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Old 11-08-2006, 09:45 AM   #101
Paugus Bay Resident
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I saw Governor Lynch being interviewed about the speed limit a week or so ago. He seemed neutral and if anything leaning against it (IMO). He mentioned that on his most recent trip to Winni, he noticed that existing laws, particularly the 150 foot one weren't being enforced. He also said he would need to see more data around the whole issue before he would support another law.
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Old 11-08-2006, 11:41 AM   #102
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Default thank goodness

Originally Posted by Paugus Bay Resident
I saw Governor Lynch being interviewed about the speed limit a week or so ago. He seemed neutral and if anything leaning against it (IMO). He mentioned that on his most recent trip to Winni, he noticed that existing laws, particularly the 150 foot one weren't being enforced. He also said he would need to see more data around the whole issue before he would support another law.
that is the best thing I have heard all day!!!
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Old 11-08-2006, 11:46 AM   #103
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Default not likely

Originally Posted by fatlazyless
Excuse me while I say what must be obvious to everyone. With Democrat candidates winning new found majorities in the New Hampshire state senate, house, & governor's council what effect will this have on a proposed Winnipesaukee speed limit becoming a new law? Pretty darned likely, I think.

Let's wait and see what Dept of Safety Secretary Flynn has to say about the Winnipesaukee-only speed limit petition which is currently awaiting his decision.
thankfully there are checks and balances that will prevent this from happening
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Old 11-08-2006, 01:54 PM   #104
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Don't be so sure of yourselves.

In general, I've found the folks on the left side of the aisle to be more thoughtful and less reactionary than the folks on the right side of the aisle.

What you are more likely to see is an effort to increase funding to MP so they can enforce laws already on the books IF they even tackle the issue at all since there are a lot more pressing issues in Concord....

Can you say school funding?
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Old 11-08-2006, 02:16 PM   #105
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Talking compromise

I am neither a republican or a democrat, I am an American first and formost. and I cannot for the life of me see why people cannot come to a compromise on the speed limits on the lake. In areas I believe we need one, and in the biggest portion of the lake I see no need for one. The bays, the harbors need to have speed limts, The Broads do not need one. If the law of the 150' was strictly enforced then the Broads would be fine. But in the bays and harbors a 45 MPH is more than enough during the day and 25 MPH is fine IMO at night. That puts safety first.

In all my years of boating I got one ticket, and that was for their 150' rule or three football fields as the MP put it. They also need to keep refreshed on what 150' is and what length a football field is also.

I think the mentality of some is that it is my boat, I will go where I want and as fast as I want, the safety of the people in their boat or near the boat be dammed. Well that type of attitude has to change. As more and more boats come to the big lake, or the small ones, we all have to watch and put safety on the front burner, and if that means slowing down. then pull that throttle back. May you all have safe boating.

Now for the important question is Ice Out gonna be on April 9 at 10 AM?
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Old 11-08-2006, 02:21 PM   #106
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Originally Posted by Airwaves
In general, I've found the folks on the left side of the aisle to be more thoughtful and less reactionary than the folks on the right side of the aisle.
Have you forgotten the title of this thread and the determination of those backing a speed limit for the Lake, as well as, their primary sound bite - fear for the safety of their family and tourists while attempting to recreate on and in the Lake?
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Old 11-08-2006, 07:30 PM   #107
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Default ...not so easy to predict?

...Who knows how all these new New hampshire political changes will effect a proposed Winni speed limit? Hey - wasn't that Arnie Arnesen earlier today down at a Laconia marina checking out a super-clean 2002 Formula 32'er with an off-season price.

....Who knows, maybe come next election cycle it will be Sgambati's name, up on that big sign board, where Boyce & Benson used to be?

It's no secret that what really effects the size of the motorboat traffic is the weather and the price of gas and then, in third place, just maybe a speed limit. It's hard to estimate.....too many variables?
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Old 11-08-2006, 07:55 PM   #108
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As I have posted in the past, I have been keeping track of the boating accidents/fatals in NH that were reported by media this year.

Not one was speed releated.

PM me if you'd like the to see for yourself.

At this point I'd venture a guess that the legislature will rely on the folks that have expertise in these matters to handle it. In this case it would be Mr. Flynn and his staff.
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Old 11-10-2006, 10:52 AM   #109
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Default ...not present at Sept 25 hearing!

Considering that Senator Carl Johnson was the only Republican state senator who supported HB162 in the senate vote, it was unfortunate for him that he was unable to attend the Sept 25 petition public hearing held at the Meredith Community Center concerning a Winnipesaukee-only speed limit.

Deb Reynolds of Plymouth, his opponent for the state senate seat, was there at the hearing. I have no idea why Senator Johnson was unable to be present and understand he is deeply involved in many different official local public agencies, so he probably had an excellent reason.

Last edited by fatlazyless; 11-10-2006 at 11:01 AM. Reason: grammar check
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Old 11-10-2006, 11:44 AM   #110
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Senators, Joseph Kenney and Bob Odell, both Republicans, voted in favor of HB162 too. Senators, Lou D'Allesandro and David Gottesman, both democrats, voted against HB162.
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Old 11-11-2006, 05:48 AM   #111
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Lightbulb Where to start...

Originally Posted by Airwaves
In general, I've found the folks on the left side of the aisle to be more thoughtful and less reactionary than the folks on the right side of the aisle.

What you are more likely to see is an effort to increase funding to MP so they can enforce laws already on the books IF they even tackle the issue at all since there are a lot more pressing issues in Concord....

Can you say school funding?
Am I reading this correctly?

Media bias—then a change of subject?

It would appear that all sense of objectivity has been abandoned.

Let's start over:

1) Boats most likely to crunch Winnipesaukee things will arrive from other large bodies of water.

2) New Hampshire's is too small a statistical sample to use because we have too short a boating season; in addition, we have limited protected waters able to support a speedsters' adequate velocity to crunch things.

Conclusion: Use fatality statistics from all US protected inland waters where excess speed is suspected.

3) "Winnipesaukee=Anarchy" was the title of my letter published in the Granite State News.

In retrospect, I should have included a recommendation of 120MPH-Day and Unlimited-Night speed limits. It would have been reasonable back then—on August 8th, 2002.

It's still a marker to start from: 120/Unlimited.
Is it
"Common Sense" isn't.
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Old 11-11-2006, 01:26 PM   #112
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An observation does not constitute media bias.

Let me ask something regarding this debate that has confused me since the latest attempt by the "turn back the clock" crowd was introduced.

The speed limit would apply only to Lake Winnipesaukee, the largest lake in NH. But NOT on the smaller lakes or bodies of water.

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Old 11-11-2006, 02:25 PM   #113
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Originally Posted by Airwaves
An observation does not constitute media bias.

Let me ask something regarding this debate that has confused me since the latest attempt by the "turn back the clock" crowd was introduced.

The speed limit would apply only to Lake Winnipesaukee, the largest lake in NH. But NOT on the smaller lakes or bodies of water.

That's the way I read it too. Doesn't make a whole lot of sense other that the "turn back the clock" crowd is located on Winnipesaukee and has a "not in my back yard" mentality
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Old 11-11-2006, 10:08 PM   #114
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Default OpEd piece

APS wrote, in part:
3) "Winnipesaukee=Anarchy" was the title of my letter published in the Granite State News.
I'd love to read it, please provide a link when it's published.

(I just looked and the website hasn't been updated since last Thursday so I am assuming it's a weekly paper.)
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Old 12-12-2006, 10:17 AM   #115
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They're back...

Different pew, same building...

This time, Holderness Democratic Rep. Sidney Lovett will be pushing the envelope for a speed limit on lakes Winnipesaukee, Sunapee, Wentworth, Winnisquam and Newfound Lake.


The upside, this boat will still be allowed on the Lake during the day at WOT - just barely...

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Old 12-15-2006, 10:47 AM   #116
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Default Serenity

I just cant understand why if what someonedesired peace and serenity and the pure beauty of nature, one would not go to a more undeveloped lake .. Newfound, squam, Kanasatka, Wentworth etc , the list is long. But instead they try and change (add) laws to a certain body of water to suit that desire.
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