills or oil rigs......make mine windmills, please.
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Old 08-07-2012, 12:38 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by HellRaZoR004 View Post
I actually like the looks of these...think they are a great feat of engineering.
I agree, I don't know why everyone complains about them. If I had to choose between a ridge covered in wind turbines or a big smokestack, that's not much of a choice...
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Old 08-07-2012, 03:20 PM   #11
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Windturbines are great when they work. The BIG ones are very difficult to maintain because they are way up there on a tower. We have a Three Year Old ($3M) town owned 1.5 MW turbine. The nacelle is 188 feet above ground. Two months ago the gear box failed.

To fix it, the rotor disc has to be taken down, then the nacelle. The crane cost is about $10,000 a day+ set up costs, because it's a special crane for big heights and weights. The quickest way to fix it is to replace the large gearbox (30,000 pounds) with the nacelle on the ground. The gear box is rumored to cost +/- $450,000.

The Canadian company that built it went bankrupt two years ago..the 10 year warranty went "PooF". The town has no Spare Change so the turbine sits there doing nothing. It WAS a sight to see when it was running.

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Old 08-07-2012, 08:02 PM   #12
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Default From our place on Rattlesnake

They are quite visible from Rattlesnake Island. Here's what things looked like this (Tuesday) evening in the sunset.

The first picture is a normal view. The 2nd is zoomed in.

Beautiful sunset with Diamond Island in the foreground.
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Old 08-07-2012, 08:22 PM   #13
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Windmills raze hell with the bird population which is all ready in severe decline .
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Old 08-07-2012, 08:35 PM   #14
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Default Energy

With gasoline prices so high....we need to " drill Baby drill"...anywhere, everywhere, ....then sell to the highest bidder...great profits for the oil companies and gas prices will go down....Won't they?? Get that oil pipeline finished...will produce zillions of new jobs. Or we can just put up some more of those great big windmills...
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Old 08-07-2012, 09:14 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by barefootbay View Post
Windmills raze hell with the bird population which is all ready in severe decline .
Really? Where's all the frigging Canadian Geese coming from?
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Old 08-08-2012, 03:20 AM   #16
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Originally Posted by BroadHopper View Post
Really? Where's all the frigging Canadian Geese coming from?
Actually, the wind farm is owned by the Canadians, and they are running them like giant fans, sucking the geese from Canada and blowing them our way

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Old 08-08-2012, 05:53 AM   #17
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Originally Posted by barefootbay View Post
Windmills raze hell with the bird population which is all ready in severe decline .
I am no expert, but around here in southern NH, the bird population seems to be thriving/exploding/diversifying. I'm seeing huge numbers of a huge variety of birds lately.
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Old 08-08-2012, 06:19 AM   #18
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Saco, Maine put up a windmill maybe three years ago and it didn't do what it was supposed to do so now it is for sale.

Is THAT where the geese are coming from, Wifi?????
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Old 08-08-2012, 06:48 AM   #19
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From the photos above, it seems like the wind turbines are so far away and so relatively small that they can hardly be seen except through a long distance lens, and besides that, they turn a totally undeveloped, wooded mountain ridgeline high up in Groton, NH, into a wind farm that makes electro-magnetic energy that goes straight into the national grid system. What's not to need about that?

Wind turbines seem to work just like a sailboat as both put the wind to work.

Locals used to laugh and say something like " ..... Groton......what's in Groton ......there ain't nuth'n in old Groton because everything is rotten in Groton ........."

That Groton wind farm is a pretty good, amazing energy engine if you ask me, and I hope it works out good!
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Old 08-08-2012, 08:02 AM   #20
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I have seen these turbines and I really have mixed thoughts about them...If they work, and continue to work ...then I guess, it will be ok for many...

I spend time each year back home in N.H. and this year the max so far at five months...in the Lincoln area....What really upsets me is, each year I come north and I see more and more cell phone towers on tops of mtns...A beautiful picturesque view, ruined by cell phone towers...Are they really necessary...People seemed to be adjusting to the lack of service when they weren't there...
I travel through Franconia several times per week..NO, AT&T service in that area...soooo, if I really need to use the cell phone, I wait a few miles ...and of course, I always get calls while in the dead area...so it goes into my list to call back later....I adjust....! Why couldn't these towers be built in the area of the present power lines...or on the edge...the view is already blighted there...All I can figure is, there must be money involved...follow the money trail...as the saying goes...
They can always use fake tree branches on them to make them look like fake hugh trees...that's what they do in sunny Fla....What a rediculous sight that is...
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Old 08-08-2012, 08:40 AM   #21
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Leaving aesthetics aside, the scary thing about wind farms is economics. It's impossible to tell if they are viable as a long term econonic investment. Today's politics and goverment cloud the real math with magic money, rainbows and unicorns.

Why does the math matter? Because if they don't make enough money to cover their ongoing maintenance, eventually we will all be left looking at broken dangerous hulks owned by long bankrupt investors.
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Old 08-08-2012, 09:19 AM   #22
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Originally Posted by kchadw View Post
They can always use fake tree branches on them to make them look like fake hugh trees...that's what they do in sunny Fla....What a rediculous sight that is...
THere is one like this in Louden on Route 106, I almost did not see it, they did a decent job of hiding it but could have been better, it was right on the eds of a tree line - a cell tower that is
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Old 08-08-2012, 11:30 AM   #23
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Default Windmills are a farce

Windmills are a farce. They don’t supply consistent power. I own almost 100 acres in Groton. The natural beauty of the area was its attraction before the windmills started. Now, it's destroyed for our lifetime. My property abuts the Cockermouth State Forest, in which you can hike to Bald Knob and Mount Crosby and view the surrounding mountains and Newfound Lake. Now when you hike to the summit, you look at windmills on Fletcher and Tenney Ridge. Some of the windmills are located on land leased from Green Acres Land Company. Jane Difley, president of the Society For The Protection Of NH Forests worked on an easement funded through the state of NH and the Forest Society to secure 3.6 million dollars in federal funding to buy a conservation easement on land owned by Green Acres Woodlands, a private timberland owner. She took no stance on the issue of windmills when it was being fought, even though the Cockermouth State Forest is a Society property, which abuts the Green Acres land, and the windmills directly impact the Cockermouth view shed. William Wadsworth, who donated this beloved 1003 acres to the Forest Society, is rolling in his grave. She is fighting Northern Pass tooth and nail and lobbied to protect the view shed surrounding Mount Monadnock in Jaffrey. She has no problem with 24 - 398 foot wind turbines, but is fighting 130 to 185 foot electrical poles. The Newfound Audubon Center has a sanctuary located on the northern end of Newfound Lake in Hebron, within a short distance from these turbines. Propellers chop birds.

I attended the final state Site Plan Review Meeting for the project in Concord last spring. The review committee spent most of the meeting questioning their lawyer to cover their butts and quizzing if any repercussions could be thrown back at them for approving the project. The only condition the committee upheld was a bird mitigation study. Only one Selectmen from Groton attended and he showed up late.

Iberdrola Renewables LLC is a division of parent company Iberdrola, SA, Spain’s #1 energy group, which received several million dollars from our government to construct this wind farm. They prey on small towns, with simple-minded officials, with small budgets. Just ask the residents of Fairfield, NY where the same company built the wind farm known as Hardscrabble Wind Farm. Windmills are literally in resident's back yards and they experience shadow flicker through their windows and interference with electronic devices. Iberdrola refused to pay a cement company they hired in construction due to issues with product quality. In turn, the cement company placed liens on property owners in Fairfield leasing land to Iberdrola for the windmills. Now, their real estate is frozen and they can't sell it.

It's a win win for Iberdrola at the expense of quality of life for humans. Groton didn’t need the tax revenue. We have little infrastructure. The supposed 20,000 homes this will supply power to don't care where their power comes from. Wind power can't be stored, so it's unreliable. After the wind farm was approved by the state, Iberdrola brought up doubt if the power lines were adequate enough to handle the load. That is why the very large poles are now being installed on Tenney Mountain Highway, much to people’s surprise. Not only are they large and imposing, there are two for every old one. The company plays games and hid this fact during the approval process.

There is a history of windmills causing severe fires. The roads to maintain the windmills are accessed from the Plymouth side, not Groton, so the burden of fire danger falls on the town of Plymouth. The land is rugged in the surrounding area and the potential for a devastating forest fire exists. I am worried about my property because I am so close.

Probably the largest tragedy of all is the visibility of these eyesores from pristine Newfound Lake. And now, I’m reading they can be viewed from Rattlesnake Island. Don't think it can't happen in your backyard. Consider lobbying your town to adopt an ordinance against windmills.
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Old 08-08-2012, 05:24 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by kchadw View Post
I have seen these turbines and I really have mixed thoughts about them...If they work, and continue to work ...then I guess, it will be ok for many...

I spend time each year back home in N.H. and this year the max so far at five months...in the Lincoln area....What really upsets me is, each year I come north and I see more and more cell phone towers on tops of mtns...A beautiful picturesque view, ruined by cell phone towers...Are they really necessary...People seemed to be adjusting to the lack of service when they weren't there...
I travel through Franconia several times per week..NO, AT&T service in that area...soooo, if I really need to use the cell phone, I wait a few miles ...and of course, I always get calls while in the dead area...so it goes into my list to call back later....I adjust....! Why couldn't these towers be built in the area of the present power lines...or on the edge...the view is already blighted there...All I can figure is, there must be money involved...follow the money trail...as the saying goes...
They can always use fake tree branches on them to make them look like fake hugh trees...that's what they do in sunny Fla....What a rediculous sight that is...
I couldn't agree more!
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Old 08-08-2012, 07:50 PM   #25
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I've never heard of a windmill causing a fire...hmmmm
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Old 08-09-2012, 03:20 AM   #26
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Originally Posted by Altonbayicefishingfool View Post
I've never heard of a windmill causing a fire...hmmmm
I guess they happen...

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Old 08-09-2012, 05:13 AM   #27
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Originally Posted by Altonbayicefishingfool View Post
I've never heard of a windmill causing a fire...hmmmm
There are a lot of YouTube videos showing various windmill failures and fires. When they do fail, the results are often spectacular. Many times the result of brake system failures - high wind puts the windmill out of control and eventually the whole thing blows apart.

Of course, conventional electrical systems fail all the time. Heck, there was just a fire on Sleepers Island earlier this year (or last year, I can't remember) caused by an electrical distribution system failing. I also had a similar problem at my own house about 5 years ago. Transformers explode, etc. It's just the way it is. Nothing is completely foolproof or failproof.
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Old 08-09-2012, 08:48 AM   #28
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Default Wind Mills

It will be years before we know the cost effectiveness of wind power and if it is not fiscally positive the companies will be bankrupt and we will have the eye sores standing for decades.
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Old 08-09-2012, 09:33 AM   #29
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Todays modern computer controlled wind turbines "Feather" their blades as wind speed increases, and fully feather at about 45 MPH of wind speed. When fully feathered the blades will not spin..only idle this way or that in the gusts. The computer keeps the fan disc/nacelle facing into the wind.

A typical 1.5 MW turbine will have a max rotation of 18-19 RPM. The gearbox will Step Up that RPM at a ratio of 1:100..or 1900 RPM at the generator. Smaller turbines spin faster and larger ones spin slower. A 2.0 MW turbine might spin at 14-15 RPM.

An important factor in RPM is limiting "Tip Speed" of the blades. A 1.5 MW turbine applys about 2000 HP to the generator at max load. NB
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Old 08-09-2012, 11:35 AM   #30
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Default Good deal for the town?

I do not know what the fiscal situation is in Groten but I have a feeling that is is a bad deal for a tourist town.

I picture this...

A company builds some wind turbines on Red Hill. (If the land were available) The land is in the middle of nowhere and is cheap. Not much of a tax gain for the town.

After construction there are very few jobs generated (no pun intended) and I can see no spin off jobs generated in the town either.

The value of homes on Lake Kanasaka would have to drop. Most are there for the lake and the view. A drop in property values means more taxes for everyone in town.

I could be way off here but I can't see working in a place that depends on tourist trade.

BTW...I work for a company that is the largest producer of wind power in the world and as an engineer I have to admit that I think that they are kind of cool. Me bad.

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Old 08-09-2012, 12:07 PM   #31
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We have a 675 Kw Vestas in town on the grounds of a private school. It was there years before our "Town Owned" turbine and still runs every day without any issues that anyone is aware of.

The Town elected to go for the low bid. We got a $4M turbine for $3M. BTW the siting of our Town turbine is excellent. It's on the highest hill on the island and can be seen for Miles through 360 degrees in ANY direction. Frank...? "How come that thang don't RUN"..? NB
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Old 08-09-2012, 12:48 PM   #32
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Default Rattlesnake Mtn and Newfound Lake

I hear folks over at NewFound Lake can see the turbines and the town is asking why they weren't involved in the preliminary hearings.

I also hear you can see the turbines from Rattlesnake Mountain in Holderness. The folks there are upset too!

My guess is that there was p*** poor planning up front. If there were plans to spoil the horizon as far south as Winni and the Paul Bunyan poles on Tenney Mountain highway and it was not given, they should be stop before anything further developed.

What ever happen to the first wind farm on Crotched Mountain? I was told the feds and state bankrolled that project and it was eventually bankrupted. I was told the towers and equipment were vandalized and eventually taken down at the state expense. Concrete posts are the only thing left.
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Old 08-09-2012, 06:16 PM   #33
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Driving north or south on Rt 93 just south of Exit 26 in Plymouth, as well as when you get off at Exit 26 and drive west onto Rt 25-Tenney Mountain Highway, you get a good look-see at about a dozen of the 200' high towers and the lengthy three-blade propellers attached to each tower as viewed from aproximately five to ten miles away.

I have always thought that NH has incredibly expensive monthly electric bills and supposedly none of the wind turbine electricity is being used in NH, with it all gong to down south somewhere. .......oh well.......
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Old 08-09-2012, 06:24 PM   #34
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Didn't want to bring this up. FLL made me do it. NH already EXPORTS Power. NB

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Old 08-10-2012, 04:31 AM   #35
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Default Correct

Originally Posted by NoBozo View Post
Didn't want to bring this up. FLL made me do it. NH already EXPORTS Power. NB

NH generates 100% of it's own power, all while having some if not the highest electric rates in the nation.
So any attempt by power companies to bring wind or towers to our state is just a means to bring cheaper power to the southern states, it does nothing at all for NH. And all those tax savings eventually go away when they apply to the Federal Government for a tax abatement and usually get it.

This how screwed up N-star is, they sell electricity to their customers in Canada at say .10 per unit, if they get the power lines to go through NH they are promising to sell power to the US at .08 per unit. the Canadians are up in arms over this and against the northern Pass project as well.
The numbers are only used for example.

Oh and good ol boy Romney has a personal interest in the Northern pass project.
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Old 08-10-2012, 04:54 AM   #36
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Originally Posted by NoBozo View Post
... FLL made me do it...
Originally Posted by Belmont Resident View Post
...Oh and good ol boy Romney ....
Is this thread now becoming another political advertisement ?
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Old 08-10-2012, 07:58 AM   #37
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Wind farms are an ugly scar on our beautiful mountains.A total waste of money,as was Obama's billions wasted on bankrupt solar power.
Natural gas is clean and plentiful.Wind and solar power never got a plane off the ground
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Old 08-10-2012, 08:03 AM   #38
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Wind farms are an ugly scar on our beautiful mountains.A total waste of money,as was Obama's billions wasted on bankrupt solar power.
Natural gas is clean and plentiful.Wind and solar power never got a plane off the ground
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Old 08-10-2012, 10:22 AM   #39
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To really really really understand and comprehend the need and use for electro-magnetic energy ......aka......"electricity" ...... you must go for one day, 24-hours, with absolutely no electricity in your home or business by turning off the power at your main panel.......just to experience the importance and use of electricity in your daily life. It will give you a very serious appreciation for electricity.

If the Groton wind farm proves out good, then maybe similar wind turbines could be built in the very nearby mountains in the White Mountain National Forest in some of the less visited spots like Mt Isolation or Mt Tecumseh. Mt Tecumseh already has many ski lift towers so why not build some wind turbine towers too?
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Old 08-10-2012, 11:30 AM   #40
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Default Wind Farm

Does shovelling up all the dead birds count as a green job?
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Old 08-10-2012, 10:23 PM   #41
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Wind generators causing bird deaths and now fires, too? What next? They cause incontinence? But, seriously, are these "issues" worthy of stopping progress?

Alternative forms of producing energy are here to stay. Dealing with climate change demands it. Wind generators may not be perfect yet, but I believe we need to keep building them and thus improving them.

I am excited about the ones being installed on the ridge right behind our house in southern Vermont!

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Old 08-10-2012, 10:41 PM   #42
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Originally Posted by Cobalt 25 View Post
Wind generators causing bird deaths and now fires, too? What next? They cause incontinence? But, seriously, are these "issues" worthy of stopping progress?

Alternative forms of producing energy are here to stay. Dealing with climate change demands it. Wind generators may not be perfect yet, but I believe we need to keep building them and thus improving them.

I am excited about the ones being installed on the ridge right behind our house in southern Vermont!

No problem as long a they don't use our state to make power that is sent to other states.
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Old 08-11-2012, 05:52 AM   #43
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Originally Posted by Belmont Resident View Post
No problem as long a they don't use our state to make power that is sent to other states.
You don't consume anything produced in other states an shipped to NH?
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Old 08-11-2012, 06:28 AM   #44
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Originally Posted by brk-lnt View Post
You don't consume anything produced in other states an shipped to NH?
You totally miss the point. The White Mountains are a virgin untouched area for all to enjoy. There are some power lines that have run through the area for as long as I can remember. Every time you see one it looks like a scar to the area.
I'm against North Country being ruined with towers and or windmills which will ruin the beauty of the area for ever and all for what? So Canadian companies can bring power down to the southern states. In many cases the companies involved are not even in our country, how are we befitting?
Not sure weather you have even researched what the Northern Pass is about but 200 foot towers towering above the trees from Canada down through the heart of our state isn't even necessary when they have unopposed options to bury the power lines and meet almost no opposition to the project.
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Old 08-11-2012, 06:50 AM   #45
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Originally Posted by Belmont Resident View Post
You totally miss the point. The White Mountains are a virgin untouched area for all to enjoy. There are some power lines that have run through the area for as long as I can remember. Every time you see one it looks like a scar to the area.
I'm against North Country being ruined with towers and or windmills which will ruin the beauty of the area for ever and all for what? So Canadian companies can bring power down to the southern states. In many cases the companies involved are not even in our country, how are we befitting?
Not sure weather you have even researched what the Northern Pass is about but 200 foot towers towering above the trees from Canada down through the heart of our state isn't even necessary when they have unopposed options to bury the power lines and meet almost no opposition to the project.
Quite familiar with the whole Northern Pass project, and I'm similarly opposed to it for multiple reasons. However your post made it seem as if it would be ok to destroy the area if the project provided cheap power to NH residents, but not if it was merely a conduit to other states/areas.

There is a larger issue that needs to be reconciled, which is that population growth and mass consumerism/consumption are not compatible with preserving all areas in pristine conditions in the way they have been for thousands of years.

I won't claim to know the specifics of your lifestyle, so I don't mean that as a comment directed at you, but I do find it curious when people oppose certain projects, but then act in a manner that is a contributor to the things they rail against. EG: anyone driving a Prius to "save the environment" is sans-clue.
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Old 08-11-2012, 07:11 AM   #46
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The White Mountain National Forest has ski areas; Waterville, Wildcat, Loon, Bretton Woods, Cranmore, Attitash, and Cannon on its property that are permitted by the US Dept Agriculture special use permits. How different are the wind turbines from the ski lift towers and will a wind farm qualify for a special use permit?

Presently, down on TEnney Mt Hgwy in Plymouth, the recently installed wood utility poles are really huge and spaced close together while the huge insulator brackets and power line have yet to be installed. How's that all going to look, a great big utility line running down Highland Ave, FAirground Rd, and Tenney Mt Hgwy in PLymouth?
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Old 08-11-2012, 07:32 AM   #47
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I watched a documentary on Netflix last night about windmills in the town of Meredith NY called Windfall I wold recommend you all watch it. Particularly those of you who can see no downside to these things!
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Old 08-11-2012, 01:13 PM   #48
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Originally Posted by gokart-mozart View Post
Does shovelling up all the dead birds count as a green job?
Might be a good way to get rid of those surplus defecating Canada geese!!!
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Old 08-11-2012, 09:52 PM   #49
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Default from Abenaki Tower in Tuftonboro

This must be what I could see last Monday evening at sunset (it was a clear day) from Abenaki Tower. I was astounded to see wind turbines along a ridge in the distance. Has anyone else noticed this and is it the wind farm in Groton?
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Old 08-12-2012, 05:02 AM   #50
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Originally Posted by brk-lnt View Post
Quite familiar with the whole Northern Pass project, and I'm similarly opposed to it for multiple reasons. However your post made it seem as if it would be ok to destroy the area if the project provided cheap power to NH residents, but not if it was merely a conduit to other states/areas.

There is a larger issue that needs to be reconciled, which is that population growth and mass consumerism/consumption are not compatible with preserving all areas in pristine conditions in the way they have been for thousands of years.

I won't claim to know the specifics of your lifestyle, so I don't mean that as a comment directed at you, but I do find it curious when people oppose certain projects, but then act in a manner that is a contributor to the things they rail against. EG: anyone driving a Prius to "save the environment" is sans-clue.
I agree with you, I am by no means a tree huger opposed to everything.
I just a look around during the summer months and with a little imagination one can see that down the road this whole area is going to be one big traffic nightmare as more and more flood to the now less populated areas of the lakes region.
But there are still some up north areas that should at all cost be left out of reach even for the most wealthy.
Living in this area verses coming up with my boy's to vacation has opened my eyes to things I never really looked at or cared about.
Oh and Super Duty Diesel by necessity of job, but looking to replace an aging gas SUV with a more fuel efficient Tacoma soon. Prius=speed bump!
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Old 08-27-2012, 07:47 AM   #51
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Default Wind farm proves windfall for tiny town of Groton

New Hampshire Union Leader
GROTON — The tiny town of Groton has a huge new source of revenue.

The windfall is from a wind farm now going up along its ridge lines and visible from the Pemi-Baker Valley.

Selectmen inked a 15-year-agreement with the Spanish wind energy giant Iberdrola which brings in $528,000 in the first year. The 2012 Groton town budget is $546,000; if all approved warrant articles are included, it totals $742,000, according to Pamela Hamel, administrative assistant to the Selectboard.

Iberdrola is moving to complete its $120 million, 48-megawatt project by the end of the year.

The Groton payment in lieu of tax agreement states that once the turbines are licensed and operating, each of the 24 turbines will net the town $22,000 a year. The PILOT base fee also increases annually by 2.5 percent, Hamel said.

“It's huge,” Hamel said of the tax impact of the project, which is the only commercial business in town.

She said the community of just under 600 has nine miles of paved road, six street lights, one bridge, no fire department or ambulance, and a tax rate of $12.24 per $1,000 of assessed value. Groton sends about 70 children to neighboring Newfound Regional School District — the town's largest expense.

Hamel said the Groton Selectboard is first looking to use some of the money to capitalize reserve funds and to fix up the roads, which she said are in tough shape.

“We've been on a shoestring budget for so long,” she said.

She noted the town has already received construction payments for 2011 and 2012 totaling $100,000 and also netted $236,000 when the land being used for the project went out of current use. The town will still receive taxes on the private land, but at a higher rate beginning next April.

The reaction from townspeople to the 400-foot-high turbines has been “great,” she said.

Few residents even see the project from their property, because of the way the roads and views are configured.

“We're kind of disappointed about that,” she said.

She acknowledged that not all in the region are as enthusiastic, particularly those who live in the Baker River Valley who are used to looking at ridge lines without any structures.

Surrounding towns do not receive any income because the project lies solely in Groton.

New Hampshire will receive money through its utility property tax assessment, which has not yet been established. It will also receive business enterprise and business profits tax revenue.

The electricity from the project, estimated to be enough to power 20,000 homes, is being sold to NSTAR at an undisclosed price per-kilowatt-hour.

Ed Cherian, the project developer, said 18 of the 24 Groton turbines are now complete.

“We're actually ahead of schedule,” he said.

While he said there are likely individuals and landowners who are not happy with the sight of the towers, the project has enjoyed the cooperation and support of not only Groton, but Holderness, Rumney and Plymouth officials.

The company's first wind farm in Lempster is half the size of the Groton project and almost four years old.

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Old 08-27-2012, 09:56 AM   #52
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If all the deceased people in the Plymouth town cemetary on Fairgrounds Rd could talk, they would probably be bitch'n big time about the huge, ugly utility poles and large insulator brackets and wires that now run along the front roadside border of their final resting spot.

Rest in peace ......... not any more buddy......this new Fairgrounds Rd, Plymouth, power line is humongously ugggggly for a combination alive residential and deceased town cemetary area!

I don't know but could be the ugliest thing about the wind farm is not the wind turbines but the new powerline of 100' high wood poles and big wire lines and insulator brackets that now run down Tenney Mt Hgwy-Highland Ave- out front Plymouth police station- over Rt 93-enroute to big power line in Campton.


You know the Town of Ashland leased out enough land in their Pemigewasset River waste water treatment facility to a cell phone tower and gets about $1600/month for it. The spot is similar to Groton as it has little to no effect to people living in Ashland but is highly visible to people in neighboring Bridgewater along the Pemi River. So, one town's unseen monthly money-maker is the neighbor town's ugly view to be look'n at......forever! It's the New Hampshire way!
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Old 08-27-2012, 10:27 AM   #53
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Originally Posted by Winnisquamguy View Post

New Hampshire Union Leader
GROTON — The tiny town of Groton has a huge new source of revenue.

The windfall is from a wind farm now going up along its ridge lines and visible from the Pemi-Baker Valley.

Selectmen inked a 15-year-agreement with the Spanish wind energy giant Iberdrola which brings in $528,000 in the first year. The 2012 Groton town budget is $546,000; if all approved warrant articles are included, it totals $742,000, according to Pamela Hamel, administrative assistant to the Selectboard.

Iberdrola is moving to complete its $120 million, 48-megawatt project by the end of the year.

The Groton payment in lieu of tax agreement states that once the turbines are licensed and operating, each of the 24 turbines will net the town $22,000 a year. The PILOT base fee also increases annually by 2.5 percent, Hamel said.

“It's huge,” Hamel said of the tax impact of the project, which is the only commercial business in town.

She said the community of just under 600 has nine miles of paved road, six street lights, one bridge, no fire department or ambulance, and a tax rate of $12.24 per $1,000 of assessed value. Groton sends about 70 children to neighboring Newfound Regional School District — the town's largest expense.

Hamel said the Groton Selectboard is first looking to use some of the money to capitalize reserve funds and to fix up the roads, which she said are in tough shape.

“We've been on a shoestring budget for so long,” she said.

She noted the town has already received construction payments for 2011 and 2012 totaling $100,000 and also netted $236,000 when the land being used for the project went out of current use. The town will still receive taxes on the private land, but at a higher rate beginning next April.

The reaction from townspeople to the 400-foot-high turbines has been “great,” she said.

Few residents even see the project from their property, because of the way the roads and views are configured.

“We're kind of disappointed about that,” she said.

She acknowledged that not all in the region are as enthusiastic, particularly those who live in the Baker River Valley who are used to looking at ridge lines without any structures.

Surrounding towns do not receive any income because the project lies solely in Groton.

New Hampshire will receive money through its utility property tax assessment, which has not yet been established. It will also receive business enterprise and business profits tax revenue.

The electricity from the project, estimated to be enough to power 20,000 homes, is being sold to NSTAR at an undisclosed price per-kilowatt-hour.

Ed Cherian, the project developer, said 18 of the 24 Groton turbines are now complete.

“We're actually ahead of schedule,” he said.

While he said there are likely individuals and landowners who are not happy with the sight of the towers, the project has enjoyed the cooperation and support of not only Groton, but Holderness, Rumney and Plymouth officials.

The company's first wind farm in Lempster is half the size of the Groton project and almost four years old.

A bunch of smart selectmen in the town of Groton.

Just look at their annual budget and look at the tax revenue coming in.

Some real smart Yankee selectment in Groton.

Why is it that the same folks who are against the Northern Pass are all FOR the Keystone Pipeline?
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Old 08-27-2012, 10:33 AM   #54
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Default The Granit State View

Now that our view contains windmills, I think we should get a break form our view tax. Shall we charge the Town of Groton?
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Last edited by BroadHopper; 08-27-2012 at 11:10 AM.
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Old 08-27-2012, 11:09 AM   #55
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I guess I dont get it..... EVERYBODY wants cheap energy... but NOBODY is ever happy.

Nobody wants Wind Power..... its unsightly and spoils the view

Nobody wants Water Power... the transmission lines are unsightly

Nobody wants Coal Power.... too much emissions and greenhouse gas

Nobody wants Natural Gas.... nobody wants a pipeline

Nobody wants Hydrogen... expensive and requires external electricity

Nobody wants Nuclear.... radiation & nuclear waste

Nobody wants Solar... the solar panels are expensive and unsightly

its just a quick syynopsis of my take on the subject of energy needs. Bottom line is we do need all of these sources and more... if you want affordable energy.

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Old 08-27-2012, 12:35 PM   #56
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Originally Posted by Woodsy View Post
I guess I dont get it..... EVERYBODY wants cheap energy... but NOBODY is ever happy.

Nobody wants Wind Power..... its unsightly and spoils the view

It's not that Wind Power is just "unsightly" , some people are complaining about the low frequency noise.

Here is a video that was compiled using excerpts of a radio interview with people who live near the Fox Island Wind Farm located in Vinalhaven, an island community about 12 miles off the coast of Maine.. Those speaking are describing their experience of living with turbine noise:

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Old 08-27-2012, 02:09 PM   #57
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Originally Posted by Rusty View Post
It's not that Wind Power is just "unsightly" , some people are complaining about the low frequency noise.

Here is a video that was compiled using excerpts of a radio interview with people who live near the Fox Island Wind Farm located in Vinalhaven, an island community about 12 miles off the coast of Maine.. Those speaking are describing their experience of living with turbine noise:

Not to be rude but that was kind of boring. It would have gone a long way for them to get this so called low frequency noise on video rather than have someone rant on and on about it.

I sleep with a fan on at night so it wouldn't bother me one bit.
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Old 08-27-2012, 02:33 PM   #58
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Default I agree with you Woodsy

But this is at the expense of NH natives. The power is going South and the owner is foreign. It only benefits the Groton folks who can't see the windmills from their homes and roads.

I was against the 'Greenshell Alliance' back when they tried to shut down Seabrook nuclear. I see shutting down Bow and other polluting plants which is more dangerous than Seabrook.

There was an interview not long ago with the leader of this alliance and he wish they had not shut down Seabrook 2 because the Bow plant is polluting to this day.

Today 50% of NH's electricity comes from natural gas. Many of the small coal, oil and diesel generators were converted. The coal Bow uses come from the Northwest. It has very low sulfur and other contents compared to the Appalachian coal. Bow is cleaner but very sooty. Just ask any of Bow's neighbors.
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Old 08-27-2012, 03:13 PM   #59
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I think that video was rather misleading at best. It showed many multiple wind turbines seemingly all over the place on Vinalhaven Island. There were at least four or five different Brands AND Types of turbine.

In real life, Vinalhaven has Three 1.5 Mega Watt turbines..TOTAL. They are all the same brand and type. They are intended to supply the island with power. The power was not intended to be exported off the island.

In our case, (Portsmouth, RI,) OUR 1.5 MW Turbine was put on the ballot and the majority won and it was built. It is owned and operated by the town. I posted earlier in this thread about our turbine and it's problems. OUR three year old turbine doesn't make any noise AT ALL..because it's been broke all summer.

On more than one occasion I have stood directly beneath the turbine when it was running at full tilt at max capacity. The hum from a room air conditioner is far more obnoxious.

For some reason it seems to me that the Green Crowd were the ones that wanted the turbine. NOW: I think that same crowd has turned, and want the turbine gone. Just a guess. NB
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Old 08-27-2012, 03:17 PM   #60
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Originally Posted by Woodsy View Post
I guess I dont get it..... EVERYBODY wants cheap energy... but NOBODY is ever happy.

Nobody wants Wind Power..... its unsightly and spoils the view

Nobody wants Water Power... the transmission lines are unsightly

Nobody wants Coal Power.... too much emissions and greenhouse gas

Nobody wants Natural Gas.... nobody wants a pipeline

Nobody wants Hydrogen... expensive and requires external electricity

Nobody wants Nuclear.... radiation & nuclear waste

Nobody wants Solar... the solar panels are expensive and unsightly

its just a quick syynopsis of my take on the subject of energy needs. Bottom line is we do need all of these sources and more... if you want affordable energy.

FYI, I applied for a government grant to build a power generation facility. I'll spare you all the details, but the power comes from overweight unruly children sentenced to ride bicycles connected to power generators in dark basements.

This project will teach responsibility to kids, get their doughy asses in shape, and provide a source of cheap renewable energy that doesn't impede anyone's ability to enjoy the outdoors. I haven't heard back yet on the status of my application, but I'm expecting approval any day now.

We already have a room full of exercycles, generators, wiring, etc.
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Old 08-27-2012, 03:51 PM   #61
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Originally Posted by brk-lnt View Post
I'll spare you all the details, but the power comes from overweight unruly children sentenced to ride bicycles connected to power generators in dark basements.

This project will teach responsibility to kids, get their doughy asses in shape, and provide a source of cheap renewable energy that doesn't impede anyone's ability to enjoy the outdoors.
Now wait just a minute there, the smell will impede my ability to enjoy the landscape! Can you imagine the smell of the raw waste exhaust coming from that basement? Won't that have to be filtered, and then the filters will have to be disposed of? And what of the noise? The incessant whining from those cellulite-laden power sources is going to be unbearable...
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Old 08-27-2012, 03:58 PM   #62
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If you think wind turbines are unattractive, wait until they come for your coal or natural gas. You are not the first state to have your natural resources cxploited for the benefit of consumers in other states, or the profit of owners in other countires.
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Old 08-27-2012, 05:27 PM   #63
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Originally Posted by patman View Post
Now wait just a minute there, the smell will impede my ability to enjoy the landscape! Can you imagine the smell of the raw waste exhaust coming from that basement? Won't that have to be filtered, and then the filters will have to be disposed of? And what of the noise? The incessant whining from those cellulite-laden power sources is going to be unbearable...
Forgot to mention, it's going to be right near the Vermont border, so the funny smells won't seem out of place.
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Old 08-27-2012, 06:24 PM   #64
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Default Can't Remember

When the Portsmouth, RI, Town owned wind turbine was first started up.... WE..The Town.. were selling power to National Grid at about 14 cents/KWH. (Retail) NOW: We are selling power to National Grid at a little less than 4 Cents/KWH. OH WELL.

OUR Problem: We have Politicians running the Turbine rather than engineers. So now we have a DEAD Turbine. NB
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Old 08-27-2012, 06:44 PM   #65
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Oil oil oil !!!!!!
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Old 08-27-2012, 06:47 PM   #66
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Originally Posted by NoBozo View Post
When the Portsmouth, RI, Town owned wind turbine was first started up.... WE..The Town.. were selling power to National Grid at about 14 cents/KWH. (Retail) NOW: We are selling power to National Grid at a little less than 4 Cents/KWH. OH WELL.

OUR Problem: We have Politicians running the Turbine rather than engineers. So now we have a DEAD Turbine. NB
Why is the Turbine "DEAD"?
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Old 08-27-2012, 08:01 PM   #67
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Originally Posted by BroadHopper View Post
Now that our view contains windmills, I think we should get a break from our view tax. Shall we charge the Town of Groton?
The "View Tax" is charged even to blind property owners.

Plant some trees—selectivelyeverybody wins.
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Old 08-27-2012, 08:20 PM   #68
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Default windfarm

I dont like seeing ski areas on Mountains,

I don't like seeing long docks that stick way out into the lake

I don't like looking at the blight of multi million dollar homes with huge boat houses on the lake

I dont llike it when I see cell phone towers

I don't like going down south and seeing oil wells and derricks

I don't like seeing high tension lines, ESPECIALLY through the woods

we should all shut of the power, cancel the next oil delivery, no more propane either

Bundle up whiners, its gonna be a long winter, oh, and no wood stoves, they pollute too and make my eyes water, better go to New Orleans or someplace else warm and safe.....
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Old 08-28-2012, 04:36 AM   #69
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Default FLL you are missing the point.

Originally Posted by fatlazyless View Post
To really really really understand and comprehend the need and use for electro-magnetic energy ......aka......"electricity" ...... you must go for one day, 24-hours, with absolutely no electricity in your home or business by turning off the power at your main panel.......just to experience the importance and use of electricity in your daily life. It will give you a very serious appreciation for electricity.

If the Groton wind farm proves out good, then maybe similar wind turbines could be built in the very nearby mountains in the White Mountain National Forest in some of the less visited spots like Mt Isolation or Mt Tecumseh. Mt Tecumseh already has many ski lift towers so why not build some wind turbine towers too?
None of this electricity is benefiting NH. Let them build them in the states the electricity is going too not here. Let them build them on top of the hills of Mass or right off the coast so they can see them when they go to the beach.
Nobody wants them down there either and they are the ones all this supposedly cheap power is being brought to. The ones that will benefit the most are the biggest whiners, just look at the progress on the wind farm they wanted to put out in the ocean as an example.
That is the biggest issue most of us have, we do not benefit one bit.
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Old 08-28-2012, 08:25 AM   #70
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Originally Posted by Belmont Resident View Post
None of this electricity is benefiting NH. Let them build them in the states the electricity is going too not here. Let them build them on top of the hills of Mass or right off the coast so they can see them when they go to the beach.
Nobody wants them down there either and they are the ones all this supposedly cheap power is being brought to. The ones that will benefit the most are the biggest whiners, just look at the progress on the wind farm they wanted to put out in the ocean as an example.
That is the biggest issue most of us have, we do not benefit one bit.
Great point Belmont.Remember how fast Ted Kennedy lobbied to stop the windmill project in HIS neighborhood
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Old 08-28-2012, 08:38 AM   #71
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Originally Posted by Belmont Resident View Post
None of this electricity is benefiting NH. Let them build them in the states the electricity is going too not here. Let them build them on top of the hills of Mass or right off the coast so they can see them when they go to the beach.
Nobody wants them down there either and they are the ones all this supposedly cheap power is being brought to. The ones that will benefit the most are the biggest whiners, just look at the progress on the wind farm they wanted to put out in the ocean as an example.
That is the biggest issue most of us have, we do not benefit one bit.
Even though I don't mind the looks of them I completely agree with you. The energy created here should be used here to drive down our already inflated cost of electricity.
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Old 08-28-2012, 08:48 AM   #72
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Originally Posted by Rusty View Post
Why is the Turbine "DEAD"?
Rusty: See posts number 11 and number 29. NB

PS: "Rumor" has it that the "Town Planner" was managing the turbine and was able to Reset the turbine if an Error Code shut down the turbine due to some problem detected by the software. The whole story seems very merky, and unlikely to me. There are factions involved here and if anybody knows for sure..nobody's talking. I went to a town meeting last week where they were supposed to talk about the turbine problem. The topic was "Tabled" until a later date.
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Old 08-28-2012, 09:44 AM   #73
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Originally Posted by NoBozo View Post
Rusty: See posts number 11 and number 29. NB

PS: "Rumor" has it that the "Town Planner" was managing the turbine and was able to Reset the turbine if an Error Code shut down the turbine due to some problem detected by the software. The whole story seems very merky, and unlikely to me. There are factions involved here and if anybody knows for sure..nobody's talking. I went to a town meeting last week where they were supposed to talk about the turbine problem. The topic was "Tabled" until a later date.
Thanks NoBozo.

I wonder how many times the "reset" button was hit just to keep it running?

You would think that some kind of a circuit breaker wouldn't allow the "reset" button to be pushed too many times.
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Old 08-28-2012, 11:10 AM   #74
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Originally Posted by Belmont Resident View Post
None of this electricity is benefiting NH........
That is the biggest issue most of us have, we do not benefit one bit.
Have to wait until the turbines start operating and turning with the wind to see how much if any noise is made and how it sounds at the relatively close-by Plymouth Wal-Mart parking lot and its' neighboring Health Place-Speare Health Clinic, White Mountain Eye Clinic, and Pemi Baker Community Health Clinic, multiple discipline health professional health care clinic ..... aka ....."The Health Place."

How much noise can five wind turbines make, as heard from a distance of about one mile at the Plymouth Health Place and Plymouth Wal-Mart locations which are located high up on a hill and to the east of the Tenney Montain Ridge which has about five turbines currently looking all complete with all three propeller wings on each unit.

How much noise.......the answer is blowing in the wind?

Another question is what's the negotiated price/kilowatt that N-Star of Boston will pay Iberdrola of Spain for their Groton Wind electricity? How much......what's the price?

The Town of Plymouth has always been so picky-wicky with what they allow in terms of signs and construction so it strikes me as unusual that Plymouth would be at all happy with the 100' wood utility poles, spaced twice as close as the older shorter poles they replace that now run down Tenney Mt Hgwy-Highland Ave-Fairgrounds Rd-Riverside Cemetary-Plymouth Police Dept-Rt 3- crossing above Rt 93, and have yet to get wired with insulator brackets and wire lines enroute to a substation in neighboring Campton.
... down and out, liv'n that Walmart side of the lake!
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Old 08-28-2012, 11:30 AM   #75
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Default Kind of agree with FLL

It took the town three plus years for Lowes to back down and move out. All this crap about ground water, parking lot run off, etc. that they give to developers and they miss the sky above them.
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Old 08-28-2012, 01:03 PM   #76
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Could be that the Town of Plymouth will get increased larger property taxes from all the newly installed, tall, fat, 100' high utility poles ........have no clue.....is there a property tax-utility pole know-it-all on board here?

The selectmen may want to label the increased revenue as new money they wish they were not receiving ..... Just to save some face ... and distance themself from these monster utility poles ..... ho-ho-ho .......
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Old 08-28-2012, 02:41 PM   #77
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Default Pole Tax

Believe it or not, the municipal, county and state gets some kind of revenue from the transmission poles. In fact this fee is the largest expense paid by the utilities.
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Old 08-28-2012, 05:16 PM   #78
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Default Our Turbine

I thought some may find this interesting. When our RI Turbine had been running for awhile, I bumped into a guy up at the Turbine site and struck up a conversation with him. I am an engineer and had become Enchanted with this machine. He had a connections with town government but I don't know what kind of connection.

He had a Laptop in his car and showed me how he could link up with the Turbine....via WiFi or Cell Phone I don't know. He could access any parameter he wanted. The website he was accessing was the company in Canada that built the turbine. The builder was monitoring the turbine real time all the time. (They went bankrupt a year later)

He told me this access would be available online to any resident shortly. This Access never happened.

I suspect our Town Planner inherited this Laptop. Weather the Town Planner could Control the turbine from the Laptop or not, is still speculation. NB

PS: This was my Personal interaction with some of the people who built the turbine and local town officials who later managed it in the beginning. I had no connections and was just interested as an engineer.
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Old 08-29-2012, 05:41 AM   #79
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Originally Posted by Woodsy View Post
I guess I dont get it..... EVERYBODY wants cheap energy... but NOBODY is ever happy.

Nobody wants Wind Power..... its unsightly and spoils the view

Nobody wants Water Power... the transmission lines are unsightly

Nobody wants Coal Power.... too much emissions and greenhouse gas

Nobody wants Natural Gas.... nobody wants a pipeline

Nobody wants Hydrogen... expensive and requires external electricity

Nobody wants Nuclear.... radiation & nuclear waste

Nobody wants Solar... the solar panels are expensive and unsightly

its just a quick syynopsis of my take on the subject of energy needs. Bottom line is we do need all of these sources and more... if you want affordable energy.

To go a tad further all lands should be given back to the native Americans who were here first:

Winnecowet Native American Tribe.

Piscataqua Native American Tribe.

Coosuc Native American Tribe.

Souhegan Native American Tribe.

Newichawanoc Native American Tribe.

Wamosit Native American Tribe.

Squamscot Native American Tribe.

Pennacook Native American Tribe.

Amoskeag Native American Tribe.

Winnipesaukee Native American Tribe.

These folks were here first and your house is sitting on their land. And I don't think that they like the view of looking at your house on their land.
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Old 08-29-2012, 06:16 AM   #80
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Originally Posted by fatlazyless View Post
Have to wait until the turbines start operating and turning with the wind to see how much if any noise is made and how it sounds at the relatively close-by Plymouth Wal-Mart parking lot and its' neighboring Health Place-Speare Health Clinic, White Mountain Eye Clinic, and Pemi Baker Community Health Clinic, multiple discipline health professional health care clinic ..... aka ....."The Health Place."

How much noise can five wind turbines make, as heard from a distance of about one mile at the Plymouth Health Place and Plymouth Wal-Mart locations which are located high up on a hill and to the east of the Tenney Montain Ridge which has about five turbines currently looking all complete with all three propeller wings on each unit.

How much noise.......the answer is blowing in the wind

Another question is what's the negotiated price/kilowatt that N-Star of Boston will pay Iberdrola of Spain for their Groton Wind electricity? How much......what's the price?

The Town of Plymouth has always been so picky-wicky with what they allow in terms of signs and construction so it strikes me as unusual that Plymouth would be at all happy with the 100' wood utility poles, spaced twice as close as the older shorter poles they replace that now run down Tenney Mt Hgwy-Highland Ave-Fairgrounds Rd-Riverside Cemetary-Plymouth Police Dept-Rt 3- crossing above Rt 93, and have yet to get wired with insulator brackets and wire lines enroute to a substation in neighboring Campton.
Are the turbines on the hill up behind WalMart?
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Old 08-29-2012, 08:31 AM   #81
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What's with the mod moving all the posts around, it's getting a little old.
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Old 08-29-2012, 08:49 AM   #82
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My guess is Post #79 did it. NB
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Old 08-29-2012, 09:13 AM   #83
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Originally Posted by songkrai View Post
To go a tad further all lands should be given back to the native Americans who were here first:

Winnecowet Native American Tribe.

Piscataqua Native American Tribe.

Coosuc Native American Tribe.

Souhegan Native American Tribe.

Newichawanoc Native American Tribe.

Wamosit Native American Tribe.

Squamscot Native American Tribe.

Pennacook Native American Tribe.

Amoskeag Native American Tribe.

Winnipesaukee Native American Tribe.

These folks were here first and your house is sitting on their land. And I don't think that they like the view of looking at your house on their land.
How do we know that these American Indian tribes owned the land first? I mean who was here before the American Indians? Plus how do I know that the tribe in a certain area didn't "steal" their land from a different tribe? There was no single American Indian society, some cultures didn't make it, those rules didn't stop in 1492.
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Old 08-29-2012, 11:23 AM   #84
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Groton Wind when complete will have 24 turbines spread across the ridges of Tenney MOuntain and Fletcher Mountaiin. Tenney Mountain is home to the now closed Tenney Mt ski area and is maybe one to 1 1/2 miles east of neighboring hill in Plymouth that is home to the PLymouth Wal-Mart and group of professional health care clinics and offices known as "The Health Place" campus, plus a Tractor Supply retail store plus somecoomercial lots for sale.

It's a good spot to view about five of the turbines which have been constructed butyetto be in operation.
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Old 08-29-2012, 01:35 PM   #85
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Originally Posted by songkrai View Post
To go a tad further all lands should be given back to the native Americans who were here first:

Winnecowet Native American Tribe.

Piscataqua Native American Tribe.

Coosuc Native American Tribe.

Souhegan Native American Tribe.

Newichawanoc Native American Tribe.

Wamosit Native American Tribe.

Squamscot Native American Tribe.

Pennacook Native American Tribe.

Amoskeag Native American Tribe.

Winnipesaukee Native American Tribe.

These folks were here first and your house is sitting on their land. And I don't think that they like the view of looking at your house on their land.
Sounds like a similar anti-colonialism theme being put forth by POTUS. See for yourself - go see this movie: http://2016themovie.com/media/
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Old 08-29-2012, 04:56 PM   #86
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I wonder if the low frequencey noise of the wind mills will effect the condominiums at the bottom of the the abandoned ski sloop? Melvin Rd, etc

This is the Wind Turbine location Map in Groton:
Attached Images

Last edited by Rusty; 08-29-2012 at 07:52 PM.
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Old 08-30-2012, 05:44 AM   #87
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Default Where does the power go?

I have worked for the power company since 1978. Mostly in production but also in distribution.

To say that the power made in NH goes to the southern NE states is only half the truth.

Power distribution throuout New England is controled by the Indipendent System Operator (ISO). I used to work for them.

While it is true that the major load in NE is in south eastern parts of NE the price is the same every where. For example at six oclock this morning the price of electricity was 19.81 cents per kw. Depending where you are it might be a little bit higher or lower due to impedance losses on those long runs of wire.

The grid is the gred. Power from my plant (I'm at work now) goes on to the grid (115KV) and is supports the high line voltage. This voltage is the same all over NE. In fact we are in sinc. with every AC power source from Canada to the rockies to the gulf. Only Texas is isolated.

So when you say that power from NH goes to other states but cheap power made in NH lowers everybodies bills and cheap power made in CT. lowers everybodys bills.

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Old 08-30-2012, 07:34 AM   #88
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Originally Posted by limin View Post
Windmills are a farce. They don’t supply consistent power. I own almost 100 acres in Groton. The natural beauty of the area was its attraction before the windmills started. Now, it's destroyed for our lifetime. My property abuts the Cockermouth State Forest, in which you can hike to Bald Knob and Mount Crosby and view the surrounding mountains and Newfound Lake. Now when you hike to the summit, you look at windmills on Fletcher and Tenney Ridge. Some of the windmills are located on land leased from Green Acres Land Company. Jane Difley, president of the Society For The Protection Of NH Forests worked on an easement funded through the state of NH and the Forest Society to secure 3.6 million dollars in federal funding to buy a conservation easement on land owned by Green Acres Woodlands, a private timberland owner. She took no stance on the issue of windmills when it was being fought, even though the Cockermouth State Forest is a Society property, which abuts the Green Acres land, and the windmills directly impact the Cockermouth view shed. William Wadsworth, who donated this beloved 1003 acres to the Forest Society, is rolling in his grave. She is fighting Northern Pass tooth and nail and lobbied to protect the view shed surrounding Mount Monadnock in Jaffrey. She has no problem with 24 - 398 foot wind turbines, but is fighting 130 to 185 foot electrical poles. The Newfound Audubon Center has a sanctuary located on the northern end of Newfound Lake in Hebron, within a short distance from these turbines. Propellers chop birds.

I attended the final state Site Plan Review Meeting for the project in Concord last spring. The review committee spent most of the meeting questioning their lawyer to cover their butts and quizzing if any repercussions could be thrown back at them for approving the project. The only condition the committee upheld was a bird mitigation study. Only one Selectmen from Groton attended and he showed up late.

Iberdrola Renewables LLC is a division of parent company Iberdrola, SA, Spain’s #1 energy group, which received several million dollars from our government to construct this wind farm. They prey on small towns, with simple-minded officials, with small budgets. Just ask the residents of Fairfield, NY where the same company built the wind farm known as Hardscrabble Wind Farm. Windmills are literally in resident's back yards and they experience shadow flicker through their windows and interference with electronic devices. Iberdrola refused to pay a cement company they hired in construction due to issues with product quality. In turn, the cement company placed liens on property owners in Fairfield leasing land to Iberdrola for the windmills. Now, their real estate is frozen and they can't sell it.

It's a win win for Iberdrola at the expense of quality of life for humans. Groton didn’t need the tax revenue. We have little infrastructure. The supposed 20,000 homes this will supply power to don't care where their power comes from. Wind power can't be stored, so it's unreliable. After the wind farm was approved by the state, Iberdrola brought up doubt if the power lines were adequate enough to handle the load. That is why the very large poles are now being installed on Tenney Mountain Highway, much to people’s surprise. Not only are they large and imposing, there are two for every old one. The company plays games and hid this fact during the approval process.

There is a history of windmills causing severe fires. The roads to maintain the windmills are accessed from the Plymouth side, not Groton, so the burden of fire danger falls on the town of Plymouth. The land is rugged in the surrounding area and the potential for a devastating forest fire exists. I am worried about my property because I am so close.

Probably the largest tragedy of all is the visibility of these eyesores from pristine Newfound Lake. And now, I’m reading they can be viewed from Rattlesnake Island. Don't think it can't happen in your backyard. Consider lobbying your town to adopt an ordinance against windmills.

All this typing you put in an can be debunked with one example. The Netherlands. And to think people actually go their to SEE the windmills and buyt trinkets of windmills as momentos of visiting Holland

As someone who travels around the world and gets to see very large windmills in operation, they do work. A lot of red herring misinformation is flying up and down these posts.
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Old 08-30-2012, 10:19 AM   #89
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Originally Posted by Pasquanel View Post
I watched a documentary on Netflix last night about windmills in the town of Meredith NY called Windfall I wold recommend you all watch it. Particularly those of you who can see no downside to these things!
I watched this same documentary last night and it is excellent! Very informative and eye opening. (disturbing actually) I used to be a big proponent of wind energy, but my view has changed since I saw this documentary. I second the recommendation.
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Old 08-31-2012, 04:00 AM   #90
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Originally Posted by CateP View Post
I watched this same documentary last night and it is excellent! Very informative and eye opening. (disturbing actually) I used to be a big proponent of wind energy, but my view has changed since I saw this documentary. I second the recommendation.
So one biased show deters you? Pick any type of energy source and fault can be found. Do you think a coal or oil fired power plant is better? If you want purity you better unplug.

As for windmills, they work. Obviously siting matters. I'd put one in my backyard it if made economic sense.
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Old 08-31-2012, 01:55 PM   #91
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Default Property value

A good friend of mine owns one of the condos next to the Tenney Mtn. ski area. Even though the tubines are about 2 miles from her property, a realtor/appraisor told her to expect a property devaluation of 20%

She is already taking a hit when the ski area closes. Location, Location, Location.
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Old 09-01-2012, 08:13 AM   #92
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Originally Posted by CateP View Post
I watched this same documentary last night and it is excellent! Very informative and eye opening. (disturbing actually) I used to be a big proponent of wind energy, but my view has changed since I saw this documentary. I second the recommendation.
The documentary didn't change my view of wind turbines but it did influence me a little about the way big business will do anything to get their way. Payoffs to keep people quiet and pit neighbor against neighbor was mostly what this documentary was all about. It didn't really show any evidence that wind turbines cause excess noise or are bad for your health.

The unfortunate thing about wind turbines is that you need many of them in one area to produce enough electricity to make it worth while.

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Old 09-03-2012, 06:43 AM   #93
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As of August 26, approximately 18 of the 24 wind turbines have been put up. How's the long distance view of them now, looking from Rattlesnake Island?
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Old 09-03-2012, 07:07 PM   #94
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Originally Posted by fatlazyless View Post
As of August 26, approximately 18 of the 24 wind turbines have been put up. How's the long distance view of them now, looking from Rattlesnake Island?
Spin, baby, spin
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Old 09-05-2012, 06:13 AM   #95
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Default Bottom line

Originally Posted by lawn psycho View Post
All this typing you put in an can be debunked with one example. The Netherlands. And to think people actually go their to SEE the windmills and buyt trinkets of windmills as momentos of visiting Holland

As someone who travels around the world and gets to see very large windmills in operation, they do work. A lot of red herring misinformation is flying up and down these posts.
Weather they work or not LP the fact remains the NH produces 100% of it's own power.
None of the power produced from these plans, windmill or Northern Pass is going to benefit NH. Yes there may be some jobs created but very few will be employee's from NH communities.
I firmly believe that if the power is going to benefit another state then we should not have to endure the scare on our landscape. Furthermore there is absolutely no reason to build towers spanning the Canadian border to Mass when there is an option to bury any power lines. This would eliminate most if not all opposition to the the Northern Pass project. As for windmills I think enough study has been done to determine that they don't produce enough electricity to offset the cost at least in NE. From my understanding there isn't enough windy days to produce enough electricity to make them cost effective unless they are on the coast.
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Old 09-16-2012, 04:32 AM   #96
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"TOKYO, Japan, September 14, 2012 (ENS) – The Japanese government has decided to phase out nuclear power by sometime in the 2030s and shift the country in the direction of renewables, energy conservation and natural gas.

There will be a 40-year limit on the lifespan of nuclear power plants, no new plant construction and no expansion of existing nuclear power facilities."


Some are just so short sighted here in New Hampshire.
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Old 10-05-2012, 08:20 AM   #97
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Default Fox 25 News

Saw this on last nights news.....

Wind power is all the rage in Massachusetts, which has invested nearly $6 million in projects since 2010, and across the country, where President Obama touted its importance during the first presidential debate, but a review of wind power projects in the state reveals these projects are facing numerous problems from mechanical failures to lower-than-forecast energy savings.
New wind turbines are regularly sprouting up in Massachusetts, touted by Gov. Deval Patrick as proof that the heart of the clean energy revolution lies here. They are paid for partly through a surcharge on consumers' electric bills.
The clean energy revolution is sometimes not living up to its promise, as seen in the wind turbine at Forbes Park in Chelsea. It's been idle for almost three years, installed as part of a high-end green condominium development, which is also at a standstill.
"Absolutely it's frustrating to see it not moving. And we're hopeful that it will get spinning again soon," said Andy Brydges of the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center, which invests money collected from electric bill surcharges in clean energy projects around the state.
"Why isn't that turbine moving?" FOX Undercover reporter Mike Beaudet asked.
"The whole development isn't moving. It was a real estate development that was meant to be a green development," Brydges said.
The failed development comes with a public cost. The Chelsea project received $500,000 in 2007 from a state trust funded by the electric bill surcharges.
"Was that a waste of money?" Beaudet asked.
"I don't think so. I think if you look at all the money we've spent on wind, we're getting a very good dollar-per-kilowatt hour return on our investment. It's too bad, and hopefully that project will come around if the housing market rebounds, and it'll get restarted and prove to be a viable project in the long term. So it's an unfortunate, but we hope a temporary situation," Brydges said.

For the rest click on link.
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Old 10-05-2012, 08:44 AM   #98
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Old 10-05-2012, 11:19 AM   #99
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Default Crotched Mtn Wind Farm

Reminds me of the above. Lots of government money went into it as research and development. The project amount to nothing.

Why can't we have water turbines built into the sides of the bank of the Piscataqua river? As the tides flows in and out, the water will give a steady power to an attached generator. Out of sight, out of mind.
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Old 10-07-2012, 06:30 AM   #100
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It looks like all 24 wind turbines are up, but with the curve of Fletcher ridge it's difficult to say if it is 23 or all 24. Driving down Rt 93 north or south, you can catch a very very quick view between the trees in the close proximity to Exit 26, Plymouth, looking up the Baker River valley. All the towers and 3-blade propellers, which supposedly are 300' high, are a reflective white color.

These two mountains that are home to the 24 turbines are just south of White Mountain National Forest and are seperated from it by the Baker River.

It seems like local people have varying different opinions on the new 24 wind turbines....but one thing is for sure......they are very, very easy to see from the very well used Rt 25-Tenney Mt Hgwy in Plymouth, plus the newly installed 100' wood utility poles and wires that run down Tenney Mt Hgwy are also very easy to see.

Wind power......catch the power from a windy mountain ridge high up in Groton, NH........owned by the largest electric utility co in Spain ... www.iberdrolarrenewables.us/groton.html .....sell the power to N-Star electric utility in Boston, MA. .....pay a large signifigant property tax to the small town of Groton, NH.

Question for this Sunday morning: So, who the heck benefits from these here 24 wind turbines that are each about 300' high and why?

The headquarters building for the local electric utlity, the New Hampshire Electric Coop, is located on Tenney Mt Hgwy in Plymouth, and the 24 turbines can easily be seen from that location, but how-o-how do those turbines do anything to benefit the NH Electric Coop users who sure pay some very high electric rates? This includes myself. Every time I drive past the Electric Coop, I think about that and try to figure how the turbines have anything to do with the local users of electricity??? So, what's the connection? Is there a connection between the two?

Maybe try googling: "Wind farm proves windfall for tiny town of Groton" Union Leader, August 2012 for an article and email comments.

From the Oct 1, 2012, Waterville Valley WigWag, authored by David Britton, an article titled : "Wind Farm: Something New On The Horizon".

If the WigWag is on the internet, I couldn't find it, but here's some of the info from the article.

"Each of the 24 turbines will net the Town of Groton $22,000/year and this increases by 2.5% annually."

"Iberdrola is moving to complete its $120 million, 48-megawatt project by the end of the year."

" Selectmen inked a 15-year-agreement with the Spanish wind energy giant Iberdrola which brings in $528,000 in the first year. The 2012 Groton town budget is $546,000: if all warrant approved warrant articles are included, it totals $742,000."

"Each of the 24 wind towers is, from foundation to tip of blade, about 300 feet high."

Here's a couple of comments.....

"I think the windmills are actually quite beautiful. There is a sleek elegance to them and they follow the ridgelines with an almost fluid quality. Now if Groton will only curb the urge to spend, spend, spend, their citizens might actually see real benefits from having the power company essentially pay all their taxes."

"While the windfall may benefit one small town, it is an eyesore as far away as Lake Winnipesaukee and Squam Lake region. A number of towns were never involved or notified about the situation. Is this the future? Big brother destroying the scenery? Maybe we can abilished the 'view' tax."
... down and out, liv'n that Walmart side of the lake!

Last edited by fatlazyless; 10-07-2012 at 09:33 AM.
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