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Old 03-27-2005, 07:22 PM   #1
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Default Fays Boat Yard

Does anyone have any experience with slips at Fays Boat Yard? We are looking for a slip as the property we have kept our boat at in the past has been sold.

If anyone knows of anywhere else we might try I would appreciate it. I have a 24 foot boat and it is mainly just myself and my wife so we are pretty quiet.


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Old 03-27-2005, 07:49 PM   #2
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Default Fay's

If you did not buy your boat from them you can pretty much forget it...They are not easy. I have had my own problems there as well as others I know. Not what I would call pleasurable. It infuriates me when these places try to hold you hostage into buying a boat from them in order to get a slip. I can understand that they want to move boats and slips are a premium but if someone is not willing to help me with dock space when I need it I certainly will not buy a boat from them when the time comes.

You will probably have better luck getting a spot on a private dock this time of year. Parker in Alton was great to deal with and probably the most reasonable on the lake however you are limited to bridge height. Good luck!
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Old 03-27-2005, 08:02 PM   #3
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Default West Alton Marina

give West Alton Marina a call 603-875-7788. We've kept our boat there going on to our third year. Great service. Gas Dock. Nice new (2004) bathhouse. Nice "neighbors" and family orientated. (Understand only the two of you. Still is a pleasant friendly atmosphere.).
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Old 03-27-2005, 08:15 PM   #4
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Thanks for the quick response. Fay's did have a slip available for us but it is next to the boathouse and we are converned that it will be really noisy (taking the 75+ boats out for owners early in mornings). Also, the place looked a little run down (bathroom facilities were boarded up so we couldn't actually see inside).

We have a call in to West Alton, we are hoping to get lucky. Even though it is usually just the two of us now, we have 3 children and like kids so family oriented is great with us. All I (or my wife) really wants is a clean shower.

Thanks again.

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Old 03-28-2005, 08:02 AM   #5
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Thumbs down Avoid it!

I don't have any first hand experiences, but based on stories from several different people, I would say avoid Fays at all costs. Merrill Fay can be downright "unpleasant" and infuriating. A close friend had a run in with him after using their ramp. He had told them to park their truck/trailer in a certain spot, which they did. At some point during the day, someone moved their truck and trailer. With a forklift. The 2 month old truck had damage to the undercarriage and exhaust. Of course it was denied violently with a near altercation on the dock. It went to court and Fays ended up paying nothing.

Just my opinion, but this was not the first time I have heard about something like this there.
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Old 03-28-2005, 08:21 AM   #6
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Default Fay's

Doesn't surprise me. He can be quite nasty. I heard of a person that had been docked there for years that showed up one day with a bag of new lifejackets from a marine store elsewhere and when Merril questioned where they came from and discovered that they were not from his store he threw the person out of their slip. He hates go fast boats, pontoon boats, and basically any boat that he does not sell.

West Alton is a great place, my favorite pick out of all my experiences to date.
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Old 03-28-2005, 10:16 AM   #7
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Sounds like a great guy. Wonder if he is on this forum to attempt to defend himself?
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Old 03-28-2005, 11:22 AM   #8
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Default Heresay smearsay...

Originally Posted by Island Time
Wonder if he is on this forum to attempt to defend himself?
Defend himself from what - hearsay?

Seems a bit odd to me that Fay's has serviced a sistership of the 1963 Cowes-Torquay race winner and yet someone makes a statement that Merril dislikes go-fast boats.

People live in a world of hearsay and wonder why they do not receive a favorable verdict.

Last edited by GWC...; 03-31-2005 at 03:28 PM.
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Old 03-28-2005, 11:47 AM   #9
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I got a slip at Fayes back when I had a 19ft Oday and had no problem. And I didn't buy it at Fay's. If he has slips available and your boat is not a recent purchase Fay can be accommodating. However when I was looking to purchase a bigger sail boat I got the same repsonse as everyone else, if you didn't buy it here then don't bring it here. The boat I purchase ended up being a Fay's sale and I kept the slip it was on.

There are go fast boats at Fays. He is a power boat guy.

As for parking, the parking area is small and if you box someone in he will move you. Or, you can leave your keys in the office so they can move your vehicle if need be.
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Old 03-28-2005, 01:50 PM   #10
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Don't know where you are located, but if Wolfeboro is convenient, you can get "dry sailing" there at the Wolfeboro Corinthian Yacht Club - they put your boat in when you want to use it and pull it when you're not using it. You are guaranteed dock space when you are in the water. It is cheaper than renting a dock and your boat doesn't get as banged up. Call 569-1234 ask for Darrell.
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Old 03-28-2005, 04:01 PM   #11
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Thumbs up Fay's Boat Yard

I bought a 22’ Eastern off a neighbor who had his boat at Fay’s Boat Yard for maybe 15 years. Last year was my first season there as a new boat owner. I found the service and yard guys to be very accommodating. I had some major motor problems and they helped me out when I needed it in a timely fashion. I’m in a great covered boat house with friendly neighbors. I’ve met and talked to Merrill several times last year. Although he is always on the run to put out a fire, he takes the time or comes back to see you when he is done. I would recommend Fays from my experience.
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Old 03-28-2005, 05:21 PM   #12
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I've been at Fays for 3 years now. Merril can be "gruff" at times but he is not a problem to me. He tells it like it is without all the "PC" bull$%&T! When I first went to Fays I had a boat I had purchased elsewhere. When it was time to upgrade I purchased a used boat from Fays and felt that I was treated fairly. The place is like a "old time" boat yard. I work on my own boat when I want and I don't get a load of crap from anyone because I am not using the yards shop. When I want the yard to do work they have always done a top notch job with fair pricing. Steve in the shop is the best!. If your are looking for a "high brow" nose in the air type of yard, Fays is not for you.
If you are looking for a "working mans" type of yard where the people are friendly ( most of the time) and not necessarily politically correct. Fays is great!! I wouldn't be anywhere else.
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Old 03-28-2005, 05:56 PM   #13
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Last time I checked, Fay's charges ten dollars to use their boat put-in ramp, does free waste holding tank pump-outs with a gasoline fill-up, and takes 20% off for boat store purchases made in the winter, is big into all types of sailboats & sailboat fittings plus has a boat store stocked up to the ceiling with all types of motor & sail boat stuff plus lets you talk to a boat mechanic about some do-it-yourself outboard plus gives out triple-chocolate birthday cake in the marine store for free. I'd keep going but this sentence is getting too long.
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Old 03-28-2005, 06:34 PM   #14
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Default to GWC

Sorry, but I do not classify a 1960's vintage speed boat a modern day "go-fast" boat. How many fountains or baja's do you see in his marina? Nor do I classify Chaparrels as a go fast boat. Yes, he is a power boat guy in the fact that he sells Chaparrels but his love seems to be for sailboats. I have one-on-one conversations with him about his feelings about go fast boats, no heresay involved there. Anything with through-hull exhaust is not welcome-right out of his mouth. My frustrations with them have to deal with my treatment of trying to get a slip and trying to buy a $80k+ boat from them and not getting the courtesy of a call-back or any type of follow-through. Needless to say another dealer got my business and was wonderful to deal with.

I will saw that I have been told that they do have the most reasonable gas prices on the lake.
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Old 03-28-2005, 08:46 PM   #15
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I have to echo NASCARNH & Charlie T as I too am at Fay's starting my second year. I bought used last year and was treated very well. They even replaced the bellows and a few other parts after the first outing under warranty. They did the repairs ASAP and without a second thought on my part. By the way after those repairs we had no further problems or compalints with our purchase and it was a 15 year old boat.

I use the valet service and they are great. I was up 2 weeks ago and talked with Steve who runs the Valet Service and got a better location for my boat at his suggestion. My wife and I feel we have been treated more than fair and made to feel really appreciated.

On another point: Merrill throws a big party for everyone and I mean everyone of his customers and staff at the marina. We had a great time last year and I even ran into a guy I have done business with over the years.

I do agree that if you want an upscale marina then Fay's is not for you but if you want to feel relaxed and cared about as a customer check out Fay's.

Merril is Merrill and if you had been around as long as he has and seen as much as he probably has then he is entitled to his opinion as much as the next person. It is his business and if he does not want a particular type of boat at his marina that is his choice.

NASCARNH & Charlie T: I am not sure where each of you are located in the yard but obviously you now know where I am and the name is the same on the boat! Hope to see you around the yard this year.
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Old 03-28-2005, 10:52 PM   #16
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Wink You’re entitled to your opinion...

Originally Posted by codeman671
Sorry, but I do not classify a 1960's vintage speed boat a modern day "go-fast" boat.
You’re entitled to your opinion, most certainly.

Pity that the builders of the 60’s are unknown to you and that you only are familiar with some “modern builders” and their boats.

So, tell me, when did your heroes’ boats win the Cowes-Torquay race or the trans-Atlantic speed record?

While On my soapbox, found your thread regarding slippage very interesting. It’s only been about five weeks since its inception and your WAM experience has been your best to date.

It sure was nice of you to thank upthesaukee for his quick response to your query for slippage help.

Last edited by GWC...; 03-31-2005 at 03:28 PM.
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Old 03-29-2005, 07:35 AM   #17
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GWC, in case you forgot this thread was started to get peoples opinions on Fays, which I provided. I do not appreciate you on your soapbox criticizing me. Take it elsewhere.

As far as West Alton I have used them in the past (prior to 5 weeks ago) as well as Parker. I have had slips on this lake before, my post was to try to find something more convenient, closer to Gilford but would consider West Alton again in a heartbeat if I did not find anything in the Gilford area that would suit my needs. And I did appreciate Upthesaukee's feedback, his posts are always informative and well taken by others. If I was rude for not replying with a thank-you then I apologize now and extend my thanks to him. I actually had numerous PM's about the topic of offers on slips and found one where I wanted to be.

Can we get back to the topic on hand now?
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Old 03-29-2005, 05:51 PM   #18
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Thumbs down Fays boat yard

STAY AWAY. Not good people to do business with
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Old 03-29-2005, 05:55 PM   #19
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Default Why?

Please explain why you make such a comment?
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Old 03-30-2005, 02:11 AM   #20
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Default Try

Try Giving Channel Marine a call, I heard they have some openings this year and I just got a friend in over there.

As for fays, I'm not even going to start. All I am going to say is if you boat there, best of luck, if you dont boat there, God thank you. As for the forklift stories, so true. As for the not returning calls, so true. As for the not doing service ontime, so true. As for throwing you out over the stupidest things, so true. As for not liking go fast boats, so true, in face he even had an article written up about it in a news paper and he was a sponsor for the speed limit law. As for that man not knowing how to act like a real adult and being about the nastiest person I know. TOTALLY TRUE.

But hey, its just my .02, try it for yourself, I know I did, for 8 yrs! Thank god im out.

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Old 03-30-2005, 08:34 AM   #21
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"As for fays, I'm not even going to start"

I'd hate to see what you have to say Will when you do "start"
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Old 03-30-2005, 09:05 AM   #22
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all these complaints are really routed in the speed limit issue. you can see how the GFBL members, knowing that Fay's supported the speed limit bill, are all attacking him, while those who have frequented the place and know him better have nothing but good things to say about him. this is the price that a businessman must pay for taking a stand these days. most of his customers are sailboat owners and family boaters anyway, maybe because it takes too much patience to get in there for the cigarette boats. I have kept several boats at Fay's and have had occasional service done there from time to time over the past 50 years and have always been treated well, even though I never bought a boat from him and rarely buy from his store. granted, he is not very happy to see a cigarette boat pull in, but neither are many of us. all this flame-throwing is just BS.
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Old 03-30-2005, 09:21 AM   #23
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Thumbs up Two sides to every story...

I bought my boat from Fay's 3 years ago and have had nothing but excellent experiences with them. Maybe the way you treat people is the way you get treated - who knows?
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Old 03-30-2005, 11:39 PM   #24
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Fays is the type of place that works for some and doesn't for others. My parents kept their boat there for several seasons some time ago. That boat yard was my first experience with boating on Winnipesaukee. It's not the most picturesque spot on the lake, nor is it the best kept. However, in my opinion, it is a real "working" boat yard. I can recall more than one instance where my parents were very well taken care of in terms of service. On one occasion we were stranded at the Weirs and someone came from the boat yard to give us a jump-start. On another occasion our boat was broken into and the battery was stolen. We were offered a new one at no charge. The last recollection I have, had to do with a cracked fuel line that almost ended a day on the lake before it started. We were given a new one, again free of charge. What impressed me then, as it does now in hindsight, is that my parents were the owners of a used boat that they purchased somewhere other than Fays. They may not be perfect, but they are a private business which is entitled to do things as they see fit. The number of years that they have been doing business on the lake more or less says it all.
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Old 03-31-2005, 07:59 AM   #25
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Default Not true

Originally Posted by Fat Jack
all these complaints are really routed in the speed limit issue. you can see how the GFBL members, knowing that Fay's supported the speed limit bill, are all attacking him, while those who have frequented the place and know him better have nothing but good things to say about him. this is the price that a businessman must pay for taking a stand these days. most of his customers are sailboat owners and family boaters anyway, maybe because it takes too much patience to get in there for the cigarette boats. I have kept several boats at Fay's and have had occasional service done there from time to time over the past 50 years and have always been treated well, even though I never bought a boat from him and rarely buy from his store. granted, he is not very happy to see a cigarette boat pull in, but neither are many of us. all this flame-throwing is just BS.
Actually Fat Jack that is not true. I am not involved in the "speed limit issue", and neither are any of my friends. None of us are GFBL members, in fact, I don't even know what GFBL stands for. So I only speak of true experiences. May not have happened to me personally, but I know that it did happen. I really don't give a crap what Merrill supports or doesn't support. All I know is what I related, and that is in our instance, Merrill appeared to be a not so good businessman. The one experience we had was more than enough for us to decide to never go near the place again.
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Old 03-31-2005, 12:32 PM   #26
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Default Hearsay heresay, again...

Originally Posted by chipj29
I don't have any first hand experiences, but based on stories from several different people, I would say avoid Fays at all costs. Merrill Fay can be downright "unpleasant" and infuriating. A close friend had a run in with him after using their ramp. It went to court and Fays ended up paying nothing.

Just my opinion, but this was not the first time I have heard about something like this there.
Court is all about proving your case. Your friend failed to prove his case - end of story.

If something happened to you, let's hear it.

Otherwise, it's hearsay and borders needless slander.

Some of us appreciate this Forum and are not desirous of its termination because of needless slander-type posts.

Food for thought - Merrill was presented one day with a re-evaluation by Gilford that in effect made him an overnight millionaire. He could have sold to a developer and retired in style without all the aggravation that is part of owning a marina. He made the decision to provide access for many people without the need on their part to purchase a home from a developer.

If slips are so easily had, then why are some seeking help on this Forum for one - money (not enough), attitude (unpleasant)? Only the person seeking a slip knows the real answer.

Try walking a mile in Merrill’s shoes before you are so quick to malign him with hearsay.

Just my opinion; yours may differ...

Last edited by GWC...; 03-31-2005 at 04:05 PM.
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Old 03-31-2005, 12:52 PM   #27
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Exclamation marinas and developers.

Originally Posted by GWC...
Court is all about proving your case. Your friend failed to prove his case - end of story.

If something happened to you, let's hear it.

Otherwise, it's hearsay and borders needless slander.

Some of us appreciate this Forum and are not desirous of its termination because of needless slander-type posts.

Food for thought - Merrill was presented one day with a re-evaluation by Gilford that in effect made him an overnight millionaire. He could have sold to a developer and retired in style without all the aggravation that is part of owning a marina. He made the decision to provide access for many people without the need on their part to purchase a home from a developer. If slips are so easily had, then why are some seeking help on this Forum for one - money (not enough), attitude (unpleasant)? Only the person seeking a slip knows the real answer.

Try walking a mile in Merrill’s shoes before you are so quick to malign him with hearsay.

Just my opinion; yours may differ...
I have to agree with GWC. How many new marinas are there on the lake in the past decade????? The money is in developing and that is a fact. Look around the lake. It hurts to see all the undeveloped land become eyesore.
All marinas that I have dealt with have some fault. But think about the pressure that they are under as they have to deal with whopping high property taxes and work on a seasonal basis. Enviromental laws add to the pain. Although I have to agree with the laws, it cost money to bring a business to compliance.
In Florida, I have seen many marinas sold to developers. Marinas are at a premium along the east coast. We will feel the same pressure if our marinas close up and developed to condos.
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Old 03-31-2005, 02:21 PM   #28
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Default Fay's is a good place with good people!

I live on Bear Island half the year and I've been keeping my boat, as has my step son, at Merrill Fay's for 26 years. Fays is the only "Boat Yard" catering to older as well as new boats, on the Lake, as opposed to the more modern marina.

Merrill is "one of a kind," and knowledgable, straight foward without mincing words, loves the lake, and is fair with all. He has taken costly precautions to install underground filters, above and beyond what the EPA requires, to keep spillage from seeping into the Lake.

He is one of the only big marina owners to step up to the plate in favor of a speed limit on the Lake (HB 162 which calls for a 45 MPH limit days and 25 MPH nights) as he wants to keep the lake safe for small boaters and families. He is not against "speed boats," but is for a speed limit -- like they have on Squam Lake, Lake George (where they are able to enforce the limit), Saratoga lakes, and many others where the safety of the lakes was restored by imposing a limit. Unless we pass a speed limit law, with the number of very fast boats increasing on our very special Lake, it is only a matter of time until we have more tragedies, like the untimely death of Jack Hartman which was more from neglence than speed. There have been MANY close calls and if we wish return to safe family boating, we need a speed limit! Go to http://www.WinnFABS.com for more information on this critically important issue.

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Old 03-31-2005, 08:57 PM   #29
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Default Speed vs negligence

The last post opens up a whole new realm of discussions regarding boater responsibility. Without going too deeply into it accidents can happen at any speed, a speed limit may cut down on the higher speed accidents but alcohol and lack of boating experience (or a combination of the three) are probably greater causes. It is no surprise that almost all of the other marinas that are boat dealers as well do not support the speed law, they all carry some brand of GFB. I am not for a speed limit, even though I do not own a GFB.

I think that the lack of new marinas also has ties to the towns and state limiting their creation. With 25' of frontage needed per slip and an area that is both waterfront and commercially zoned it limits new construction. With the price per acre of waterfront land on the mainland it is certainly no surprise that there will probably not be any new marinas coming in the future.

As far as Merrill becoming rich overnight from the re-evaluation, in all reality him holding onto the marina made him wealthier in the long run (not saying that this was his intention). His property will continue to appreciate yearly, not to mention the profit generated from the business. Simple math. There are headaches involved on owning any business, not just a marina. Typically the rewards outweigh the headaches, otherwise you are in the wrong business.
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Old 04-01-2005, 12:26 AM   #30
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Originally Posted by halclyon
There have been MANY close calls and if we wish return to safe family boating, we need a speed limit! Go to http://www.WinnFABS.com for more information on this critically important issue.

Oh my, Hal, I think this thread is going to go in a completely different direction now, I just want to say that I don't agree with you and I would really like to see these statements backed up by some sort of statistics from our lake. I really don't believe you have any, prove me wrong. I will be writing to the people listed in your web site to say that I don't think a speed limit is necessary. I don't own a go fast boat. And I don't know Merrill.

Sorry if I helped get this thread off track.
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Old 04-01-2005, 08:08 AM   #31
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Default Back to Fay's and heresay...

GWC, since this post was about Fay's and not criticizing others experiences, what are your experiences with Fay's? Do you keep your boat there? Use them for service? So far all I have seen is criticism of my posts as well as others. So far all that I have seen you post in this topic was that he once worked on the sistership of a famous race boat and that he did not sell his property to developers. What do either have to do with his business practices and treatment of customers? As far as slips on the lake my experience is that there are plenty of available, you just have to look. I know a gentlemen at MVYC that personally owns 20 (yep 20) slips and they were all for rent. He had not signed on with Irwin for the year yet. I have been offered numerous spots on personal docks by people who saw my post and replied privately. This forum works and is appreciated. I have no lack of money or attitude, just trying to find the best deal/location for a long term partnership.

You want my case, well here it is. My experience with Fay's with no heresay:

10/04- Contacted them regarding a slip and was told to forget it, slips never came available here. Long waiting list.
11/04-Tried again out of persistance. Was told that you could get in if you bought a boat there but other than that no way.
12/04-Tried again. I am persistant. Merrill told me that I would have to buy a boat so I got into a conversation with him about his brands and the brands that I had been looking at purchasing. I told him that I wanted to buy two boats, a utility boat and a fun boat such as a GFB or a sport cruiser. He told me that "He would not let any of those GD GFB's into his marina. He hated them with a passion and that they are not nor have they been welcome". Hmmm, I think that contradicts others sentiments on his feelings on certain types of boats. So I browsed through his books and found a big chapparell that I thought I would like to buy. Talked to his sales team and they never followed up.
1/05- Tried three times to get a quote out of his sales people on a boat that would probably have been a $90-100k sale for them. Nobody could even bother to return a call. My boat purchase went elsewhere.
2/05- Asked about a slip again, mysteriously now they have slip for me when they never come available. I booked it and the contract showed up with a $600 price difference from what was quoted. I still agreed to take it but mentioned that I wanted out of my current utility boat and would at some time be swapping it for something else. I was informed that if it did not come from them I would be kicked out. At this point I gave their sales team another shot. This time they were a bit more helpful but did not have a boat that would suit my needs, nor do they carry a new brand that I could order. So I went back to the office and told them that I tried but they do not have a boat that would work, they told me that they were not going to rent to me after all. WTF??? So I went to another dealer and bought a second boat. And located two slips elsewhere.

Court adjourned.
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Old 04-01-2005, 08:20 AM   #32
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GWC, SCaps asked for opinions about Fays and I gave him mine. You gave him yours. Just like the last line in your post, just my opinion, your may differ. Personally I would never be a customer there. That is my opinion. Is giving my opinion slander? I don't think so.
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Old 04-01-2005, 09:24 AM   #33
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Default Codeman, did I miss the trial?

Court adjourned.
Doesn't court consist of a trial where both parties get to speak? Until the other side of the story is heard, no verdict can be issued.....unless, of course, you are speaking of a kangaroo court!

Just food for thought, your appetite may differ
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Old 04-01-2005, 09:24 AM   #34
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Default Fay's Boat Yard

Well, I certainly didn't expect this kind of response when posting my question. I can honestly say all I intended to do was get some information about slips and the facilities at Fay's. We are just a middle-aged couple that likes to spend time on our boat. The only request my wife has is to be able to take a shower in a clean bathhouse. As I said in my original post, the facilities were closed when we visited. Yes, maybe money is an issue, otherwise we wouldn't have to spend time looking around to find a decent place at a price we can afford. I cetainly didn't intend to convey a negative attitude with my post. We just like spending spare time on our boat relaxing.
Thanks to everyone that responded.
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Old 04-01-2005, 12:14 PM   #35
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Originally Posted by codeman671
GWC, in case you forgot this thread was started to get peoples opinions on Fays, which I provided. I do not appreciate you on your soapbox criticizing me. Take it elsewhere.

As far as West Alton I have used them in the past (prior to 5 weeks ago) as well as Parker. I have had slips on this lake before, my post was to try to find something more convenient, closer to Gilford but would consider West Alton again in a heartbeat if I did not find anything in the Gilford area that would suit my needs. And I did appreciate Upthesaukee's feedback, his posts are always informative and well taken by others. If I was rude for not replying with a thank-you then I apologize now and extend my thanks to him. I actually had numerous PM's about the topic of offers on slips and found one where I wanted to be.

Can we get back to the topic on hand now?
Did you forget your earlier post?

I'm trying to honor your request.

Take a moment and re-read this thread and think about the wording of my posts. The answers to your queries are within the words. The forest is there; you only need to look beyond the trees.

Last edited by GWC...; 04-01-2005 at 12:21 PM.
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Old 04-02-2005, 10:49 AM   #36
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Wink What goes around...

Your words in this thread:

Originally Posted by chipj29
I don't have any first hand experiences...
Originally Posted by chipj29
The one experience we had was more than enough for us to decide to never go near the place again.
Originally Posted by chipj29
Personally I would never be a customer there.
The only thing your posts prove is that they lack credence.

Food for thought: Your posts should prove interesting when you open your own business and someone asks for opinions.

Originally Posted by chipj29
I may make a stab at opening my own someday...
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Old 04-04-2005, 07:14 AM   #37
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Originally Posted by GWC...
Your words in this thread:

The only thing your posts prove is that they lack credence.

Food for thought: Your posts should prove interesting when you open your own business and someone asks for opinions.
Actually GWC I do own my own business right now. I love when my customers give me feedback, both positive and negative. I also know that word of mouth is the best advertising one can get. If a customer has a negative experience I would like to know about it so I can have the opportunity to make it better in some way. If they don't tell me I didn't satisfy them, then I can't make it better.

Listen, I honestly don't care if you don't believe what I have said about Fays. It is all true, it did happen. It won't happen again, not to us, and not there. If Fays listened to customer feedback like I do, then he would have changed his ways at least 3 years ago, if not sooner.
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Old 04-13-2005, 10:28 PM   #38
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Thumbs down Not a Nice Place

To answer your question, Fay's Boat Yard is not a very nice place. It is very dirty and poorly maintained. The bathrooms border on disgusting. They are rarely cleaned and most are in need of a major overhaul. Most of the folks that work there are nice, except for merrill fay. merrill has had many run ins with lots of folks. **** Yes, merrill has been fighting in favor of legislation to create a speed limit on the lake. He is free to fight for what he believes. I would stay clear at all costs. My folks also maintained a boat in the yard for many years. I have seen merrill be very rude to both customers and employees.

Last edited by webmaster; 04-13-2005 at 10:37 PM.
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Old 04-18-2009, 04:30 PM   #39
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Default fays

We had a terrible experience with the Fay family. Watch yourself there.
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Old 04-18-2009, 04:38 PM   #40
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Default fays

You can also look up Fay's in the newspaper archives.
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Old 04-18-2009, 06:36 PM   #41
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Default No problem with Fays

My experience is limited -- but Fays accomodated me for several years when I needed a slip. No hassel. Curtious. I agree it's not high-brow... but then, neither am I.

I wouldn't pay much attention to the complaints mentioned so far in this thread. It would be a miracle if a business didn't have some complaint at some time. Fays is a regular guy marina for regular guy people.
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