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Old 04-10-2020, 10:28 AM   #1
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Default How to fix this problem

I have the perfect solution to this issue:

1) Furlough every non-essential federal, state and local worker. (You know, those same workers that get told to stay home when there's an inch of snow falling in DC).

2) Suspend the pay of every US Senator and Representative, every Governor and every member of State Senate and House of Representatives (NH doesn't matter, because they only make a few $$ per year, which is how it was supposed to be).

3) Suspend the pay of anyone else at any Federal, State or Local level that imposes shutdowns on specific businesses which puts people out of work. They should also be subject to the same hardships to which they are imposing on others.

It makes me sick to watch Pelosi and her ilk continue to get their paychecks while holding up emergency funding so she can make sure illegals get a piece of the next pie, all while hard-working American citizens continue to suffer.

Try this for one day and see how fast this problem disappears. It will be miraculous.
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Old 04-10-2020, 12:41 PM   #2
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Interesting ideas, SP. I have a couple of concerns.
Big time, I don't want all the "non-essential" people flooding their way back to the states, and bringing red tape and paper shuffling here.

If we take away pay from Congress, I can't imagine what they will vote themselves to replace it. Private planes and non-taxable expense accounts, free housing? Unlimited skulduggery!.
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Old 04-10-2020, 01:49 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by Seaplane Pilot View Post
I have the perfect solution to this issue:

1) Furlough every non-essential federal, state and local worker. (You know, those same workers that get told to stay home when there's an inch of snow falling in DC).

2) Suspend the pay of every US Senator and Representative, every Governor and every member of State Senate and House of Representatives (NH doesn't matter, because they only make a few $$ per year, which is how it was supposed to be).

3) Suspend the pay of anyone else at any Federal, State or Local level that imposes shutdowns on specific businesses which puts people out of work. They should also be subject to the same hardships to which they are imposing on others.

It makes me sick to watch Pelosi and her ilk continue to get their paychecks while holding up emergency funding so she can make sure illegals get a piece of the next pie, all while hard-working American citizens continue to suffer.

Try this for one day and see how fast this problem disappears. It will be miraculous.
Ummmm, what's being held up? The CARES Act was signed into law two weeks ago. BTW, read the bill. There's a whole lot of pork on both sides so I guess what you meant by the "ilk" in "Pelosi and Ilk" was every other Democrat and Republican lawmaker who is still collecting her check.
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Old 04-10-2020, 03:14 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by coolyourjets View Post
Ummmm, what's being held up? The CARES Act was signed into law two weeks ago. BTW, read the bill. There's a whole lot of pork on both sides so I guess what you meant by the "ilk" in "Pelosi and Ilk" was every other Democrat and Republican lawmaker who is still collecting her check.
Ummmmmmmm, have you seen the news over the last couple of days regarding the second round of stimulus money being held up by your hero Pelosi?
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Old 04-10-2020, 03:29 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by Seaplane Pilot View Post
Ummmmmmmm, have you seen the news over the last couple of days regarding the second round of stimulus money being held up by your hero Pelosi?
I'm not a Pelosi fan. But I can call balls and strikes without bias so "I calls 'em as I sees 'em. Below is from Fox News. Tell me how any of this is bad. And again, before you talk about the pork that's put into these bills, there is plenty to go around on both sides.

Pelosi and Schumer called for $250 billion in assistance to small businesses, with $125 billion of that channeled through community-based financial institutions that serve farmers, family, women, minority and veteran-owned small businesses, as well as nonprofits in rural, tribal, suburban and urban communities.

They also called for improvements “to ensure all eligible small businesses can access this critical funding and are not turned away by banks.”

In their statement, Pelosi and Schumer further called for $100 billion to hospitals, community health centers and health systems “providing desperately needed resources to the frontlines of the crisis, including production and distribution of national rapid testing and personal protective equipment.”

And they called for an additional $150 billion for state and local governments to manage the coronavirus crisis and “mitigate lost revenue,” as well as providing “strong additional support” for families on food stamps, by increasing the maximum SNAP benefit by 15 percent “to help put food on the table.”

Pelosi and Schumer, as well as President Trump, have been calling for a “Phase 4” of the stimulus package amid the coronavirus pandemic and said on Wednesday they would still work to create one.
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Old 04-10-2020, 04:23 PM   #6
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Default Campaigning

Coolyourjets: Thanks for that detailed listing. Something for everybody, so we all get re-elected (both sides). As much as they argue in front of the cameras, it is still a big fraternity, all drunk with power (no offense to frat guys). They buy and sell votes all day long and I doubt they realize the public image, as long as they have goodies for the folks back home come time to send out the campaign propaganda.
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Old 04-10-2020, 04:45 PM   #7
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the Democrats and Republicans can talk all they want about all this money they are making available , none of it has hit the pockets of business people, I have my doubts as to how long we have to hold out waiting for funding. The banks got bailed out back a few years ago, they don't seem to be in a rush to help bail us out now.
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Old 04-10-2020, 04:59 PM   #8
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Default Fingers crossed

Originally Posted by RUGMAN View Post
the Democrats and Republicans can talk all they want about all this money they are making available , none of it has hit the pockets of business people, I have my doubts as to how long we have to hold out waiting for funding. The banks got bailed out back a few years ago, they don't seem to be in a rush to help bail us out now.
I hope the people who have lost their jobs and the various businesses that have had to close receive the financial assistance they need pretty soon. Bureaucratic wheels grind slowly, but I am hopeful that the financial stress can be relieved shortly.
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Old 04-10-2020, 07:32 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by Seaplane Pilot View Post
I have the perfect solution to this issue:

1) Furlough every non-essential federal, state and local worker. (You know, those same workers that get told to stay home when there's an inch of snow falling in DC).

2) Suspend the pay of every US Senator and Representative, every Governor and every member of State Senate and House of Representatives (NH doesn't matter, because they only make a few $$ per year, which is how it was supposed to be).

3) Suspend the pay of anyone else at any Federal, State or Local level that imposes shutdowns on specific businesses which puts people out of work. They should also be subject to the same hardships to which they are imposing on others.

It makes me sick to watch Pelosi and her ilk continue to get their paychecks while holding up emergency funding so she can make sure illegals get a piece of the next pie, all while hard-working American citizens continue to suffer.

Try this for one day and see how fast this problem disappears. It will be miraculous.
Let's add the higher-ups of hedge fund companies who are slashing doctors' pay to reduce the impact on their funds.

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Old 04-10-2020, 08:11 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by coolyourjets View Post
I'm not a Pelosi fan. But I can call balls and strikes without bias so "I calls 'em as I sees 'em. Below is from Fox News. Tell me how any of this is bad. And again, before you talk about the pork that's put into these bills, there is plenty to go around on both sides.

Pelosi and Schumer called for $250 billion in assistance to small businesses, with $125 billion of that channeled through community-based financial institutions that serve farmers, family, women, minority and veteran-owned small businesses, as well as nonprofits in rural, tribal, suburban and urban communities.

They also called for improvements “to ensure all eligible small businesses can access this critical funding and are not turned away by banks.”

In their statement, Pelosi and Schumer further called for $100 billion to hospitals, community health centers and health systems “providing desperately needed resources to the frontlines of the crisis, including production and distribution of national rapid testing and personal protective equipment.”

And they called for an additional $150 billion for state and local governments to manage the coronavirus crisis and “mitigate lost revenue,” as well as providing “strong additional support” for families on food stamps, by increasing the maximum SNAP benefit by 15 percent “to help put food on the table.”

Pelosi and Schumer, as well as President Trump, have been calling for a “Phase 4” of the stimulus package amid the coronavirus pandemic and said on Wednesday they would still work to create one.
Why does $125Billion have to be earmarked for certain categories of folks? Isn’t first come first serve the fairest way to distribute funds? I don’t understand why certain groups who have historically been discriminated against feel that they now have the right to discriminate.
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Old 04-10-2020, 08:15 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by RUGMAN View Post
the Democrats and Republicans can talk all they want about all this money they are making available , none of it has hit the pockets of business people, I have my doubts as to how long we have to hold out waiting for funding. The banks got bailed out back a few years ago, they don't seem to be in a rush to help bail us out now.
Please remember that the banks paid their “bailouts” back with interest. A fact that is always left out by folks bashing the banks. These ‘bailouts” were extremely lucrative for the American tax payer. I’m pretty sure that very little of the money being “loaned” out today will be repaid.
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Old 04-10-2020, 08:17 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by gillygirl View Post
Let's add the higher-ups of hedge fund companies who are slashing doctors' pay to reduce the impact on their funds.

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GillyGirl what the heck are you talking about? Please do explain.
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Old 04-10-2020, 10:44 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by secondcurve View Post
Why does $125Billion have to be earmarked for certain categories of folks? Isn’t first come first serve the fairest way to distribute funds? I don’t understand why certain groups who have historically been discriminated against feel that they now have the right to discriminate.
You’ll need to explain how first come, first served works for distributing $2.2 trillion. Next you can explain how I can get the the front of the line.

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Old 04-11-2020, 12:43 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by coolyourjets View Post
You’ll need to explain how first come, first served works for distributing $2.2 trillion. Next you can explain how I can get the the front of the line.

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How does prioritizing any one group over the other make the system more fair?Isn’t that discrimination? Not everyone can be first in line by definition. Please cool your jets and wait in line instead of pushing through those already in line.
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Old 04-11-2020, 06:53 AM   #15
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Default How to fix this problem

Originally Posted by secondcurve View Post
How does prioritizing any one group over the other make the system more fair?Isn’t that discrimination? Not everyone can be first in line by definition. Please cool your jets and wait in line instead of pushing through those already in line.

You know what would be a great idea..an Inspector General. One with years of high-level public service experience across several administrations . This person could fairly and ethically administer the distribution of funds and provide oversight to...Oh wait, we had one of those. He was just fired.

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Old 04-11-2020, 08:41 AM   #16
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Originally Posted by secondcurve View Post
GillyGirl what the heck are you talking about? Please do explain.
Can’t find the original article I was reading yesterday. Here’s a link to a similar story on Stat, a source which lands in the “least biased, high factual reporting” group.


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Old 04-11-2020, 08:43 AM   #17
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Originally Posted by coolyourjets View Post
I'm not a Pelosi fan. But I can call balls and strikes without bias so "I calls 'em as I sees 'em. Below is from Fox News. Tell me how any of this is bad. And again, before you talk about the pork that's put into these bills, there is plenty to go around on both sides.

Pelosi and Schumer called for $250 billion in assistance to small businesses, with $125 billion of that channeled through community-based financial institutions that serve farmers, family, women, minority and veteran-owned small businesses, as well as nonprofits in rural, tribal, suburban and urban communities.

They also called for improvements “to ensure all eligible small businesses can access this critical funding and are not turned away by banks.”

In their statement, Pelosi and Schumer further called for $100 billion to hospitals, community health centers and health systems “providing desperately needed resources to the frontlines of the crisis, including production and distribution of national rapid testing and personal protective equipment.”

And they called for an additional $150 billion for state and local governments to manage the coronavirus crisis and “mitigate lost revenue,” as well as providing “strong additional support” for families on food stamps, by increasing the maximum SNAP benefit by 15 percent “to help put food on the table.”

Pelosi and Schumer, as well as President Trump, have been calling for a “Phase 4” of the stimulus package amid the coronavirus pandemic and said on Wednesday they would still work to create one.
One thing that I find endlessly entertaining about this is that (as SP points out) Pelosi's driving the bus on the stimulus plans, which are now gigantic, budget-busting and pork-laden. But because Trump has pushed them through, Republicans who would be screaming at a Dem WH all go along.

Still waiting for a true conservative on this forum to criticize the Trump stimulus the way they (still even now) criticize the Obama stimulus...
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Old 04-11-2020, 10:18 AM   #18
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Originally Posted by FlyingScot View Post
One thing that I find endlessly entertaining about this is that (as SP points out) Pelosi's driving the bus on the stimulus plans, which are now gigantic, budget-busting and pork-laden. But because Trump has pushed them through, Republicans who would be screaming at a Dem WH all go along.

Still waiting for a true conservative on this forum to criticize the Trump stimulus the way they (still even now) criticize the Obama stimulus...
I thought we were supposed to drop politics on this forum, which includes your incessant Trump bashing.

How about:

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Old 04-11-2020, 11:01 AM   #19
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Priceless! 😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣
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Old 04-11-2020, 12:27 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by Wifi-1 View Post
I thought we were supposed to drop politics on this forum, which includes your incessant Trump bashing.

How about:

This is a political thread, read the OP again.

Also, my post does not criticize Trump, it points out the inconsistency among certain other posters who refuse to criticize the President when he does things they have previously railed against.

Just so there are no misunderstandings--I think the President and the Speaker did a great service to the country in pushing through the stimulus. I hope you will join be in congratulated them both.
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Old 04-11-2020, 05:37 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by FlyingScot View Post
This is a political thread, read the OP again.

Also, my post does not criticize Trump, it points out the inconsistency among certain other posters who refuse to criticize the President when he does things they have previously railed against.

Just so there are no misunderstandings--I think the President and the Speaker did a great service to the country in pushing through the stimulus. I hope you will join be in congratulated them both.
The webmaster asked us politely not to carry on political disagreements, what the OP did does not green light it for others.

Just because I don't get a speeding ticket, doesn't mean I wasn't speeding....
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Old 04-11-2020, 07:51 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by Wifi-1 View Post
The webmaster asked us politely not to carry on political disagreements, what the OP did does not green light it for others.

Just because I don't get a speeding ticket, doesn't mean I wasn't speeding....
If you asked the OP and me both to refrain, I would have.

But you thanked the OP for his political post, then asked me not to write political posts in response to the OP. Puhlease.

One thing I admire about Seaplane Pilot, Maxum, and Major is that they are stand up guys who do not pretend to dislike political posts while they are posting politically.
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Old 04-11-2020, 09:06 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by Wifi-1 View Post
The webmaster asked us politely not to carry on political disagreements, what the OP did does not green light it for others.

Just because I don't get a speeding ticket, doesn't mean I wasn't speeding....
I hear/appreciate what you're saying, but as far as this forum has gone lately- have you been living in a cave?
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Old 04-28-2020, 01:02 PM   #24
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Unhappy Think It's about Your Health?

Originally Posted by Wifi-1 View Post
The webmaster asked us politely not to carry on political disagreements, what the OP did does not green light it for others. Just because I don't get a speeding ticket, doesn't mean I wasn't speeding....
When the State tells you it’s safe to go to Home Depot to buy a sponge but dangerous to go and buy a flower, it’s not about your health.

When the State shuts down millions of private businesses but doesn’t lay off a single government employee, it’s not about your health.

When the State bans dentists because its unsafe, but deems an abortion visit is safe, it’s not about your health.

When the State prevents you from buying cucumber seeds because it’s dangerous, but allows personal lottery ticket sales, it’s not about your health.

When the State tells you it’s dangerous to go golf alone, fish alone or be in a motor boat alone, but the Governor can get his stage make-up done, and hair done for 5 TV appearances a week, it’s not about your health..

When the state puts you IN a jail cell for walking in a park with your child because it’s too dangerous but lets criminals OUT of jail cells for their health- it’s not about YOUR health.

When the state tells you it’s too dangerous to get treated by a doctor for chiropractic or physical therapy treatments yet deems a liquor store essential- It’s not about your health.!

When the State lets you go to the grocery store or hardware store but is demanding mail-in voting, IT'S NOT ABOUT YOUR HEALTH.

If you think this is all about your health you’re mistaken...
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Old 04-28-2020, 04:02 PM   #25
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Default How to fix the problem

Great post by Aps ! My two cents worth is simple: get the politics out of medicine and let the scientists and medicos develop a solution. (Hey, I wonder how the Country would run if we got the politicians out of government and let the "governors" govern the Country.?)
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Old 04-28-2020, 07:45 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by camp guy View Post
Great post by Aps ! My two cents worth is simple: get the politics out of medicine and let the scientists and medicos develop a solution. (Hey, I wonder how the Country would run if we got the politicians out of government and let the "governors" govern the Country.?)
Agreed--here's a great article on the twin successes of a conservative government in Australia and a liberal government in New Zealand. Both crushed covid quickly by making sure that politics did not get in the way of the experts. It really bums me out that we have done done the same here.

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Old 04-29-2020, 04:27 PM   #27
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Q&A from a journalist who knows...


1) Over 65? You need a note from the governor to leave your home!

Fine! But let the rest of us get back to work.

Why haven't they done this already?

2) But it's doubly good news because the Wuhan targets people who are mostly out of the workforce anyway. And we already have their names and addresses! How about the feds send a box of masks along with Social Security checks every month?

3) Apart from the election, why would the media want to impoverish the nation?

4) Luckily the hospitals are half-empty, waiting for the gusher of coronavirus patients.

So we do nothing?
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Old 05-23-2020, 04:53 AM   #28
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Thumbs up We're Not #1 Any Longer...

Originally Posted by FlyingScot View Post
Agreed--here's a great article on the twin successes of a conservative government in Australia and a liberal government in New Zealand. Both crushed covid quickly by making sure that politics did not get in the way of the experts. It really bums me out that we have done done the same here.

Maybe a correction is available on page 26?

Worldwide, New Zealand is #26, Australia #32, and the US is #38.

Upon revision of sketchy details--primarily from NY--the US can be expected to improve its standing.
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Old 05-23-2020, 01:04 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by ApS View Post
Maybe a correction is available on page 26?

Worldwide, New Zealand is #26, Australia #32, and the US is #38.

Upon revision of sketchy details--primarily from NY--the US can be expected to improve its standing.
Not sure of the specifics you're referring to, but as Gary has pointed out, individual stats are easy manipulated. Liberal New Zealand and conservative Australia continue to be heralded as examples of how to do this right. I have not seen a single example of somebody from outside of our government or political process asserting that our government has done a good job of this.
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Old 05-31-2020, 08:52 PM   #30
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Question Success Through Omission?

Originally Posted by FlyingScot View Post
Agreed--here's a great article on the twin successes of a conservative government in Australia and a liberal government in New Zealand. Both crushed covid quickly by making sure that politics did not get in the way of the experts. It really bums me out that we have done done the same here.
That "great article" omitted:

The ISLAND of New Zealand has four international airports.

Also omitted:

The US has one hundred and forty-nine international airports.
Is it
"Common Sense" isn't.
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